Amphibians Notes

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Amphibians Notes

Common Activities and Traits

o During the day amphibians hide in holes in the ground and cracks in
rocks. At night amphibians come out and search for food.
o Some amphibians can climb bushes and trees to find prey.
o Some northeastern woodlands have more red-backed salamanders
than all birds and mammals combined.
What is an Amphibian
o An amphibian is an ectothermic vertebrate that spends its early life in
o The word amphibian means double life
o Amphibian eggs hatch into larvae that swim and have gills for
obtaining oxygen.
o As they undergo metamorphosis and become adults, most amphibians
lose their gills and acquire lungs. Some adult amphibians also obtain
oxygen through their thin moist skin.
Amphibian Circulation
o The circulatory system of a tadpole has a single loop. This means
blood passes through the heart 1 time per 1 complete rotation.
o The circulatory system of most adult amphibians has two loops. This
means blood passes through the heart 2 times, the lungs 1 time, and
out to the body 1 time per 1 complete rotation.
o The heart of most amphibians has three inner chambers. The two
upper chambers of the heart, called atria, receive blood. From the
atria blood moves to the lower chamber of the heart called the
ventricle. The ventricle pumps blood out to the lungs and the body.
Amphibian Reproduction
o Most frogs have external fertilization. The female frog releases eggs
that are fertilized by the males sperm.
o Most salamanders have internal fertilization. During internal
fertilization the eggs are fertilized before they are laid.
o Amphibian eggs are coated with clear jelly that keeps moisture in and
helps protect them from infection. Inside each fertilized egg, a tiny
embryo develops, after which the egg hatches.
o Most amphibians undergo metamorphosis. Metamorphosis is a
biological process by which an animal physically develops after birth or
hatching, involving a relative and abrupt change in the animals body
structure through cell growth and differentiation.
Life on Land
o Most adult amphibians have strong skeletons and muscular limbs
adapted for movement on land. They were also the first vertebrates to
have legs.
o They eyes of amphibians are also adapted to life on land. A
transparent membrane helps keep them from drying out. Amphibians
also have eyelids, allowing them to close their eyes.
Frogs and Toads

Frogs and toads possess powerful hind leg muscles and a strong
skeleton that can absorb shock, thus making them adapted for hopping
and leaping.
o Their webbed feet and long toes form swim fins that help them move
through the water.
o The skin of a frog is smooth and moist. The skin of a toad is dry and
o Some of these creatures are actually camouflaged to hide from
o Salamanders are amphibians that keep their tails as adults.
o Salamanders stalk and ambush their prey.
o Some salamanders live in water their whole life, while others live on
o Salamanders return to the water each year to breed and lay their eggs.
o They rely on thin moist skin to obtain oxygen from their environment.

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