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yoo ere PAPER ia sescore | | CEEB: Question Papers (2010-2012) A ap! COMBINED ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, 2012 M.Sc. (Agri.j/M.V.Sc, BIOTECHNOLOGY [ Field of Stuy Code ; BAG/MVS/FST } Time Allowed : 3 hours num Marks : 240 INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES Candidates must read carefully the following instructions before attempting the Qi () Write your Name and Registration Number in the space provided for the Question Paper and in the Answer Sheet se on Whe top of this (i) Please darken the appropriate Circle of Question Paper Series Code ie nF Sheet. (i) The Question Paper is divided into two parts : Part—A and Part—B. ‘party \have multiple-choice Questions. All answers are to be entered in the Answer Sheet provided with te "aper for the purpose. jemttOAe in the Answer Sheet (i) Part—A consists of 60 questions and all are compulsory. An Provided for the purpose by darkening the correct choice, ie ‘only against each question in the corresponding circle. Each cor negative marking and ¥ mark will be deducted for each wont (} Part—8 consists of 100 questions. Anewer any 60 questions in/{i> heet by darkening the correct choice, i.e. (a) oF (bj or (¢) oF (d} with BALLPOINT PEN only gh Tesponding circle. Each correct, daswer, "7 marks: Phere will be negative marking and.I-arark Will be deducted for exch wrong answes Ee ag any gandidate answers more than the required 6KgyZtio)\, the first 60 questions attempted will be evaluated. (wi) Answer written by the candidates inside the (vil) Calculators and Log Tables may be used, (iil) Pages at the end have been provided for Rok x) Return the Question Paper and Answer Sheet $0 DO NOT FOLD THE ANSWER SHEET. estat Pal ‘not be evaluated. INSTRUCTIONS, ING ANSWERS 1 Use only Blue/Black Ballpoint Pen (4 Pencil) to darken the appropriate Circle. 2. Please darken the whole Circle. 3. Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for, question as shown in example below Wrong Correct O?|®OO8|@00@ answeNis“Allowed. ‘son the Answer Sheet, ropriate space against the number corresponding to the question. the appropriate Circle of Question Paper Series Code on the 4 2 g 2 i g Answer Sheet. ie? PART—A WB Answer all questions 1, Collip’s hormone is {a} thyroxine {b] parathormone {) adrenalin Oo (a) ACTH 2. During the development of embryo, which of the following is Jo be associated with the formation of a segregated space or a ‘coel’? (b) Gastrula (ce) Blastula MS (d) 8-Cell embryo Which one of the following ions plays an irtafikyole in contraction of muscles? (o} Calcium (©) Iron {d) Copper of DNA is present in In biological systems, more (a) Z-DNA {b) B-DNA () A-DNA {d) triplex DNA Which of the Titowindvis a common feature found in 3° terminal region of prokaryotic (a) -loop structure ale 6. 10. Which of the following is true concerning restriction endonucleases? They are transposable elements They are carbohydrates They recognize and cut specific DNA sequences (a) (b) © (a) ‘They are derived from viruses Which one of the following produces haploids in an anther cultu fa) (b) fe) (d) Inulin is the polymer of fa) {b) (} {dy to} {ay Anther wall Tapetal layer Connective tissue Young pollen grain ribose fructose ribulose glucose Photoreactivation ‘Translation Transcription Replication fork Enzyme induction Replication AB vo ii AB iv iff AB i i AB wo c vi c v vi d i ii iv, v, O° & o Match the following processes with their ref . Production of pti ain from the RNA template MRNA synthe: from} a DNA template DNA makes , RepaDof ediation damage after exposure to visible light Press f SY ite causes synthesis of the enzyme Points; theVhelix separates during DNA replication Pollination by Qe ‘aires fa} {b) omiti chi uu. 12. 13. 