Annotated Bibs

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Elizabeth Marrero

Assignment 6 Annotated Bibs

RWS 1301

1. Documentary: Food Inc.

Pearlstein, E. (Producer), & Kenner, R. (Director). (2008).
Food Inc [Motion Picture]. United States: Magnolia Pictures.
This documentary is relevant to my topic of GMOs on food because
Food Inc. is a powerful documentary that reveals truths about what we
eat, how it's produced, who we have become as a nation and where we
are going from here.
In this film, Robert Kenner exposes the truth thats been hidden from
the American consumer with the consent of our government, which is
where our food comes from. Our nation's food supply is controlled by a
few rich corporations that care more about the profit they make than
about consumer health, the livelihood of the American farmer, the
safety of workers and our own environment. We now have new strains
of E. coli, which is the harmful bacteria that causes illness for about
73,000 Americans annually. We are also filled with obesity, especially
among children, and large amount of diabetes among adults. U.S. agribusiness produces more food on less land and at cheaper cost than the
farmers of any other nation and Food Inc. tells us why.

2. Website: Why Does Everyone Hate Monsanto?

Anderson, L. (2014, March 4). Why Does Everyone Hate Monsanto?
Retrieved from
This source is of great importance to my issue because it talks about
all the wrong doings of Monsanto, a publicly traded American
multinational agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology corporation.
It gives me all the facts and opinions of Monsantos GMOs and how
they are affecting our lives.
This website written by Lessley Anderson gives a lot of information of
the history of Monsanto, how it started as a chemical company and
became a multinational agricultural corporation. It gives insight on the
reasons why Monsanto began using GMOs and why they are so
secretive on the issue of the food they produce. The typical question
How Safe is the Food You Eat? Is brought up but its not entirely answered
because no one really knows. Lessley Anderson communicates with us the
different opinions people have towards Monsanto and how they are all hatred

3. Youtube video: GMO Foods?

Corrina, Rachel. (2012, October 5).

Rachel Corrinas video contributes to my research topic by giving a lot

of information about the labeling of GMO products and the role that the
FDA plays in this nutrition problem we are facing in America.
In this video Rachel Corrina is persuading us to sign petitions, be like
other countries and demand the FDA to have GMO foods labeled and
stop protecting the profit of big businesses. She talks about the
relation of obesity and genetically modified food. All junk foods are
going to contain genetically modified ingredients, which cause the
gaining of weight. Corn, canola, soybeans, cotton, sugar beets, alfalfa,
Hawaiian papaya, zuchinni, and yellow squash, and the 9 crops in the
U.S. that are genetically modified but many of these crops are used as
ingredients in 90% of our food.

4. Documentary: Forks Over Knives

Corry, J. (Producer), & Fulkerson, L. (Director). (2011, May 6). Forks
Over Knives
[Motion Picture]. United States: Monica Beach Media.
Forks Over Knives provides an in depth investigation on the connection
between GMO foods and many of the biggest diseases we face today.
This data and statistics is of importance to my issue by demonstrating
more and more illegal and dishonest behavior that the large companies
do by feeding us harmful food.
Lee Fulkersons documentary suggests that we are sicker than ever
and most of the diseases that affect us can be controlled if we refused
to eat animal-based and processed foods. The film also provides an
overview of the 20-year long China Cornell Oxford Project that led to
Professor Campbell's findings, in which he suggests that diabetes,
obesity, coronary artery disease, and cancer can be related to the diet
of processed and animal based food. The solution to decrease
diseases, decrease obesity, or lower the amount of prescription drugs
half of Americans take is to eat correctly and healthy.

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