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Ann West Guest Lecture

Protein X-Ray Crystallography: The Impact of a Structural Biology Approach
on Signal Transduction Research - Protein Data Bank

Two-Component Signal Transduction
o In bacteria and simple cells, not in higher animal life
o Stimulus Receptor ATP/ADP Protein Kinase Regulator
(on/off) Response; hydrolyze the phosphate to give off Pii and
returns regulator to off
o Kinases phosphorylate themselves or other molecules; when they
phosphorylate themselves auto-phosphorylation
o Phosphoryl proteins can take a phosphorylation from a membrane
protein to a protein further upstream in the pathway
o Aspartic Acid always relays phosphate to Histidine, vice versa
YPD1 Protein (phosphoryl in yeast)
o All helical, six alpha-helices
o Four-helix bundle core
o Phosphorylation site located in middle of helix alphaC
Phosphorylation of relay protein changes conformation so that Histidine
and Aspartic Acid align to interact

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