14, 15. Cyathium inflorescence is found in Bo (a) Buphorbia sp. {b) Croton sp. (©) Ricinus sp. (@) Coleus sp. If a 2n male angiosperm is crossed with a 4n female plant, then th fn of the resulting seed will be fa) on (b) 3n ‘@) () 4n (a) Sn Which of the following is an anti-gibberellin? (a) Auxin (b) Abscisic acid Y (©) Ethylene (@) Cytokinin How much NaOH is required i) S06 ml of 0:3 M NaOH (mol. wt. of NaOH = 40)? fa) 48 (bo) 3g ) 68 (d) 068 ‘The weakest bohd is 4h? Secondary metabolites and antibiotics are predominantly produced during the (a) lag phase (b) log phase NW (c) stationary phase Y (a) decline phase ‘The transmission electron microscope has the greatest resolvin oer cause it uses an electron beam to view the sample instead of a light beam. The beam is used, (b) electrons do not penetrate the sample because (a) electrons have longer wavelengths than light wave: (c) light waves are less visible (d) electrons have shorter wavelengths thanpligt S Bacteriophages are readily counted by of (a) immunoassay {b) ELISA (c)_ plaque assay (@) electron microscopy Which of the following is incorrect? (a) DNA foundyin is in the highly coiled state {b) The nucleolus\is ite Of ribosomal RNA synthesis (9 Some subGtances\gan pass into and out of the nucleus (a) Red 1 Qannot synthesize RNA Bagtey 5 n enter into stable long-term relationships with their hosts are call (Dwtie-phages detective phages i) phages (a) temperate phages 11. Cyathium inflorescence is found in (@) Euphorbia sp. I (b} Croton sp. @ (c} Ricinus sp. {d) Coleus sp. O° 12. Ifa 2n male angiosperm is crossed with a 4n female plan} endosperm of the resulting seed will be @ on fa @ (@) Sn 13. Which of the following is an mean (a) Auxin {b) Abscisic acid ()_ Ethylene (a) Cytokinin © 14, How much NaOH! pare 500 ml of 0:3 M NaOH (mol. wt. of NaOH = 40)? la) 4¢ ib) 3g ° () 6g °O (d) 06 18. mee is > (c) Viydrogen (@) van der Waals 22, 23. 24, 25. A ball is thrown vertically up with a velocity of 10 m/s. Assuming that the acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/s? and neglecting all frictional forces, the maximum height the ball travels is fa) 100 m (bo) 20m () 10m (4) 5m O° The physical dimension of angular momentum is & fa) MT" GS (bo) MLT-? () ML?t- @) (a) dimensionless For a simple pendulum, the graph of T? versus ! (tI .gth fe pendulum) will be (b) hyperbola {e) it line (4) are of a circle A stone of weight 10 N is tied to a strin length and whirled in a vertical circte. The difference in the kinetic enc thy/Stone at the bottom and at the top of the circle is fa) 105 (b) 209 (}_ Cannot be,ealchiuted ity of the stone is not given (4) Cannot be datculateth since\acceleration due to gravity is not given Boyle’s law st&@s thaj\the pressure P, the volume V and the temperature T are ( isyinversely proportional to T «> 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. ‘Two bodies at temperatures 20 °C and 80 °C are brought into contact and after thermal equilibrium is achieved, both their temperatures are 50 °C. This means that both bodies have (a) equal masses {b) equal specific heats (equal heat capacities (4) equal thermal conductivities O° If the speed of sound in air is 350 m/s, the wavelen; ‘@)sound of frequency 175 Hz is {a} OSm ee Y (c}) 15m (d) 2m € ‘At what object distance d, should a Gs fex lens of focal length f be held from the object to get the largest possib} njfikation with an upright virtual image? (@) d, ester > amide > anhydride (b) acid chloride > anhydride > ester > amide & ()_ anhydride > acid chloride > amide > e (d) acid chloride > anhydride > amide {2st Which of the following is the we bas (a) C,H,O7 {b) CNT ()_ CH;coo7 (a) NOS If nitrogen atom Hadelettgnic configuration of 1s’, it would have lower energy than that of norm: Estate configuration 1s?2s?2p%, because electrons would be closer to the nucleus, Yet Is” is not observed, because it violates (a) Heis certainty principle () Wand (QyPai usiyy principle we theory of stationary orbits 19 nea 51. 52, 53. 54. 55. If Ais an nxn matrix, then A- AT is {a) a symmetric matrix (b) a skew-symmetric matrix (an identity matrix (@) a triangular matrix O ‘The point on the curve y= x? — 6x +5, where the tangent is x-axis, is fa) 3, 4) (b) 3, 4) (@ 63-4 @ (@,-4) im XP R2 8 teh on ~ lim Tot » nis a positive inség fal to fa) 0 nin+}) @ = (d) -1 The area of the region bo = x? and the line y= x+2is fa) (b) ° 1/2 fo) 5/2 (a) 9/2 O° A die is tossed thrige) The probability of getting an odd number at least once is fa) 1YQ 87. 