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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 06, 2015

What is the first step in spiritual sadhanathat we must not forget and infact
introspect about everyday? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today

The unceasing toil of each succeeding day has as its aim and
justification this consummation: to make ones last days sweet and
pleasant. But each day also has its evening. If the day is spent in
good deeds, then the evening blesses us with deep, invigorating and
refreshing sleep, the sleep about which it is said that it is akin
tosamadhi. One has only a short span of life on earth. But even in
this short life one can attain divine bliss by using the time wisely and
carefully. Two people may be same in appearance, and might have
ostensibly been of the same mould and also grown under the same
conditions, but one could turn out to be an angel while the other
stays on with their animal nature. Whats the reason for this
differential development? It is habits, the behaviour formed out of
these habits, and the character into which that behaviour has
solidified. People are creatures of character. Hence the very first
spiritual practice(sadhana) is to search for the faults and weaknesses
within yourself and to strive to correct them to become perfect.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 5

True culture lies in giving up bad thoughts and actions and cultivating sacred thoughts and then
performing noble deeds. Baba
06 nvMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: A`iDAwqimk swDnw dw pihlw kdm ikhVw hY,ijhVw swnUM nhIN Bulxw cwhIdw Aqy hr roz,aus dw nrIkSx
krnw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr :hr Awey idn dI lgwqwr koiSS dw Awpxw lkS Aqy AwpxI ienswPIAq huMdI hY qW jo iksy vI mnu`K dy
AMiqm idx,cMgy Aqy KuSI-KuSI bqIq hox[pr,hr idn dI AwpxI hI Swm huMdI hY[jy koeI idx,cMgy kMm kr ky
bIqdw hY qW swfI rwq cMgI nINd rwhIN bIqdI hY Aqy AsIN qwzw ivKweI idMdy hW Aqy ikhw jWdw hY ik ies qrHW dI
nINd,iek smwDI dI qrHW m`nI jWdI hY[hr mnu`K dw,ies DrqI qy jIvn,QoVy smyN dw hI huMdw hY[pr,ies QoVy idxW
dy jIvn nUM,AklmMdI Aqy iDAwn pUrivk ibqwauxw cwhIdw hY qW jo Bgvwn dw AwSIrvwd hwsl kIqw jw sky[do
mnu`K,ijhVy iek hI Skl dy hox Aqy ie`ko ijhI hwlwqW iv`c ply hox pr aunHW iv`coN ie`k dyvqw(B`dr purK) Aqy
dUjw SYqwn(pSU sBwau vwlw) ho skdw hY[ies qrHW dy do v`Kry-v`Kry sBwau dw kI kwrx hY?ies dw kwrx,aus
dIAW AwdqW hn Aqy ienHW AwdqW kwrx aus dw sBwau hY Aqy ies qrHW dy sBwau kwrx,aus dw cwl-clx

hY[swry mnu`K,Awpxy cwl-clx dy hI jIv hn[ies leI ,swirAW qoN v`fI ieh swDnw hY ik mnu`K,Awpxy
AMdrlIAW KwmIAW Aqy kmzorIAW l`By Aqy auh KwmIAW nUM dUr kr ky,iek swP-suQrw ienswn bxy[(pRym vwihnI
A`iDAwey pMj)[
s`cI s`iBXqw ieh hY ik mnu`K,Awpxy mwVy ivcwr Aqy mwVy krm C`fy Aqy aus dI QW qy Su`D ivcwr pYdw kry Aqy
iPr nyk kMm kry[(bwbw)[

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