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AUSTRALIA, {LBC Information Services Sydney CANADA sell Toronto, Ontario [NEW ZEALAND Brooker’ ‘Auckland SINGAPORE and MALAYSIA ‘Sweet & Manvel (SE Asi) Singapore KERLY’S LAW OF TRADE MARKS AND TRADE NAMES ‘THIRTEENTH EDITION By DAVID KITCHIN One of Her Majesty's Couns, 8 New Square DAVID LLEWELYN Salctor, Partner, Wit & Case, London JAMES MELLOR Bayer, New Square RICHARD MEADE Baristr, 8 New Square THOMAS MOODY-STUART Barrister, 8 New Square Consul Bator ‘The Hoon. Sir Robin Jacob LONDON SWEET &e MAXWELL 2001, Fst talon (1854) By D.M. Kenly Sted Elion (901) By DM Kenly ‘The ison” 906) By D.M Key Fours Editon 1915) By E.G Undetioy Bitveaiion (1925) By EG Udeay Sh Edlion S07 By EG Underhay Seventh Elton (1981) BY RG. Loyd tnd FB. Bay Eiitrediton” (st) By RG Loyd Nini eaten’ 0968) Bp TA Blanco Wie Tenn Eaten (1972) By TA. Blanco White and Robin Jacob Eetenh Elon (186) Bp 1A blanco White ene bin face ‘wel Hsin” (1986) By TA. Snes Wut and Robin eos ‘Tinsenh Elton (201) By B. Kei D. Liwely, ho, Meade Sh Moody Sta bio 2001 Set Nawal add of London NSB “Types by LB) Typasting Lit of Kngtore Prd and Sunes Gros Bet Sy Coys Ln Stes Pe 1No.natua forts were dasroyed ‘ormake his product oly farmed ‘ber wa and an olan 13a ora1—5:00-6 [ACIP catalan fortis ook % sable Fam the Bech Library Ald eight eave UX sautony ‘uteri this pblcaton i acknowiedged se Clown Copyright [No past of he publtion mye puedo nant in any ey ny sed rei ayers fn witout plo writes pereaon, ace fr permed fis aig er ‘he Copii, Dans and Pts et 1 orn ccreance ws the seoneof ence stn by the Copyright tacrng Ageney in pet hotonpying and/or toprol reproduction Appcton fr pension for ter tse of copytight mater sneluing perms 0 rode extract i ther pce work sll ade othe pubes Full anoles of thor, publaher ad tource st be ° Sut fe Mawel Lag Fear FOREWORD 1 is @ pleasure to welcome ihe new edition of one of the classic textbooks of Engi Iw. Keely, frst published in 1894, has been for eneraians a aaistay of trade mark practioner Tere, however, 8 not merely a daasic, but a classic completly smodertised. The new edition, the fit since 1986, takes fell sacount of the Trade Marks Act 199, itself a wholesale modernisation ofthe law. “Above all, the new Act and the nev law are now in many fundamen fal repens not only English law but European law. The new edison thus introduces the Exropean diznension of trade ark law The Act {inplements the 1988 Trade Marks Directive, which harmonise: the laws fof the Member States on many of de base ostres of trade ark lave The Directive lays down, emong many other things, the essential provisions gvering the nature ofa tade mark; the grounds for refwsal br cavalidity the rights confered by a trade mark; and the conditions ‘Soverning the exhstion of gs ‘Moreover, national trade Tarks—all of them gubjet In these and other ways t0 the Directive now cooxst with the Community trade ‘mark (introdend by the Community Trade Mark Regulation of 1983, Regulation 40/94), Since the Community trade mask is valld, ard has ‘ena! etlee's, Mhroughost he Comonunlty, the Trade Marks Act also ‘hakes provision for te Community ade mark Thus, while the Direcve harmenises the national laws governing riaional trade sues, the Regulation creates the conditions for the ‘onatution of a Community trade mark. The distinction betvcen the Directive an the Regulation as sources of law ts also of some import ance; the Directive is tec inthe United Kingclom, ai ha 10 bbe by UK. lepsiaton, wile the Regulation, ke all EC. regelations, 1s ‘irecly applicable in all Members States, although lepsation maybe ‘necssty to give it fl effect. Te whole of UK law, however fs tobe Understood and elerpreted in the” ight af tie Community Intruments—and indeed the Treaties. “Toughout this book, the authors show how the subject is affected by European law: both by the Community legisation (the Trade Marks Disectve andthe Community Trade Mark Regulation) and by the case ‘zw of the Buropean Cout of justice, which s binding on the cours nd trluonals ofall Member States—the binding effect af the Court's case law Being spelt out, for the United Kingdom, in se-ion 3() of the European Communes Act 1972 “The Community legislation Is broadly famed, and s0 too, therfore the UK Act Many af the provisions call for interpretation and it this {ask which i given not only to the national ener, but als to the Court fof fuses. Under Artile 234 (fotmery 177) ofthe B.C. Teeny, wherever 83 decision on a question of Community lw is necessary 1p enable the ‘ational cour fo give judgment, the national court may, ahd coutls of Test iste must refer the guestgn to dhe Court of Justice. The Court applies principles of interpretation which may difer om thas of rational Tow and Irom those sadiionally followed By English ‘courts [til have ragard to the purposes of the legsaton, 10 the Preamilefvhien may be le sight oF hen the svbstantve previsions [me tanspised into national egiitlen) and Wf necessary tothe diferent tanguage versions of the Community texts no fever than eleven Tengunges ate now equally suthentie, Ae rational courts HSve recog ise, the Court of asic Gest piced to resolve point of pitiple in the interpretation of Community lexis. Moreover, #8 rulings since they ae binding on all mioal courts, wil have the effect of matstaining the ‘ani ofthe lw: ‘Aendy the Cove has ruled on numerous fundamental aspects ofthe CCommuraty legislation. Full account Is given inthis boak of the Cour’ ‘ace l—tighty in view of ts binding characer—and the authoee sce Willing to examine the Impeations ofthe case law and hove i might sleveop, ‘Some aspects of the Courts ease law have been ested —n0t least by Bagish practioner, and occasionally even by English judges, Ths 15 haedly Supesing (have the decisions of any court on any isportan topic ever earaped etic?) an | donot seek here to defend the case law “globally"™although J ust secord Bat bx many encounters with practitioners across Europe, {have found a high level of appreciation for the mainlines oF the case, rom European perspective, one ofthe great virtues af this book is cat tecopmises the Buropenn dimesion. i hs recogaises that the ‘Act cannot be taken at face value the Act mst be unverstood in the light ir pattcuen, of the Direcve and, as the Court held in the Miriosing ease, mitional cours ast give fect @ a directive by linerpreting all national legislation so far as posible nthe igh of ‘Wording and purpose in order vo achieve the vol pursues. “Ths the authors recognise thatthe approach to sttuloryinteereo so, costomariy taken by English courts is not appropriate 1 te Act wiv effec his (© be give to the Direetive, Ever where the Act ively tangposes the Diectve’s prcsisions, it will be necessry 10 have sega, Sor eeample, to Dt preamble to the Directive, oer the provisions may misled Bcpuse Kerly in the edition teats Raglish Law in its European content, i can 280 be togatde a5 1m embryo, 2 Bueopean textbooks Where it ews attention © points of Community lay and where it Fecordls the views af the Englth courts an quesSons of interpretation, i ‘wll be of interest not only t English practitioners but throughout the Unita King and the Europes Union, ‘The aew ection of Keay i therefore assured 9 wide ag wall sb a Francis G. Jteobs Advocate Genera Court of Justice af the Buropeen Comasaniies PREFACE. Continue the following series: 7. 