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Large Intestine Meridian..................................................................................................2
Lung Meridian.................................................................................................................. 6
Small Intestine Meridian...................................................................................................9
Heart Meridian............................................................................................................... 12
Triple Heater Meridian....................................................................................................14
Pericardium Meridian.....................................................................................................18
Liver Meridian................................................................................................................ 21
Kidney Meridian............................................................................................................. 24
Stomach Meridian.......................................................................................................... 28
Spleen Meridian............................................................................................................. 34
Gallbladder Meridian......................................................................................................38
Urinary Bladder Meridian...............................................................................................45
Conception Vessel Meridian...........................................................................................52
Governing Vessel Meridian............................................................................................56
Extraordinary (Non-Meridian) Points..............................................................................62


Head And Face.............................................................................................................. 68
Thorax - Anterior............................................................................................................ 69
Thorax - Posterior.......................................................................................................... 70
Upper Limb.................................................................................................................... 71
Lower Limb.................................................................................................................... 72


Low Back Pain............................................................................................................... 74



Yang Channel
Numbering: Distal to proximal
Lateral aspect of extensor surface in the upper limb
Commences: From the posterolateral corner of the index finger nail bed
Terminates: Contralateral nasolabial groove

Radial corner of index finger nail.

Acute fever, acute toothache, acute throat inflammation, ear ache, important analgesic point
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Jing Well Point, Metal Point


On the radial side of the index finger distal to the 2nd metacarpophalangeal joint in a
depression at the border of the red and white skin.
Useful for dry mouth (xerostomia).
LI2 & LI3 are not used often clinically as LI4 & LI11 have broader applications.
Sedation Point and Ying Spring Point, treats excess and clears heat from opposite end of the
channel, for toothache, eye redness and pain, gum inflammation, sore throat.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Ying Spring Point, Water Point, Sedation Point


On the radial side of the index finger, proximal to the head of the 2nd metacarpal bone.
Local Point
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Shu Stream Point, Wood Point


Dorsum of hand, between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones, approximately midpoint of the
shaft of the 2nd metacarpal. With thumb adducted, LI4 is at the highest point of the thenar
Great exterminator (Universal point for pain relief). 4 GATES (together with LIV3)
Releases the exterior for wind-cold or wind-heat syndromes
Strengthens the wei qi, improves immunity
Regulates sweat glands, for excessive sweating tonify LI4 then disperse KD7 and vice versa.
Any problem on the face - sense organs, mouth, teeth, jaw, toothache, allergies, rhinitis, hay
fever, acne, eye problems, etc.
Tootache use both LI4 & ST44 - LI for the lower jaw & ST for the upper jaw.
Headache, especially frontal a/or sinus (yangming area).
Influence the circulation of Qi and Blood - Use the four gates, LI4 & LV3 to strongly move the
Qi and Blood in the body clearing stagnation and alleviating pain.
Promote labor or for retained placenta
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Yuan Source Point, Entry Point, Command Point for face, nose mouth
and jaw.

PRECAUTIONS: Contraindicated during pregnancy!


Hollow of anatomic snuffbox, between tendons of EPL and EPB.

Local point for wrist pain.
Classically noted with LI7 for "seeing ghosts", may be useful in manic conditions.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Jing River Point, Fire Point


3 cun above the crease of the wrist on the LI5 to LI11 line.
Luo Connecting Point, influences the descending and dispersing function of the Lungs useful for upper body edema a/or facial puffiness. The Luo channel travels upward to the face
affecting the jaw, teeth and ears, tinnitus, deafness, toothache, nosebleeds.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Luo Connecting Point.


5 cun above the crease of the wrist on the LI5 to LI11 line.
Xi Cleft Point useful for pain due to stagnation in the shoulders, elbows and wrist.
Classically noted with LI5 for "seeing ghosts", may be useful in manic conditions.



4 cun below L11 on the LI5 to LI11 line.

The following relationships exist between the ST and the LI and can be used to treat ST, LI and
SI organ problems:
SI: LI8 & ST39 - LI: LI9 & ST37 - ST: LI10 & ST36
Blood in the urine arising from heat in the SI - use with CV3 & ST39.


3 cun below LI11 on the LI5 to LI11 line.

See LI8

LI10 2 cun below LI11 on the line connecting LI5 and LI11.
Less dispersive & more tonifying than other LI points.
Shoulder, elbow & wrist pain issues, Epigastric & abdominal pain, ulcers, vomiting. See LI8
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Abdominal issues, any digestive issues, pain in the
arm/shoulder/neck, builds energy level.


With elbow flexed, in the depression at the lateral end of the transverse cubital crease.
Epicondylitis, UL paresis, immunomodulating effect, homeostatic effect, reduces fever, skin
disorders, allergic disorders, abdominal disorders, diarrhoea, microphlebotomy.
Reduction of high fevers, patients with the 4 bigs, combine with LI1, LI2 or LI4.
Damp Heat skin diseases, red, itchy, oozing & inflamed (hives, herpes zoster, acne), may be
used with UB40 for any skin disease.
ST Excess Issues, burning diarrhea.
Elbow and upper limb disorders, pain and inflammation, atrophy, tremors - expels wind
dampness from the channel.
Hot flashes a/or menstrual issues with heat in the Blood.
Expels summer heat with UB40 & SP10, for heat stroke add SI3.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Useful for any blood circulation issue (Raynaud's, Anaemia)
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: He-Sea Point, Earth point, Tonification Point, Ghost Point.

LI12 Superior to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, 1 cun above LI11.
Local Point.

LI13 3 cun above LI11, on the line connecting LI5 and LI11.
Local Point

PRECAUTIONS: Avoid artery!

LI14 7 cun above LI11 on the line connecting LI11 and LI15, almost level with the insertion of the
deltoid but slightly anteriorly.
Local point. Periarthritis of the shoulder, neuralgia and paresis of the upper limb.

LI15 With the arm abducted, In the anterior depression of the deltoid, just bellow the acromion. It
is one of the two Eyes of the shoulder (with TH14).
Periarthritis of the shoulder, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff injuries, neuralgia, UL paresis
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersecting point of SI, LI and Yang Qiao meridians.

PRECAUTIONS: Contraindicated in haemophilia or patients on anticoagulants!

LI16 In the depression between the acromial extremity of the clavicle and the scapular spine, i.e.
the medial aspect of the ACJ.
Secondary to LI15 for shoulder issues, ACJ problems, subacromial bursitis, rotator cuff.
Resolve Blood stagnation in the chest & lungs, vomiting a/or coughing of Blood.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersecting point of the LI and Yang Qiao meridians.


LI17 On the lateral side of the neck, 1 cun below LI18 on the posterior border of the SCM.
Local Point
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the circulation within the carotid artery. The left
side is used more for physical complaints and the right side more for psychological issues
due to the internal connections of the common carotid. Useful for alzheimer's, brain tumors,
dyslexia, MS, and many brain issues related to circulation as well as the full range of
psychological issues.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Window of the Sky point (Tam Healing System).

LI18 Level with the tip of the Adam's Apple between the sternal and clavicular heads of the SCM.
Window of the Sky Point for sudden loss of voice with qi obstruction in the throat.
High blood pressure, for which Window of the Sky Points are sometimes indicated, may also
be useful for low blood pressure.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to affect the circulation of the common carotid artery as
well as effect the vagus nerve. Due to the connection with the vagus it is useful for lung,
esophagus, heart, stomach, intestine and gall bladder issues - reflux, palpitations, digestive
issues, etc.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Window of the Sky point (Tam Healing System).

LI19 Directly below the lateral margin of the nostril level with GV26.
Local Point
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersecting point of the LI and ST Channels.

LI20 In the nasolabial groove, level with the midpoint of the lateral border of the ala nasi.
Rhinitis, sinusitis, anosmia, loss of taste, facial paralysis, allergies, trigeminal neuralgia.
Often combined with LI19 and other local points.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Sinus issues, often combined with LI17 and the Huatuo of C3.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Exit Point, Intersecting point of the LI and ST Channels.


Large Intestine Meridian

Yin Channel
Numbering: Proximal to distal
Lateral aspect of flexor surface in the upper limb
Commences: 6 cun lateral to the midsternal line, along the 1st intercostals space
Terminates: Lateral corner of thumb nail bed

Laterosuperior to the sternum at the lateral side of the 1 st intercostals space, 6 cun lateral to
the midline of the trunk.
Shoulder-arm syndrome, chest pain, chect/neck/shoulder stiffness (with LU7)
All LU issues, respiratory problems, especially of Excess type - cough, wheezing, asthma.
LU disharmonies involving Phlegm/Heat excess arising from the middle warmer - vomiting,
difficult ingestion.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Front Mu Point, Intersection Point of the LU & SP Meridians

PRECAUTIONS: No deep needle toward sternum.


In the depression below the acromial end of the clavicle, 6 cun lateral to the trunk midline.
Similar to LU1. Local shoulder point.
Cough, asthma, tension in the chest.


3 cun below the axillary fold on the radial side of the biceps brachii tendon.
Regulates head/body Qi flow - goiters, swellings in the neck. Lung related spirit disharmonies
- stress induced asthma, poor memory, fuzzy/muddled thinking, depression, "floating corpse
ghost talk", "melancholy crying ghost talk" (classical descriptions possibly for seeing ghost,
talking about ghosts a/or people who have died, being in constant long-term grief about
someone who has passed, etc.).
LV invading the LU pathologies.
Generally for heat related issues whether from excess or deficiency - nosebleed, coughing
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Window of the Sky Point


1 cun below LU3 on the radial side of the biceps brachii muscle, on the LU3 to LU5 line.
Local point. May be used for cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, heart pain.


With elbow slightly flexed, lateral side of the biceps tendon, in the cubital crease.
Asthma, bronchitis, tonsilitis, epicondylitis, knee pain and swelling, shoulder pain.
Useful for counterflow Qi/diarrhea, hot skin conditions, phlegm-heat excess, congestion.
Acute/Chronic or Exterior/Interior Conditions. Upper body edema, enuresis.
Local point for the elbow - tendinitis, tennis elbow.
Classically noted for the 5 types of Lumbar Pain - possibly upper body equivalent of UB40.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: He-Sea Point, Water Point


On the palmar aspect of the forearm, on the line joining LU9 and LU5, 7 cun above the
transverse crease of the wrist.
Xi Cleft Point - for Acute attacks of OPI's, usually wind-heat or wind-dry.
Cough, wheezing, asthma, sore throat.
Dry hacking cough, especially at night. Local point for pain along the meridian, especially at
the joints.


Superior to the styloid process of the radius, 1.5 cun above the transverse crease of the
Asthma, bronchitis, cough, wrist pain, migraine, cephalalgia, autonomic dysregulation, facial
Exterior Wind - body aches, chills/fever, runny nose, scratchy throat, sneezing.
Internal Wind - bell's palsy, twitching, spasms, lockjaw.
As Master Point of the CV, paired with KD6 of the Yin Qiao Mai - treats genitourinary and
gynecological issues, also Yin deficient sore throat.
Any conditions involving the head and neck. Thumb pain.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Luo Connecting Point
Command Point of the Head and Posterior Neck
Master Point of the CV, coupled with KD6


1 cun above LU9 on the line joining LU5 and LU9.

Not as broad as an effect as LU7, but useful for expelling wind, tonifying Qi and Yin. Pain in
the area of KD1 - plantar fascitis.
PRECAUTIONS: Avoid artery!


At the radial end of the transverse crease of the wrist, in the depression on the lateral side
of the radial artery and medial to the APL tendon.
As LU7 for respiratory problems, Raynauds disease, wrist problems.
Tonify LU Qi and Yin - cough, asthma, wheezing, SOB, chronic runny nose w/watery
discharge. Hui Meeting Point of the Vessels - circulation issues.
PRECAUTIONS: Avoid artery!

LU10 On the lateral side of the midpoint of the 1st metacarpal, at the margin between the palmar
and dorsal surface of the skin overlying the thenar eminence.
Clear Excess or Deficiency Heat from the LU Channel and Organ.
Sore throat w/excess heat. Reckless bleeding from heat.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Ying Spring Point, Fire Point

LU11 0.1 cun posterior to the thumb nail on the radial side.
Extreme sore throat (may bleed point to reduce heat) and generally inflammatory conditions
of the throat.
Revival point especially from wind-stroke.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Jing Well Point & Wood Point


Lung Meridian


Yang Channel
Medial aspect of the extensor surface of the upper limb
Distal to proximal
Commences: Posteromedial corner of the nail bed of the little finger


0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail on the ulnar side of the little finger.
Breast disorders of any etiology, insufficient lactation, mastitis, breast abscess, cysts.
Jing Well Point, clear heat from the opposite end of the channel, for eye redness, earache,
tinnitus, sore throat, stiff tongue
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Jing Well Point, Metal Point, Entry point.


With a loose fist, at the ulnar end of the crease, distal to the 5th MCP joint at the junction of
the red & white skin.
Local point.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Ying Spring Point, Water Point, Entry Point.


With a loose fist, on the ulnar side, proximal to the 5th MCPJ.
Lumbar problems, ear problems, UL paresis, scapula pain, arm a/or hand.
Stiff or painful neck, cervical strain/sprain, occipital headaches, (combine with local points).
Clears heat and excess from the ears and eyes, eye redness, inflammation, visual dizziness,
earache, tinnitus. Night sweats (combine with HT6).
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Shu Stream Point, Wood Point, Tonification Point.
GV Master Point coupled with UB62 Yang Qiao Master


On the ulnar side of the palm, in the depression between the base of the 5 th metacarpal and
the triquetral/hamate bone.
Local Point


In the depression between the ulnar styloid process and the triquetral bone.
Local Point
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Jing River Point, Fire Point.


Dorsal to the ulnar head, in the bony cleft on the lateral side of the ulnar styloid process.
Acute and Severe Pain, in the neck, shoulder a/or arms.
Treating elderly patients, deafness, tinnitus, failing vision, upper body/limb stiffness.
Overwork a/or overstrain, fatigue in the extremities.


5 cun proximal to the dorsal crease of the wrist on the SI5 to SI8 line.
Local point
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Luo connecting Point.


In the groove between the olecranon and the medial epicondyle of the humerus.
Elbow, shoulder and neck problems, swelling, trembling, pain, numbness, weakness - channel
issues with excess wind a/or heat.
Submandibular region swelling or pain, gums, cheek, neck, scapula, axilla, throat pain
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: He-Sea Point, Earth point.


With arm adducted, 1 cun above the posterior end of the axillary fold, posterior and inferior
to the shoulder joint.
Local point


SI10 With the arm abducted, directly superior to SI9, in the depression below the scapular spine.
Local point
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of SI, Yang Wei and Yang Qiao meridians.

SI11 In the infrascapular fossa, at the junction of the upper and middle third of the line joining the
midpoint of the scapular spine and its inferior angle.
Shoulder pain and loss of ROM, thorax tightness, insufficient lactation.
Breast problems, mastitis, insufficient lactation, breast pain.
Emotional issues, anxiety that presents with asthma, expands and relaxes the chest.

SI12 In the infrascapular fossa, directly above SI11. Locate the middle of the scapular spine and
drop in the fossa right above it when arm is lifted.
Shoulder pain and loss of ROM, stiff neck, UL pain and paraesthesia.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the SI, LI, TH and GB meridians.

