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1. Remain in the present moment.

Future and past should only come up when absolu

tely necessary.
2. Live life passionately. If you are in a dead-end job or just unhappy, search
out your life?s passion.
3. Be grateful for everything. Every heart beat is a gift. Realize how lucky we
are to be alive.
4. An energy level higher than that of those around you is contagious.
5. Give your energy willingly to everyone. It is drawn from a limitless source.
6. If your energy does drop, everything will be alright. Those people who you ga
ve energy to will return the favor.
7. Your emotional state is independent of external factors. We learned at an ear
ly age to look at the world to show us
how to feel. I am reminded of a child who scrapes his knee and looks around to s
ee if anyone will comfort him if he were
to start crying, if no one is around he will get up and keep playing.
8. Truthfully speak your mind. No matter what emotional response you have at fir
st. Over time your truthful thoughts
will erode from societal input. Your thoughts will become more positive and bene
9. Be comfortable touching others. Touch others more. Be aware of how others enj
oy your touch.
10. Be happy with yourself as you are now. There is no other time other than thi
s eternal Now to be happy.
11. Strive towards perfection. Set lofty goals and do right action every day tow
ards those goals.
12. Be empathetic, then rise. Sometimes people want you to feel their pain. Sacr
ifice your good vibes for them, then
pull them up with you back to your previous state.
13. A positive mind is very powerful. There are times for negativity, but those
times are rare.
14. Never give up on or condemn another person. They may not be aware they are h
urting you. Forgive so you may be
15. Failure is another step towards success. Don?t let failures slow you down. I
f they do, then this is what I do: I
envision myself in old age looking back and laughing at how many failures led to
my great successes.
16. Stop comparing yourself to others. We are each on our own path.
17. Understand other opinions. Rather than sticking to your point of view, peopl
e will enjoy your vibe much more if you
don?t argue your opinion to be ?Right? and not ?Wrong?. It is win-win.
18. Have faith that your good vibes are flowing into those around you and liftin
g them.

19. Meditate or use another centering ritual. Rituals have been very vital to hu
20. Drink water frequently. Divide your body weight in two, that is the number o
f fluid ounces of water you need
21. Keep your body fit and healthy by excercising and eating right.


1. No one wants disrespect.

2. We all are pursuing our own version of happiness.
3. Remember, everyone is on their own path with their own goals.
4. Good vibes resonate and amplify with other good vibes exponentially.
5. The world will be a better place when we leave it than when we found it.
6. We all want to be rich and powerful, but few can rise up. Be happy regardless
of your status.
7. Life is abundant. Money, love, and joy can all be yours in excess.
8. Work hard to improve the world around you. It will return the favor.
9. The universe is naturally a happy, good place.
10. Do not fear death. Life is inescapably eternal

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