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Anointed With Wisdom

"But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and
righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:" (1 Corinthians 1:30).

hrist has been made unto us wisdom. That means He has become your wisdom;
you no longer function with human wisdom but with an excellent wisdom! That
excellent wisdom is the wisdom of God, with which youve been anointed. A lot of
Christians have never been taught to take advantage of that which Christ has made
available to us. Many have never understood that Christianity is a supernatural life.
When you realize that Christ has become your wisdom, life becomes more assured.
Youll always know the right thing to do in every situation and come out victoriously!
The more you learn Gods Word, the more you avail yourself of the privileges and
advantages of Gods wisdom. Gods wisdom will teach you how to manage your home,
your family, your marriage, your business and your finances. When people make terrible
mistakes in their lives, I feel so sorry for them because they certainly havent learnt how
to take advantage of Gods wisdom! I tell people, Ive never suffered in my life and I
cant suffer! Theres a reason for it; I function in the wisdom of God! There are people
who make king-sized errors, but when you function in the wisdom of God you will walk
your way out of affliction! The Bible says the whip is for the back of fools! (Proverbs
19:29). What kind of whip is it talking about? The whip of life! So if you let Gods wisdom
function in you, it will be impossible for life to whip you.
Now, to us here who live in time and space, theres what we call tomorrow, but
God doesnt live in time and space; He doesnt have tomorrow. He knows the future,
therefore when you function in His wisdom, you will surely walk through all your
tomorrows victoriously! God knows the wrong steps youre going to take, but you
know what? With His help you can change those wrong steps ever before you make
them! You dont have to make blunders; youve been anointed with wisdom to deal
wisely in the affairs of life.

F U RT H E R S T U DY : I SAIAH 11:2



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