SI13 On the medial extremity of the suprascapular fossa, midpoint between SI10 and the spinous
process of T2.
Local point

SI14 3 cun lateral to the lower border of T1 spinous process.

Local point. Shoulder pain and loss of ROM, stiff neck.

SI15 2 cun lateral to the spinous process of C7.

Local point.

SI16 On the lateral side of the neck, posterior to the SCM and LI18, level with the Adam's apple.
Both SI16 & SI17 are Window of the Sky Points and are useful for throat distention, swelling,
goiters, lumps in neck a/or throat.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the circulation within the vertebral artery and
the occipital artery. Useful for occipital headache, alzheimer's, brain tumors, dyslexia, MS,
and many brain issues related to circulation. Often used with Tian Dong as a starting point.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Window of the sky Point (Tam Healing System).

SI17 Posterior to the angle of the mandible in a depression on the anterior border of the SCM.
Both SI16 & SI17 are Window of the Sky Points and are useful for throat distention, swelling,
goiters, lumps in neck a/or throat.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the circulation to the brain, and the facial
nerves. Useful for facial issues such as TMJ, gum problems, etc. Also used with headaches,
hearing issues, dizziness and/or high blood pressure.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Window of the sky Point (Tam Healing System).

SI18 Directly below outer canthus of the eye in a depression on the lower border of the zygoma.
Myofascial pain, trigeminal neuralgia, facial problems, TMJ, toothache maxillary sinusitis.
Local point for facial disorders, Bell's palsy, trigeminal neuralgia, spasm, twitching.
Upper jaw toothache.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the Si and TH Meridians.

SI19 In the depression anterior to the tragus and posterior to the condyle of the mandible. It is
between GB2 and TH21.
Ear disorders, tinnitus, hearing loss, facial/myofascial pain, trigeminal neuralgia, TMJ.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the SI, TH and GB meridians.



Small Intestine Meridian

Yin Channel
Medial aspect of the flexor surface of the upper limb.

Numbering: Proximal to distal

Commences: Axilla
Terminates: Posterolateral corner of the nail bed of the little finger


Centre of the axilla, medial to the axillary artery.

Regulate Qi flow from the torso to the arm and vice versa - cold, numbness, pain in shoulder
a/or arm. Frozen shoulder. Pain and/or distention of the upper thoracic area.
PRECAUTIONS: Avoid axillary artery


With elbow flexed, 3 cun above H3 on the ulnar side of the biceps in the median groove.
Local point - in many classics this point is contraindicated. Pain in the shoulder or arm.


With elbow flexed, in the depression between the medial epicondyle of the humerus and the
medial end of the cubital crease.
Good local point to move the Qi and Blood. Pain, numbness, tremors, etc. of the lower arms
a/or hands - Parkinson's, stroke. Spirit disorders from phlegm a/or heat etiologies - epilepsy,
depression, anxiety, nervousness, poor memory, fuzzy thinking.
Water Point - redness of the eyes, mouth ulcerations


1.5 cun above the wrist crease on the radial side of the FCU tendon, on the H3 - H7 line.
Sudden loss of voice. Restless Zang Disorder, emotional disturbances.


1 cun above the wrist crease on the radial side of the FCU tendon, on the H3 - H7 line.
Speech a/or vocal disorders - aphasia (post-stroke), stiff tongue, stuttering. Spirit disorders
and related physical manifestations, anxiety w/palpitations, arrhythmia, nervousness,
depression (not insomnia use H7). Excessive bleeding w/ menstruation from heat in the
Blood. Heat affecting the SI and leading to urinary symptoms - incontinence, enuresis.


0.5 cun above the wrist crease on the radial side of the FCU tendon, on the HT3 - H7 line.
Night sweats, Steaming Bone Disorders, tonify Yin and Blood. Acute heart pain from Blood
stasis. Acute emotional disturbances - mania, anxiety, shock.


In the depression on the lateral side of the FCU tendon, in the wrist joint line.


Tonify deficiencies of the HT Qi, Blood, Yin and Yang. Emotional issues, especially those with
related sleep or thinking manifestations - insomnia, muddled thinking. Heart and Phlegm fire
leading to insomnia, anxiety, mania. Physical responses to emotional stimuli - anxiety
w/palpitations, nausea w/panic a/or fear. Heart palpitations from any etiology as well as
irregular heart beat, pounding heart, angina. Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Emotional and
psychological issues, w/PC7 for sweat problems (too much or too little).


With a loose fist, where the tip of the little finger rests between the 4th and 5th MC bones.
HT Fire effecting the SI effecting the UB, heat descending to the lower jiao - incontinence,
fungal infections, genital itching. Channel issues, sore throat, tongue stiffness, pain along the
ulnar aspect of the arms. Heart Qi Deficiency. Emotional disorders - although PC8 may be a
better choice. HT Fire effecting the mouth - ulcers, canker sores, etc. - although PC7 or PC8
may be a better choice.


0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail on the radial side of the little finger.
Jing Well Point - clear heat a/or obstruction from the opposite end of the channel, eye pain
a/or redness, mouth ulcerations, sores. Restore consciousness - heart attack, stroke.
Emergency heart attack point - strong stimulation. Fullness below the heart - stagnation, pain
a/or distention in the HT area.



Heart Meridian



Yang Channel
Distal to proximal.
Extensor aspect of the upper limb, between LI and SI meridians.
Commences: Posterolateral corner of nailbed of the ring finger.
Lateral end of eyebrow.


.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail on the ulnar side of the ring finger
Similar to TH3 which is used more clinically.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Jing Well Point, Metal Point, Entry Point.


.5 cun proximal to the margin of the web between the ring and the little fingers, in a
depression when fist is clenched at the border of the red and white skin.
Similar to TH3 which is used more clinically.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Ying Spring Point, Water Point


With fist clenched on dorsum of the hand between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones in a
depression proximal to the 4th Metacarpalphalangeal joint.
Ear Problems of any etiology such as excess tinnitus, especially those arising from a LV issue
such as LV Qi Stagnation or LV Yin Deficiency.
Distal point for temporal headaches, shoulder a/or upper back pain, pain a/or inflammation in
the throat.
Eye diseases with GB37.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Shu Stream Point, Wood Point


In the transverse crease of the dorsum of the wrist, lateral to extensor digitorum tendon.
Dorsal wrist issues such as strains, sprains or subluxations.
Wasting & thirsting disorder, regulates water metabolism, alleviates dry mouth a/or thirst.
Moxa to tonify the Yang of the body.


2 cun above TH4, between the radius and the ulna.

Beginning exterior conditions, tonify for wind-cold, cold-damp & sedate for wind-heat, fever.
Headache from exterior wind as well as migraines and headaches in any area especially with
stiffness or pain in the posterior and lateral aspects of the neck.
Upper limb disorders including the elbow, forearm, wrist and hand.
Shaoyang stage diseases - alternating fever and chills, etc.
Luo connecting point of the TH connects to the PC, TH5 & PC6 as master points of the Yang
Wei and Yin Wei respectively can effect the balance of yin and yang in the body. If right pulse
is stronger than the left (more Qi than Blood) disperse TH5 & tonify PC6 and vice versa.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Luo Connecting Point, Yang Wei Master Point (with GB41)


3 cun above TH4 between the radius and ulna on the radial side of the extensor digitorum
muscle on the TH4 and tip of the olecranon line.
Effects the Triple Warmer in the following ways:
Lower: Constipation due to stagnation and heat in the body.
Middle: Issues with the chest & hypochondrium, often used with GB34 for chest & rib pain,
also "sudden turmoil disorder" (vomiting & diarrhea).
Upper: Febrile diseases with no sweating, eye redness & pain, ear pain, inflammation.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Jing River Point, Fire Point


Level with and one finger width from TH6 on the radial border of the ulna.
Local Point





4 cun above TH 4 between the radius and ulna.

Sudden deafness, acute or chronic loss of voice, apahsia, combine with HT5 & CV23.


7 cun above TH 4, 5 cun below the olecranon, between the radius and ulna on the ulnar
side of the forearm.
Local Point

TH10 With elbow flexed, 1 cun superior to the olecranon.

Transforms phlegm, reduce lymph swellings, thyroid disorders.
Elbow pain, tendonitis.
One-sided headache, migraines.
Useful for depression a/or anxiety, especially with chest pain or oppression, angina a/or
Epilepsy (phlegm obstruction), possibly mania as well.
Differentiation: TH5 is for headache anywhere whereas TH10 is specifically for one-sided headaches.

POINT ASSOCIATIONS: He Sea Point, Earth Point, Sedation Point

TH11 1 cun above TH 10 with elbow flexed.

Local Point

TH12 Midway between TH 11 and TH 13 on line joining the olecranon and TH 14.
Local point

TH13 3 cun below TH 14 on the posterior border of the deltoid muscle on line joining TH 14 and
the olecranon.
Local Point
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the TH, LI and Yang Wei Channels

TH14 Posterior and inferior to the acromion, in the depression 1 cun posterior to LI15.
(TH14 and LI15 constitute the Eyes of the shoulder).
Shoulder problems, especially those involving the lateral or posterior aspects of the shoulder.
PRECAUTIONS: Like LI15, TH14 is contraindicated in cases of haemophilia or if patient is on
anticoagulants (It is an intra-articular point may cause haemarthrosis).

TH15 Midway between GB 21 and SI 13 on the superior angle of the scapula.

Local Point

POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the TH, GB and Yang Wei Channels
TH16 Directly below mastoid process, level with the mandibular angle and on the posterior border
of the SCM muscle (in line with SI17 and GV15).
Local point
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the circulation within the occipital artery and
the vertebral artery. Useful for occipital issues, glaucoma, etc.
Falls into the category of Window of the Sky points within the Tam Healing system.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the TH and GB Channels, Window of the Sky

TH17 Posterior to lobule of ear in depression between the mandible and mastoid process.
Wind problems deriving from internal or external sources, Bell's palsy.
Ear problems, tinnitus, deafness, acute earache due to wind cold.
Local point
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the TH and GB Channels

TH18 In the center of the mastoid process at the junction of the middle and lower third of curve
(TH17 - TH20) posterior to helix.
Local point



TH19 Posterior to ear at junction of the upper and middle third of curve (TH 17 - TH 20) behind
Local point
PRECAUTIONS: Avoid Artery, Do Not Bleed

TH20 Directly above ear apex within hairline.

Local Point
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the TH, SI and GB Channels

TH21 In the depression anterior to the supratragic notch and slightly superior (behind the posterior
border) to the condyle of the mandible.
Ear problems of an excess or deficient nature, tinnitus, deafness, earache.
TMJ problems, upper jaw toothache, combine with ST6 & ST7.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the TH, SI and GB Channels

TH22 Anterior and superior to TH21 level with the root of the auricle on posterior border of hairline
of the temple where superficial temporal artery passes.
Local point
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the TH, SI and GB Channels

TH23 In a depression at the lateral end of the eyebrow.

Eye pain, redness, swelling, twitching, drooping eyelid.
Liver Wind or Liver Fire headache, combine with local points.



Three Heater Meridian


Yin Channel

Flexor surface of the upper limb, between LU and H meridians.

Proximal to distal
4th intercostals space, 1 cun lateral to the nipple.
Centre of the tip of the middle finger.


1 cun lateral to the nipple in the 4th ICS.

Window of the Sky Point, fullness of the chest, counterflow qi, headache, axillary sweating,
blurred vision. Breast disorders, insufficient lactation.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Window of the sky Point, Intersection point of PC and GB.

PRECAUTIONS: No deep needling!


2 cun below the end of the anterior axillary fold between the two heads of the biceps brachii.
Local Point. May be used for angina.


On the anterior elbow crease, medial to the biceps brachii tendon.

Chronic angina. Tremors of the hand a/or arm, Parkinson's disease.
Gastrointestinal disorders, "sudden turmoil disease" - vomiting and diarrhea.
Clears Ying Stage Heat.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: He-Sea Point, Water Point.


5 cun above the wrist crease between the tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi
Acute palpitations, angina.
Acute heat in the Blood, coughing or vomiting of Blood, bleeding hemorrhoids.
Spirit disorders typically due to Blood stasis, yin spirit problems, depression, fear of people,


3 cun above the wrist crease between the tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi
Phlegm issues affecting the chest, heart, lungs a/or throat. Wheezing with phlegm (CV22)
Heat disorders affecting the heart, chest pain, restlessness, insomina, red tongue tip.
Sudden heart pain, angina.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Juin River Point, Metal Point.


2 cun above the wrist crease between the tendons of palmaris pongus and the FCR.
Similar to PC3 but more for Chronic Heart symptoms from Qi stagnation.
Opens and relaxes the chest, chest tightness, asthma, angina, palpitations.
Insomnia a/or other spirit disorders of an excess or deficient nature, mania, nervousness,
stress, poor memory.
Nausea, seasickness, motion sickness, vomiting, epigastric pain. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Luo connecting point Yin Wei Master Point (with SP4).


Midpoint of the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendons of Palmaris Longus and
the Flexor Carpi Radialis.
Cooling heat that is affecting the Heart of a deficient or excess nature.
Clears Ying and Blood heat, fever deep in the body that is drying up fluids.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, combine with PC5, PC6 & SP9.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Emotional issues, with HT7 for sweat issues (too much or too
little), hot flashes.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Shu Stream Point, Yuan Source Point, Earth Point, Ghost Point.



At the center of the palm between the 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bones closer to the radial
side of the 3rd, where the tip of the middle finger falls when a loose fist is made.
Excess heat conditions, more cooling than PC 7 which can be used for heat from an excess or
deficient issue.
Heat in the mouth, mouth or tongue ulcers, cold sores from Heart or Stomach Fire.
Cools Ying and Blood stage heat, fevers with damage to the yin.
Cools the Blood, blood in the stool or urine, nosebleeds.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Important point for qi gong healing, can increase internal
energy by placing PC8 on GV20.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Ying Spring Point, Fire Point, Exit Point, Ghost Point.


In the center of the tip of the middle finger.

Jing Well Point for clearing heat in the Heart.
Stiff tongue, speech disorders, especially those arising after a stroke.
Restoring consciousness.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Jing Well pint, Intersection Point of the PC, LIV and GB Channels.





