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Ask In Faith

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen"
(Hebrews 11:1).

he Bible defines faith as the title-deed of unseen realities. In other words, faith
does not require any physical evidence. The faith-life is living to please God,
otherwise it is impossible to impress Him. Because unbelief contradicts Gods Word, it
never yields results, only disappointments. The Bible says in Hebrews 11:2, For by faith,
the elders obtained a good report. They obtained a good report from God because they
demonstrated faith and confidence in His Word.
Every time you pray, you should expect a change; you should expect to have your
needs met. However, the moment you question or doubt your prayers, it means that
you didnt really believe or trust God for your provision. James calls that doublemindedness and instability. Unbelief can make a mans life miserable, because it makes
the Word of God ineffective in his life.
As a result of our constant needs and demands, the Lord Jesus taught us to ask in His
Name, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, He will give it to you (John16:
23). We serve a God of abundance Who enjoys it when His children make the best
choices in their requests. Therefore, ask Him for good things: a good job, a good car,
and a healthy body. Dont say, Lord, I dont want to be greedy, I will manage anything,
since half-bread is better than none. God wants you to know that you can have the full
loaf. See Him as a God of abundance, a Distributor of full loaves and a Supplier of good
things. Give God the due respect of believing in His all-sufficiency.


F U RT H E R S T U DY :M A R K 11:23-24; J A M E S 1:17



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