7. 5 10 4.28 96 123. IF somone had been asked that over the ast few yeas, he woul have been stumped for an answer, We now know the next namber, though none after That next i 4, Tam, of course talking about the number of yours Betwoen sucosssve editions of Key. Looked at “glabally”—the "ry" woud from the EC}—the answer isnot too bad. Kel has come out within six years of the neve rade Marks Act 1994, That is lot beter than Be Hine ok for new edit ar the 1938 Ac. Even the war ‘ago excuse for it was not until 1951 that Key resnfaced. And the Petia from 1927 upto the Act had been wholly unproductive “The cutrent sulle have a substantial achievement fo. hai ced. “Afi all the entre ln of registred trade marke has nat only Been == written but has Become ever so complicated. And there Is already & ‘mas of ase law following upon the Trade Marks Directive. I (that case Ine wich fotos the delay Of Kerly until now. OF course, in theory, there might have boon an edition hard upon the 1984 Ace. But the book would have been of litle use in the way of providing Sem ‘guidance, which i what Kovy is ally for. 3984 or 195 Kory would fave incided the Act, the Directive and the Community Trade Marks Regulation inthe Appendices. But the txt would have censised serly of rectatans ofthe important bits of theca coupled with guesses as 2 ena de courts Would make of them. That Would have been the Best that could he done. Actually it was done. Davis Kitchin and James Mellor’ 1955 commentary consid. of just that, Te instructive #0 ‘compare what they we hen vith what hae heppened since. fl use 0 over some examples ins, there was te thicket of potential problems caused by the United Kingdom's slightly late implementaticn of the Directive, Were there cases where a party could sue the Site, could there be hoszontal effects, ete? A worry atthe tne, but inthe event a non-problem. [Next the authors wondared whether, for infringement,» sign hed to be used as. roe snark, Was hat imple in dhe woke cheat af tings leven the Directive, tater typically stained from dealing with such ‘basic concept? The Court of Appeal in Philips, and Tin Trt, said no. fm sl wondering whether that i ight, We shall have to see what He CT says “Anotner concept of the Directive, “similar goods", was bound to turn up in the courts soon, Kitchin and Mellor considered it but fll to predic the answer given by the BCT it Canon. The concepts wool —as Jong asa piece of sting ied to give the string same sot of defined length in ret Twas disappointed to find the EC) take a dierent view in Chnon—the concept is as lang as a pies of elastic To 9, a the court did, that whether oF not the goods ofthe infsnger are “similar” tthe gods of the registred mark depends in part on the degree of itinctvenes of the repstrec mark, means that one can never be que ste lire one stands. Goods may be "similar" one day and not the next or fer One: pair of masks but not another. I snderstand from Practitioners tiny, in advising clients about infingement or repletion, Just what I feared would happen is indeed happening pages of vie ‘wit significant uncertainty, | console myself withthe tought that my ‘working rue atthe Bari perhaps ever trser nove than it was then Used fo say that by and Inge, te whole system of registered trade marks, save in the case of unused mavks, was nearly unnecessary —if there was passing off the court stopped it not not. The reader is invited to fest de rl for him /nersei Incidentally, the court, sn Conor, made an assertion that {think is lfcait to understand tai that she more distinctive a mark, the more key it that a similar mark is lkely to confuse. T think that servation i peculiar: the gare fomnous a mark the more likely is it that the public will recognise a difference between it and an alleged infringement Take an example. Years ago I was in court when a consent ‘copyright onder was made sopping someone from selling shirts labelled "flocrids” with the familiar letring of Harrods. In real hfe no one would be cnfused—if they wer, the whole point ofthe offensive spoof ‘would be missee. What isthe legl status of 2 wsang eaten of fat lve BCI? "Moving on, the whole Wegonsna/Pune saga has taken place. Kitchin and Mellor foresaw the probiem but not the ferocity ofthe debate. That Such a problem was lef to the BC] was evident from the Disstve. Lar flad of the resolation—s Rorechoch inkl rue lor. determining Infringement would have been overprotective and of uncertain scope Following on from that debate, it soem likly thatthe court setting = Standout for “confusion” which is Not overprotective, The “nanoy” view, that people must be protected even fact ther oven silly careless- ‘ness, does hot look to be part ofthe fue of eae marks "Next [come to shape, a matter touched upon lightly by Kitchin and Mellor. It was entcely predictable that otynery of well-known designs would! size wpon the possiblity of obtaining perpetual protection vi the law of tade marks. Philps and Lago sre covious examples in the limelight now. But there are plenty of other people having a go at seting sonopolies in designs, engineoring artefacts and containers The (iia Journals ofthe United Kingdom and Alicante offices, os well to OHIM Beards of Appeal decisions, show this clearly. Ths evan of Kenly can only reper ar the sate of ply. We shall have ta see wha the court makes of the diffiule problems thuown up by this ype ef mai The relevant part ofthe next elton will surely Took different from what you Bnd here Finally, I should mention a point to wath fr the future. Trade marks fare about signs used in ade. Its apparent ffom the speaticeions of {goods being allowed by OFIIM that owners are being allwed to register for ranges of goods ex services far wider than helt use, actual OF Ta ae itn hs ue he ce ve seo whos a pet “hough long specatos to fl ot wheter, rile ae plats orev ot whch be mark ep: Even ‘ore scouiy tase ovebrond eitestns ae Maly to hamper ce ‘nde coe thy fny pu pcs for anyone seeking sein of ‘thot or contemplating tang Te pros necs eon Sooner uterine rl have tobe developed to sap ta Ronse itis not god enough a sy that thre can be te arteanclation of ‘ide spelen Yor nvm Who woul bate wih the expose nd ste involved when they wat fo pt on wh sie? An FIM Soar of Apes! mua a chant deal with he poten