Yin Channel
Dorsum of foot, medial aspect of leg, lateral border of adductor longus and anterior
part of the thorax.
Distal to proximal
Commences: Between 1st and 2nd toes
6th intercostals space, below the nipple

LIV1 On the lateral side of the the big toe, .1 cun from the corner of the nail.
Jing Well Point - loss of consciousness, moves Qi in the genital area.
Shan Disorder - swollen genitals.
Lin Disorders. Uterine/Menstrual bleeding from excess or deficiency.
Emotional manifestations of LV Qi Stagnation - inappropriate emotions, depression, lethargy.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Jing Well Point, Wood Point

LIV2 On the dorsum of the foot between the 1st and 2nd toes, proximal to the margin of the web
at the junction of the red and white skin.
Generally, clears LV Fire - extreme irritability, red face/eyes/tongue.
Clears Heat from the Lower Jiao - burning urination.
Useful for "true heat, false cold" - lack of Qi flow to the extremities (cold hands/feet).
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Ying Spring Point, Fire Point

LIV3 On the dorsum of the foot, in the depression distal to the junction of the bases of the 1st and
2nd metatarsal bones.
4 GATES (with LI4)
Generally, resolves stagnation and tonifies Yin - balancing for all LV pathologies.
LV Qi Stagnation / LV Yang Rising - headaches, dizziness, canker sores.
Eye issues - blurred vision, red, swollen, painful eyes.
Menstrual issues from Deficient Blood, Yin, Qi a/or LV Qi Stagnation - dysmennorrhea,
amenorrhea, PMS, breast tenderness.
Genital issues - pain/swelling, hernia, impotence, semianl emission.
Stagnation in the middle warmer - subcostal tension, chest/flank pain, swellings in the axillary
Digestive issues from LV attacking ST/SP - nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea w/
undigested food.
Calming point - anger, irritability, insomnia, anxiety.
With LI4, four gates treatment - powerfully affects the flow of Qi and Blood in the body.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Important point to descend energy in the body, generally used
after qi gong exercises, energy healing sessions, etc. Helps to avoid qi gong sickness (or
running fire) where energy is stuck in the upper part of the head/body and causes issues such
as shortness of breath, psychological issues, headache, etc.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Shu Stream Point, Earth Point, Yuan Source Point

LIV4 Anterior to the medial malleolus, midway between SP 5 and ST 41, in a depression on the
medial side of the tendon of tibialis anterior.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Jing River Point, Metal Point
Generally, moves stagnation and clears heat - Hepatitis, Jaundice
Lin Disorders.
Medial Knee/ankle pain.


LIV5 5 cun above the tip of the medial malleolus on the midline of the surface of the tibia.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Luo Connecting Point
Genital Issues, especially damp-heat related infections/discharges.

LIV6 7 cun above the tip of the medial malleolus on the midline of the medial surface of the tibia.
Acute hepatitis. Pain along the channel, genital region or medial knee.

LIV7 1 cun posterior to SP9, posterior and inferior to the medial condyle of the tibia in the upper
portion of the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle.
Local point.

LIV8 With the knee flexed, in the depression above the medial end of the transverse popliteal
crease and posterior to the medial femoral epicondyle on the anterior border of the
insertions of semimembraneous and semitendoneous.
Tonify LV Yin and Blood, clears excess heat patterns.
Genital issues related to damp-heat - pain/swelling, retention of urine, cystitis, prostatitis,
ovarian cysts.
Tonify Yin from mental, physical, emotional strain. Medial knee pain.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Knee problems, even if on the lateral side of the knee, also
useful for abdominal pain, urination issues, groin issues (itch/pain).
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: He Sea Point, Water Point

LIV9 4 cun above the medial epicondyle of the femur, between vastus medialis and sartorius.
Local point.

LIV10 3 cun below ST30 at the proximal end of the thigh and lateral border of adductor longus (1
cun below LV11).
Local point.

LIV11 Proximal end of the thigh on the lateral border of adductor longus, 2 cun below ST30
Local point. The LV9 - LV11 area may be reactive in women with fertility problems - moxa at
LV11 may be helpful.

LIV12 Lateral to the pubic tubercle, lateral and inferior to ST30, in the inguinal groove where the
femoral artery is palpable, 2.5 cun lateral to the anterior midline.
PRECAUTIONS: Avoid Femoral Artery. Some texts precaution against needling this
point and recommend moxa and others recommend the opposite.
Local Point. May be useful for groin pain.

LIV13 On the lateral side of the abdomen below the free end of the 11th rib.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Spleen Front Mu Point, Hui Meeting of the Zang, Intersection point of
the LV and GB meridians.
Assist with SP Deficient signs esp. from the LV invading the SP - pain and distention of the
abdomen, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, undigested food in the bowels.
Hui Meeting Point of the Zang - tonify all Zang organs.
Running Piglet Disorder.

LIV14 On the mamillary line, directly below the nipple, 4 cun lateral to the AML in the 6th ICS.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: LV Front Mu Point, Intersection point of the LV, SP & Yin Wei.
Strong effect on the middle and upper warmers - subcostal tension, chest/rib pain, LV
overacting on the LU (cough, SOB).
Effects LV organ, Qi/Blood stagnation - hepatitis, gallstones.
Emotional imbalances - anger, irritability. Running Piglet Disorder.




Liver Meridian

Yin Channel

Medial aspect of leg,abdominal and thoracig region

Distal to proximal
Sole of foot
Just below the clavicle


On sole, in depression with foot in plantar flexion, at the junction of the anterior 1/3 and
posterior 2/3 of line connecting base of the 2nd and 3rd toes with the heel.
Descends excess from above, useful for LV Yang Rising or LV Fire - headaches, tinnitus,
hypertension, epilepsy.
Cooling KD empty heat - chronic sore throat, dry mouth, low back pain.
Tonify KD/HT Yin - insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, poor memory, mania, rage w/desire to kill,
hot flashes, night sweats.
Loss of consciousness, yang collapse.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to descend the energy in the body particularly after qi
gong exercises, energy healing sessions, etc. Useful for headache, nausea, insomnia, etc.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Jing Well Point, Wood Point.


Anterior and inferior to the medial malleolus in a depression on the lower border of the
tuberosity of the navicular bone
Generally useful for clearing excesses & acute presentations.
Ying Spring Point - clears heat, especially KD empty heat - chronic sore throats, irritability,
night sweats.
Wasting and Thirsting Disorder - thirst, dry mouth.
KD related emotional imbalances - fear of being apprehended, fright.
Moxa to tonify KD Yang.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Ying Sprin Pont, Fire Point


Depression between the prominence of the medial malleolus and TA.

Tonify KD Qi, Yin or Yang Deficiencies from any etiology.
Asthma from KD Deficiency - difficulty inhaling.
Tonifies Yin of KD (chronic sore throat, empty heat), LV (dizziness, tinnitus, headache) a/or HT
(anxiety, insomnia, excessive dreaming).
Low back pain, usually of a chronic nature.
Local point for heel a/or ankle pain.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Shu Stream Point, Earth Point, Yuan Source Point


Posterior and inferior to the medial malleolus, in the depression anterior to the medial
attachment of the TA.
Luo Connecting Point - can be used to treat the LI (opposite the chinese clock).
Chronic low back pain from KD Deficiency.
Local point for heel/ankle issues - pain, strain.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Luo Connecting Point.


1 cun directly below K3, in the depression anterior to the TA.

Generally nourishes Yin and Blood and moves the uterus.
KD related menstrual issues, amenorrhea, sensations of oppression below the heart.



In a depression 1 cun inferior to the tip of the medial malleolus (in line with K5)
Sore throat from any etiology, especially empty heat from yin deficiency.
Other Yin Deficient throat related issues - swollen, dry, loss of voice, difficult swallowing.
Constipation from Yin Deficiency. Plum Pit Qi. Nighttime epilepsy.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Yin Qiao Master Point coupled with LU 7 (CV Master Point)


2 cun above K3, on the anterior border of the TA on the line joining K3 and K10.
Tonifies KD Yang, especially with respect to water regulation - sweating (too much or too
little), swellings, urinary issues.
Oedema, especially chronic effecting the abdomen a/or lower legs.
Five types of Lin Disorder - resolve accumulation of damp a/or damp-heat.
Low back pain from deficiency a/or stagnation.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Jing River Point, Metal Point


0.5 cun anterior to K7. 7, 2 cun above KI 3 posterior to the medial border of the tibia.
Issues of movement and mobility of the medial aspect of the lower limbs, ankle, heel - sprains,


5 cun above KI 3 on the line drawn from KI 3 to KI 10 at the lower end of the belly of the
gastrocnemius muscle.
Strong spirit disorders - anger, cursing, mania.
Deficient yang, cold, in the abdomen - shan disorder, hernia, pain retraction of the scrotum.
Useful in a detox prescription to assist the cleansing, especially with respect to emotional


In the medial knee joint line, between the tendons of the Semimembranosus and the
Clears damp or damp-heat in the lower warmer - urgent/difficult urination, genital pain/itching,
leukorrhea, uterine bleeding.
Used to tonify the LV in 5 Phase Treatments.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: He Sea Point, Water Point


5 cun below CV8, 0.5 cun lateral to CV2

KD11, KD12, KD13, KD14 & KD15 all intersect the Chong Mai and are useful as local points for
abdominal a/or gynecological issues.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the KD & Chong Mai Meridians


4 cun below CV8, 0.5 cun lateral to CV3

KD11, KD12, KD13, KD14 & KD15 all intersect the Chong Mai and are useful as local points for
abdominal a/or gynecological issues.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the KD & Chong Mai Meridians


3 cun below CV8, 0.5 cun lateral to CV4

KD11, KD12, KD13, KD14 & KD15 all intersect the Chong Mai and are useful as local points for
abdominal a/or gynecological issues.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the KD & Chong Mai Meridians


2 cun below CV8, 0.5 cun lateral to CV5

KD11, KD12, KD13, KD14 & KD15 all intersect the Chong Mai and are useful as local points for
abdominal a/or gynecological issues.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the KD & Chong Mai Meridians



1 cun below CV8, 0.5 cun lateral to CV7

KD11, KD12, KD13, KD14 & KD15 all intersect the Chong Mai and are useful as local points for
abdominal a/or gynecological issues.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the KD & Chong Mai Meridians


0.5 cun lateral to CV8

KD11, KD12, KD13, KD14 & KD15 all intersect the Chong Mai and are useful as local points for
abdominal a/or gynecological issues.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the KD & Chong Mai Meridians


2 cun above CV8, 0.5 cun lateral to CV10.

Local Point.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the KD & Chong Mai Meridians


3 cun above CV8, 0.5 cun lateral to CV11.

Local Point.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the KD & Chong Mai Meridians


4 cun above CV8, 0.5 cun lateral to CV12.

Local Point.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the KD & Chong Mai Meridians


5 cun above CV8, 0.5 cun lateral to CV13.

Local Point.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the KD & Chong Mai Meridians


6 cun above CV8, 0.5 cun lateral to CV14.

Local Point.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the KD & Chong Mai Meridians


2 cun lateral to the midsternal line, in the 5th intercostal space.

Local Point, generally useful for cough, chest tension, constricted breathing.

PRECAUTIONS: No deep needling, Avoid Heart.


2 cun lateral to the midsternal line, in the 4th intercostal space.

Local Point, generally useful for cough, chest tension, constricted breathing.

PRECAUTIONS: No deep needling, Needle obliquely.


2 cun lateral to the midsternal line, in the 3rd intercostal space.

Local Point, generally useful for cough, chest tension, constricted breathing.

PRECAUTIONS: No deep needling, Needle obliquely.


2 cun lateral to the midsternal line, in the 2nd intercostal space.

Local Point, generally useful for cough, chest tension, constricted breathing.

PRECAUTIONS: No deep needling, Needle obliquely.


2 cun lateral to the midsternal line, in the 1st intercostal space.

Local Point, generally useful for cough, chest tension, constricted breathing.

PRECAUTIONS: No deep needling, Needle obliquely.


In a depression on the lower border of the clavicle, 2 cun lateral to the CV line.
Opens & relaxes the chest - asthma, constricted breathing, cough, chest tightness.
Tonify KD Deficiency leading to adrenal exhaustion - fatique, lowered immunity.
Local point for neck a/or jaw issues - pain, tension.

PRECAUTIONS: No deep needling, Needle obliquely.



Kidney Meridian


Yang Channel
Extensor aspect of the lower limb, anterior part of trunk and face.
Proximal to distal
Commences: Infraorbital area
Posterolateral corner of nailbed of the 2nd toe.


Below the pupil, between the eyeball and the infraorbital ridge.
Any eye issue, although ST2 is a good alternative and arguably safer to needle.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Entry Point, Intersection Point of the ST, CV & Yangqiao Meridians.

PRECAUTIONS: No Moxa, Slow Insert and No Manipulation.


Below the pupil, in a depression at the infraorbital foramen.

Any eye problem, good alternative to ST1.


Directly below the pupil, with eye looking straight ahead, level with the lower border of ala
Local point.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the ST, LI & Yangqiao Meridians.


Directly below ST3, level with the lateral corner of the mouth.
Facial pain - Bell's palsy, paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the ST, LI & Yangqiao Meridians.


Anterior to the angle of the mandible, on the anterior border of the masseter muscle, in the
groove-like depression appearing when the cheek is bulged.
Local point.

PRECAUTIONS: Avoid artery.


One finger breadth anterior and superior to the lower angle of the mandible on the
prominence of the masseter muscle when teeth are clenched.
Eliminate wind from the face - TMJ, toothache, Bell's palsy, twitching, facial pain/paralysis.


At the lower border of the zygomtaic arch, in the depression anterior to the condyloid
process of the mandible with the mouth closed.
TMJ, facial pain, upper jaw toothache.


Directly above ST7, 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline at the corner of the forehead and 4.5
cun lateral to the midline of the head (GV24).
Classically mentioned for "splitting headache; headache w/nausea/vomiting; headache w/eye
pain (migraine)." Dizziness. Hair loss.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Intersection Point of the ST and GB Meridians.


Level with the tip of the Adam's Apple on the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoideus
muscle (where the pulse of the common cartoid artery is felt).
In ancient times the ST Qi was assessed by palpating the pulse here and at ST 42.
Regulation of Blood Pressure - lowering high blood pressure.
Window of the Sky Point - restores Qi flow between the body and the head - useful with
headache, chest tightness.


Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to affect the common carotid artery. With acupuncture
and tuina we often use LI18 instead as it is safer, for Tong Ren and light tuina, however, it is
fine to use.
Falls into the category of Window of the Sky points within the Tam Healing system.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Window of the sky point, Sea of Qi point, Intersection Point of the ST
and GB Meridians.

PRECAUTIONS: No Moxa, No deep needling, Avoid artery.

ST10 Midway between ST 9 and ST 11 at the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid.
Local point.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to affect the circulation within the common carotid
artery and the vagus nerve. Useful for issues such as high cholesterol, constipation, cancer
of the larynx, etc.
Falls into the category of Window of the Sky points within the Tam Healing system.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Window of the sky point.

ST11 At the superior border of the clavicle between the sternal and clavicular heads of the
Local point.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Main point to open the circulation of the common carotid
artery. Useful for conditions such as acid reflux, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, kidney
cancer, bladder cancer, etc.
Falls into the category of Window of the Sky points within the Tam Healing system.

ST12 In the midpoint of the supraclavicular fossa, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline.
Shoulder pain (esp. that radiates to neck).
Neck/throat issues - tightness/pain.
Internal branch of the ST meridian connects here directly from the Stomach, Spleen &
Diaphragm - tonify middle warmer.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the circulation within the subclavian artery.
Useful for bursitis, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc.
Falls into the category of Window of the Sky points within the Tam Healing system.

ST13 4 cun lateral to the AML at the lower border of the clavicle.
Local point.

PRECAUTIONS: No deep needling.

ST14 4 cun lateral to the AML on the 1st intecostal space.
Local point.

PRECAUTIONS: No deep needling.

ST15 4 cun lateral to the AML on the 2nd intecostal space.
Local point.

PRECAUTIONS: No deep needling.

ST16 4 cun lateral to the AML on the 3rd intecostal space.
Local point.

PRECAUTIONS: No deep needling.

ST17 4 cun lateral to the AML on the 4th intecostal space.