58. if G-2=0 and 2-5 =0, then B {a) needs to be perpendicular to a {b) needs to be parallel to a (q_ can be any vector {@) None of the above ‘The direction cosines of a vector equally inclined to the axes are @ ABS a’ Ts’ 3 O° ) ad () nd @ tan (25 x) orimary entry molecule in the Krel le fa) actyl-CoA (b) succayt-CoA SG () succinae (4) malate The end product « glyog fe) [spartic acid 4h 67. 68. 70. Which one of the following reagents is useful for visualizing DNA? BW eae (b) Diphenylamine {c) Ethidium bromide (4) DNA polymerase The nonprotein part of an enzyme is known as (2) apoenzyme e {b) prosthetic group Y {c) vitamin {d) holoenzyme If one strand of DNA has the sequence of nucl6tide a’ AYFCGCTAT 5’, then the other strand of DNA would have (a) 5‘ TAAGCGATA 3° {b) 3° TAAGCGATA 5° (| 5’ GACGCGATA 3° (a) 3’ GACGCGATA 5° ‘The bacteria causing spoil led meat belong to the group (a) psychrophilic {b) i) i (a) n. 73. 14. 75. ‘The agent that causes summer mastitis is No {a) Corynebacterium pyogenes (b) Staphylococcus aureus {c) Streptococcus pyogenes (a) Streptococcus saprophyticus Oo ‘The recent epidemic of swine flu is caused by influenza virus wis jc structure fa) () ) (@) fa) HINT H7N2 H2N4 HINT WG Which one of the following is not a mashes se? Tuberculosis Botulism (b) (c) Brucellosis (d@) Diphtheria For heat inactivation, the heated for 30 minutes at fa) 46° (bo) 56 * (c) 66% NY (a) 76° °O ‘The fy ed@ashmina goat in the world is Oo) marupa Noori 7. 78. 79. 80. ‘The pathology of type III hypersensitivity reactions is mediated by {b) sensitised TDTH cells (c) _antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (4) antigen-antibody structures ‘The most common cause of vaccination failure in young dogs ts isO (a) disease at the time of vaccination (b) presence of maternal antibodies (©) ineffective vaccine (a) human error in mixing or administering fae v ‘The organism that produces toxin in canned c {a) Clostridium perfringens (b) Salmonella typhosa Y (c] Clostridium botulinum (4) Escherichia coli Which one of the following, not have segmented genome? fa) Infectious bursal dj (b) Bovine Rot (c)_ Newcastle dis (4) Avian infddyza Yes O° In which-eniqnal @ptcies are the lymph nodes absent? @ (kos Spite ultry 1k 17/2 81. In ‘reemartins’, the ' (@) ovaries remain small and rudimentary W (©) ovaries are well-developed (¢) ovaries are larger than normal size {d) oviducts are not properly developed 82. Which immunoglobulin type is present in colostrum in high concentration’ O° (b) IgM {co} Iga 83. Vertical transmission of a disease is (a) transmission of the disease from sick to ifnal (b) transmission of the disease from mother' (c) transmission of the disease from ma; (@) transmission of the disease from jan 84. The opioid used for capturing wigtYeimal (2) buprenorphine {b) fentanyt (Q etorphine (4) butorphanol l) 85. Which one of th compatinds is used in racing horses to improve their performance? (a) Acepromazifa) (b) Aminogl) ° " 7 RS W/o ‘86. The largest volume of semen is produced by Wo (a) cow bull {b) stallion (boar {d) dog 87. The most common lactose-fermenting bacterium is & (a) Streptococcus lactis {b) Bacillus subtilis Y () Escherichia coti (4) Bacillus coagulans WS 88. Rectal pinch is taken to diagnose (@) foot-and-mouth disease (b) haemorrhagic septicaemia (@} ectromelia (4) Johne's disease 89. The highly repetitive DNA centromeres is (a) genic DNA {b) intragenic (c})_ satellite QNA () selfish DNA) 91. DNA replication takes place in (a) GI phase (b) S phase IN (©) G2 phase @ (@) G3 phase 92. During mitosis, ER and nucleolus begin to disappear at S° {a} late prophase {b) early prophase iS (©) early metaphase @ (@) late metaphase NWS 93. White ear-head in paddy is caused by fa) gallfly Y {b) green leathopper {ce} yellow stem borer (4) sting bug © & electively controlled by 94, Loose smut of wheatcan(6 (a) crop rotati {b) spraying crops\vith ngicides O it (co) seed treatment wit systemic fungicides (@) soil ty ey nonsystemic fungicides 95. Whidhone atthe Yplfowing causes the Tundu disease? ( le + bacterium fatode + fungus {c) Nematode (4) Fungus + bacterium 96. Which of the following diseases does not appear