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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 07, 2015

Why should we always stick to the path of Truth? Bhagawan clearly explains to
us today.
Some profess that since this is Kali yuga, falsehood
alone can succeed. No! In spite of all appearances,
honesty is still the best policy. One lie must be couched
by a hundred others; whereas uttering truth is the
easiest, simplest and safest. Be what you profess to be;
speak what you intend to do; utter what you have
experienced; no more, no less. It is a hard job to
maintain a false stand, while it is always safe to be
straight and honest. Do not take the first false step and
then be led, on and on, to perdition. Truth is one's real
nature and when you are yourself, there comes a great
flood of joy welling up within you. When you deny and
deceive yourself, shame darkens your mind and breeds
fear. You take the path of falsehood because of
the Rajasikpassions of lust, greed, hate and pride.
Contentment, humility and detachment - these keep you
on the path of Truth.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 24, 1965.

Love wears the mantle of Truth. And the one wedded to truth is ever young and energetic. Baba
07 nvMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swnUM ,hmySw s`c dw rsqw ikauN Apxwauxw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: keI lokW dw ieh ivcwr hY ik ikauN ik ieh kl-Xug hY ,ies leI,JUT bolx nwl hI hr cIz hwsl hovy
gI[nhIN!ies dy bwvjUd,jo ku`J ivKweI dy irhw hY ,iemwndwrI nwl hI swrw ku`J pRwpq hovy gw[iek JUT bolx
nwl,swnUM keI JUT bolxy pYNdy hn pr s`c ,ijhVw Awswn,swDwrx Aqy mnu`K dw bcwau krdw hY,aus nUM bolx nwl
mnu`K nUM koeI icMqw nhIN rihMdI[auhI d`so,ijhVy qusIN ho,auhI bolo jo qusIN bolxw cwhuMdy ho,auhI kho ijhVw qusIN
AnuBv krdy ho,ies qoN nw izAwdw kho Aqy nw hI G~t kho[JUT nUM,s`c iv`c bdlxw AsMBv hY pr iek s`cI gl
hmySw s`cI hI rihMdI hY[kdy vI pihlW JUT nw bolo ,nhIN qW quhwnUM,aus nUM s`c iv`c bdlxw AsMBv ho jwvy
gw[scweI hI mnu`K dw AslI sBwau hY [ies leI scweI nUM kihx iv`c quhwnUM,bhuq izAwdw KuSI pRwpq hovy
gI[jd qusIN JUT bol ky,Awpxy-Awp nUM DOKw idMdy ho,qW qusIN Awpxy-Awp nUM SrmSwr krdy ho Aqy quhwfy idl
iv`c,fr pYdw huMdw hY[qusIN,JUT dw shwrw aus vyly lYNdy ho jd quhwfy iv`c,rwjs guxW kwrx,lwlc,nPrq Aqy
hMkwr dw bol-bwlw huMdw hY[sbr(qs`lI),idAwluqw Aqy iqAwg,mnu`K nUM scweI dy rsqy qy lY ky jWdy hn[(24
AkqUbr,1965 dy idvX pRvcn)[

ipAwr dw colw pwaux vwlw hI s`c dw pRqIk hY[auh mnu`K,ijhVw s`c hI boldw hY auh,hmySw jvwn Aqy SkqISwlI
rihMdw hY[(bwbw)[

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