PRECAUTIONS: No needling, no moxa.

ST18 4 cun lateral to the AML on the 5th intecostal space.
Breast disorders, mastitis, pain/swelling, insufficient lactation.

PRECAUTIONS: No deep needling.


ST19 2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV14.
Local point.

ST20 2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV13.

Local point.

ST21 2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV12.

Tonifies Middle Warmer, assists CV12.
Epigastric pain, accumulations of food in the abdomen a/or palpable masses.

ST22 2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV11.

Local point.

ST23 2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV10.

Local point.

ST24 2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV9.

Local point.

ST25 2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV8.

All intestinal issues - constipation, diarrhea, dysentary, distention,
accumulations of any type.
Connects the Upper and Lower Warmers (pre & post natal Qi).
POINT ASSOCIATION: Front Mu Point of the LI.



ST26 2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV7.

Local point.

ST27 2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV5.

All genito-urinary disorders in males (esp. hernia, impotence).

ST28 2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV4.

Excess Cold/Damp Issues of the Lower Warmer - retention of urine, inflammations.
Gynecological issues of an excess nature - dysmenorrhea, fibroids, cysts.
Expel either the placenta after birth or a still born child.

ST29 2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV3.

Excess or Cold/Deficient disorders of the Lower Warmer - amenorrhea, irregular menstruation,
qi stagnation/masses. Running Piglet Disorder.

ST30 2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV2.

Upper Sea of Water & Grain Point - excess or deficient conditions of the Stomach.
Regulates the Intestines, Genitalia & menstruation. Running Piglet Disorder.
POINT ASSOCIATION: Sea of Water and Grain point, Intersection point of the ST and
Chongmai meridians.

ST31 On 2 lines connecting the ASIS and the superiolateral corner of the patella and level with the
lower border of symphysis pubis in a depression with thigh flexed lateral to the sartorius.
ST31, ST32 & ST33 are all useful for Bi a/or Wei Syndromes (flaccidity or weakness) of the
lower legs.

ST32 6 cun above the superior lateral border of the patella on the line connecting with the ASIS.
See ST31.

ST33 With knee flexed, 3 cun above the superior lateral border of the patella on line connecting
with the ASIS.
See ST31.


ST34 With knee, flexed, 2 cun above the laterosuperior border of the patella on the line
connecting with the ASIS.
Lateral knee issues.
Excess & Acute Stomach and chest issues - acute Stomach pain, vomiting, acute breast pain.

ST35 In the depression lateral to the patellar ligament. Lateral eye of the knee.
Knee problems.

ST36 3 cun below ST35, one finger width lateral to the inferior pole of the tibial tuberosity.
Tonify deficient Qi a/or Blood. Tonify Wei Qi.
All issues involving the Stomach a/or the Spleen.
Clear disorders along the course of the channel - breast problems, lower leg pain.
Earth as the mother of Metal - supports Lung function in cases of asthma, wheezing, dyspnea.
Psychological/Emotional disorders - PMS, depression, nervousness.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: He Sea Point, Lower Lower He Sea Point of the ST, Earth Point, Sea of
Water and Grain Point, Command Point of the Abdomen

ST37 6 cun below ST35, one finger width lateral from the anterior border of the tibia.
All disorders of the intestines - diarrhea, dysentary.
Sea of Blood Point - if excess the patient may have feelings of largeness, whereas, if deficient
the patient may feel small.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Lower He Sea Point of the LI, Sea of Blood Point.

ST38 8 cun below ST35, i.e. midpoint between the knee joint line and ankle joint line, one finger
breadth lateral to the anterior border of the tibia.
Shoulder stiffness and frozen shoulder (empirical point).

ST39 9 cun below ST35, one finger width lateral from the anterior border of the tibia.
Disorders of the Small Intestine organ - abdominal pain, diarrhea, dysentary.
SI channel problems - breast issues, pain/swelling/numbness along channel.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Lower He Sea Point of the SI, Sea of Blood Point.

ST40 8 cun below ST35, one finger width lateral to ST38, 2 finger widths lateral to the anterior
border of the tibia.
Resolve Phlegm.
Plum Pit Qi.
Issues with the lower limbs involving pain, swelling, numbness, weakness, etc.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Luo Connecting Point

ST41 In the depression between the tendons of Extensor Hallucis Longus and Extensor Digitorum
Longus, on the midpoint of the transverse crease of the ankle along the ankle joint line.
Ankle issues - sprains, inflammation.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Jing River Point, Fire Point

ST42 Between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals and the cuneiform bone, between the tendons of the
long extensor muscles of the big toe and other toes.
Local point.

PRECAUTIONS: Avoid artery.

ST43 In the depression distal to the junction of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones.
Similar actions to ST44 but used less often - will clear heat from the channel and organ.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Shu Stream Point, Wood Point


ST44 Proximal to the web margin between the 2nd and 3rd toes, in a depression distal and lateral
to the 2nd MPJ.
Ying Spring Point - Clears heat from the channel and organ.
Useful for issues of the Face & Jaw along with LI 4.
Damp Heat in the intestines - diarrhoea, dysentery, distention.
Interior heat that presents with cold signs - Feel hot but hands/feet are cold or Red tongue
w/cold extremities.
N.B.: Can be used as a distal end point instead of ST45 (uncomfortable).
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Ying Spring Point, Water Point

ST45 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail on the lateral side of the 2nd toe..
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Jing Well Point, Metal Point
Release heat a/or move stagnation from the channel and organ - headaches, toothaches,
facial pain, TMJ, breast pain.
Agitation a/or insomnia w/heat signs - calms the spirit.



Stomach Meridian


Yin Channel

Medial aspect of the lower limb, groin and anterior thorax.

Distal to proximal
Nail bed of big toe (medial side)
Midway between axilla and free end of 11th rib.


On the medial side of the big toe, 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail
Any Bleeding Issues, esp. from SP Deficiency - reckless bleeding, hemorrhage, blood in the
Emotional issues esp. with aspects of worry - worried dreams, depression.
Possibly useful for eating disorders originating from stress/worry.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Jing Well Point, Wood Point, Ghost Point.


On the medial side of big toe, sital and inferior to the 1st metatarsaldigital joint in a
depression at the juncture of the red and white skin.
Generally used to clear damp-heat - gout, painful obstructions.
With SP3 tonify SP organ - abdominal distention, diarrhea.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Ying Spring Point, Fire Point.


Proximal and inferior to the head of the 1 st metatarsal bone, at the junction of red and white
SP Qi and Yang Deficiency, especially those with excess pathologies - abdominal a/or
epigastric pain, digestive issues, heart pain.
POINT ASSOCIATIONS: Shu Stream Point, Earth Point, Yuan Source Point


In the depression distal and inferior to the base of the 1 st metatarsal bone, at the junction of
red and white skin.
Excess pathologies of the ST and Intestines - severe abdominal a/or epigastric pain,
dysentery, food poisoning.
Gynecological and Abdominal issues due to stagnation of Qi and Blood - masses, fibroids,
cysts, menstrual issues.
With PC6 for chest and heart pain, shen disorders, anxiety, nervousness.
Point Associations: Luo Connecting Point, Chong Mai Master Point, coupled with PC 6, Master
point of the Yin Wei Mai.


In the depression distal and inferior to the medial malleolus, midway between the tuberosity
of the navicular and the tip of the medial malleolus.
Local point.
Point Associations: Jing River Point, Metal Point


3 cun directly above the prominence of the medial malleolus adjacent to the medial border
of the tibia.
Tonify Yin and Blood, all Spleen disorders.
Digestive disorders, sinking/prolapse.
Gynecological issues, male sexual issues, difficult labor (expel fetus).
Bleeding disorders, cool blood in hot skin diseases.
Insomnia and other anxiety related emotions.
Point Associations: Intersection point of the SP, LV and KD (3 leg yin meridians)

PRECAUTIONS: Contraindicated during pregnancy



6 cun above the tip of the medial malleolus on the line connecting SP9 and the tip of the
medial malleolus on the posterior border of the tibia (3 cun above SP6).
Local point.


3 cun below SP9 on line connecting SP 9 and the tip of the medial malleolus.
Xi Cleft Point - acute and painful menstrual issues due to Blood stagnation - clotting, fibroids,
Male infertility.
Point Associations: Xi Cleft Point.


On the lower border of the medial condyle of the tibia in the depression posterior and inferior
to the medial condyle of the tibia. (or) On the lower border of the medial condyle of the tibia
on level with the tuberosity of the tibia. (or) Between the posterior border of the tibia and
gastrocnemius muscle
In the depression on the lower border of the medial condyle of the tibia, level with the tibial
He Sea point - drains dampness (generally through urination), LV 8 will drain damp from the
genital region and SP9 will drain damp from the lower warmer.
Chronic yeast infections, candida.
Damp Bi, Medial Knee Pain.
Issues involving damp-heat in the GB - hepatitis, jaundice.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Any water issue in the body (bloating, swelling, urinary
issues, dry mouth, etc.).
Point Associations: He Sea Point, Water Point.

SP10 With knee flexed, 2 cun above the superior border of the patella, in the middle of the bulge
of the VMO.
Any Gynecological issues originating from Blood, Heat, Stasis a/or Deficiency - irregular
menstruation, cramping, lin disorders, PMS.
Skin problems from damp-heat or hot Blood.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Any blood issues, although the huatuo of T1 and T7 are used
more often.

SP11 6 cun above SP10 on the line connecting SP12 and SP10
Local point.

SP12 Superior to the lateral end of the inguinal groove lateral to the pulsating external iliac artery
(joins femoral artery) level with the symphysis pubis 3.5 cun lateral to CV2.
Local point.

PRECAUTIONS: Avoid artery!

SP13 0.7 cun laterosuperior to SP12 and 4 cun lateral to anterior midline (between CV2 and CV3).
Local point.

SP14 1.3 cun below SP 15 and 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline on the lateral side of rectus
Local point.

SP15 4 cun lateral to the center of the umbilicus (CV8) lateral to rectus abdominus.
Regulate the Qi of the Intestines - constipation, diarrhea (ST25 better for diarrhea), abdominal
pain and distention.
Point Associations: Intersection point of the SP & Yin Wei Meridians


SP16 3 cun above SP 15 and 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline (CV11).
Local point.
Point Associations: Intersection point of the SP & Yin Wei Meridians

SP17 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline in the 5th intercostal space.
Local point.

SP18 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline in the 4th intercostal space.
Local point.

SP19 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline in the 3rd intercostal space.
Local point.

SP20 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline in the 2nd intercostal space.
Local point.

SP21 On the lateral side of the chest and on the mid-axillary line in the 6th inter-costal space. (or)
6 cun below the axilla midway between the axilla and the free end of the 11th rib on mid
Mentioned classically that when this point is deficient, all the joints are flaccid, and when
excess, pain all over the body.
Pain of the thoracic region.
Point Associations: Grand Luo-Connecting Point - connects all Luo channels



Spleen Meridian


Yang Channel
Head, posterolateral aspect of neck, and shoulder...
Numbering: Proximal to distal
Commences: Outer canthus of the eye.
Terminates: Lateral corner of nailbed of the 4th toe.
GB1 0.5 cun lateral to the outer canthus of the eye in a depression on the lateral side of the orbit.
LV Yang/Heat Rising effecting the head - headache, eye problems, similar to Taiyang.
Local point for manifestations of heat - pain, inflammation, etc.
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the GB, TH & SI Meridians

Precautions: No moxa
GB2 Anterior to the intertragic notch at the posterior border of the condyloid process of the
mandible (located with the mouth open).
Ear issues (along with TH 21 & SI 19) - tinnius, otitis media, deafness.
Eliminate wind locally - TMJ disorder, facial paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia, toothache.

GB3 In a depression above ST7 on the upper border of the zygomatic arch, in front of the ear.
Local point, usually for headache.
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the GB, TH & ST Meridians

Precautions: No deep needling

GB4 Within the hairline of the temporal region at the junction of the upper 1/4 and lower 3/4
distance between ST 8 and GB 7.
Local Point, usually for headache.
Point Associations: Intersection Point o the GB, TH & ST Meridians

GB5 Within the hairline, midway between ST8 and GB7.

Local Point, usually for headache.
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the GB, TH, ST & LI Meridians

GB6 Within the hairline at the junction of lower 1/4 and upper 3/4 distance between ST8 and
Local Point, usually for headache.
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the GB, TH, ST & LI Meridians

GB7 On the head at the crossing point of the vertical posterior border of the temple at a
horizontal line through the ear apex (1 fingerbreadth anterior to TH 20).
Local Point, usually for headache.
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the GB & UB Meridians

GB8 Above the apex of the auricle, 1.5 cun within the hairline (1/2 ear length from the apex).
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the GB & UB Meridians
Migraine, one-sided or unilateral headaches and associated nausea, vomiting a/or visual
Hangover, eases headache and harmonizes the middle jiao.
In the Bronze Man this point is indicated for cold & phlegm in the Diaphragm & ST, injury by
alcohol & agitation & fullness with ceaseless vomiting.


GB9 0.5 cun posterior to GV8, 2 cun within the hairline directly above the posterior border of the
Local Point, usually for headache.
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the GB & UB Meridians

Precautions: No Moxa
GB10 At the midpoint of the curve from GB9 to GB11, posterior and superior to the mastoid
process, at the junction of the middle 1/3 and upper 1/3 of curve connecting GB9 to GB12.
Local Point, usually for headache.
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the GB & UB Meridians

GB11 Posterior and superior to the mastoid process at the junction of the middle 1/3 and lower 1/3
of a curved line connecting GB9 to GB12.
Local Point, usually for headache.
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the GB, UB, SI & TH Meridians

GB12 In the depression posterior and inferior to the mastoid process.

Dispel exterior & interior wind from the head - tinnitus, tremors in the head, occipital
headache, neck rotation ROM issues.
Regulates and calms the spirit - insomnia.
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the GB & UB Meridians

GB13 5 cun within the hairline of the forehead, 3 cun lateral to GV 24 (junction of medial 2/3 and
lateral 1/3 distance from GV 24 to ST 8)
Regulate Liver/GallBladder, Clear Wind, Calm the Mind. Stiff Neck, Headache. Epilepsy.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the frontal lobe. Used on the (R) side for
psychological conditions such as anxiety and depression and on the (L) side for attention
related conditions such as ADD/ADHD. Also useful for issues which come from subconscious
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the GB & Yang Wei Meridians

GB14 On the forehead, 1 cun directly above the midpoint of the brow (directly above pupil).
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the GB, ST, TH, LI & Yang Wei Meridians
Frontal/temporal (ST/TH area) headaches.
Eye issues (direct needle towards eye) - redness, swelling, itching, twitching, etc.

GB15 On the head, directly above the pupil, 0.5 cun above the anterior hairline at the midpoint of a
line connecting GV24 to ST8 (directly above GB14).
Excessive tearing from internal or external wind affecting the eyes.
Sinus issues (with GV23, Yintang a/or LI20) - sinusitis, rhinitis.

GB16 On the head, 1.5 cun posterior to GB15, 2 cun above the anterior hairline and 2.25 cun
lateral to the midline of the head.
Local Point.

GB17 On the head, 3.5 cun above the anterior hairline and 2.25 cun lateral to the midline of the
head (1.5 cun posterior to GB16).
Clears Heat and Regulates the Gallbladder. Headache, Dizziness.

