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Amphibians Worksheet

1. The three finger-like projections on the head of a tiger salamander are

a. Lungs
b. Gills
c. Fins
d. Sensory organs
2. What is the purpose of a toads call.
a. To attract prey
b. To defend from predators
c. For mating purposes
d. It is the sound they make when breathing
3. Why do some tiger salamanders undergo metamorphosis in the are discussed
in the video.
a. They cannot live in water
b. They must leave the water to breed
c. They leave the water for a less crowded habitat
d. They have different genes
4. The clicking sound that is heard in the wetlands comes from what animal.
a. The chorus frog
b. The bullfrog
c. The tiger salamander
d. None of the above
5. The black and yellow spots on a tiger salamander signify ________.
a. Camoflague
b. Poison
c. Bright colors to attract mates
d. An adult at the last stage of its life
6. Which region of the United States is the bullfrog native to.
a. The northwest
b. The south
c. Texas
d. The east coast
7. Around what time of year do tadpoles become toads.
a. June
b. July
c. August
d. September
8. Where is most of the energy of the wetlands stored.
a. In small pools
b. Within each organism that lives there
c. Within plants
d. All of the above

9. What

forms the greatest biomass of any animal.



do toads begin to hibernate

In questions 11-16 select the answer that is correct. There is only 1

correct answer per question.
11.In a double loop circulatory system blood passes through the lungs________times.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
12.The heart of an amphibian containing a double loop circulatory system has
a. Ventricles
b. Blood Vessels
c. Atria
d. Arteries
13.Most frogs and toads use ________fertilization.
a. Internal
b. Sexual
c. External
d. Reproductive
14.________is the process by which a tadpole turns into a frog.
a. Metamorphosis
b. Transformation
c. Evolution
d. Adaptation
15.A________has smooth moist skin as opposed to the dry bumby skin of a similar
a. Toad
b. Salamander
c. Frog
d. Lizard
16.Salamanders obtain oxygen from their environment through the use of
a. Lungs
b. Nose
c. Mouth
d. None of the above
Use the space below to describe the different adaptation to a frog that
allow it to live on land. Be sure to talk about its skeleton, limbs, and eyes
in your answer.

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