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Othello Act 3 Website Content Questions

1. Why does Cassio enter Act 3 with musicians?

He mainly does this in order to cheer Othello up after screwing up by attacking Roderigo
while drunk.
2. How does Iago engineer the first suspicious behavior between Cassio and
Desdemona in Act 3?
Iago cleverly gets Cassio and Desdemona alone in order to make Othello believe theyre
3. When does Othello say that Chaos will come again ?
Othello brings this up with Iago when the idea of Desdemona dying is brought up by
4. Why does Iago use the special words indeed seems and think early in Act 3
scene 3?
Iago does this in order to make himself look innocent while also adding bits of unknown
information to Othello so that Othello can fill in the pieces.
5. Describe 5 of Iagos methods of manipulation in Act 3 scene 3
Iago explains that Desdemona lied to get away from her father, so she could be lying again. He
also believes that he could be wrong and that it is only his opinion. Iago believes that Cassio
would never do such a thing with Desdemona without looking so guilty and makes Othello
believe that it IS Cassio while doing so. Iago purposely withheld information that Othello was
desperate to hear, this makes Othello believe it more.
6. Othello reveals his hidden insecurity to Iago. Iago then immediately acts on it.
What are Othellos specific insecurities?
Othello believes that Desdemona might not be what she says or looks and Iago jumps on this to
reassure Othello that this might be the case.
7. What is special about the item Emelia brings to Iago in act 3?
Its special because Othello gave it to Desdemona as a sign of love and trust. Iago uses this to
trick Othello into distrusting and hating Desdemona more and more by giving it to Cassio. When

Othello goes to see if Desdemona has it or not, when she replies she doesnt he immediately
believes that she has been cheating on him.
8. In the experience of Jealousy, which part is the worst?
When it comes to jealousy, I would have to say the worst would be the uncertainty of it
all. Is she truly in love with you? Or are you merely being used? Othello is trapped in a web of
doubt because he isnt sure if his friend is making his move on his wife or not.
9. Unpack 5 of the most important quotes of the act:
a. who said the quote?
b. What was the context?
c. What does the quote mean?
d. How does the quote have important implications for the rest of the
act and/or the overall play?
Quote 1:

Haply for I am black,

And have not those soft parts of conversation

That chamberers have; or for I am declined
Into the vale of yearsyet thats not much
Shes gone. I am abused, and my relief
Must be to loathe her. O curse of marriage,
That we can call these delicate creatures ours
And not their appetites! I had rather be a toad
And live upon the vapor of a dungeon
Than keep a corner in the thing I love
For others uses. Yet tis the plague of great ones;
Prerogatived are they less than the base.
Tis destiny unshunnable, like death.
This quote was spoken by Othello, and the context is to Iago who brought up the fact
that Othello could be barbaric and not being as soft or kind as Chamberers. The quote means
that Othello believes it is his race that plays a part of why Desdemona is cheating on him. He
believes himself to be lacking empathy and being barbaric, when in reality this is the poison of
Iagos words affecting his mind. This is significant because it shows how far Othello is falling
from grace.
Quote 2:

She did deceive her father, marrying you,

And when she seemed to shake and fear your looks,

She loved them most.

This quote is said by Iago. The context is that Othello believes that Desdemona
isnt what she truly seems and her true nature is being revealed. The quote is exactly as it
seems. Desdemona deceived her father to marry Othello, and that if she has deceived once,
she can do it again.
Quote 3:

Trifles light as air

Are to the jealous confirmations strong
As proofs of holy writ.
This is spoken once again by Iago. The context is about his plan to use Othellos

handkerchief to fool Othello into believing that Desdemona is truly cheating on him. The quote
means that even though this little handkerchief is so simple and small, to a jealous Othello, it
would prove of the injustice that Desdemona has done to him.
Quote 4:

I am glad I have found this napkin.

This was her first remembrance from the Moor,
My wayward husband hath a hundred times
Wooed me to steal it, but she so loves the token
For he conjured her she should ever keep it
That she reserves it evermore about her
To kiss and talk to. Ill ha the work taen out,
And givet Iago. What he will do with it,
Heaven knows, not I.
I nothing, but to please his fantasy.
This quote is spoken by Emilia. The context is that she has found the

Handkerchief that Othello has given to Desdemona, though, not really knowing what to do with
it, will give it to Iago in hopes of making him happy. The quote means that the Handkerchief is
the trust and love that Othello and Desdemona share together, so she will give it to Iago in order
to please him as hes been asking her to get it. This quote is super important, as it is the quote
where everything starts going downhill and Iagos plan truly takes hold of Othello.
Quote 5:

Oh, curse of marriage

That we can call these delicate creatures ours,
And not their appetites!

This quote is spoken by Othello. The context is that right after Iago leaves,
Othello realizes that Desdemona is cheating on him, and that even though men own
their wives in marriage, it is the womens desires that men can never hope to grasp. This
quote is important for Othello fully believes now that Desdemona is cheating on him,
which will send the plot down a dark and twisted road.

10. What does Iago do with the special item Emelia brings to Iago in act 3?
He places the Handkerchief in Cassios room in order to trick Othello that Cassio and
Desdemona are sleeping together.
11. Explain the reversal that has happened in the end of Act 3 scene 3
Luck and the Devil seem to be on Iagos side as Cassio is seen with Desdemona by
Othello. This starts making Othello question their relationship as friends.
12. Why does Desdemona think Othello has been acting so strange near the end of
the act?
She believes that it is stress that is affecting Othello and therefore she cannot blame him
as everyone snaps occasionally. If only she knew the truth of Othellos real source of stress.

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