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A Study on Anger Expression

Mochamad Elang
Ilham Adisetia

Anger expressed less overtly
towards people we dislike because of
combined feelings of anger-hostility
blend and is expressed more overtly
towards people we care for because
of anger-sadness blend

Developing the hypothesis...

Personal observation and experience
Anger towards a person cared for
Realized that each time anger was
expressed in the past was always towards a
person liked
Anger towards a person disliked was almost
never expressed

Design and methodology

Correlational design to test if:
correlation between anger expressed towards
people we like and feelings of sadness towards
people we like

correlation between anger expressed towards
people we dislike and feelings of hostility
towards people we dislike

Dependent Variables
Three dependent variables:

Anger Expression Questionnaire

I yell at my parents, whom I respect, when they criticise me.

If I am annoyed with a schoolmate, whom I do not hold in high regard, I will make a point to show
my frustration.
I argue with my siblings, whom I care for, when we disagree.
If I come into contact with someone, whom I believe has been unfair to me, I will show that I am
In a relationship I often argue with my partner, whom I care for (i.e. girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse,
etc.) when we disagree.
If a stranger is rude to me in a public place (restaurant, shopping mall, etc.) I will react negatively.
In an argument with my friends, whom I care for, I often show my frustrations.
When a stranger purposely bumps into me aggressively without apologising I will attack the stranger
verbally or physically to show my frustration.
I do not hesitate to show my favourite professor that I am angry over an unfair mark.
If my professor, whom I feel negatively towards, gives me an unfair mark, I will confront him or her
and express my anger.

Sadness Questionnaire
I feel sad when I disagree with my partner, whom I care for (boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse,
I feel sad when my roommate, whom I dislike, takes advantage of me and treats me
I feel sad when my parents, whom I like, treat me unfairly.
I feel sad when a classmate, whom I dislike, mocks me in front of the class.
I feel depressed when I find out my friend, whom I care for, has lied to me.
I feel sad and put off when a professor, whom I dislike, criticises me.
I feel sad when my siblings, whom I care for, are unfair to me.
I feel sad when an acquaintance, whom I dislike, treats me unfairly.
I feel sad when a professor, whom I respect, embarrasses me.
I feel sad when I feel a stranger purposely bumps into me aggressively without

Hostility Questionnaire
I resent the fact that a classmate, whom I dislike, has scored higher than me on an exam/
I resent my best friend, whom I care for, because she is generally more successful than me
(i.e. academics, sports, relationships, etc.)
I have negative feelings towards a professor, whom I dislike because he or she has given
me an unfair mark in the past.
I have negative feelings towards a sibling, whom I like because I believe they get more
attention from my parents.
I hold feelings of suspicion towards people I believe to be dishonest towards me.
I am suspicious of my partner, whom I care for (boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, etc.),
because I believe they have not been completely honest with me in the past.
I feel irritated by the fact that my roommate, whom I dislike, has left our room untidy.
I am irritated because I think my parents, whom I like, are trying to control my life.
I am cold (verbally) towards people I dislike.
I am cold (verbally) towards people I care for because they have upset me.

Applications of this study

Emotional blends to be studied in
the future in order to understand
anger expression.

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