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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 04, 2015

What are the noblest virtues we must aspire to cultivate? Can we correct our
deficiencies in virtues? Bhagawan inspires us today.
Among the qualities that make up a flawless character, love,
patience, forbearance, steadfastness, and charity are the
highest and noblest. The hundred little deeds that we
indulge in every day harden into habits; these habits shape
the intelligence and mould our outlook and life. Ones
present is but the result of ones past and the habits formed
during that long period. But whatever be the nature of the
character that one has inherited, it can certainly be
modified. Nobodys wickedness is incorrigible. Wasnt
robber Angulimala, turned into a kindhearted person by Lord
Buddha? Didnt thief Rathnakara become Sage Valmiki? By
conscious effort, habits can be changed and character
refined. People always have within them, the capacity to
challenge their evil propensities and to change their habits.
By selfless service, renunciation, devotion and prayer, old
habits that bind people to earth can be discarded and new
habits that will take them along the divine path be instilled.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 2.

Purify your mind by starving it of the bad food it runs after which is transitory pleasures;
feed it with the wholesome food of Divine Thoughts. Baba
04 nvMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swnUM,swirAW qoN izAwdw cMgy ikhVy gux Apxwauxy cwhIdy hn?kI,AsIN Awpxy AvguxW iv`c SoD kr skdy
hn?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,pRyrxw idMdy hn[
au`qr: auh gux,ijhVy mnu`K nUM v`DIAw sdwcwrI bxwauNdy hn ,aunHW iv`coN,ipAwr,sihnSIlqw,iKmw Bwv,inSiclqw
Aqy dwn dyxw,swirAW qoN izAwdw m`hqqw vwly hn[hr roz,ijhVy kMm AsIN krdy hW,auhI krm, swfIAW AwdqW
nUM p`kw krdy hn Aqy auh AwdqW hI swfI bu`DI,jIvn Aqy nzrIey au`qy Asr pwauNdIAW hn[ iksy mnu`K dy, A`j dy
gux auhI hn ijhVy aunHW dy kwPI dyr rhIAW AwdqW dy kwrxW dw nqIjw hY[pr jy auhI mnu`K, cMgy guxW vwlw mnu`K
bxxw cwhuNdw hY,qW auh cMgy guxW nUM Apxwey Aqy Awpxy-Awp nUM suDwry[iksy vI mnu`K dw kmInwpn,Kqm ho skdw
hY Aqy ieh sQweI nhIN hY[kI AMgulIvwlw fwkU,Bgvwn bu`D dI pRyrxw kwrx,dieAwlU Bwv vwlw nhIN ho igAw
sI?kI rqnwkr nwmI cor,vwlmIk irSI nhIN bx igAw sI? bu`DImqw dI koiSSW nwl,gMdIAW AwdqW Aqy gMdw
Awcwr,cMgI AwdqW Aqy cMgy Awcwr iv`c bdilAw jw skdw hY[lokW iv`c,AwpxIAW burIAW AwdqW Aqy ivcwrW
nUM,bdlx dI kS`mqw hY[insvwrQ syvw ,qp`isAw,BgqI Aqy pRwrQnw dI mdd nwl,purwxIAW mwVIAW

AwdqW,ijhiVAW mnu`K nUM nIcw ivKwauNdIAW hn,aunHW nUM A`iDAwqimk rsqy qy lY jw skdIAW hY[(pRym
vwihnI,A`iDAwey do)[
AwpxI bu`DI nUM,mwVy ivcwrW dI Kurwk qoN Bu`Ky r`Ko Aqy cMgy ivcwrW nwl,ies dI Bu`K nNUM imtwau qW jo aus bu`DI
iv`c,cMgy ivcwrW dw Bojn,idvX bx sky[(bwbw)[

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