in ln Ta Olah 38 200 by lng that the dotnet bad ath Cannot ben oda mth. Tat may ay nt Be gh Ee nt then antes way oght tobe found Stas eion hus nvlved amas of work by testo Tal to sing the prstre of my ear an ecu for not acl wating frying fr Keith tt tne sine 1921 uty a avin a {othe authors Tey Bove not nly fad to cope wit all the new Igo, bat wilh ober Sings to. The new proces the Shas Convention and the problems araing fos tent! st ‘vious example Or op off teh on ne npr acon of ‘Sov lw in tld, suche pasting ofl EU. and competion Ive In {fa thi con Of Ker inne Sart isthe fundaton fora ne of fone sethng into he fr fe ows not a ke at deh Bt ie jst thao te est And succse elms, With so mach ‘Dadevork now dove one cn conker enpect Ut te net set Ripe crs wil be sit le an a Robin Jacob “The Royal Courts of stce “August 2000, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS le the orginal tam (DK, JM, RO#) And epprecited the amount of work involved in producing tls edition of Kely, She process might never have been started. We were very grateful to be joined by TMS and ‘parculasly by DL, without whooe wrk the process might never have fen feshed. As we anticipated sn the Supplemant tothe 12h Edition, vitally the entire book has been re-walten. Special thanks go 10 ‘Shereagh Dunphy and Ben Muir wove analysis of all pasing-olf eases ‘Selded sine the Ist edition significantly reduced the azsoun? of Hime required on Chapter 1, We are indebted alzo to Mork Chacksfeld for hia work on Chapter 16. All savolved at Sweet & Maxwell have been ‘ery patient with us in gusting ths edition to publication. ‘We have attempted & state the aw as at June 1, 2000, but have lncludedt as many decisions as possible which were given after that date and before the proofs were Bnalised. Responsibility fr all errors and ‘omistons les with us alone. Please aiess aay comments on editorial raters to Ariy@Snewsquare zouk, DK, DL, JM, Rk, TMS ‘Ortaber 2000 + CONTENTS Foreword Price Table of Css Fale of States ‘Table of Sattar Instruments Table of European Leittion ‘Table of International Convetions and Treaties 4 INTRODUCTION 1. The origins ofthe Trade Marks Directive 2 Statory interpretation and Pepper (inspector of. Taxes) Hart CComustytae mack Made protocol Paris Convention Od authorities Common law Procedure 2 THE DEFINITION OF A TRADE MARK 1. Introduction 2, Sign 5. Capable of being represented graphically 4, Capable of dlstingulshing the goods oe Services of fone undertaking from those of other undertakings 5. Ret services and equivalents & Annex 5. THE REGISTER OF TRADE MARKS AND THE TRADE MARKS BRANCH OF THE PATENT OFFICE 1 The Register 2 The Comptroller oF Registrar 5. Division ofthe Repstr 4 Ents on the Repistor 5. Alteration of entis on the Register 6 Inspection ofthe Register, and obtaining informa 7. Procedural mates concerning the Registry rt 1 18 2-08 231 281 288 $ Egeeee 4. CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS AND SERVICES; MARKS. FORMERLY ASSOCIATED 1. The classes 2. Conversion 3. Mark formerly associated 5. NATIONAL REGISTRATION OF TRADE MARKS 1, Preliminary 2. Procedure n national application to register 5, Opposition to Registration 4 Appeal fom the Registrar 5. COMMUNITY TRADE MARK PROCEDURE AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE MARKS 1. Community wacle mark procedure 2 Procedure a application fora Community trade mk 5. Opposition to appliitions 4 Registration 5 Renevell 6 Surrender 7. Dealings with Community trade marks 8 Jussdicion of Community wade mark courts 9. Applications for evocation’ declarations of inval- idty 1. Rights confareed by CM. 11, Conversion of CTM to national registration 12. International registration of wade macks 7, ABSOLUTE GROUNDS FOR REFUSAL OF REGISTRA- TON 1 Overview 2. Construction sn general point 3. The individual grounds ection 30) 4. Assessment of distinctive character 5. Shapes section 32), 6. able Palicy, Deceptive Marks: section 3) 7 legal marks section (8) 8. Specially protect emblems sections 5) 4,57 and 38 Bed faith: section 16) 8. RELATIVE GROUNDS FOR REFUSAL OF REGISTRA. TION 1. Introduction 2. Confit with erie trade marks 3. Confit with earlier rights £06 om om 5-80 #105 oo 636 on on ra on 10s eas 10 or 201 ma 225 7-86 733 ra 7170 71% pass eo e101 os 4. Honest concuzrent use 5. General matters ‘9, VALIDITY AND REMOVAL OF TRADE MARKS FROM ‘THE REGISTER 1. Preliminary mations 2 Invalty 3, Revoeation for non-use 4, Other grown for revocation 5. Procedure 6 Surrender 7, Expiry, renewal, removal and restoration 130, GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS AND APPELLA- TIONS OF ORIGIN 1. fnoduction 2. Regulation 2081/92 onthe Protection of Geograph- {eal Indieations and Designations of Origin for ‘Agricultural Products and Foods 11, COLLECTIVE AND CERTIFICATION MARKS 1, Generally 2. The Trade Marks Directive 3. Collective marks 4 Cenifeation marks 5. Differences betwees collective and cetfcation marks 12, ASSIGNMENTS, TRADE MARKS AS PROPERTY, CO- ‘OWNERSHIP AND LICENCES 1 Oxtline 2 Assignments 3. Registation of assignments and other transactions 44 Assignments without goodwill 5. Unregistered trade marks 6 Co-owneiship 7 Licensing of registred trade marks 8. Stamp duty 13. THE DEFINITION OF INFRINGEMENT 4. Preliminary 2. Notional registered trade marks 43, Farther sights conferred by the 19 Act, 44 Community Trade Marke 1M. THE ACTION FOR PASSING OFF 1. Foundation and nature ofthe action ea 523 oo sas 937 273 9-108 ou 100 10-05 ao 1-02 11-08 346 11-25 mo wan m9 1234 25 12-65 12.86 0 13-04 13-180 Bar 101 22. MISCELLANEOUS 1, Trae mark agents 2. Company and Busines names 53. Haman sights and trade marks 4 Merchandising APPENDICES Part I Key Statutes Tr Tine Marks Act 1994 9 Tine Marks Act 1988, ‘Pant i: Registry Materials 3. The Trade Marks Rules 2000 4. Trade Marks (Fes) Rules 5. The Mark Registry Foss 6 Practice Notes 1 and 2 of 2000 (fe prosedure and cost) Part Ik: General Eeeopean Materials 7. The 1988 Dieetve 15 Relevant Pars ofthe Treaty of Rome/Amsterdam. Part IV: CTM Materials 5. The CTM Regulation (os amended for TRIPS) 10. The Regulation Amending te CTM for TRIPS AL The implementing Regulation 12, The Fees Regulation 13. The Appeals Regulation 14, The Commsnity Trade Mark Regulations 1996 art Vs Other European Materials 15. The Indications of Geographic! Orig Regulation 16, The 184 Misleading Adverbs Ditctive (as amended) 7, The 1997 Directive Amending the 1984 Directive for Comparative Advertsing 18, Regulsions under the CAD ($1, 2000/914 amending Su 188/915), Part Vie Mads International Materials 15. The Madrid Protocol 20, The Trade Marks (international Registration Order) 1996 ss amended by the Trade Marks (international Registre- tion) (Amendment) Order 2000 Post Vil: Other Intemational Materials 21, The Paris Convention 22 Relevant Pats of TRIPS Urvgsay Agecement 23, Thad Mars (Clains to Peiorty trom Relevant Coustses) Onder 1994 2s m2 Ava A201 avo asa. A501 ‘Ae Aro Asal ‘A901 Alot ‘AlLOL aro. Aso aed aso 16-01 ‘I-01 Ato Ai. A001 Ano Aza Aza, 24 Trade Maks (Claims to Preity from Relevant Coun- fies) (Amendment) Orie 1995 25, Patents and Trade Marks (World Trade Organistion) Regulations 1989 Part Vil: Customs Materials 26, The Counterfeit and Pirated Goods Regulation 27, The Counterfeit and Pirated Goods Implementing Regu- lation 28, The Goods infringing IPR (Customs) Regulations 1999 28. The Goods Infringing IPR (Consequential Provisions) Regulations 1999 0, Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 (scleced pes SL The Trade Marks (Customs) Regulations 1998 Part DX: Procedrale Materials. 