GB18 On the head, 5 cun above the anterior hairline and 2.25 cun lateral to the midline of the
head (1.5 cun posterior to GB17).
Local Point.


GB19 On the head and level with the upper border of the external occipital protruberance or GV17,
2.25 cun lateral to the midline of the head (directly above GB20, level with GV17).
Local Point.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the visual cortex. Useful for
muscle/coordination problems with the eyes from conditions such as MS, Parkinson's, etc.

GB20 In the depression between the upper portion of the Sternocleidomastoid and the Trapezius,
below the level of the external occipital protruberance, level with GV 16.
Dispel Exterior or Interior Wind - (exterior) - fever/chills, stiff neck; (internal) - paralysis,
twitching, tremors, numbness, dizziness, vertigo.
All issues of the head, brain (seizures, memory, mental/neurological disorders), face, throat
and sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue).
Headache, especially occipital.
Issues of the neck, shoulders a/or upper back - pain, weakness, stiffness.
Hypertension, especially with LV Yang Rising.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used most often in conjunction with the huatuo points of C1
and C2 to open the spinal cord, generally used to relieve neck tension.
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the GB, TH, Yang Qiao & Yang Wei Meridians

GB21 Midway on the line joining the acromial end of the clavivle and the C7 spinous process;
locate the highest point in the contour of the Trapezius.
Local point for occipital headache, tight trapezius muscles and/or neck/shoulder pain.
Phlegm related issues of the head and neck - embolic stroke, neck lumps, swollen lymph
nodes, tumors.
Phlegm related issues of the breast and chest - mastitis, breast abscess, asthma, dyspnea.
Stongly influence Qi downward - useful for rebellious Qi, cough.
Contraindicated in Pregnancy, useful for difficult labor, retained placenta.
Gao Wu felt that balancing GB 21's strong descending action with ST 36's strong centering
action is important.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Release the neck and shoulders and descend energy.
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the GB, TH, ST & Yang Wei Meridians

PRECAUTIONS: No needle during pregnancy and in patients with heart disease.

GB22 On the midaxillary line in the 5th ICS (directly below HT1).
Local Point.

GB23 1 cun anterior to GB 22, level with the nipple in the 5th ICS.
Local Point.
The Great Compendium indicates GB23 as the GB Front Mu.

GB24 Directly below the nipple in the 7th ICS, 4 cun lateral to the AML.
LV & GB issues, especially involving heat and stagnation - gallstones, hepatitis, jaundice.
LV/GB attacking the SP - nausea, vomiting, sour belching, bitter taste, acid reflux.
GB related emotional imbalances - fearfullness, shyness, indecisiveness, timidity, sighing.
The Ling Shu indicates GB24 (GB Front Mu) & UB19 (GB Back Shu) for frequent
Point Associations: GB Front Mu, Intersection Point of the GB, SP & Yang Wei Meridians

GB25 On the lateral side of the abdomen on the lower border of the free end of the 12th rib.
Local point for pain in the lumbar a/or lateral costal region especially when presenting with a
KD deficiency.
KD/SP Issues involving dampness - diarrhea (esp. watery/cold), bloating, distention.
Diuretic point - urinary retention, difficult urination, edema.
Uterine stones - assists passage.
Point Associations: KD Front Mu


GB26 Directly below LV 13 at the crossing point of a vertical line through the free end of the 11th
rib and a horizontal line through the umbilicus (level with CV 8).
GB 26, GB 27 & GB 28 are all useful points on the Dai Mai meridian which influences the GB,
KD, Chong Mai, CV & GV Meridians.
GB 26 is most useful for women's issues - leukorrhea from any etiology, gynecological
disorders, prolapses, infertility.
Menstrual related pains, cramping, bloating a/or migraines.
Local point for the lower back and waist.
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the GB & Dai Mai Meridians

GB27 On the lateral side of the abdomen, anterior to the ASIS, 3 cun below the level of the
umbilicus (lateral to CV 4).
GB26, GB27 & GB28 are all useful points on the Dai Mai meridian which influences the GB,
KD, Chong Mai, CV & GV Meridians.
GB27 is more useful for male issues - testicular pain a/or retraction, lower abdominal pain,
shan disorder.
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the GB & Dai Mai Meridians

GB28 Anterior and Inferior to the ASIS, 0.5 cun anterior and inferior to GB.
GB26, GB27 & GB28 are all useful points on the Dai Mai meridian which influences the GB,
KD, Chong Mai, CV & GV Meridians.
Local Point.
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the GB & Dai Mai Meridians

GB29 Midpoint of the line joining the ASIS and the prominence of the greater trochanter.
Hip pain, especially with pain radiating from the hips, sciatica.
Shoulder pain, using the opposite joints needling method.
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the GB & Yang Qiao Meridians

GB30 At the junction of the lateral third and the medial third of the line joining the prominence of
the greater trochanter and the sacral hiatus.
Sciatica, pain, numbness, atrophy of lower back, hip, buttocks a/or lower limbs.
Bi (painful obstruction) or Wei (flaccidity, weakness) of the leg.
Urticaria, red, itchy skin issues from wind.

GB31 On the midline of the lateral aspect of the thigh, 7 cun above the transverse popliteal crease
Along the posterior margin of the Iliotibial Band, 7 cun above the knee joint line (when
patient is standing erect with hands close to sides the point is at the tip of their middle finger,
approximately 1/3 on the line from the knee joint to the hip).
Lateral and posterior leg issues - sciatica, weakness, numbness, post-stroke symptoms of
lower limbs.
Red, itchy, skin disorders from wind a/or dampness anywhere on the body.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Sciatic nerve issues, lower back pain, leg muscle issues.

GB32 On the lateral aspect of the thigh, 5 cun above the popliteal crease, 2 cun below GB 31,
between the tendons of vastus lateralis and biceps femoris.
Local Point.

GB33 3 cun above GB 34, lateral to the knee joint, in a depression above the external epicondyle
of the femur, between the femur and the tendon of biceps femoris.
Local Point.

Precautions: No Moxa


GB34 In the depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula.
Hui Meeting of the Sinews - useful for treating soft tissue anywhere in the body, contracture,
cramping, pain, spasm, weakness, numbness, paralysis.
Sciatica and issues with the low back, hip, a/or lower limbs, knees.
All disorders of the lateral regions of the body.
Lower He Sea of the GB - effects GB organ, usually with GB Damp-Heat conditions,
cholecystitis, hepatitis, jaundice, nausea, vomiting, bitter taste in mouth, gallstones.
Shao Yang level diseases presenting with alternating chills/fevers, costal pain, bitter taste.
LV attacking SP - counterflow Qi, nausea, vomiting, indigestion.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Sciatic nerve issues, leg muscle issues (cramps, fatigue),
Point Associations: Earth Point, Hui Meeting of the Sinews, Lower He Sea of GB

GB35 7 cun above the tip of the external malleolus on the posterior border of the fibula, level with
GB36 & UB58.
Local Point.
Point Associations: Xi Cleft of the Yang Wei Mai, Intersection Point of the GB & Yang Wei

GB36 7 cun above the tip of the external malleolus on the anterior border of the fibula.
Mentioned in the Bronze Man for treating rabies w/rage, fever, convulsions - moxa 3 cones
after bite.
Acute cholecystitis.
Acute painful skin conditions.
Point Associations: Xi Cleft Point

GB37 5 cun above the tip of the external malleolus on the anterior border of the fibula.
Eye issues, especially LV related - redness, itching, blurry vision, night blindness, optic nerve
atrophy, cataracts.
Lower leg, calf a/or foot problems - dropped foot, edema, atrophy, obstruction.
Headaches effecting the region around the eyes - temporal, infra/supraorbital, migraines.
Breast issues from stagnant LV Qi - pain, insufficient lactation.
Point Associations: Luo Connecting

GB38 4 cun above the tip of the external malleolus, slightly anterior to the anterior border of the
fibula between extensor digitorum longus and peroneous brevis.
Moving point for GB channel issues - pain, heat, stagnation along the channel.
Fire Point - useful for treating the fever period of Shao Yang stage diseases (alternating fever
and chills).
Point Associations: Jing River Point,Fire Point

GB39 3 cun above the prominence of the lateral malleolus, in the depression between the
posterior border of the fibula and Peroneus Longus/brevis tendons.
Hui Meeting of the Marrow - excess or deficiency conditions effecting the bone marrow,
ligaments, tendons, muscles a/or bones - pain, spasms, numbness, weakness.
Chronic Bi or Wei syndromes especially with KD Deficiency - strenghthens immunity.
Neck issues, stiffness, arthritis, strain, sprain, whiplash, headache.
Descends rising LV/GB heat - dizziness, tinnitus.
Point Associations: Hui Meeting of the Marrow

GB40 Anterior and inferior to the external malleolus, in the depression lateral to the tendon of
Extensor Digitorum Longus.
Local point for issues of the lower limbs a/or ankles - weakness, paralysis, atrophy.
Wrist issues using the cross joints needling method.
Chronic mallaria where chills are predominant.
Point Associations: Yuan Source Point


GB41 Posterior to the 4th metatarsophalangeal joint in a depression lateral to the tendon of
extensor digiti minimi.
Moves LV Qi - menstrual/breast disorders, distal point for headaches (lateral or migraines classical mentioned for occipital or vertex).
As the name indicates - "foot overlooking tears," useful for eye problems, redness, swelling
and lacrimation issues, tearing, excessive lacrimation.
Local point for lateral foot issues - pain, cramping.
Point Associations: Shu Stream Point, Wood Point, Master Point of the Dai Mai coupled with
TH 5 (Yang Wei Mai Master)

GB42 Posterior to the 4th metatarsophalangeal joint between the 4th and 5th metatarsals on the
medial side of the tendon of extensor digiti minimi.
Local Point.

Precautions: No Moxa
GB43 On the dorsum of the foot between the 4th and 5th toes, proximal to the margin of the web
at the junction of the red and white skin.
Ying Spring Point - clears heat from the entire channel.
Effects opposite end of the channel - headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, eye a/or ear pain.
GB Damp Heat stagnations in the channel - swelling in axillary region, lateral costal pain,
breast abscesses, knee pain.
Point Associations: Ying Spring Point, Water Point

GB44 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail on the lateral side of the 4th toe.
Insomnia especially with nightmares - LV/GB heat rising to effect the HT (fullness below the
Issues with the sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, tongue) related to excesses a/or
stagnation - pain, inflammation, speech disorders, stiff tongue.
Point Associations: Jing Well Point, Metal Point



Gallbladder Meridian



Yang Channel
Extensor surface of trunk and posterior thigh as far as mid-calf, where it diverts
Numbering: Proximal to distal
Commences: 0.1 cun above the inner corner of the eye.
Terminates: Posterolateral corner of nailbed of the 5th toe.


In a depression, 0.1 cun above the inner canthus of the eye

Main point for all eye disorders especially from wind (internal or external), excess, a/or heat.
Eye pain, strain, redness, swelling, itching, twitching, blurry vision, etc.
Point Associations: Entry Point, Intersection Point of the UB, SI, ST Yin Qiao and Yang Qiao
Channels (some sources list addistional channel such as GB, TH and GV)

Precautions: No Moxa, slow insertion, no manipulation


On the medial end of the eyebrow, directly above the inner canthus of the eye (on the
supraorbital notch).
Local point for sinus congestion a/or headache.
Red, itchy, watery eyes.
Use in facial massage for headaches with GB20, ST8, LI4, and UB60.
Generally, needle towards UB 1 for eye diseases or Yuyao for supraorbital pain.

Precautions: No Moxa

0.5 cun inside the anterior hairline, directly above UB 2, between GV 24 and UB 4.
Local point.

Precautions: No Moxa

1.5 cun lateral to GV24, or 0.5 cun inside the AHL at the junction of the medial 1/3 and
lateral 2/3's distance between GV24 & ST8.
Local point.


0.5 cun behind UB4 or 1 cun above the AHL and 1.5 cun lateral to the AML or 1.5 cun lateral
to GV23.
Local point.


0.5 cun posterior ro UB5 or 2.5 cun above AHL and 1.5 cun lateral to the AML
Local point.

Precautions: No Moxa

1.5 cun posterior to UB 6 or 4 cun above the AHL and 1.5 cun lateral to the AML.
Useful for removing obstructions causing Qi flow issues to the head/brain (heavy head, vertex
pain, distention, depression).
Main point for nasal issues (congestion, sinusitis, chronic nosebleeds, limited sense of smell,
etc.). Useful in combination with LU 7, LI 4, LI 20, Yintang a/or GV 23.


1.5 cun posterior to UB7 or 5.5 cun above the AHL and 1.5 cun lateral to the AML.
Local point.

Precautions: No Moxa

1.3 cun lateral to GV17 or 2.5 cun above the PHL, 1.3 cun lateral to the PML in depression
level with GV17.
Local point.


Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the cerebellum (muscle coordination,
equilibrium). Useful for stroke recovery, ALS, MS, Parkinson's, etc.


UB10 1.3 cun lateral to C1/2 interspinous space in a depression (GV15).
Neck issues, stiffness, ROM, occipital headache. For stiffness on one-side of the neck
combine with SI 3 on the same side & GB 39 on the opposite side.
Secondary point to release the exterior in wind-cold conditions, primary is GB20.
Point Associations: Sea of Qi Point,, Window of the Sky point

Precautions: No Moxa
UB11 1.5 cun lateral to T1 (GV13).
Wind disorders.
Hui-meeting point of the bones, useful with any bone or problem such as osteoporosis,
arthritis, inflammation, sensation of heat in the bones, etc.
Useful adjunctive point to effect the lungs in cases of infections, colds a/or flus or asthma
related conditions.
Sea of Blood Point with ST37 & ST39. According to the Ling Shu Treatise on the Seas, "when
the Sea of blood is full, the patient has the sensation that his body is bigger than it is. One
feels uneasy, and does not know the disease; when the Sea of blood is insufficient, one often
feels the body is small, one feels uneasy and does not know the disease." May be useful for
leukemia, anemia, said to tonify the bone marrow.
Point Associations: Hui-meeting Point of the Bones, Sea of Blood Point (upper body),
Intersecting Point of the Urinary Bladder, Small Intestine & Governing Vessel Channels.

UB12 1.5 cun lateral to T2 (GV line)

Main point to expel wind from the Wei Qi level of the body, useful for early stages of wind-cold
conditions. Apply moxa here and on ST36 to strengthen the Wei Qi.
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the Urinary Bladder & Governing Vessel Channels

UB13 1.5 cun lateral to T3 (GV12).

Main point for all Lung problems: cough, asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, nasal congestion,
shortness of breath, weakness of the voice, etc.
Useful for skin disorders, itching, acne, hives, etc.
Lung related emotional imbalances such as grief and sadness.
Point Associations: Lung Back-shu Point

UB14 1.5 cun lateral to T4 (GV line).

For all heart conditions: palpitations, anxiety, stress, etc. Combine with PC 6 to open the
chest. As the "Jueyin Shu" it may also treat LV related conditions such as stagnation of LV Qi.
Point Associations: Pericardium Back-shu Point

UB15 1.5 cun lateral to T5 (GV11).

