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Philosophy Statement:

Cherished parents and children,

As the educator of your children, I value play is an important
component to the development of the children. Play is the only job a child
has therefore your children will be exposed to spontaneous play and the
environment will be set up to better facilitate play. As the teacher I will be
conducting ongoing observations in order to set an inviting the environment.
In order for play to happen I will provide the children with adequate
materials. I will expand their learning as they play by providing the children
with new vocabulary. As the children play four areas of development are
being covered. The areas of development are Social & Emotional, Physical,
Cognitive, and Language development.
The family of the children have a major impact in the development of
the children since parents/caregivers are the first teachers of the children,
teacher and family collaboration is valued. Parents are welcomed to be part
of their children development by volunteering in the classroom and
imputing/bringing the culture of child into the classroom. In order to
understand certain behaviors of play we need to understand and capture the
impact culture has when involving play.

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