82. CPR Extracts 133, CDA/Brussels Convention Extracts Part: Other ‘34. The Heraldic Convention 35, Contrasted Marks and Names 36, The Olympie Symbol Act 1995 Page Index 26-01 ‘Ama A601 Asta asta 3301 Aso 136-01 1553 t TABLE OF CASES 150 owe ne Reena Li 0) ET MR... $16 1.95 282. sani as a 10% PURE GOODNESS Cis 6/981, OFDM (st Bd Ag. 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SS lly ith bas 7 nin et ae enn fF 2M BOE ain + age Brows ion, Gai nN eto fg DR SGP SHO LAD BOUL a Ht vale Mecyniang Seve Li Maen Pasay (ave a (ise SK fal Sr Boo SCR Oy Me Tits Nove 2, ving Bion en fi RP i oes ‘ave lata of Cees Sa (be €/2 Bravo BA) va Auto SpA 1997) ETM, SG fabaden ane) ETE 05 ‘ein oy LST PE a, - Neo Big bun Goi a eee ok ae ee Cinch at RPE A Babar tae cane feel oie i ils) 3 AE i "PEAT A a1 Sse ef fe 210, CA iouads Bisomme ppebsoRee wens ne Team tea AG Alo BelsTEpuinnt ta Enis Ca i i PE snail aC a 7 LE, By TES man, as88 [Gt Bserndor AC Cave C719 MPA Pharma y Rhone Poe Case Eaethbatat cat ner fo] CML dish boa GEG Fe Geaperuen ihren ie Gown a bce cect LSA Scene FSi aa/ AGO. eo a, LN 1S 14 ie Beret SRN Mwisaie a raat — S tron em eae en on ei Aen a nc Pi Surgeons Cbg HB RECS, Sit Be Set sre ia aC Se tee Brain Beek atcatnn bese Sx Ly (8) 4 AE iio ‘eR re Fs Oeuinr sh. Tes a6 in Ha C99) 90 RE ssa ESI Eee Line tg 9 Cr ia ESE EOE Sd plan ese ie a iki Ler Cle: sal Cooper 0910 3 RE SESE Pot ste Legon Btn ru re ODOR ar i end Mi ay a Tene a ca ot Can ki SACS a CX tg? CE i ‘eitsh Leyland Motor Coxp Lid v. Wat Interpart Co. Led (Not ‘a wid Spas i era a Salt ‘ecard tec aera con ay Sales Se es he nee set i Aah rh i weiss SSRN ASSO SS ba scant Sa sas Rebs 2 ly Ben i a sions Ga iene eta ST Sh ve Rtn CoN Apts BU a Ob op “PR fet decent ete anders caries a Ee ee amie Seana en aE Sat Pe Na ae eA aes Sens ehense tals tes Sena cen pols ol 245) PD. 23037, Ca 7 SE coca epee ae tis Pe cw ns alon Lit ache Cap 8 ote al toon) TL kestDy oo «An ele ee fia ENGR Seid oe he a en eke IB cies tata searanl depots US Berra ai eee ee ae tapreerteen inane ans satire viet oe oc uc hired pial wia nen vei jain cream eg eojape cnt ueenouirmescemscan npr re sureseiats Wtiaienite 188) REC. 29, BD, seecing 8H) RP. mn teen seg ee Bows cry heenses lh ee Sua Cieere coe eae) a cn tt mm 8 96 0 san ee ey ci ih ARR ‘Barry aan 06 33 RECS . ‘ide tata Be RR wa wate canes ee CeCe eae. eo Eevee lds et SEG Gainer omerampeoea haa 2 no Bare Deane, 1rd Goats Gat Sie emer fetiearae URSTADYISOR 200] EAL 8 or (Devin) Tad ak [98] RP: 8 TA. on, -02 Ree Stale doretrs bw tes 3 Wii Si adh A ER as Tiss) Pct ies Fade ao 96) a2 LSC. a (es 208. 1, (Os 2553.1 .c4 ° Oe so catia or Pi 7 i EPnar Son’ ar ace Wai Apion A TETAUL 8, Appin enon Sas a8 ‘CA Merv. CAA" Gated) id (1978) PR. 136 (M6) LR, Sup. Ck en ws (¢85 Sone Lid w Anse Concer acon e oo] A is are RENEE SR my 5); Financial The Th “be The Gurdon, May 1,298, #2; Sheet ny ay Ges ea HERVE aw LRE NL Aer ec cos dg i Se emg as cae fot 2 WL [i AN ER 90) FS. Ber nS 7 cette een pre. aes SHER Enait'sy Cleans tis dete conpeentia d bo pt oma ge sh coset VER Me nr fl Emo hla a ye SEAT MNS CRG SECT San es ee eT ay Cine Weeles Pl v-Betih Telcommongeatons Pc iba FS, 385 6958) Ce Sia Tar (YD IE RI ie, an SATS Ta too st. Vii eo AS EAGER te nl pou Sdn S18, i se scat fees unten Tn ren (0) RPC 3 = HE See enn ee See Tih: pal ge 28 ‘Chen, Gav fal. Commasion ot the wore Commanses Cae 738/758 “eaives'n is, fooN ROR i [OMIT CMR Sou (De) Fo, fied 77s ec amend ‘sam conga rd abs ae (i) 3 EE HL iam ‘Eine Se Eee Campanian pA Apeemert e Srrfeacal Eugen ate Moo Aprston (2/1959 0) ETM, ‘Sib (Oppo De mee EEN Na Seong cm I 2 eg emacs fecal Capzutaid's Applicaton (1906) 26 RPC. TED. 7 nee Aiea spacniooies a Speen ce ‘545, Tb Gee inst (Pari. ‘ 7 cw BRO a cae Sea Trade Mare No Zab, Re (196) 1 WL Tie [50] 9 AN E29, (16) cut i hea inl eR SiS havea os Cee enemies iit Sad ict CE ieee mt eee A iin ‘Asoc nd Eat npr. Tawest Cady Gone (it PAPE gon ee ener Tg tegiastai week”. A {St ie See nl AC: Minden enn eel Rotate Ot Sup 199) RC 38, ch 0. paw ‘Stan Ca ie & Conc is Burj ae ack Alon Gi Biss fo ree Fin BeBe op 5 9 conena feginfargn Ga) CP os wvasieur St CA mn a 8 Use fa eMC eh Be PE Coty Te id RE Papel rac a 9] RP Be Fn, Fe atone "708 Geet ei hes i A aca ae SEER Si Tre Ma pes [ot Ere Sy'cr. ford {Sut Gating 6 Whe es (us WARE S te Hee eis AS as 15 34-28 10H, ciatade sh eek 1 BY, Amc Hee Prodi Comp Coe 3/78 878 BC (Cala ah ¥. Mason & Mary 80] A328 FSR 05, fueron nee 1358 cond Man cc asa eet Rao tec ea eA Urge ita Pygmies Ca Soper aaa ® RE i my Sores Sah a vp 8 SEE Be aS a alias aby BRS ca iil ig (Sop y Gergen Gey ay toys oe ck. Ten $16 eee as ‘Guppy Haring Cane sa) Gas) PC CRD, fsa = SESE cus rien ac tena Te ee Ree ae ‘ning [1994] EMCLE. 186, The Tims, January 12,1994 The indpendent, Sone Serta esp eae ar i 3 (Giishart rele Sais] se Bs CHD is SR ER a asso eine csr OS ev i qeaiieralca aneee tes aka at SEA a com ABE etc analy a SEERA sitet is erst ‘Siac aie ct : cod ESS Cy Sa eee ise A cia cl 1 ie et Sc aca E Sr ris i ae as tno ogi Stee re Ss Se lees ett vee ie Sai eter mermen omar rau a a o ee ta Ss = : hea eal ane “3 SC a Ses Rea sage me ena igeamiaaate tee RS sale a i saa a eee meget lo ha aL As iE e ease cee ere Her Due ta ie ae wn canara ae gg Se ottawa Se issue ie SEG EAS EUS og CR Ee ae cay coy aoe ean namie Seecoteunias ae Sie eee Be aac Eieniiee & feyniondTainodn aaa ae us sass rasa es Sot ened Coe Mae Hag iG | Piha, 15 A Cons Se Con Appt oka Cline a Bs mcm 2s 199712 VL 9, 099713 08 38 gor FSk 3 cm a Ss ei le a, con CE GoW Ae eR ne gs pin an aR 0, asa Sec tiene 4 Erk Tote Mo 3 RE. ee Seema aera $3 iia she 35.9 to RE eric ES ropleten 8 2 yb) Er iss Sp tec ho Si cust Cave 8 G7) ne SOURS Stim et i sh ie Mint lane 1 eal W's ae Cal A ER ST (8) Eat tied east oe ‘so PUA Cu: ar (WLR cca 9m Lh, My i ea oe eC BB aa wich eS ‘os, ts rc ea Ue age it Pipa Vy Per ic Kate (150) 9 REC Ae MCE Bafa 0 Landon Bane SMSC IND A ae Wid Damier 1919 2 B- ees Bhi tetak os cis i a Sdiaset ATU Nn? ge se) hake 9b) aL ey Tiel sa Ga ee ZC hel ik es ae Te ust in eo Ck en Dae Sls Foods Rod Brie LES enc comer, éeo een Sui ee lo fi) 1X Ri ite te TB. Me ean ie See omic wise a a oct i el cr ge CN Boge fi pect ompenec aa "hea 98 Cig ar hae Se ChB fe ea Daw Shon 9) 22 RC 25H Sa Barre henge Cnt ds tate Sona eames SRrIMISIESH 19S). 