Gifted LP

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DIFF 598

Candidate name: Amy Zimmermann

Date: 10/17/15
Setting: In home, individual lesson for a gifted kindergarten student
NYS or other learning
Presentation of
Knowledge and Ideas:
Speak audibly and
express thoughts,
feelings, and ideas

Learning objective


The student will gain a

base of knowledge on
The Seven Natural
Wonders of the World

The student will verbally

answer 10 questions on
the information learned
on the Seven Natural
Wonders. Each question
will be graded on a +/scale. A + indicates a
satisfactory answer.
indicates an
unsatisfactory answer.
1-5 + unacceptable
6-7 + acceptable
8-10 + target

This lesson is the first in a unit on The Seven Natural Wonders of the World. It is
meant to serve as an introduction to each of the seven wonders, give basic facts
and features of each, and to locate the seven natural wonders on a map. The
lesson is also meant to spark excitement, motivation, and background knowledge in
the student.
The lesson and the unit is designed specifically for one student. Kevin is a
gifted four year old student. He started kindergarten this year at Union Pleasant
Elementary School in Hamburg, NY. He demonstrates above average ability in
several social and academic areas, but his highest achievements have been seen in
reading. Kevin is currently reading and comprehending reading material at a
second grade level. His parents are concerned that if he does not participate in
some sort of enrichment, Kevin will become disinterested in school and begin to
lose his gifts and talents.
Based on a multiple intelligence test, the student demonstrates interest and
ability in the areas of naturalist and verbal-linguistic. Based on this, I decided that a
unit on The Seven Natural Wonders of the World would suit his strengths. He is

interested in the world around him and it will open his eyes to new places, cultures,
and opportunities. He will be able to use his advanced literacy abilities to read and
research the topics. I will ask a variety of higher order thinking questions and allow
for student-centered discovery, play, and exploration. I will also provide
opportunities for Kevin to work on his weakness through math problems, writing
activities, and art projects.
It is my intention to provide an appropriate challenge for this student. I focus on
information that is relevant to a kindergarten student, give supporting activities to
ensure knowledge attainment, and enrich his regular curriculum. As I move through
the lesson, Kevin will self-direct his learning through questions and research (in
which we will travel to the library and use a variety of sources to answer Kevins
questions). He will learn about the world around him by thinking creatively, staying
committed to a task, and applying his above average ability. It is my goal to provide
the environment in which he is able to do this while supporting his unique
emotional, social, behavioral, and academic needs.

Lesson introduction (anticipatory set):

I will ask the student where he has traveled to. How he got there, who he was with,
his experiences, and his enjoyment of those travels. I will share some of mine with
him as well. I will tell the student that we are going to become World Travelers.
We will pretend to travel the world by learning about the Seven Natural Wonders of
the World. He is the captain of our journey and I will be his co-captain.
Ill introduce the unit of study The Seven Natural Wonders of the World by
breaking apart the title. How many? What does the word natural mean? What are
some other words for wonder/wonderful? Of the World just in the US?
Ill explain to the student that, as this is a new topic he will probably have questions
about The Seven Natural Wonders of the World. This is a great thing! Because as
the captain, his questions are going to guide our ship. Well write our questions
down and as we travel the world, well discover the answers. For now, we will be
writing questions on separate sheets of paper which will be added to seven
individual folders.
Well go through the written cards. Ill ask the student if he has heard of each
wonder. What does he know about it? Well match the wonder with its picture.
Well see if we can come up with any other thoughts, questions, or ideas about each
wonder. Northern Lights (

Ill show the student a video that covers all the wonders. Well stop periodically to
match the pictures in the video to the name of the wonder. Well discuss as we go
and Ill give the student some facts about each wonder.
Ill show the student picture cards that match the word cards. The student will
match the pictures to the words. I will help as needed. Ill then flip the cards and
well play a game of memory.
Differentiation (tiered by product, process, outcome, complexity, resources, OR
Tiered by challenge: The student will be expected (with proper scaffolding) to apply
his learning to higher order thinking questions (Blooms Taxonomy). He will
demonstrate his learning verbally.
Acceleration or enrichment for gifted learners:
This unit will allow for enrichment of his current studies. The student will read a
variety of non-fiction material, conduct research in the library, study geography,
learn about different cultures, and engage in multisensory activities. His knowledge
base will be widened and he will have the ability make connections and stretch his
thinking across disciplines.
Technology used:
Youtube video for Northern Lights:
Youtube video for natural wonders:
*Extension: Because the lesson is largely discussion and discover based, the time
will vary. If there is extra time we will locate and label the wonders on a map.
I will verbally ask questions to the student to assess learning. All questions will be
graded with a + or a minus. (+ satisfactory answer. unsatisfactory answer).
1. How many natural wonders of the world are there? (7)
2. Why are they called natural wonders? (created by nature, not manmade)
3. Which wonder is a volcano? (Paricutin)
4. In which one of the natural wonders would Nemo live? (Great Barrier Reef)
5. Which natural wonder would you bring a snowsuit to? (Mt. Everest)

6. If you travelled to Victoria Falls, what are three things would you pack? (swimsuit,
camera, anything reasonable)
8. If you wanted to see these natural wonders, you would have to take an airplane
to get to most of them. Which one could you travel to in a car? (Grand Canyon)
9. Which natural wonder would be best to see at night? (Northern Lights, or
10. Based on what you learned today, which natural wonder would you like to see
the most and why? (any reasonable answer)

Mt. Everest
Located on the border of China and Nepal
The Great Barrier Reef
Located off the east coast of Australia
The Reef has lost nearly half its coral since 1985
Can be seen from outer space and is the worlds biggest single structure made by
living organisms
Paricutin Volcano
Located near Mexico City
Covered two towns in lava
In one day it grew to 164 feet, by the end of the week it was almost 500 feet, now
over 9,000 feet.
Victoria Falls
Located on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe
Worlds largest sheet of falling water. Twice as high as Niagara Falls.
The Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis)
Arctic and Antarctica regions
Grand Canyon
Colorado River 277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide, and depth of over a mile.

Two billions years of Earths history

The Harbor at Rio de Janeiro
Located in Brazil on the Atlantic coast
Found by Portuguese explorers in January. Named January River.

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