Main point for all heart, blood and circulatory related issues of an excess or deficient nature.
Main point for all heart related emotional issues: palpitations, anxiety, stress, poor memory.
Useful with PC 6, HT 7, CV 14 a/or UB 14.
Main point for insomnia.
Night sweats in Heart Qi a/or Yin deficiency.
Point Associations: Heart Back-shu Point.

UB16 1.5 cun lateral to T6 (GV10).

Hot a/or toxic skin conditions (esp. on the back): acne, boils, etc.
Point Associations: Governing Vessel Back-shu Point

UB17 1.5 cun lateral to T7 (GV9).

Hui-meeting Point of the Blood, useful for all Blood related conditions. Classically combined
with UB 19 to create the "Four Flowers" which is used to nourish the Blood, although in
clinical practice UB 18 & UB 19 may be used equally.


Menstrual problems, from deficiency (scanty, light periods, amenorrhea) or stasis (dark clots,


Important point for red, itchy skin disorders, from heat in the Blood: eczema, carbuncles.
As the "Diaphgram shu" it is useful for problems with diaphragmatic breathing or shortness
of breath and other diaphragm related conditions such as belching or hiatal hernia.
Point Associations: Diaphragm Back-shu Point Hui-meeting Point of the Blood.

UB18 1.5 cun lateral to T9 (GV8)

Main point for all Liver problems: hepatitis, jaundice, cirrhosis, Blood stagnation, Qi
stagnation, etc.
Main point for eye problems, pain, itching, dryness, redness, blurred vision, visual dizziness,
Main point for LV related emotional issues such as anger, depression, irritability, frustration,
stress a/or PMS. Useful for hypochondriac a/or subcostal pain/distention.
Point Associations: Liver Back-shu Point

UB19 1.5 cun lateral to T10 (G7)

Shao Yang level diseases, alternating fever and chills.
Main point for damp heat in the Liver and Gall Bladder: hepatitis, cholecystitis, jaundice,
vomiting, flank pain and distension, bitter taste in the mouth. Often combined with the LV Shu
(UB 18).
UB 17 & UB 19 are classcially known as the "Four Flowers," useful for tonifying the Blood.
Pain along the GB meridian (sides of the body) from any etiology, intercostal neuralgia, rib
pain, trauma, herpes zoster.
Gall Bladder related emotional issues: indecision, timidity.
Point Associations: Gall Bladder Back-shu Point

UB20 1.5 cun lateral to T11 (G6)

Main point for all Spleen problems: low energy, fatigue, prolapses, damp related conditions
a/or bleeding disorders.
Commonly used for SP Qi Deficiency: fatigue, lack of appetite, abdominal bloating a/or
distention, undigested food in the stools, chronic diarrhea a/or belching.
Point Associations: Spleen Back-shu Point

UB21 1.5 cun lateral to T12

Main point for all Stomach related issues: food stagnation, abdominal distention,
borborygmus, mouth ulcers, vomiting, belching, nausea, etc.
Dissolve accumulations/lumps in the abdomen, combine with Pigen (point for lumps, tumors),
3.5 cun lateral to the lower border of L1.
Functions: Harmonizes the Stomach and strengthens the Spleen
Point Associations: Stomach Back-shu Point

UB22 1.5 cun lateral to L1 (GV5)

As Triple Heater Shu this point effects conditions related to imbalances between the upper
and lower parts of the body especially those related to water: edema, bloating, ascites,
borborygmus, difficult or painful urination, urinary retention.
Point Associations: Triple Heater Back-shu Point

UB23 1.5 cun lateral to L2 (GV4)

For all Kidney related issues which effect the brain, bone, hair, teeth a/or hearing.
Male deficiency related sexual problems: impotence, premature ejaculation, spermatorrhea,
sterility, exhaustion following ejaculation.
Female sexual and reproductive disorders: dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, cold uterus, frigidity,
infertility, leukorrhea.
Tonification point in deficiency conditions: exhaustion, weakness, chronic fatique, good point
for the elderly as Kidney Jing is naturally depleted.
Main point for acute or chronic low back pain, sprains a/or strains.
Useful for KD related ear issues: tinnitus, deafness, chronic ear infections.


Point Associations: Kidney Back-shu Point


UB24 1.5 cun lateral to L3
Back pain.
Point Associations: Sea of Qi Back-shu Point

UB25 1.5 cun lateral to L4 (GV3)

Main point for low back pain especially when related to constipation a/or menstruation.
Combine with local points such as GV 3, UB 26, Shiqizhui (between L5 and S1), UB 31, UB 32,
GB 30 & distal points such as GB 34, GB 39, GB 41, UB 40, UB 57, UB 58, UB 60 & UB 62.
Main point for all intestine related issues: constipation, diarrhea, dysentery, colitis, IBS, etc.
Point Associations: Large Intestine Back-shu Point

UB26 1.5 cun lateral to L5

Low back pain.
Point Associations: Storage of Yuan Qi Back-shu Point

UB27 1.5 cun lateral to the 1st PSF

Main point for all Small Intestine related issues: damp heat affecting the bladder (difficult or
painful urination, hematuria, dark urine) or the intestines (diarrhea, dysentary).
Point Associations: Small Intestine Back-shu Point

UB28 1.5 cun lateral to the 2nd PSF

Main point for all Bladder issues: from damp heat (painful a/or dark urination), from cold
(frequent urination, incontinence).
For dampness anywhere in the body, combine with SP9 to expel dampness through urination.
Point Associations: Urinary Bladder Back-shu Point

UB29 1.5 cun lateral to the 3rd PSF

Local Point.
Point Associations: Center of the Back Muscles Back-shu Point

UB30 1.5 cun lateral to the 4th PSF

Secondary point for KD related gynecological disorders: menstrual problems, leukorrhea,
pelvic inflammatory disease, enometriosis.
Point Associations: White Ring Back-shu Point

UB31 On the sacrum at the midpoint of the PSIS and the PML, level with the 1st PSF.
One of the "Eight Liao" points (see UB32).

UB32 On the sacrum medial and inferior to the PSIS, level with the 2nd PSF.
UB31, UB32, UB33 & UB34 together form the "Eight Liao" points and are all useful for local
low back a/or sacrum problems and most genital and urinary related disorders. Of these,
UB32 is most often used clinically.
OB/GYN issues: leukorrhea, painful menstruation, blood stagnation.
Important point for easing labor pain a/or inducing labor.

UB33 On the sacrum medial and inferior to UB 32, level with the 3rd PSF.
One of the "Eight Liao" points (see UB32).

UB34 On the sarcum lateral to GV2, level with the 4th PSF.
One of the "Eight Liao" points (see UB32).

UB35 0.5 cun lateral to the GV line, on the side of the tip of the coccyx.
Main point for hemorrhoids. Trauma and/or pain of the coccyx, deviation.



UB36 1 finger breadth lateral and inferior to the ischial tuberosity, at the midpoint of the inferior
gluteal crease.
Low back pain/sciatica where pain runs down the posterior aspect of the leg. LL weakness.

UB37 6 cun below UB36, on a line joining UB36 and UB40.

Local point

UB38 1 cun above UB39, medial to the tendon of the biceps femoris (with knee slightly flexed)
Local Point

UB39 Lateral to UB40, medial to the tendon of the biceps femoris.

Damp heat conditions affecting the lower warmer: disperse for difficult urination.
Tonify for urinary incontinence.
Point Associations: Lower He Sea Point of the TH

UB40 In the popliteal crease, midpoint between the tendons of the semitendinosus and the biceps
As the Lumbar Command Point, useful for all lumbar related issues: acute low back pain,
sprain, muscle spasms, etc.
Main point for heat conditions such as summer heat, heatstroke and heat exhaustion.
Main point for all skin related issues: itching, oozing, inflammation, etc.
Good local point for leg a/or knee pain.
Point Associations: He Sea Point, Earth Point, Lower He Sea Point of the Urinary Bladder,
Lumbar Command Point

UB55 2 cun directly below UB40, between the heads of the gastrocnemius.
Local point

UB56 5 cun directly below UB40, in the centre of the belly of the gastrocnemius
Local point

UB57 8 cun directly below UB40, in a depression just below the gastrocnemius
Main point for hemorrhoids from any etiology.
Main point for pain, swelling a/or cramping of the calf.
Heel a/or foot pain from trauma but also from paralysis a/or neurological disorders.

UB58 1 cun inferior and lateral to UB57 on the posterior border of the fibula, 7 cun above UB60.
Releases the exterior for wind/wind-cold conditions, especially useful when accompanied with
neck stiffness a/or occipital headache.
As Luo Connecting Point, which connects to the KD, useful for chronic low back pain,
especially with weak lower limbs and KD deficiency.
"Excess above with deficiency below," weak low back w/tight stiff neck a/or low back pain
with weak lower limbs.
Point Associations: Luo Connecting Point.

UB59 3 cun directly above UB60.

Acute pain a/or spasm of the Bladder a/or Yang Qiao meridians. Lateral ankle sprain.
Point Associations: Xi Cleft of the Yang Qiao.

UB60 In the depression between the Achilles tendon and the prominence of the lateral malleolus.
Main point for pain anywhere along the spine (UB40 may be used more for pain in the middle
of the spine).
Main point for chronic low back pain a/or problems of pain a/or numbness in the lower limbs.
Main point for headache and other excesses affecting the head.
Induce labor or promote discharge of a retained placenta.
Point Associations: Jing River Point, Fire Point.



UB61 Posterior and inferior to the lateral malleolus, directly below UB60, in the depression lateral
to the calcaneum at the junction of red and white skin.
Local point
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the UB and Yang Qiao Meridians

UB62 In the depression directly below the tip of the lateral malleolus.
With SI3 for low back pain, difficulty walking, spinal problems as well as wind-cold effecting
the taiyang channels: stiff neck a/or shoulders, occipital headache, etc.
Insomnia, nervousness (especially late at night), combine with KD 6
Point Associations: Yang Qiao Master Point (coupled with SI 3 Du Mai Master Point)

UB63 Directly below the anterior border of the lateral malleolus on the lower border of the cuboid.
Local Point.
Point Associations: Xi Cleft Point, Intersection Point of the UB and Yang Wei Meridians

UB64 Below the tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal bone at the junction of red and white skin.
Has a relationship to the Heart and Spirit, good distal point for palpitations, chest pain,
irritability, mental confusion.
Local Point.
Point Associations: Yuan Source Point

UB65 Posterior to the 5th metatarsophalangeal joint, at the junction of red and white skin.
Local Point.
Point Associations: Shu Stream Point, Wood Point, Sedation Point

UB66 Anterior to the 5th metatarsophalangeal joint.

Local Point.
Point Associations: Ying Spring Point, Water Point.

UB67 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail on the lateral side of the little toe.
Clears pain/stagnation from opposite end of the channel: headache, eye pain, sinus pain, etc.
Use with moxa to adjust breech fetal position (indirect moxa for 10-20 minutes 1x/day).
Point Associations: Jing Well Point, Metal Point, Tonification Point, Exit Point.

Precautions: No Moxa During Pregnancy (Dr. So) except to turn breech.



Urinary Bladder Meridian




Anterior midline
Distal to proximal
1 cun below the lower lip.


In the center of the perineum, Males: in between the anus and the scrotum, Females:
between the anus and the posterior labial commissure.
Regulates lower yin orifices (genitalia, urethra, anus) - good for all genito-urinary issues,
genital pain/itching. Hemorrhoids, anal prolapse. Main point for drowning.
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the CV, GV and Chong Meridians


On top of the notch in the center of superior border of the pubic symphysis.
Generally useful for Deficiency and Cold-Type Genito-urinary issues.
Main point for feminine discharges, "red and white" discharges along with other
sexual/menstrual issues.
Male sexual issues such as impotence a/or seminal emission as well as any problems with the
genitals (dryness, itching, dampness, pain).
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the CV & LV Meridians

Precautions: NDN in pregnancy, NPN in advanced pregnancy.


1 cun above CV 2 (pubic symphysis).

Generally useful for Excess-Type Genito-urinary disorders.
Genito-urinary disorders from excess heat, stagnation a/or dampness - cystitis,
dark/burning/urgent/frequent urination, itching w/sensation of heat, rashes, genital herpes.
Yin excess accumulations - masses below the umbilicus, cold lower abdomen.
Moving and cooling point for Gynecological disorders - dysmenorrhea, emenorrhea, fibroids.
Running Piglet Disorder.
Point Associations: Front Mu Point of the Urinary Bladder, Intersection Point of the CV, SP, LV
and KD Meridians.

Precautions: NDN in pregnancy, NPN in advanced pregnancy.


2 cun above CV 2 (pubic symphysis).

Generally, useful for deficiencies of Yin, Yang, Qi & Blood.
Main point for tonifying Prenatal Qi - exhaustion, weakness, chronic fatigue/diseases.
Main point for Kidney deficiencies of Qi, Jing a/or Yang - low back pain, bone disorders, early
morning (5 a.m., "cock-crow") diarrhea.
Genito-urinary issues with Deficient a/or Cold Patterns - incontinence, nocturia.
Main point for all menstrual disorders with Deficient, Cold a/or Stagnation Patterns - scanty
menstruation, pale blood.
Yang collapse - chills, profuse sweating, SOB, unconsciousness.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: An important point for the storage and development of Qi
(energy), useful for deficiency conditions - weakness, shortness of breath, sexual issues. May
also be used in Tong Ren (no needling) to ease delivery.
Point Associations: Front Mu Point of the Small Intestine, Intersection Point of the CV, SP, LV
& KD Meridians.

Precautions: NDN in pregnancy, NPN in advanced pregnancy.


3 cun above CV2 (pubic symphysis).

Generally useful excess abdomen issues and infertility - used less than the other CV points.
Mentioned classically to both cause and treat infertility, although the cause may merely be
incorrect needling which is specifically mentioned.
Lower abdominal pain of an excess nature, genital pain/itching, shan disorders, hernia.
Point Associations: Front Mu Point of the Triple Heater Meridian.


Precautions: NDN in pregnancy, NPN in advanced pregnancy.



Midway between CV5 and CV7, 1.5 cun below CV 8 (umbilicus).

Generally, useful for Qi tonification.
Deficiencies of the lower and middle warmers - abdominal distention, blaoting, edema, poor
digestion, loose stools, fatigue.
Tonify ST/SP Qi Deficiencies.
Main point for prolapse of any type.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Main point for building and storing Qi (energy), useful for
deficiency conditions - asthma, shortness of breath, general fatigue, etc.

Precautions: NDN in pregnancy, NPN in advanced pregnancy.


1 cun below CV8 (umbilicus).

This point is not used very often clinically, although its connections with the Chong, CV & KD
meridians make it useful for Uterine and menstrual issues.
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the CV, KD and Chong Meridians.

Precautions: NDN in pregnancy, NPN in advanced pregnancy.


In the center of the umbilicus.

Main point for extreme collapse of Yang especially leading to cold in the intestines - warms
the stomach and helps digestive disorders.
Tonify body weakened from chronic illness/exhaustion.
Revival point from shock (esp. involving cold - hypothermia, frostbite).

Precautions: No needling.

1 cun above CV8 (umbilicus).

Main point to move stagnation of water, especially in the middle warmer.
Useful for tonifying the SP or KD.
Weight loss prescriptions.
Good point for Moxa.

Precautions: NPN in advanced pregnancy.