4, ChD 1S Te, a BT, 76 ese vA 0m 8m D2 eg By Cait ik che Co Cai ic a i WA BE 7 er te, 1676 85.08 Devin Seis ina SEI ce se Beane Stone (9a) ae ts Peres Ste tee amiaats eee a Bey Tego Seen, Gang (HP FS. ob resents EL gure eae sh Poe icin ba Batic sis 71/5 ia a8 Belin espe ne A lng Casi ai Wil § (Catt a Br Tn, Mar 1s Dano A de Mk RO PC Span e533 sk a oman coup ac se 949 69 003 Cems ase C8596 (959 ECR 8h Sper etath oe on tury re Tm, ant esi aH A HES a ess oy ERS Gen eh cas NG Ge 70ST RCA PTL CMR WB IRE IS, ‘Devers [196] 2 Ch 138; 13 RE.C. 288 - 1657, 16-83 gee ee cet onatrc i ‘iia ee Saige Sa aca icin Sai UE SE FSA PSLRA aL a6, Ghee 1 Derma sates BORIS Tacit EA parton syn : ee Brig ieee aici! ‘Mitt Cra Mt re os hue 10/9 GA EB EE) Geihccmwrtcmnorela ceee vec i i ie iE Bomanion an Ca Bade en A eS (47 9 EPH ss HESS Donel rev Feragiow 90 gap ov ei, Sie oe ‘ei Youre Hie Co. (Lenn) Lav Pach (Sef Dive Car 1907) neo oe na Du Bua Du Roig 8) LR ZFC 4x0 Bit Raita Apts i ins PR Si aso» a gc "08, 74D, 7d, 7.298, 7-158, 6-131 Dabonoets Apotinton (08) 31 LPC se ae Bane Alea srte 916) 3 RP. Rea Banaoe foe) Appian aH) 2 BDL cer ‘eal ob a) RPC ei Hee rn Cott, any ii Dune: Bios bic 8 RE ume ima Er fondy Ld (ua 8) SRC AA\CR Da Dorel erator! ny Evra Le) G96] RD Zan aba Dry Soar Ca repo a ata Ma oo Drama Pc ace i SS 1H ENB io srg cat ma 48 a 28 1S) BH OND i notte ae62 oa en Ss appar ts Sie i i cee are Sant Scarpa re a nap Sa Ss cage aS a aston (947) 64 RPC, 128, ee Hensal, a ics Sere ea i a i Ege Gaon (3) e RP ite Bap Retinal ee oor ar is ‘ica dae Eaton Egan 6 YLT (NS) 2. po ‘Ents Acai uy’ Sn Sage aL GRRE E> AO Einar Appeton O90 PS. Ae Ei ea a Ade Si pil i ii #3 es rnd (na Eh. ms Ringe 9913 Gn 0 RPC es ‘be Sign Sys i la Cmpuis La ibl#S3 CA Sco Aare ar enna cus ovata fogt aa ams Finn 58) RETR Cs ring 98) ROC 3G, TH 6 a a Py 0 9) #3 eS ‘ecru il Bi Lid) ie) RRC Ha i ant isa Ue lee La Nad (en 2 2 Charing (9) TRB ah Seg aa ae to 166, cs Dyn Sr Etc La . yar Appian tad 2 RM Eric Sci Eneromaie (009 SR PC TR, M3 16.2 ABS ENING shay Dg chro Kj 3h Ta Te inSain eT uy TPG Toa as.08 susp CdS Uw Cag Pama Li 8) FS 96 CHD. NH MESES i my dv, yon Apples La] EM 99) 24 LD. i aga SE TFs Peay 99,4 Ds DS PIO 2, ona Platine Law, Scty Ribintons La [FSR Gop moi th. ch ae ies yt a yn) 3B ENEUCAP fade Mar ly] RPT, Appointed Pen 5.25, as5a0 Ere, Dus (i 8 App Coe 1 1 A Stak Gain enn 08 7 oe [ERIE Puhatan Conca Ei Abc ainsi PBL Caan ER iv ci foo} Ere Hone ER ee Scena ui ty Nesp G0) SLE oy em ERS ea toepr en Gu a PRL REA ie epee eho mse ‘eerig (197) P51, ChD. ee inated ae bs es Nea nda nd nc LES 6 HE Sst Beene Latin Cat ee Seo fe as etn Rep! w 9) oR sun he ie se EECA iis BEN e a aa See a i | ACL EEE, es Care aE Ta Bas SSL 7 ew ECU ae are dame ys ic SL snp Cony Sar Cop apa Geni Cony = wears Comment a a0 eae so as Se at Se (SS) FSA x Winn 90) LPO. ach Derren BBE 1596 eS Ba ica eh sesh ese ve ee ea on arpeyn Nip Sev Lid (ENS), Comainon of he Baca "eee tiaptoplacn wisn scaR RAMEE, ay yar End Cie dF fora EN EN iam ESE Stand Cre an aw Setar ak ‘ian SUS 0/190/00, une 12 2000. oa 60 ERG ier OBE 7 "tee Ge Ma "amie aoe OTRAS wn Eee citar aii e ee Re Soatin pes dat pan marcy we Fiat (Arthur v. Fates (98) 66 RPC. 275, ener] EECA RUE Ma aiiweweeacn Fosoe aig RPE Mg sce Newt Rte 9 RE. Bie ea ie i Cat Potton i eige i] ETALKS, Teb Gee ra ‘ns flee Toons i 31 RPE ers Rinna ime & at 080 i eer, itons fous eRe at on aie eee ena fot Ftv, Hapaans Lab Ont Con 34/5 (| BCA a fie tan Spas Hawn Cah SN 2Ch. 18424 RPC. (aS EMRE Fens ee a sa ets en ents) x cise ‘aor ple Neo Helm a 94] FSA 755, Ch aoe Fite G28) eh an Be Pech ag i'w Be Cha Hy a il FH 3 Bp ost Aka trie wil SR Gl KEE Chena He ROS Sal ae reocesanlte St at Sie ere as ao ae Aa ee erred dt Fane ARP a siete tee ona at ec LE ae Soh PSA ay) Sn Se one att ss Aas San a a8 orn hj ops is SRC 3 - ‘sia ‘ean & no Foam as Fale Ch. ee oro ura Forfa: Hans tee Gu Cae HA UUNTAD Tage Mr Ub, Appt Doe. om, ms Eeguanarnre st 7 eas ae oe SrA ing i RE ea ate re ae enc) nitty Goby hii i ac C30 ij inl # Catena LOR be CRU, Br ee A, 66 te on fre Cha a 30) so 18 abr Be Vancocte SP Cine is CB | CML Bo « sot rae isa pk Came ia ei 0 BE i> Sate a oh pe tain Hen Gun 8/0 or il Gone NE Cu Cs oie ECR Laos (SOT CMR MM EERE Se copyesn sac) 39 ‘ee Rael eae at TL ‘ea ems Ed Choe 00 42 RPC- CS, Ae ian ean Rae Fe se a ene Sr ye i Sat ec Se FRUSHSAVER [1994] ET-MR 19te eases Ed RRR wiormoa oe oe acting, cop ett 398/95 vas son ay a pen 9 3 es ce nephews 3 se ARE HSSRRE ass oie. ao Flo 100 YN 58, as, 0 Fr dw Hate 9B] 1 FT need sy 3 19, chew ea ab, AS-05 Fle cv Chis rn nc TEC: ORS B.C 6G ota: Catoy Aprad BSS) < WLR. 198) 2A ER a5 198) ee int eke ae Gon 2 (989) 25 NLL {ian a) 1 en ae 8 LS. FL Saas co thee i te ah Gop PSA BUDS, (ate Cyn Appt psi xa Pi iH) EAL Ak” AOD SEE PERI Seder stood ese sec Nese en Any 9a ee ba ev: Wa Tem, Au 6184 rel igang el ep SS. cee item eRe 1S, iis i Wea Sin ong eed es ia BC any Bt Reo iy a 8 RP, 6 E Cee Se A Tat ete ar fd] AC BST Se aay Tae, Cok Wk 3 CABLE sh) Ss bee) teh veoning e)QU 11 [9)IVIER, Salioaa enema ta 7CULR oxy 0S) Hh Ch 1100 10 ‘Gg AG 4 Chobe Drag Chel C98) RECO MD 16, AD Se Sere Tw Car te Ca CE Ted ak ‘het cee vl SAL ER a oral esa sro RP or, ec) aa rug 0M FS fis (I Ry Caving iii ine TIEN ag, Cho- ok 92, a0 ea 6-22 ‘G6 ete ess tele vl Bx Ci Sipe ETM] FR IG (PL EP HC eas ned evs sy Co. Cored Hodynai Corp UR) 989] RAC 1. MSD Sou Sons Pw 8 EP. wee Ste Glad Cap 68) 3217 8 iat om has TP eso See PGS Ca Se FELIS co ctlC AEE MELT a in aC Gea aC, inane 6 event i i Ries Co Brae fe hui Coun ea ah ‘te tm an eR Ys yes am i nc roa Boneh ilbenf eo for Guba nn gay a i gular mene om ae ae 55, Sig Sa ‘ree Banh Sar i acme Sava eC ibn PE eng (MBE ENS ‘Bak ose ere deen! Tetris Ine Usbe Sst 3 WBE aa ine CL. iy ey Pa Pn erp Ah os CO Rp i ti San Li in nFlags a qu) a = ‘oe lei isa ane ieee Hae Site etre gare 3 = er sheets cn Ss kn See ours dor Sg tie tad et parrae alan ce sesenicee EET on ee Ss Sw acre ie tere ea ora seta ST Pe ie eee Beane oertaera tampa fee Ss ete Can ceea ae Si feat Fa (oo rag eG cool ERO RC OTE Le sw Gfloml Cea fess Gow tener Ud Pensa i FCA. ida A Gesamte Ch eek eae hah: eh er CH Gil Som LA. i Pte Tae Glen hile Peucton oe vSing Bi hrs Bad Crs Sch ‘idan Gi Sching tnsHan! Cap) EPR CLONAL CHL iy lic ee ec i pl g , (i Abc) de st Nin Sean PEA HOARE ey CoO” eg Sere cade fing nrc mk cot ibe ip oe Nat ens T ee eeu akg itd RPE ‘we Sau vy Sa sc) 1B RFE 3, evi lta Spas pcan Re 15) | EL ba oj Ha enw i ii R13) CA sien G8) HRB” EAE ning ag ge WR mom A, gainer satyiesactirbeattoe Gone ate AS Seas B Gaya v.Gale of London (1952) 69 RPC. 188. oe s, Eee ra cg emai we SSPE A cca a ate a (GRANADA ‘nde Mark ig? LPG, 303, TA BL