Group-7 Abhinavpande - Abhinav - Aditya - Abhishek - Abhimanyu - Augustin - Aamir - Shivi

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Group- 7


Wallet : Product Purchase Factors
Impulse purchases


Bought as gifts

High Demand : everyone carries


Inexpensive product

Health issues

Big Skinny


In person sales was straight


Weight: Less than an ounce and therefore

increase comfort

for $20 your wallet would be

thin forever

Card Pocket Size: Extra wide pockets for


Easier to display the points of


Slipperiness of the Interior: Lined with

rubbery coating

People can touch feel and verify

Sold on a combination of impulse

and value

Size: 5-7 times thinner than alternatives

Lack of Versatility: Water resistant and

machine washable as they are made of micro

Moving Online
Understanding the entire idea behind moving online
The costs and structure required for the same
Help in integrating the messages on different online platforms

Online Strategies
Display Ads
Ad placements in other websites
Animation of before and after

Algorithmic Search
High rank allowed reaching
Maximum consumers

Closest replication of a booth at a street fair
Impulsive nature can be capitalized by
placements on other sites
Gifting sites can be captured
CTR was just 0.1%

Increased reach to customers
People dont generally buy wallets online or
search for it specifically
If at all searching for thin wallet or big Skinny it
automatically features high in search

Social Media
Engagement with existing customer base 3
Loyal customer base can build communities for
people using non leather wallets
AddThis applet lets you share and act as
influencer by sharing testimonials
Increased awreness by Facebook campaigns

Online Distributors
Place listings within search engines

Existing user base and brand name can be
Intense competition
High Commissions will eat into small margins
Value of product low

Interactive Content
Engage by means of competitions and
selection guide

Sponsored Search
Place listings within search engines

Conversions could be measured and keywords
modified with the help of Keyword Planner
Keywords with high conversion rate and low cost
of conversion
Mostly sold at Cost per click basis

Wallets are a lo involvement product category
Does not reach new customers
No means of tracking conversions
Limited scope

Go to Market Strategy

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