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Nature & Properties of Materials

Monday, 30-7-12

Materials are all around us.
Our body itself is made of various materials.

We humans want to tailor everything around-us,

(including ourselves !!!)
And, engineering materials have made this possible.
Think about life without these materials !!

To very large extent this

transition has been possible
with our improved
understanding as well as
discovery and invention of new


Light Emitting Diodes

Compact fluorocent bulb

Incandescent Bulb
Solid state memory

Engineering Materials
In the stream of Materials Science and Engineering, we deal with solid
materials that we humans extract or make. These materials have
certain predefined properties which could be controlled through
processing or synthesis condition.
This group of materials is known as Engineering Materials. For
example, metals, ceramics, polymers are engineering materials.
Materials Science
& Engineering
Materials Science
Basic knowledge of

Resultant knowledge of
the structure, properties,
processing and
performance of
engineering materials.

Foundations of Mat. Sc. & Eng. By W. F. Smith

Materials Engineering
Applied knowledge of

The major properties that are of interest in the context of

engineering materials and be categories as follows:

Mechanical Properties
Electronic Properties
Thermal Properties
Magnetic properties
Optical properties
Deteriorative properties

Why should engineers from other streams

learn about these Engineering Materials
Engineers from different engineering streams have to deal
with engineering materials in their profession, and therefore
to some extent deeper understanding of properties of
materials and its relation to the internal structure and
processing of materials is essential.

Chemical Engineers

Mechanical Engineers

Electrical Engineers
Electrical engineers have to select materials for electric cables, materials for insulation,
magnetic-core in a motor etc.

Civil Engineers
A Civil engineer while designing a bridge has to select appropriate materials for different parts.

Few words about Nanomaterials

Nanomaterials are materials with at least one of the three
dimensions in nanometer range, approximately less then 100
At these dimensions many properties are different compared
to those in the corresponding bulk material.
These different properties can be utilized to improve our
experience with the existing materials, as well as develop
novel applications.
A strong hold on physics at atomic-scale is must.

Materials for Energy

(Photovoltaics or Solar Cell):
Here the incident light from the Sun is directly converted to electricity
by a special material called semiconductors.
We may see large solar-power plants, however, the cost of electricity
from these devices is still higher and therefore we do not see it on
every other roof-top. Whats solution:
Develop new materials that would be less expensive while at the same
time help increase the efficiency of solar-cells.
Develop materials processes that would help decrease the cost of
existing materials used for solar-cells.

ESO205, is introductory in nature and in a broad sense we will be learning

following topics:

Crystal Structure of Materials and their determination

Phase evolutions (microstructures of materials)
Mechanical Properties
Electronic Properties

Our aim will be to learn about structure properties correlation with

slight discussion on Processing as well.
Processing Structure Properties Peformance
All the course related information, including lectures, assignments, quiz
announcement etc. will be placed on the web.
The link to the web-location will be provided by the Monday 30-7-12
evening through e-mail alias

References (no text book):
All the following books have been kept in the reserve section of P. K. Kelkar
W. D. Callister, Jr., Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction (11
L. H. Van Vlack, Elements of Materials Science (12 copies)
V. Raghavan, Materials Science and Engineering : A first course (9 copies)
D. R. Askeland, Essentials of Materials Science and Engineering (3 copies)
M.F. Ashby and DRH Jones, Engineering Materials1: An introduction to
their properties and applications. (5 copies)
M.F. Ashby and DRH Jones, Engineering Materials 2: An introduction to
microstructures processing and design. (2 copies)
J. Wulff et al, Structure and Properties of Materials
Volume I: Structure (11 copies)
Volume II: Thermodynamics of Structure(10 copies)
Volume III: Mechanical Behavior(11 copies)
Volume IV: Electronic Properties(11 copies)
(For electronic properties)B.G. Streetman, Solid State Electronic Devices
(upto Chapter 4) ( 7 copies)

Laboratory: First lab will be from Monday next week

Tutorials: First tutorial will be from Thursday next week
Laboratory manuals will be placed on the web
Assignments will be provided on every Friday and will be due
in the following week on Thursday during Tutorial.
Lab & tutorial sections: Sectioning will be done by DOAA
office by the end of this week and correspondingly it will be
displayed on the web.
Those with the time clash for lab, will have to swap the
sections with one of your class-mate in another section for
this course.

Time table:
Lectures: M, W, F
11PM -12 Noon
Tutorials: Th
11PM -12 Noon
M to F
2 5 PM
Discussion with tutor: Day/time/place will be decided by a
Tutor after discussion with the students in corresponding
tutorial section.

Okay so lets begin

What empowers us to tailor a given material ?
In old times it used to be an art, or empirical knowledge.

Now we know the nature and properties of

materials depend on..
1) The atoms of which element/s constitute that material (or the
composition of that material).
2) What is the internal structure of that material.
Here by internal structure we mean the arrangement of the
constituent atoms/molecules. Depending on the scale of
observation (different magnification) different internal
structure is observed, which can be classified as:
a) Macrostructure; b) Microstructure; c) Substructure
d) Crystal structure (or atomic structure); e) Electronic structure
f) Nuclear structure

For example,
case-1: Carbon and Silicon
Note: Two different atoms but same structure (or arrangement)

Same structure and

type of bonding
between atoms in
these two materials

Different materials and different properties


A transparent solid object.

Electrically insulator


An opaque solid object.


case-2: Carbon and Carbon (i.e. same atoms but different structures or arrangement)




Different structures
between the atoms
of two layers in
graphite in not there
in the carbon atoms
in diamond diamond.

Different materials and different properties

A transparent solid object.

Electrically insulator

An opaque solid object.

Electrically conducting

So, we see that it is the particular atoms (or composition of

that material), and their arrangement (structure) in space
(1,2 or 3-Dimensional) which to a large extent determines the
properties of materials (we are talking about solids only & at
least for the time being, focusing on the crystal-structure or
atomic-structure only).
So a big step in understanding the properties of materials is to
understand their internal structure.
We first look at the various atomic structures and then study its
relation to the type of bonding between the atoms and their
size, that are arranged in these structures.

Concept of Lattice

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