eat gate icing aly ee W's cc ue cxf aea cy aar nde gen BE ‘Gren Arow Retatiower (id v- Renta lower Lad 1968 SLT. (Not) 60, OF. AB Seeman aeeenraderas s ‘Geen nannies Wick ae PAL ER F998} a GBD wae Sree Ne ai eared eg Coton Motor Nel Roe Nain Gh) SBR BIE, cn te Grebtein Seon 51) 32 RPC 7 icine Seca aut OB 19 RPC, Sate Siti agen GoM DER Ge ue ‘tory Fae ad Gon Lv Navy fib gyi. fom ck Sian, 0 Fa, a we See ne ta i eee iiss re wen. ioe are Base LGRUNDIG cent Se Grundig Wess Aptos SEamaps Conse tons Contr SA at Crt Ves Gat “Enum fh Burge Commrites Cs Sf centres! a SS Se ee ere a 7 Chien cus ea cc it aa tC a) isp Gian SE 1 ae ‘ld Cisuy = Fleey ewig Co i) Ms ai, abe te conc a i iad TSU A cSt nl tr ee caeeta Se, Oe “538, 10, 13-42, e282, 16-105, add HP Das i J sling S93) 97) 2 CMLR 5,197) RPC 7 Tite Hak Je Hay Ye, Ca ting (MLC MILE Utd RR Tiny hy 8, ChB eg He, Hobie Ly Habs tr AGS} WL. A 4 | Bre. tiie cA” "ia ins tea ease Ha Trade as 61) BEPC Bi oe ‘hing cor Cos ade ac i SRE Ga pe ‘He ctl) 9.8 oh 7 i rd Homwnund soln rahe (nS PEL neo ‘aes Genr pti (020 47 REC aie A Hore er BV and Sng Rete he eae Foran ines de Poss Aun sn eae (mL Go LW ‘fiom EC ivy MLR ase 9] CoH HS) BF ana ath CN ia Fit Bove Go Canny Tate Nk app a] AE 5, Shan at Ap — 2 HOHE Sys Sel Won 0960 7 RC os Ca ning G8 RPC, ri sii si iy id 8H RG SH AS Inge Reet sa ee Eeipepermscials Fs ym cen CONS ag ue or A Stn Co, ESCs ig IR female ar (4 RE 7, est oe Hit Cy fa fe as 7 CE fet isms Hi foop fee. ie alin (Gi Cin nc Euan ovis Ce hd “MRE PONY Cio if #SR ee Ray aad Cr Ci Se Ge Cre Camis be Eran sae Mair etn RPC Hino age GH) ED 7 ino oy aPC a lees open Re i 71 RG” CA vein Oa AO re iii i fe4 i A eee we fecal tte eet ns alte Hore = Mownga fa) 1 hb sa ' ‘Heousy Dong (0 19 PC ihe Hits emmy 19) 2 BC 1 Hennoay Rant (Sen Dg tone Httsy © Ney as i ae Hier enn Gontge EQAC RNG nce nrc Cer High Tepper 1¢ RNC, Not le rc Pls Newapape ne M,C 8 See sc SE il raced Pa rs fi Gp si oa Howey soneand (oy PEAR tur CH ae HS ee myn) sw anc Bis ds 3 RE ew Na 8 ‘eat eat Pec 958) FS i 5 ig CB ouge Py Atti Boaring Commision (1741 RPC. Sp. Ch irc Sn be We a a i al CL ee eS Gar eS can mai, TD te “Sept 8 199 Ch 8 pn nee 8 10,8 vay Vitipeuie BY 0 Mens & Ue Gall 196) BOER. 7 1 hay (Goch "3 tity Ab Uses Beclopoens iisRPE: noe Hindu nc («OP 3 es Hoey, Uae (947 Co, 947] 2 AER 5,8 TLR BH, GHWT ARP, “stim Le tahoe se Cho, Sane aso. ng We tg a ee a Fat an 19 RB cies ae TRESS Vics Cov Canon ins (Ja hn BA) fist] PE a " ss. ty ses Gnas 3 i CO At Fae Chace Lar Ate 9951 FSC re Fee ce a id ee ny See Us oi (TV Eg dp React pn tte bP aw as Oy ae ee olen: neh OH) SRE. oe HORST Saeed Corp BP Gals iow in, So 1. ae as, Rovere 518, ak esse peice psa" Foun Lr ache & Ca, AGW SA Jaen tite tar. Soak Soca ipa ea ap bm ee ivi ee 6 jet Gabor B98. Che ai fa esi 2, FO) singe iy Hee Gon AG. Cnr Verein Pac Th mpm tl 13/5 AL SO Hotinan a Roche & Co. AG ¥. Comabtion te European Commins Case SPARS sy ot atk a (is FT Bh 1A Hoga Flee) UAL ica Hciiase adopae ene i, ste Hotes neat goss ei LL i Ch ‘isi Ye cia SCA 8 8 oy Halos eae Holey talons 450 13 Bene 38 HO SRCERE Dov Gls ons bc Stil fal a H,chO.. 6 owe Baer 0909 2 RE bet toma a 3p SL Hest tong 7 8h App “cht fe ee ee as Geo pon ea Gating 910 7 RP TRSREON ic tt oe Bw i a ing oni Lame 091) RPC he etn? Gung Interaton CF i, Sy Big narion “ou ae) AL a ae gt 32 LIE 91 onset ae HS) A oe 2 WL, a SHY AER. 2 Tee e ee ue Gane rie Oxo 8 10 pie Sek in at Diney rotons Ut (96) FS 96 Howton» ln Baking Gis SRBC 38 ioe Hos Sis Py Las Comty Trade Mak Aplin 959) ETAL i te pation De). " Hbtaces Bows (ROD TP RPE ieee SESS ne i 0 He a Hasan v Ose 8) 29 LI. 7 0,50 UGCA eae Me fl Fae 30, see tn ne he Sl Yoh ea Can UN) 8 RE 8 ‘HUMIC SA Trae a Sb am omic 9A Sapa agro SA [1999] EMR 36, xin Di) Se has Humps Tjian) ch SE ty Hiway on ere oe th eee ae nig nc AE ies Hy Flt Reg Bh 9) 0 RP ise ‘sctletsapaton (9B a ECS oo Thoin pak oreo esi, Aca a a a wie ime: Moston Gi ah RE Ba Ta tel "cay BSunv8 YOGURT Te Mk] RPC 88, aware 10 v- Phonic Terai Carpe) Lid Paaing OF i856) RC: 3, ICIS Bk Parnes li a i id Ben aman [ist 2 MCR Si fom FR Gh D Sot is108 tow Sper a Boron re Gc i i rif Gn al ad Gb Can C398) ECR ia ion] SCAT Ga FSR Te Toy 7 Franca he Tne 218 C124 a hh 1, 1D lec ages Law Bch ne Whee Mosc Carp [BEATS SD arf i tas Apreaton Besa Uk hl BP nuts He USS) 2CMLR We 5) BC 95M, Ten LC 1 Go EH tee es Ny 96 hs Ja SA Huopnn Tne Ma Appenn [ao] B1 MR 0, ib pant ‘eat Gawain ui dio i arid Waa au iene ey eau iganas” Ihe How C886) 31Ch DIESSREC Is # " ae09 Ege aereenage noo Be IMiaGeoret a Ca ss Ori ft be AP tag Info tir Co une i de ‘ida Ra CA ata) ES Mey D eh 5.60 sce ior, a pers Croup Pe. Pip Mori a 96 RPE, CHD. 14-8 el infers Cun ly Bement AC Se MO lnporeTaco De Pq (91 8 Rye 1 win Aas infra Totes Pal G00) RF. Tea, leat 27g sine Lal eer mens iy a i pm ire i iah RE GD aie BS Recreate pajelemand oo ONES SS oes secs ina evome Coro te & is igi i il A ain aC sing i 1G 40. C in 1098 —y ae ERE Ing Ss Tae Mg: Ape 200) EMU 05 TM... ae INSTANT nUTBRNet LN) ETA 2 (BA) oa tng AG Tyee tri ine 0) A 20 (3 is a En'se:1 RL i fm APEC ay Goes Pn oe Ha (ny aT ine Ta, Many 8, 986 FE ng lier si Ca Teen 238 nto Cre (91 21 Un Oe [uml Hae 1d Parade 29'S * Ast [plana ene Gros Sree Mat [99H] REC hie.) ABS AEN SRI Yc a a a Saeee $a ay Sly Ml Mtg Se Bd Bl ate ah tenor Coapenn Wiles Se (90924 RPC- A... 146 478, 4-271 inayat Tatra Go GhO ROR. in NOLARE aan posal) Hef Hh ea Bc enn Mii Ri A, His #3850 Ty Ao Ch ie saad cr gC RC GB ey ie cr sor cue ar, OH App. 2 [uP Cantsapptcation 053) 3 C35, we ‘atiege XCar ve in Co i’ dl Ch a9 WL Be ibs ales aS ak ST he, ing vole Lo. AP Bu, otlege Sr PE Rca SA a es Homie Co ek ur 0989 SRBC co Nate }Slinbur tis Afpleaton 0] PS 5,6 Coe Iden Co's Te Ma ce es Cy ind na Ga ce Engen Cty Ui, Aer Wied Shc (i SR “x cit 186) eB, ows ch : 205 Saeco (0) WR tae Jamun Jemeson Gas Re TAN AUSTEN 1/1/24 ly 1. Da 2aet hea he oh RR it iti, eran la Ud Dp ir Ch wide ide, a7 ls ae Sone Aplin, Re (95.72 RRC ee Sawn Yer St Late an ez Sut Can Pe SA is pry tnt) Os Dem RRC a... 38 94 e818 iad ie in ae Bie te ce emi ae Prey oe Pane Ni fF cot Roper opera (se RPC a rm Jean Pass Sk he Zap Cecten Velag A a HMA Cd fon ‘es ip ei SS i : ts Aopen te Ga BES a4 Fane Metis) Ch uc re ae JE a iis et ec ea ea [Bite Te Tine, Duomber BERD, PAE Re a eT ee ms sa Say Campin Co Alam dt (859 72RPC. I? Te fan Te Fr let rev. Ro Mas Gp PK inn ik fay Gi Aoi i BRN Wa Ape focker rade Monin rai 38 il ie Joh trent “e Cav Thomas Baward Binomaad tS tid de) 2 TLR, ie on ii ined a = "Tin x Rack Bening Coo Taseson OWE G50 RNC. Hae ‘sg ar Uneri gedw HOS gee 2 pa fre In Haron An 90) 7 8 ste Jeon Ling S12 Late na Sr scons a a CHB Me Ie td Cv Les Cage 907 RPE. 25 i, AS Io abr oat Temes fi) FR Ch gs Fen Wate ape fa Py Oo eit te WE 8 A ae (Fa Hoo] Re nes) ace HOD, Teh eis, i ie, we Jat Wala Sore Ls Roar sera La 97) PSR. 37, ChD.. Te fier & Setups cn