in: bajra? (a) Green ear Ro (b) Ergot (Wilt {d) Rust 97. The duration of locust plague period lasts for 0 (0) 2-3 years S (bo) 3-4 years (ce) 5+10 years (d) 11-16 years @ 98. Which one of the following processes doe! epl the soil with nutrients? (a) Manuring (b) Crop rotation (c) Uses of fertilizers (a) Ploughing 99. Zero tillage system was first\yiged sutp&sfully in pasture renovation in (a) Germany (o) Japan (}_ United Kingdo CS {d) USA 100. von temperature factor, the upper warmer region of lakes is calle (a) epilingnion’ (©) hypotimnign () ine (WL Nome GE the above 101, Le ancient method of food preservation is pasteurizing and sterilizing canning, blanching and irradiating (c) freezing and boiling (d) drying, smoking and fermenting 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. Which of the following diseases does not appear in bajra? (a) Green ear (b) Ergot {o) Wilt (@) Rust ‘The duration of locust plague period lasts for (a) 2-3 years (b) 3-4 years <2 {c) 5-10 years (@) 11-16 years Which one of the following processes does not repl = with nutrients? (a) Manuring (b) Crop rotation : {c)_ Uses of fertilizers (4) Ploughing ¢ Zero tillage system was first used sufces Cd pasture renovation in fa) Germany (b) Japan (co) United Kingdom (a) USA Depending upon the "ature factor, the upper warmer region of lakes is called (a) epilimnio: (b) _hypoliftgion {c) _ thermocl (a) Nonecof th e ‘The réGstanciehD method of food preservation is g and sterilizing ching and irradiating Rane ¥ id boiling Irying, smoking and fermenting 2if> a 103. 104, 105. If individuals of genotype AaBbCe are intercrossed, how many different genotypes c occur in their progeny? f@ 6 8 fc) 16 O° (4) 27 The center of origin of com is NS ; (a) Hindustan center ©) (b) Abyssinian center (c)_ Mediterranean center C y (4) South Mexican and Central American cent’ Cotton is classified as WO (a) completely self-pollinated (b} completely cross-pollinat (c) often cross-pollinated gr {d) cleistogamot QD ‘The mot brids t&nnot be used to raise the next crop, because (a) hybrid vigb (b) gene t generation after generation ur is 9° is lost (c} Gcombigufon of genes occurs fastly KS ation! of seed qualities occurs 27/0 106. The concept of gamete selection was given by fa) (b) (ce) (a) 107. The yield performance of a synthetic variety in second (a) (b) fe) (a) 108. The concept of center of origin of spe: fa) (b) (c) (a) Goulden WN Shull @) Stadler East and Hull f same as that of Syn 1 ES less than that of Syn 1 more then that of Syn 1 QM Cannot be predicted XS Comstock and Robinson Q De Vries Vavilov Bast and Shull 109. In case of sporophyti Ability system, the incompatibility reaction of the pollen is governed by fa) (b) fe) genotyfd of Whe pol tucing plant genotype S\the\Yollen itself Oo Phenelype afvhe pollen-producing plant of the pollen itself 110. wee which flowers are either staminate or pistillate is referred to as ) (a) ‘@pogamy dichogamy dicliny 102, If individuals of genotype AaBbCt are intercrossed, how many different genotypes can occur in their progeny? - ES m © () 16 (d) (a) 27 O 103. The center of origin of corn is (a) Hindustan center Y (b) Abyssinian center WS () Mediterranean center S spe (4) South Mexican and Central Ame: 104. Cotton is classified as (@) completely self-pollin: (b) completely cross-gollihated crop (6) often crot os (2) cleistogargout O° 108. The harf (ea) eds of hybrids cannot be used to raise the next crop, because RON is lost generation after generation AS Y SHétic purity is lost Wh7 recombination of genes occurs fastly (4) degeneration of seed qualities occurs 112, 113, 114, 115. Who has/have partitioned the epistatic components into additive x additive, additive x dominance and dominance x dominance? . (a) Hayman and Mather (b) Fisher (co) Mather and Jinks (a) Jones [e) ‘The self-replicating, double-stranded, circular DNA molecules maintai aQleria as independent extrachromosomal entities are (a) phages {b) YAC {d) None of the above MS ‘The theory of ‘purity of germ cells’ was given by & (a) Mendel (ce) Darwin (4) Johanssen Gene imprinting is known to \to" (a) glycosylation of DNA (b) methylation of QNA () phosphorylation Q\ DNA (4) oxidation of ‘The conversion Bf the RNA to protein is known as 116. During which stage of meiosis does the chiasmata formation take place? (a) Zygotene (b) Pachytene (0) _Diplotene (4) Leptotene Oo 117. Which is the oldest selection method for crop improvement? KR {a) Mass selection {b) Pure fine selection (c) Pedigree selection (d) Recurrent selection f-~ 118, In sunflower hybrid seed production plot, the sent f B line in A line is called (a) off type 4 (b) rogue { Rline (4) pollen shedder 119. Cross-pollinated species a (a) heterozygous {bo} homozygot (c)_homogegkous (d) _heterogent 120, Hull cpin @m ‘overdominance’ in 1945 while working with 2 121. Training and pruning of trees and shrubs to create artificial shapes in the garden ING known as (a) trophy (b) carpet bedding () hedging (a) topiary Oo 122. _Botanically tender coconut is (a) mesocarp {b} endocarp (c) endosperm eS (a) pericarp AS 123. Panniyur-1 is an improved variety of & (a) cardamom (b) pepper (c) ginger {d) turmeric 124, Teak is commercially prop <>) (@) grafting 128. (a) cutting (b) layering () seed of 2K? 126, Which of the following is a symbiotic nitrogen-fixing organism? (a) Penicillium {b) Rhizobium {ce} Clostridium (4) Escherichia coli 127. Streptomycin inhibits microbial growth by acting on the (@) 30S ribosomal subunit (b} 50S ribosomal subunit () 40S ribosomal subunit (4) 80S ribosomal subunit ms : oY 128, In which kingdom would you classify the fe five-kingdom system of classification is used? fa) Plantae (bo) Fungi (o Protista (4) Monera 129. Photosynthetically active fa) 100 nm-300 nm (b) 200 nm-4Q0 nt {c) 500m ma {d) 400 nmS@Q0 130. Rice is a WY (PAR) refers to 27k? 131. 132, 133. 134. 135, Browning of cauliflower is caused by the deficiency of (a) zine (b) iron {o) copper (4) boron Leghaemoglobin is Oo (a) @ type of haemoglobin responsible for carrying oxygen (o tissues, (b) red, iron-containing protein, which has role in nitro ey (4) haemoglobin responsible for phosphate /sqlubpflisavi ‘The tag colour of certified seed is (a) white () haemoglobin with sickle shape (o) pink ()_ golden yellow (4) blue As per the Seed Act, 19 ication is fa) voluntary (b) compulso; (9) Both (@ant\e) (a) None of We aby O An example of mst jorphic rock formed from limestone is 28/k> 131, - 132, 133. 134, 138. Browning of cauliflower is caused by the deficiency of Li w (b) iron @) (c) copper (@) boron Leghaemoglobin is SS) ° (a) a type of haemoglobin responsible for carryingl@xygéno tissues (b) red, iron-containing protein, which has (gen fixation {c) haemoglobin with sickle shape CW (a) haemoglobin responsible for phosphatt soltpilisation ()_ white (0) pink (c) golden yellow (4) blue © As per the Seed Ac 6, seed certification is (a) volunt (&) compuls: (o Both @ and\) Oo (ad) "BEN \e above 151, 152. 183. 154, 155, ‘The vector designed to replicate in cells of two different species is (a) shuttle vector (b) BAC (c)_ plasmid vector {a) fosmid vector ‘The reporter enzyme used for labelling of antibodies in ELISA O° (a) horseradish peroxidase (b) kinase (d) lipase ‘The map which depicts the order of genetic ASS relative distance between them in terms of recombination. frequency i; ()_ physical map {d) cytological map Okazaki fragments are pre: fa) leading strand () lagging strs id {c) leading and Qeging 4 imultaneously i) (a) Not preseR\on both strands Targeted silting ONgenes is possible through f@ RN t ent ea ‘crossing 186, Which of the following is the seed-specific promoter used in plant genetic engineering? {a) CaMV 358 {b) Ubiquitin Wo () ABRE (a) Glutelin 187, ‘Two restriction endonucleases having similar recognition and cleavage re to as fa) neoschizomers (b) isomers . (c)_ isoschizomers Ke {d) isodimers 158, An oligonucleotide used to identify a nucleic acid eG) a/an (a) probe (o) primer (cq template ¢ 3 (4) amplicon 159. Which one of the following chemical ‘ced jor preparation of competent cells of Escherichia coli? (a) HCl (b) CaCl {) Glycine (a) Nacl 160. Chemofusion gad el sion are employed in (a) eugenics (bp) protopigst flan {e) cloning (a) mutdbn S 33/e>

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