CV10 2 cun above CV8 (umbilicus).
CV 10 is indicated for issues with the lower stomach (stagnation, bloating, distention, weak
digestion, undigested food in the stool).
CV 12 is indicated for issues with the middle stomach and CV 13 is indicated for the upper

Precautions: NPN in advanced pregnancy.

CV11 3 cun above CV8 (umbilicus).
Local point.

Precautions: NPN in advanced pregnancy.

CV12 Midway between CV 8 and CV 16, 4 cun above CV 8 (umbilicus).
CV 12 is useful for middle warmer issues, CV 10 = lower, CV 13 = upper.
ST patterns arising from an excess or a deficiency, tonify deficient SP patterns (moxa useful).
Hui Meeting Point - broad effect on the Fu (hollow) organs in the body.
Stress related digestive disorders (nervous Stomach, heartburn, diarrhea).
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used for all digestive issues and esophagus issues, also
useful for weight loss.
Point Associations: Front Mu Point of the ST, Hui Meeting Point of the Fu, Intersection Point of
the CV, TH, SI and ST Meridians.

Precautions: NPN in advanced pregnancy.

CV13 5 cun above CV 8 (umbilicus).
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the CV, SI & ST Meridians.
CV 13 is useful for upper warmer issues (vomiting, hiatal hernia, hiccups, epigastric pain).


Precautions: NPN in advanced pregnancy.


CV14 6 cun above CV 8 (umbilicus).
Point Associations: Front Mu Point of the HT.
Any Shen or Heart issue arising from an Excess or a Deficiency.
Front Mu Point of the HT - angina, pain/tightness in the Heart area.
Shen disturbances arising from phlegm "misting the mind" (mania, muddled thinking, anxiety)

Precautions: NPN in advanced pregnancy.

CV15 7 cun above CV 8 (umbilicus).
Point Associations: Luo Connecting Point of the CV.
Luo Connecting Point - upper abdomen issues, chest tightness/oppression.

Precautions: NPN in advanced pregnancy.

CV16 Level with the 5th ICS, where the right and left ribs meet on the lower border of the sternum
at the junction of the sternum and xiphoid process.
Local point.

CV17 Level with the 4th ICS, midway between the nipples.
Main point for tonification of the upper warmer.
Hui Meeting Point of the Qi - tonify and move the Qi of the body.
Chronic lung issues - cough, asthma, SOB, diaphragmatic pain.
Breast issues - insufficient lactation, mastitis.
Chest/Throat issues (rattling in throat w/asthma, difficulty swallowing), counterflow Qi
problems - guides the Qi downwards.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Important point for overall Qi (energy) in the body, useful for
Point Associations: Front Mu Point for the PC, Hui Meeting Point of the Qi, Sea of Qi Point.

CV18 Level with the 3rd ICS.

Local point.

CV19 Level with the 2nd ICS.

Local point.

CV20 Level with the 1st ICS.

Local point.

CV21 Between CV 20 and CV 22.

Local point.

CV22 At the notch in the superior aspect of the suprasternal fossa.

Point Associations: Window of the Sky Point, Intersection Point of the CV & Yinwei Meridians.
All throat/vocal cord disorders, aphasia
Upper chest Qi/Stagnation issues - asthma, wheezing, chest pain, tightness, oppression.

Precautions: No deep needling. Needle should be inserted perpendicularly 0.2 - 0.3

cun and retained or then angled and inserted an additional 0.3 - 0.7 cun (up to 1 cun
total) so that it follows the posterior aspect of the manubrium.
CV23 At the upper border of hyoid bone.
Point Associations: Intersection Point of the CV & Yinwei Meridians.
Main point for speech/mouth disorders - often used in stroke vicitims.
Salivation issues - excessive drooling or dry mouth/thirst.

CV24 At the center of the mentolabial groove directly below the lip.
Facial pain/paralysis - Bell's palsy.


Dry mouth as seen in wasting and thirsting disorders.

Point Associations: Intersection Point of the CV, GV, LI & ST Meridians.



Conception Vessel Meridian



Posterior Midline
Numbering: Distal to proximal
Commences: Perineum

GV1 Midway between the tip of the coccyx and the anus
Main point for hemorrhoids from excess or deficiency, anal prolapse, anal fissure; other
hemorrhoid points: UB25, UB30, UB32, UB35, UB57, Erbai.
Diarrhea with or without blood in the stools, constipation.
Important point for genitourinary disorders, for the five types of painful urinary disorder (Five
Lin), urinary retention, sexual exhaustion, impotence, seminal emission.
Main point for disorders of the coccyx. Injuries to the coccyx will generally cause the tip of the
coccyx to point more ventrally, to deviate to one side, or both, affecting the energetics of the
spine and the whole body.
A strong descending action on spirit disorders - epilepsy, manic depression.
Point Associations: Luo-connecting Point of the Governing Vessel, Intersecting Point of the
Governing Vessel, Conception Vessel, Kidney & Gall Bladder Channels

GV2 In the hiatus of the sacrum (in a superior ridge where S4-S5 bones were as a child).
May be used instead of GV 1 for anal issues - prolapse, hemorrhoids.
Warming point, for cold in the lower warmer, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea or uterine
bleeding from deficiency, leukorrhea, weakness or atrophy of the lower limbs, seminal
emission, impotence, diarrhea.
Coccyx pain with difficulty sitting or pain at the opposite end of the channel, posterior neck
pain, occipital or frontal headache.

GV3 L4
Warming point for cold or cold damp in the lower warmer, often treated with moxa for low
back pain from deficiency, women's discharges (leukorrhea) due to cold, dysmenorrhea,
irregular menstruation, impotence, seminal emission, infertility, incontienence, colities,
edema, pain or weakness of the lower limb or knee.
Name is "lumbar gate" or "lumbar hinge," at this point the low back bends in flexion, treat for
pain when bending forward.
Differentiation: GV3 is a more local point whereas GV4 is for back pain resulting from yang

GV4 L2
Clears heat from the whole body, for heat disorders of the five zang, malarial disorders,
steaming bone disease (can be associated with Tubercolosis among other conditions, a
feeling of heat very deep in the body - Kidney Yin Deficiency from a TCM perspective).
Main point for tonifying Kidney qi and yang, for low back pain, weak knees, copious nocturnal
urination, impotence, seminal emissions, deficient cold menstrual disorders, dysmenorrhea,
cold-type vaginal discharge, daybreak diarrhea (5 a.m.) - possibly diarrhea with blood in the
stools. Works well with ginger moxa.
Adrenal exhaustion from stress or overwork, fatigue, lack of sexual vitality or sexual
Epilepsy, tinnitus, dizziness, fear, panic attacks a/or fright.
Hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse.

Precautions: No Moxa (in males under 20 - Dr. So).

GV5 L1
Local point for low back pain.


Diarrhea, indigestion, poor assimilation (undigested food in stools), running piglet (similar in
ways to a panic attack), shan disorder (abdominal pain, indigestion, swelling of the genitalia,


GV6 T11
General and Local spine problems.
Adjusts the Spleen, reinforces UB20, for loss of appetite, abdominal pain and fullness,
diarrhea, jaundice, hemorrhoids.
Epilepsy, rectal prolapse in children (deadman).

Precautions: No Moxa.
GV7 T10
Local point for back pain. Reinforce UB19 Gallbladder Shu.
Epigastric pain, abdominal pain a/or bloating, poor appetite, amenorrhea.

GV8 T9
Reinforces Liver Back-shu (UB 18), special point for spasms in the sinews, general muscles
tightness and contraction, spine stiffness, combine with GB 34, Huatuo of T9-T10, UB 18, LV 3,
LV 8, LV 14.
Stress, irritability, physical heart pain, repressed anger, overly expressed anger.
Manic depression, epilepsy.
Mentioned for epigastric and cardiac pain.

GV9 T7
Important point for mid-thoracic pain, chest and flank pain radiating from the back.
Asthma, cough, difficulty speaking due to shortness of breath, opens the chest and relaxes
the diaphragm, combine with UB 17 and Huatuo of T7.
Important point for LV/GB disharmony, especially involving damp heat, for hepatitis, jaundice,

GV10 T6
Clears Blood heat and infectious toxicity, for carbuncles, furuncles, boils, abscesses
anywhere on the body but especially on the upper back, neck and face. Good point for acne.
Neck a/or back pain. Cough, asthma.

GV11 T5
Important point for spirit problems, palpitations, anxiety, poor memory, muddled thinking,
absent-mindedness, insomnia, has strong effect on mind and mood, combine with Huatuo of
T5 and UB15 for stress.
Pain and stiffness of the upper back, cardiac region pain a/or discomfort, cough, asthma.
Differentiation: GV 11 is mostly for deficiency of HT & LU whereas GV12 is more for excess of
HT & LU.

GV12 T3
Heat in the lungs and chest, cough, asthma, chest pain, mentioned classically for whooping
cough (use cupping).
Supporting point for chronic conditions affecting the lungs, for deficiency asthma, exhaustion
from deficient Lung qi.
Used for strengthening deficiencies and promoting strong development in children, epilepsy.
Classically noted for "seeing ghosts" and "rage with desire to kill" (deadman text) - which can
indicate a range of stronger modern psychological issues such as schizophrenia, manic
depression, bipolar depression. It does this by clearning excess heat from heart and lungs
(i.e. chest), which can lead to an unsettled spirit.

GV13 T1
Special for steaming bone disorder or inflammatory diseases affecting the bones, chills and
Important point for malaria.


Stiffness of the neck a/or spine, heavy head, headaches.

Point Associations: Intersecting Point of the Governing Vessel & Urinary Bladder Vessels


GV14 C7
Meeting point of all yang meridians, GV 14 is indicated for exterior conditions as it expels
pathogens and firms the yang; clearing heat and fevers whether mild or severe; and for
tonifying the yang and strengthening the neck and spine.
Main point for acute wind cold or wind heat, colds and flu, especially with fever and chills,
opens the pores to cause sweating. If a patient with underlying deficiency presents with chills
and no fever use moxa.
Main point for reducing high fevers, combine with LU11, UB40 (can bleed these points). Main
point for summer heat.
Main point for spontaneous sweating from qi deficiency or night sweats from yin deficiency.
Main point for neck and upper back pain and stiffness, combine with GB 20, UB 10, UB 11, UB
12, Bailao, SI 12, SI 13, etc. As the tissue is often thick here, insert slowly and use mild
manipulation, then redirect needle towards each shoulder using oblique insertion.
Strengthens the wei qi, wind cold can enter the body through the triangle formed by GV 14
and UB 12. Keep this area warm, supple and flexible with needle, moxa, massage to promote
Cough, asthma. Epilepsy, hypertension, insomnia, nosebleed.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used for bone issues (arthritis, spurs, scoliosis), calcium
issues, hand issues.
Point Associations: Intersection of all Yang Meridians, Sea of Qi Point (with CV17, ST9, GV15)

GV15 0.5 cun above the midpoint of the PHL in a depression below the spinous process of C1.
Opens the orifices refers to the mouth, throat and tongue, for throat swelling, hoarseness,
post-stroke speech disorders, important point for muteness due to tongue stiffness or vocal
cord disorders.
Epilepsy, stroke, manic depression, loss of consciousness.
Occipital headaches, especially with neck stiffness, upper cervical pain and restricted neck
rotation, heaviness of head - GV 15 lies over the space between C1 and C2, and can help
release the suboccipital musculature which compresses the atlanto-occipital joint.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to stimulate the medulla and limbic system, useful for
emotional issues.
Point Associations: Window of the Sky Point, Sea of Qi Point (with CV 17, ST 9, GV 14),
Intersecting point of the Governing Vessel & Yang Wei Vessels

Precautions: No Moxa, No Deep Needle.

GV16 1 cun directly above the midpoint of the PHL, directly below the occipital protuberance on
the posterior midline of the head.
Main point for wind, whether exterior or interior, particularly affecting the head and neck. For
wind cold headache, stiff neck, aversion to wind; as well as dizziness, visual dizziness,
numbness, twitching, tremors.
Window of the Sky point, promotes communication between the head and body, many
indications are consistient with other points of this group, such as headache, dizziness, throat
swelling, earache, eye pain, nosebleeds, aphasia.
Psychological issues such as mania, palpitations from fear a/or fright, suicidal thoughts.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the medulla function (breathing issues, asthma,
tight chest, etc.), but GV 17 is used more frequently, useful in spinal cord issues.
Point Associations: Window of the Sky Point, Sea of Marrow Point (with GV20), Ghost Point,
Intersecting Point of the Governing Vessel, Yang Wei Vessel & Urinary Bladder Channel

Precautions: No Moxa, No Deep Needle.

GV17 Midway between GV16 and GV18
Neck/Cervical issues, pain a/or stiffness of the neck, heaviness of the head, headache,
dizziness. Eye pain, excessive lacrimation.
Epilepsy, mania, lockjaw, loss of voice.


Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the medulla functions (heart, lung, blood vessel
issues), useful for palpitations, asthma/shortness of breath, multiple sclerosis, lou gehrig's,
muscular dystrophy.
Point Associations: Intersecting point of the Governing Vessel & Urinary Bladder Channels


GV18 Midway between GV16 and GV20
Regulates the liver and calms wind.
Stiff neck, headache.
Visual dizziness, blurring of vision.
Epilepsy, Insomnia, Manic Depression.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to affect the autonomic nerves, balances internal organs
qi, useful for fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, hormone imbalance.

GV19 Midway between GV18 and GV20

Headaches, vertigo, dizziness, neck pain, aversion to wind.
Insomnia, psychological issues primarily with manic symptoms, epilepsy.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to stimulate the sensory cortex (sensations from skin,
muscles, and sensory organs), useful for any sensory issue, stimulation also useful for
improving qi sensations within treatments, qi gong, etc.

GV20 5 cun posterior to the AHL.

Main point for headache, dizziness, eye pain and redness, irritability, hypertension from
excess yang in the upper body, often occuring with patterns of excess Liver yang or Liver fire.
Combine with lower body points such as LV2, LV3, KD1, GB34, GB41.
Main point for internal wind which has some overlapping indications with the above entry, for
headaches, dizziness, visual dizziness, tinnitus, vertex pain, windstroke, seizures.
Main point for prolapse, anal, uterine, vaginal; main point for hemorrhoids.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the association area (related to emotions,
memory, behavior), useful for low energy, yang energy imbalances, parkinson's, alzheimer's,
motor control issues.
Point Associations: Sea of Marrow Point (with GV16), Intersecting Point of the Governing
Vessel, Urinary Bladder, Gall Bladder, Triple Heater & Liver Channels.

GV21 Midway between GV20 and GV22

Epilepsy - acute and chronic (for children avoid needling before the fontanel has closed).
Headaches, migraines, blurry vision, pain a/or swelling along the vertex a/or face.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the motor cortex, useful for all movement
issues, stroke recovery.

GV22 1 cun posterior to GV 23

Nasal issues - congestion, olfactory problems (i.e. distinguishing smells), nosebleed, polyps.
Headaches, primarily from wind in the Chinese Medicine sense of the term, dizziness, vertigo.
Psychological issues, particularly related to fear a/or fright, panic attacks, palpitations.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect brain and scalp issues, useful for brain tumors,
multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, lou gehrig's. Also helpful for improving focus in
children (ADD/ADHD).