co ML TR Jane Bre ail Mente Seana any nc crue Us Mab Moe os eam Gre i GB. teu wn On Ewan (8)? pp Ce i Wa a i ea Ne, 7 ese ier ee At fina: fvann (ion Rb ge Gat Mes Tales Ld Tena are 0, Joe rH aes Ss O70 79 (egy Jesh rtd Soe Aplin ECTON) (tH 26 WBE. BH Jap ote Srey Us fives} Cu et ssa CAD PSE Ione See Sm LC WN ‘oa 9a Co ra 2 an Tne ah pli ab. Sah ge i MR Elbe) Spy tno, Se sme i een ae Bh SS pn a von Se i ra als wun a He, HBTS SEE ISPS ONO a sri he bie Sala Eon ns geen a Bs rt ean bien 98] SR 19.6. ee ‘et asi a ay Cd i BH ae evo eso (00) BHR ot es CC: Pe ai ter) (850 13H (i 88 Ly Tiss gir Dame BC “84 ef Cope 909. RPC 5, eg By say Ke ite BY Cae 14/8192] BC. S19 Com eR ia sys ee; Doe] Fase aa SOL 1512 sa i a penn ee 17, li, eens mn si nee se re rnin rae i 2 Eee ea oankmemag ES ici onan SEE ia eam Seninser's SEES a iC Sa en ask as Fm ris Hara laa (88) CA ae Keg ca (021 R.C ah ia Koa Mares 0) Keen ‘ies toa Relay Get 90 SR ue tee Kodak gw (928) 9 RPC ae Kodak Laan seman (99) 2086, id KODIAK Tne ree) D9] RP 20 Ch aed RODIN Face Nar Nez) [90] FRI © Go Sigs aaa FNS Bgl Ret Ser Tae Fa Mngt eet SA Kote Be 0939 D RPC 198 we e's he pe isi 8 Eling ious Car (9) OL A. es) Rony“ apn Open by the es ad few of anand “ata be) era mT “ae aa58 Katng {1989 1ORAC A, es WUC DY He Man 1] RPE 1 CH re LA Grn Gaal Wiel Song 1 FS 7, C.D wa TA Spars PB FAR aT, Or 1 nana KG ad tle Cio fe Bet Cama ‘CS fe Gay feng tee ec & lca Liege ST Csi i F981 98, san 1 aa a ie ew lr Ui i a chemi nc Sh von Tee i fi ENA Ap iting". sgumctans aires Ae Me he ee wrap mone aea sou a cote ease BS cece ae a pd {Ste ide A (di ee ie Hin Mach ai Lagos Gi Ge i) iso Cais ad Aton Stocorn andica ah 78S, seam amber le Gondry (80 19 RPC. ‘ii a Unie (am) sre ae gr fem Unters Tove Man lo Sere 5 Gs) CRE Sw LT AS A URGE Te Mark 58] RPC“, : pe TANGER Tne ilk [947 LPC Ton CA ea as [as Gener (90) TLE tea [ERNBSCAPE cot tro Cian Gd pp 2 3 av oe a Si EST SS ca se a iy Wk i A «cm hn Cm 17 See esi Gt Co, Rg Camano he Riyteareu smc ates doa eck ISH 88 3 CMLL eC ed Chane) etree Hota Lag ys Kees RC ie Ser iii i iy 8 Fa Fa Eeriaicye Gana tammtee seh ise ae i hee ‘re Mi aot i PS Ch He Asso {Gotec’s Appleton (1580) 48 RIC. 392 a8 Sogn nt ks cn RE HSS He Lew Sot of Egat ad Wal, Shy of Layer (156) ES. 72 1) "raf 0. Bao, ch 46 Levee hae Gl) 3 wie (rey Wie) Ln Ch a LEP bape bau tae oor a Est Labo eine es CElieon Hraas Cana Si i) “he hele ini rr ‘a Le tid $v Bt Seg To pit Van ipa in Naan ‘eel atuce so sat ny oss Lesy ver (5) RPE eS a 6s iin, hae LORRI ia Avena a Si ioe Chas ns ‘eter cosas Goa) Ck By. ei wae {Sov fay DTA is ing SEN CA. ting ne 28, 7 ie Ss Sl ie ey i a a pd a ‘src Soca © Omni 3] Fe i OT RAE a 19 NI SREP Tiny nner 6 62, venga fever Teo sot egy Ait i i gli S88 O78 60 a Lop Assia Toute Gamay acs a USS a8 age el sie a SB Spe old eo Lona il Gd Sie Rica” 7 lot tel - Oe 0 eS 3 os] RRL cB wan {Sst inmatin i Meson Lf FSR 1 ch Sot (Ste betes ute) Sr ont Cx tenes Reig ver os» wef 2 Ree as (EB Soe ode CN REE BL ee IO, Lave igi i SC. Peres {ever Sam (by JS Ee ie WHS 1a URrY Ghali echo 1 edie We Ue eae ese toa, Leer: Mor Equal) 29 PC 38 . {hop Mena en Sr AL Hea io iin esata Weide lvoe in 64) FS BH NEY 3, et Su Cv. Shab 965) RPC. 371.8 sh ev ine ot HRP baa and Vite girs i Ch wie Sig Anton 6689 SL 1s bere cee te ge pea a EES ea ees LUGE GREEN Se Wi Wl 1 Co Appetin, RLccR ens Sete NO ase BEG SEEM ii yea nl sata bg cob eld A Siete eterna ea me ibisres emia tonineau mre: Toe nes OEE a Accs Es Seige dnt ee mee a EE ddphestantemeran eT Sa Ea Reet ays co ay cel eer ae tng SE TRANCE coli xin ia pan i ces a i Pt ee UE ac aiesaina eae endon aod ‘nly Being Cow Gaptal and Coane Bak 87%) 9.Ch rae onset vl ai a tin ia at ena A ae Nein iis i BLL Landa ro cece Ca fc i 68 HC: EA lrg 8 ce ZS oameers Ele caarraes ane eel ER aoaucc cciearina acncoutr ag ot ALS CaS ee SN EE eiineeeetamietineae sa terpenes se ERR sic ox rac sere sn vow ABRs su a iia Sine a ee voile isin ee comtfaenes eget yes ee scion oer ieee tegen sme nae Be a aa cede craiea vt utara ii wage Laas ay Gan) 8B Se Se ise got RRC ta TER SORIEAL Ce Seve Sh i ii i Gypton al, yh and Kon 97 24 RC. exces ppdan eit Sec Di 3 Pewee) xi Lynd Artur Modc i 97 FSR 62 CD. es 2053 ‘Goer dune Manga Ses (199) ST eo MGR CL ty be Li seed MICH psn amy Cabo ES Macy Ee) pet i inde Has weal Prados eau Co Pan BTR: is Mer tt G60 DECI BC eae Poehler eer A [McCaw Staversan te Orr ¥: Nickols 0908) 21 RPC. 25 8 Nina Ny fooy RPE ce NS 287 OP aes poco a A SERIE Seep hay it Dt sk Aa eA Teron (0 FRIAS (MNS Te CHD. Ta, Be thai Meoowcts Aptos 1829 4 RPE MS Me Necionon am ash. 97. Te Deen eee 098) 9 ieee san Ligh 7 1 KIC 2 ea Ming ue Us REN using Cia fi 88) crn Eon C905 2 RAE SH ea Aika tess ie) el AEB de ea etnies, Moder Hou sg apa ee ies Aa ing ery, es Gy Supls Stes NSEC Men haat Nate Bt len Ss a9 (eh ea MAGI BALL Suede Mee Sa Nee UL. ape ‘Mega Mtl Ae Me (159 26 RD ve tee, 71 opt bce ¢Tneen Sting 1909 17 RPC seat NSS Sa a Eh ve ae (os Re aS 1 he a scent wile gr amin (0) 28 pad Nh se Ga) 3H at “oe Sipem iets ae Nathan Oi Coa Marton nto! Perea (28) Ld ¥. Macao Sypoeste pa esisa ets SB NEB ons Mie (BU RPC ASEOL 35-06 eee eer cn ped SSoueacla esl on ae a MARGARET HOSE Te Ma 174 16, ea Mitsclaee Atm Sa Hosstn hy tamales 2 GO ea vit EE at Vl ll Ref Comany 089) ENR Hg “Marcaing 3. ta Comic itemcinal de Alientaion SA Cue Ci06/68 Sure Mars (1985) 26 LEC: 282. SII, as eS ici ig A ORL e rece RM polite Mars Gi, ead HT RP. 7, CD. 2 BS STR a aie wee gn i 3am emilee A Mantle plata (91) 0 REC. uavaromarat fe ie ie 1 ES east ee a Cet sk Basan SH BE “A 8 Mec ures O60) BSL vn ee MELEE Woe ch a Ce ig Ass Me Tea i Tepe en 8 MS Taye Gs 16D 78 % Scaeetbr noe tee Mion Sacty Emtanaype (00.0 RPC: 1 ie Matic ve O58 7 REC. eam, 820 Mar ogy ae Wels ae ai 3 CLL i (99) TS i FA an ei FO aa Ese B/S Gd 8 ap ipa ne Mums id Bye Mani tye We 012 it sn BCL 9 eS Hog TaN. a, CoO Mone Hogs te LR BCH : Merv ido flo athe a ‘ red Ney foe 96 1S RC " ASG NEU inenreod li Puig Gian Reema ESR in Pe 0 sa). Be Te Ts es 38,197, Mec i 38 GG) SUL sear MSIL Cp DC cone cm 861 ch isi] 3 WL "ORT AU ER vi (safer ai ms Uopr er es (7 TLR Sl Fa a, Eel Msc CL. up a 9 240) 1D. ‘Roi Tine arn 2,997, CD. wes etic Hanson 09) 25 R75 Ee Mbt edue CG) 4 is ped HS dandy Aprinbor O38) 5 REC. 3 ie ws Ae Ne fee llovseente Sor O68] 1307; U1 2 WLR “Pig SA ate Tn aly 21 fe keene ogo Hates pnd ran eo Cn Eo iran 8) EB. le ae NES nnd eros] RRC i Nee eis a EE HEA peta aoe 22 Sr a ic il ABCA ESS EAe iar oa EAS teas” eck ai igh i Ci ere Gi er ind its] HE Saigon SC ee beh PARES, FC, 1G sis 1538 Corman Uv: Marcu Intate (UE) Le 98 FS 50. ‘ eg, at esa Bow fais ine ing et | RPC Par 98 six MISSA FROM SCRATCH Trade Mac a, Gander Mai es Trade Made ‘ptosis fs RP f00) 299) CHD, Appt Rasa Sy Mot econ Gu Mate 91} 28 RPC 7 ie RSE Rance Gt ret Ua FER is Meckrertiea GelnsGho wens co eee iia. es Eee cacao mae Nederlandsche Barcden-lnduscio