Digital Storytelling Rubric KP

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Digital Storytelling Rubric


1. Purpose of
the Project



Establishes narrative
purpose and direction
early on and maintains a
clear focus throughout.

Establishes purpose and

direction early on and
maintains focus for most
of the project.

There are a few lapses in It is difficult to understand the

focus, but the purpose is full purpose or direction of the
fairly clear.

5 points

3 points

2 points

The mind map is very

well designed, easy to
follow and understand.

The mind map is designed The mind map is poorly

The mind map is well
in an adequate manner, designed, not easy to follow or
designed, mostly easy to
and is somewhat easy to understand. Additional work on
follow and understand.
follow and understand.
themind map is needed.

5 points

3 points

2 points

0 points

The script is extremely

well written and contains
all of the required
elements, including a
meaningful purpose,
clear focus and logical
conclusion. Fewer than 3
grammatical errors.
Pronunciation is clear
and correct.

The script is well written

and contains all of the
required elements,
including a meaningful
purpose, clear focus and
logical conclusion. Fewer
than 5 grammatical
errors. Pronunciation is
mostly clear and correct.

The script is written in an

adequate manner and
contains most of the
required elements. With
additional effort, it could
be even better. Fewer
than 8 grammatical
errors. Pronunciation is
somewhat clear and

The script is poorly written lacks

a meaningful purpose, clear
focus and logical conclusion.
Additional work on the script is
definitely needed. Fewer than 10
grammatical errors.
Pronunciation is unclear and
difficult to understand.

5 points

3 points

2 points

0 points

2. Mind Map

3. Script

0 points

4. Audio
Narration &

The project contains

excellent, high-quality
audio narration that can
be clearly heard and
understood. In addition,
if music was used, it was
mixed at the correct
level and perfectly
complemented the
content of the project.

The project contains good

-quality audio narration
that can be clearly heard
and understood. In
addition, the music was
mixed at a good level and
nicely complemented the
content of the project.

The project contains fair quality audio narration

that could be improved
with additional effort. The
mixing of the music could
also be improved so that
it can adequately
complement the content
of the project.

The project contains poor-quality

audio narration that need a
significant amount of additional
effort. In addition, the music was
not mixed at the correct level so
it did not complement the
content of the project.

5 points

3 points

2 points

0 points

The images used in the The images used in the

The images used in the
project demonstrate
project demonstrate good project demonstrate
excellent use of images. use of images.
average use of images.

The images used in the project

demonstrate a poor use of

5 points

3 points

0 points

The video footage

demonstrates excellent

The video footage

The video footage
demonstrates good use of demonstrates average
use of editing.

5. Still Images

6. Video

5 points

6. Attribution

All sources for images,

including video creator,
are properly attributed.

3 points

2 points

2 points

The video footage demonstrates

poor editing.
0 points

All sources are attributed, Some sources are

No attributions given.
though attributions are
attibuted and attributions
somewhat discorganized. are of varying formats.

5 points

3 points

2 points

0 points

Rubric adapted from orginal from Bansavich, John & Luz Garcia, Digital Storytelling, University of San Francisco, Fall 2013

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