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Reptiles Worksheet

1. ________ are animals that contain a backbone.

a. Amphibians
b. Reptiles
c. Vertebrates
d. All of the above
2. Another word for ectothermic is ________.
a. Warm blooded
b. Cold blooded
c. Herbivore
d. None of the above
3. ________ is common to all reptiles.
a. Scales
b. Feeding habits
c. Habitats
d. All of the above
4. Modern reptiles are divided into ________ groups.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
5. The bony plates on a turtles shell are called ________.
a. Bones
b. Scutes
c. Shields
d. None of the above
6. What is one way to distinguish an alligator from a crocodile.
a. Alligators have longer tails
b. Alligators have pointed snouts
c. Crocodiles have rounded snouts
d. Crocodiles have a fourth tooth that sticks up
7. Reptiles, like amphibians, can breathe through their skin.
a. True
b. False
8. How do lizards show dominance and attract mates.
a. Wiggle their tongues
b. Bob their heads
c. Hiss
d. Change color

9. How do bearded dragons show submission

a. Roll over
b. Wave their hands
c. Lay on their stomachs

d. None of the above

10.A cameleon can move its eyes independently and look two places at once
a. True
b. False
For questions 11-19 circle the correct answer. There is only one correct
answer for each question.
11.A reptiles skin is adapted for________.
a. Protection from prey.
b. Swimming.
c. Conserving water.
d. All of the above.
12.The eggs of reptiles contain a ________ and a ________ to protect the
developing embryo.
a. Skin, leather.
b. Shell, membrane.
d. None of the above.
13.Reptiles breathe by the us of________.
a. Herbivores.
b. Carnivores.
c. Insect eaters.
d. Amphibious.
14.Most lizards are ________.
a. Herbivores.
b. Carnivores.
c. Insect eaters.
d. Amphibious.
15.Snakes move by contracting and shortening bands of muscle that are
connected to their ________.
a. Skin.
b. Legs.
c. Ribs.
d. None of the above.
16.A turtles shell is connected to its ________.
a. Backbone.
b. Legs.
c. Dorsal side.
d. Neck.
17.A turtles beak is very sharp making it adapted to ________.
a. Eat leaves.
b. Defend from prey.
c. Swim more efficiently.
d. None of the above.
18.Alligators and crocodiles are the largest living reptiles.
a. True
b. False

19.Most alligators and crocodiles hunt at night.

a. True
b. False
For question 20 answer the following essay using as much of your
knowledge of reptiles as possible. Describe the different structures of a
reptile egg and be sure to explain the function of each structure you

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