Precautions: No Needle and No Moxa in Infants with Metopism.

GV23 1 cun posterior to the AHL and .5 cun posterior to GV24
Precautions: No Needle and No Moxa in Infants with Metopism.
Point Associations: Ghost Point
Main point for nose problems, nasal congestion, rhinitis, nasal polyps, sinus headache.
Eye/Vision issues - shortsightedness, visual dizziness, painful/red eyes.
Facial swelling.
Psychological issues, primarily with wind derived mania symptoms from a TCM perspective.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used for face and cervical issues, useful for sinus congestion,
eye issues, and neck pain/cervical disc issues.



GV24 1 cun posterior to the AHL and .5 cun posterior to GV24
Main point for nose problems, nasal congestion, rhinitis, nasal polyps, sinus headache.
Eye/Vision issues - shortsightedness, visual dizziness, painful/red eyes. Facial swelling.
Psychological issues, primarily with wind derived mania symptoms from a TCM perspective
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used for face and cervical issues, useful for sinus congestion,
eye issues, and neck pain/cervical disc issues.
Point Associations: Ghost Point

Precautions: No Needle and No Moxa in Infants with Metopism.

GV25 On the tip of the nose.
Important point to restore or help maintain consciousness, for shock, loss of consciousness,
to revive from drowning.
Rosacea, circulation issues in nose.
Nasal issues - rhinitis, polyps, discharge, inability or changes in olfactory sensations (smell).
May reduce alcohol intoxication (deadman).

Precautions: No Moxa.
GV26 At the junction of the upper and middle third of the philtrum.
One of two Command Points (with PC 6) added to the original four, for fainting, collapse. Main
point for restoring consciousness, for shock, revivial from fainting, weakness, helps patient to
awaken, use fingernail in an emergency.
Main point for acute low back sprain, helps relieve pain and restore motion, moves stagnation
at the opposite end of the channel. After obtaining the Qi, have patient bend then rotate the
Nosebleed, nasal discharge issues, problems with olfactory sensations (smell).
Manic-depression and other strong shen disturbances, epilepsy (seizures).
Point Associations: Ghost Point, Intersecting Point of the Governing Vessel, Large Intestine &
Stomach Channels, Command Point

Precautions: No Moxa.
GV27 At the junction of the upper lip and the philtrum.
Problems of the mouth and sinuses - tongue ulcers, bad breath (halitosis), pain a/or swelling
of the gums, nosebleed, nasal congestion.
Psychological/Shen issues - manic depression, epilepsy, etc.

Precautions: No Moxa.
GV28 At the junction of the gum and the frenulum of the upper lip.
Pain a/or swelling of the gums, stiffness in the lips.
Nasal issues - polyps, congestion, pain.
Neck pain a/or stiffness with difficulty turning head.
Stronger psychological issues, particularly with symptoms of mania.

Precautions: No Moxa.



Governing Vessel Meridian



Sishencong A group of 4 points, at the vertex, 1 cun posterior, anterior and lateral to GV20.
Pacifies wind and calms the spirit - useful for wind stroke, epilepsy, headache,
dizziness, generally relaxation.
Non-needle methods w/children for poor development, mental retardation, ADHD.
Issues w/memory or thinking, combine with GV20 a/or GB20.


Midway between the medial ends of the eyebrows

Calms the spirit - insomnia, anxiety, stress. Frontal headache. Sinus issues congestion, sinusitis.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Eye and sinus issues, useful point for building the
energy in the head during qi gong.


At the midpoint of the eyebrow in a depression directly above the pupil.

Frontal headache a/or pain in the supraorbital region.

Disorders of the eyelids,

Precautions: No Moxa.

At temple, in a depression about 1 cun posterior to the midpoint between the lateral
end of the eyebrow and the outer canthus of the eye.
Temporal, one-sided a/or migraine headaches.
Eye issues - pain, swelling, redness, photophobia, visual acuity.
Local point for toothache, facial paralysis, pain, etc.
Classically mentioned in the Ode of the Jade Dragon for swelling of the breast (bleed
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Headaches, dizziness, eye and/or sinus issues. For
migraines use with GB20 and LI4.

Precautions: No Moxa.

0.5 - 1.0 cun anterior to the auricular lobe. Oblique 0.5 - 1.0.
Facial issues - paralysis, bell's palsy, deviations of the eyes, mouth, etc..
Ulceration of the tongue and/or mouth.


With the posterior half of the ear folded forward, the point is located at the highest
point of the superior crease.
Usually bled to reduce strong heat in the body - high fever, red/swollen throat,
mumps, etc. Hypertension.


At the highest point of the nasolabial groove.

Local point for nasal issues - obstruction, congestion, sinusitis, rhinitis.

Precautions: No Moxa.

Lateral to the midline and midpoint of the nose, between the hard and soft bones of
the nose.
Local point for nasal issues - obstruction, congestion, sinusitis, rhinitis.

Precautions: No Moxa.
Jinjin & YuyeOn the veins on either side of the frenulum of the tongue (Jinjin is on the left side and
Yuye is on the rightside).
Issues of the tongue - swollen tongue esp. w/difficult speaking, salivary gland issues,
post-stroke asphasia.
Sun Si Mao indicated bleeding the point for sudden swelling of the tongue which
obstructs breathing.




2 cun above GV14 (C7) and 1 cun lateral.

Lung issues - cough, dyspnea, asthma.
Local point for stiff neck, shoulder a/or back pain.


Midpoint between TH17 and GB20.

Sleep issues - insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep.


1 cun posterior to TH17.

Sleep issues - insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep.
Eye Disorders.

Precautions: No Moxa
Tian Dong

Center point between GV14 and CV22, below SI16, behind LI17 at the corner of the
neck and shoulder, angling 45 degrees downward towards C7.
Note: This point is not a standard acupuncture point, it was developed by Master Tam
for use within the Tam Healing System.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the circulation within the vertebral
artery. Useful for alzheimer's, brain tumors, dyslexia, MS, and many brain issues
related to circulation.
Falls into the category of Window of the Sky points within the Tam Healing system.

Precautions: No Moxa



A group of 34 points, 0.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
processes of T1-L5.
Used extensively within the Tam Healing System and Tong Ren Therapy. See Tam
Healing System - Huatuo Jiaji Points for details.
Regulate the 5 Zang & the 6 Fu.
T1-T3 Huatuo Points: disorders of the upper limbs and lungs.
T4-T6 Huatuo Points: disorders of the HT.
T7-T9 Huatuo Points: LV/GB issues.
T10-T12 Huatuo Points: ST/SP issues.
L1-L2 Huatuo Points: KD issues.
L3-L5 Huatuo Points: UB, LI, SI, Uterine & Lower Limb issues.
Herpes Zoster (shingles) - needle level of effected nerve segments.


0.5 cun lateral to GV14 (C7).

Lung issues - asthma, wheezing.
Local point for neck, shoulder a/or upper back pain.


3.5 cun lateral to the lower border of L4 (GV3).

Low back pain, especially from deficient KD.

Shiqizhui (Josen) Below the spinous process of L5 on the posterior midline.

Lower back/body issues - back pain, sciatica, pain of the lower limbs.
Reactive in many gynecological conditions - useful local point.




Using the width of the mouth as the measure, construct an equilateral triangle with
the navel at the apex, the two lower angles are Qipang.
Cold disorders of the lower abdomen - hernia, amenorrhea, cramping.
Moxa for infertility due to cold in the uterus.

Precautions: No needle in pregnancy


4 cun below the umbilicus, 3 cun lateral to the anterior midline.

Uterine Issues - dysmenorrhea, infertility, prolapse.

Precautions: No needle in pregnancy


Midway between LI15 and the anterior axillary crease.

Local point for shoulder a/or chest pain.


4 cun above the wrist crease, proximal to PC7 on both sides of the flexor carpi
radialis tendon.
Issues of the anus - hemorrhoids (esp. w/bleeding), anal itching, rectal prolapse.


Tips of fingers.
Almost exclusively used in acute or emergency situations - restore consciousness
(esp. from heat stroke), epilepsy (excess wind type), coma, high fever.

Precautions: No Moxa

Midpoint of the crease of each proximal interphalangeal joint

Serious digestive conditions - severe malnutrition, malabsorbtion of food, poor

Precautions: No Moxa

On the dorsum of the hand, at the webs between each finger, at the junction of the
red & white skin.
Issues of the hand - pain, spasm, numbness.
Mentioned in the Ling Shu for malaria.


On the dorsum of the hand between the 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bones, about .5
cun posterior to the metacapalphalangeal joint.
Acute issues of the neck - strain, sprain, whiplash (needle the affected side).

Yaotongxue On the dorsum of the hand, midway between the transverse wrist crease and the
metacarpalphalangeal joint, between both the 2nd and 3rd and the 4th and 5th
metacarpals (2 points on each hand).
Acute issues of the low back - pain, sprain, strain (needle the affected side).




In a depression at the midpoint of and superior to the patella.

Knee issues - pain, stiffness, tension.


Lateral (ST 35) and medial knee depressions.

All knee disorders - pain, inflammation, etc.

Dannang Xue1-2 cun below GB 34 (palpate for most tender point).

Found on the (R)ight leg, useful for GB issues - acute cholecystitis, gall stones, postsurgical pain.


2 cun below ST36.

Found on the (R)ight leg, acute or chronic appendicitis or enteritis.

Precautions: No Moxa

Found on the inside of the lower leg, 7 cun above the internal malleolus and 0.5 cun
from posterior edge of the tibia.
Post-operative pain, often used with electro-acupuncture.

Nao Qing

2 cun proximal to ST41 on the ST36 - ST41 line.

Issues related to thinking - memory improvement, mental clarity.


In the center of the heel on the bottom of the foot.

Needle or moxa to help with insomnia.


On the dorsum of the foot between the web and metatarsophalangeal joint (4 points
on each foot).
Foot issues - pain, swelling, numbness.
Mentioned in the Ling Shu for malaria.



Extra-meridian Points
















Signs & Symptoms

Pain began after exposure to pathogenic cold/wind/damp

Heavy, stiff sensation and pain in the lumbar region
Stiffness of the muscles with possible limitation of movement, esp

Pain usually involves a larger area and also be in the buttocks/leg, or

even neck

Area may feel cold to the touch and/or to the patient

Pain is often weather related (i.e. aggravated by cold, damp weather)
Pain is not alleviated by bed rest

Normal body with greasy white coating.
Deep and slow, wiry and floating

Expels cold damp


Expels damp, tonifies the Kidney


Expels cold



Good for sacral pain

Promotes circulation of Qi and Xue, esp combined with UB17
Chronic back pain above UB 23, direct needle towards pain
Nourishes kidney Yin as does K3
Expels cold and damp


He-sea point of Spleen channel, can dispel damp


Common Distal Points for all Differentiations

UB37 - history of trauma and stagnation of Qi and Blood
UB57 - spasm of gastrocnemius or pain radiates to area
UB58 - function of movement is impaired and back/leg pain is not so severe - or when there are
signs of retention of damp and stagnation of Qi and Blood
UB59 - severe pain and limitation of movement
UB60 - chronic back pain, both lumbo-sacral and posterior leg pain
UB62 - dropfoot or back and leg pain, difficult walking due to spasm in the channel
UB63 - acute and severe pain along UB channel
GB30 - sciatica and hip pain, bi syndrome of hip
GB31 - dispels wind, dispels cold/damp, used for pain in lateral thigh
GB34 - back and leg pain with GB channel involvement

GB39 - pain that radiates to the lower leg, frequently used for neck sprains


Signs & Symptoms

Acute symptoms
Sudden onset of pain, usually due to trauma
History of sprain, carrying heavy loads
Pain and/or rigidity of lower back
Pain usually fixed and aggravated upon movement and/or pressure

Normal in acute episodes, it can be dark or purple in chronic cases
Tense, uneven
First needle the empirical points and move the patient's body to a position where the pain begins to
appear. Manipulate the needle with reducing method for 1-2 minutes. If the patient responds well,
repeat this process a few times then insert auxillary/local points and retain for 15-20 minutes.

Pain only on the midline of the back

Patient has flexion/extension difficulty
Pain on the midline and lateral
Patient has trunk rotation difficulty
Pain on either side of the posterior midline, pain above UB23
Good for sacral pain
Promotes circulation of Qi and Xue, esp. combined with UB17
Acute back pain on the UB meridian, pain below UB23
Prick and bleed
In lieu of UB40 if there is pain and tenderness here and no congestion of
blood vessels at UB40
Stiff, rigid spine

Common Distal Points for all Differentiations

UB57 - spasm of gastrocnemius or pain radiates to area
UB58 - function of movement is impaired and back/leg pain is not so severe - or when there are
signs of retention of damp and stagnation of Qi and Blood
UB59 - severe pain and limitation of movement
UB60 - chronic back pain, both lumbo-sacral and posterior leg pain
UB62 - dropfoot or back and leg pain, difficult walking due to spasm in the channel
UB63 - acute and severe pain along UB channel
GB30 - sciatica and hip pain, bi syndrome of hip

GB31 - dispels wind, dispels cold/damp, used for pain in lateral thigh
GB34 - back and leg pain with GB channel involvement
GB39 - pain that radiates to the lower leg, frequently used for neck sprains


Signs & Symptoms:

Pain is not severe - experience a sensation of soreness

Cramp-like sensation in the lower abdomen (Kidney Yang Xu)
Weakness in the lumbar area as well as in the knees, fatigue,

Symptoms aggravated by fatigue and overworking and alleviated by

bed rest

Frequent urination, polyuria & other KD Qi Xu symptoms possible

Reduced function of the taste, cold limbs (Kidney Yang Xu)
Irritability, insomnia, dry mouth and throat, malar flush, five center
heat (Kidney Yin Xu)

Pale body (Yang Xu) or Red body with scanty coating (Yin Xu)
Deep and thready/slow (Yang Xu), Thready, weak, rapid (Yin Xu)

Expels cold and damp, strengthens the Kidney Qi


Expels cold and damp, strengthens the Kidney Qi


Expels cold and damp, strengthens the Kidney Qi


Expels cold


Chronic back pain above UB 23, direct needle towards pain

Nourishes Kidney Yin as does K3
Ming Men point


Expels cold and damp, strengthens the Kidney Qi


Good distal point for underlying Kidney deficiency

Tonifies the Kidney Qi and invigorates the connecting UB channel

Common Distal Points for all Differentiations

UB37 - history of trauma and stagnation of Qi and Blood
UB57 - spasm of gastrocnemius or pain radiates to area
UB58 - function of movement is impaired and back/leg pain is not so severe - or when there are
signs of retention of damp and stagnation of Qi and Blood
UB59 - severe pain and limitation of movement

UB60 - chronic back pain, both lumbo-sacral and posterior leg pain
UB62 - dropfoot or back and leg pain, difficult walking due to spasm in the channel
UB63 - acute and severe pain along UB channel
GB30 - sciatica and hip pain, bi syndrome of hip
GB31 - dispels wind, dispels cold/damp, used for pain in lateral thigh
GB34 - back and leg pain with GB channel involvement
GB39 - pain that radiates to the lower leg, frequently used for neck sprains

LU7, TH5, TH10, ST8, GB8, GB26, GB36, GB41, Taiyang


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