Michi SV a valet Ee Nowe tn utexiS BETS (RIGHTELU) Tease Mo 9 RP. 38, THR. 01 SEES a a nr See Me ai eek ES et ne ue os aoe ee Pee asc ney oii Ss Sa agp EAL, Mian od Mal gm) 28 RP. ee Aes Fla a Wa ‘ei etn? Couns Duy wand Bars (5) HEE ia i, a Maes, Whe 5 ou ch Supe LAs Appa or Fave th} ETAL 2 wa ai © Chapman 500 © "Ain ° 7 is MISTS AW Rove fy. MINE re i RE Mtoe Gow fs los dad i Pei iefin) kee or ‘eu Mant tin sv i i i a RE ge Bi Sc a. ‘evga ta ita nc (MISTER LONG See Undlwver Fis Application ie VERE SS aN pt on es SS ee Se es Seal ere a Eee asrmesc cme ne MSE ily atm aie aed REA BS Seep menage Baia Sie Men ae S05 Aol nee Mi cl erm eee eigen is MME mires as GUase date EE es eg sso Hae tis avs Re Mors iyi Gy aH RPE. CS ML Moca ea Msn Ll 66) FS 196] RPC; OY Tacks Se enn Gi 1 test Neg en ny ome RRA Maing Mil (HS) LIC 1058 aming Sr Conperate ace) Lid. ips Newapaps i WASPS ‘ap. Mary a Bl ge 6) fl SCH, CRB" erm aot MORE etd ey andng ea Moor (no 1 WL 9 “AL 09 CRD ee fete ens Moni Mtr La Pin asi il CR Sie] WLR Moe i FMW ER Ss oh [a APC: as HST. IO.END Mt Marc one (8) 1 REC 18, ie Mossel ta rnin ons (8) WH 18 Ti Fas, fay 8, & SES Toon mass trocar gst s peter eee NRE be Rr Sa a Monae "EAs wang baad RPG 1B CA airman CD 2RES Mandy Cy G23 e Merde gar Gop 27a a Se aati = oe oe ee ee My Kind ops La (so Chino ib Sec» De Ppp tae CT (Wa re Ca Shc) 38] FE ND, Cae MB) 156 aykini fos Cee Pasa ro) Salas Caniivent Tiga tr. ech eeiag ) Com L HLES 1 UES RPS CmD. sa te ea 1, eB 2, yes Pa 0850 71 RP. wees vreau cog aes ok 737, eSuare Sema SRE ERR vena Sasa pagent CSS coc ne a Bremen pe 1,178 eon elimige pee COMET Sn aba pp Pee 2 ve ERS ae gn ok ‘ch D. rr a Mahe vera ania nee SRA ee ease LS mene sl ‘ASS M2, AS5-05 edimtice Raerodutie Mchte NV v, Communion, of te eps Seirus BN CER AT ea nng te ek Apion TSE Po Nowwans ona Gp . “san Nese: sco RS i. sia ‘Neuples Tas mak fs) 20 RPC [NER Tuc MS nol Crop Ot ip Mare G3 i W HGS SC BIOR REE SS et Saat eo. ee, GeO a, HE sinrang ca THe ie tes ae ee te, NEUTAOGENA Tad Mak 54 PCS, see a ee New esn TU sts ofa tgs te New ay Postage Poach sew ight a a mi hae ee a ee Mit bvalaaten egw nhe ae tran ae soot Rhone aes” vei ig ctl Bacon (hi APE iesig way NENG Bicol oan Fares 8 seu NODOE Fade Mark (968 RRC Ts ca Nove cheste Sewer Mann ewe ib] AC 10 a a WNoyimpArch Padi In Calo rd Cae Cnet [97] ioc ee ear ener el SGI IWLIAML i EHR DARREN Negi i sy aps Sue Pi A aE seg fe in RE 8 er Nags Hd Kia Cin Bn wring See Cn he Coin fe Bren Co ‘es: Comey Ge ERE al ERLE ac Se Vcd iin Nk NW Ase Aiaiive face Mace fou) Pe eT aasea OF + Cunning 919 22 6 2 88 Sih ¥ Can 5 38 ch Oo KE es eo i Tne nino 1 GE Ew, mi Sk om) RPE mS FO ne. an and A 03) . (SSC. c ae tems eae Wels Teas ese HH, Sheree nite a ey eae, a So SUT ner tN ay tk a pe SUN tates ny Rec, PD, De ce attegiimare autem sid thoes 0 Fase R ee GenRS oe ford err CoG or Hamann in he neal Markt Es crm i at i 2 4 EME 9 ran i So at abs Sct Ore roe fort! Can or Seca Mack Apo = fee fo C10 Sy ob 1 LPO. sc ion Sh i a nent aac Si big ii Fy Gn eS es it ‘nin ting Co. Fe Cool Cada a 1 DL o a 0). RPC inn SatotA tite ex a rie enw eps 48 w REC set ie erring Regs) 4p. Ca Sra fa] LE ony i FS 8 GH) TD. we ‘oscar rade ac fit ES Ch evesing (97 RC GL 6-108 SECA Cit Steet Oy Aon 9B Cran Gal Raa son ring etapa GO) BEM as ‘inch Colon Ete Dee aed ees (1910) 27 RPE. TS 90; A Sm Eon Ura Cain Gao zr ead Sec asi ORC ies Ree ing Cn ids ad i Applcaion i im Sates: faa sparen ee Sane aloe ts cu cei eget i ese ree ee ai a tora BBs Rem eget es aw clin aco fico Ek my coun Tae et a aa Re a ag TS it ture Sue et ns Ae ST cg ik aly a ge Oa lg i Sa are iibenaoas soa bra aie : rece aye Ose EN A str Lene fr er th SL Se ame ‘Parma Pictures v. Howley 29 CPR. 34 419. ne Fong vate Ges Ee Coney 97 EC, (82 "CML 79; ope CHEM, (98) ETMR 26 19%) RIC. 16, BC) fOrTECR bate fom EME M3 AGO. 1804 19 1st ts 15 a6 155,159 etn ny hv Desig: Art ABE 20K Pot Tean ea tat nervosa B90] PS Le RES Gans 166 CRD eae ee ei As i Puke Dis Co, Pre Cne 24/9 1) LE B88] CML e758 Pe Sn i ‘te isa07 Petr S00 acing Pre 0) RB sek vas Parker aa Sth towel HU TREE Aa tee Parr nd Soh Stl i) RPE 98 rer Fre Kno Re oo Oren Lt 98) 88 3, CB, 1 Pir Cope (01 HRD 1 vem osc oa ad Kal nt da aka ad eal {Gets il can rine a Sn FTA “se shel Keilir La Ni eA Sig Tse Ri. SCA reg 9 RPC a ae SEO, es, sea tied eae em Lee Ase shingon (9) RPC 7, ealneinininine only Ud Hedges) FS 38 8 Tana Cli EAC 2, isin ice Paeson it cate 919) 5 RP noe wae {ETON Cal CORDON elt nt ae RRS Fee A re Going HA APC oH a eel ea tn has Wad PRPC re eon test Peres On Arp acpi ks) 3 WL i a ER BML te ln Gon is Soon tse NBC 7 reins: cen, I Oo fr Ge ns: fier 2 75 te 3 atc" ony fe eg SR ak fie) 2a th an is LS oh a Sa Be Fea Can Thompaan, Tale GH) 8 RPS a ‘eam see Fanon « Uotine 3 RPC Br ear ea Pedic (1944) 61 RPC. 3. ea ose oe eg hans sem ig ESS (ge ate na {6H 2a ea aay foe STC ae (wip aA SERBS & Ge eat Basia eT i ce, ete bah ie cca engin a a Pe Oy areas 8 Tas PexyO ede Mas 9 RG Ta are Fey ra it ea is ERG Tade Mae oh) CH 85H) i CBE say ery andor a Vote han Sd i] FS BL Nea as Waterman Lit. COS Did Kayo Ld [198 EAGER 27.Ch 0. Uses Tere #ABE Cae 5/083, ot, oie) Pht in Ean Gt Ca a BR BA iT Eke rn iF at isa ie «Sec it i A i Pier is Eid i a 3 8 a Ch DL aR “0 Phamaca & ph SA Gorey Up A Faron A/S Cae C3097 ab ‘an. Uppa Sa omar «Funan 5/3 Cae 9/97 am 3 ‘By ns) adn ac) bc) COL ip] Cee EPA Sofas Fst Ga) 1 LR 7 2 So ETA, feo em ee eee 0 ‘ramadia Gas inimical tad ik Appian (Nesta Bee Sy. Sn ida ah Phan cha A Ce 8 i] BE ih SSL FF cnr apne Ragin Cains ace id EN seco ts pap Pan {i cn) 6 Hse ey 3 ea g Co aS a 3 2 Sa Pe 7, air Phy ile aa 7a i is 1-0 a FP SoG ato i i ten te Aa iis acai NY Rens Coane Pos Ld es fa] STAC ‘iawinesi ase se Filip Cee SF Piipn eee Cue” ‘Phares Co Appleton Re i909 9 RAC Me. $90 16-28 AIS08 BOSE Smeal (69 tol Naki ud icine tat al shea Row Gar Ju ek We gl ean ke Fo) Ritcinia nosh arco, “asa ot tid Goya C7 Fs, iia Sw ‘Rare tev i's once Food Ine (Bed FSR ChB. nt Bans tow pune a. Pant seo Cou Pot m8 BE 6 Ftv Mason re (97) PC 9 soe Pits, ieiae 9008 Re Aeon SLR ipton Res mw Ai ie nd Ss pts Re (5) 3 aa id a GH ane ip di Fo LX re Mos C1 C2 ‘Pyboyinspie in Cavin Giga al nS Bc} frp 7 Chery bang ne (8) 39S oS ek Payer nde 00H RE Beene cere se es Fi roc Uw Pane Wirt chan is) FAR EA iteing 6] FSR, He BIA tea Pron Fe Naha Sa of Soumesip (i RS! AS" Tesi, Aa Pear» Lege 907) 2 RES fe REST Rall’ Suc i vn tet "Cute an ac Contes] FA. 3 CRB 22 Fase Fee iba) 37 BC ined eae ata Foe Mea (965) LP ‘POLAELIP Tne Ma fo a we Petia pes Severe Dales Punt aio id 2) SS ‘ao wae FeLi ae He ri Faved Heuer shop i CM A SS "Ex sewing inh CMU ws] Fs 4, ch D 3 ‘eda ttn ta Sanya iS "ats toon Font i's Appeatnn (30) 19 REC I ga legate Poni Mavi Pe Liv. CDL Hotel Inieraonal id (9881 # SR. 89, CA Sing ‘crn ti] Fast se ao. ‘ei en ase ass ae aaa Powe 98 KPC ECA n+ Wee et eas AOS ORTFOUI Gaz 31798- tin Bored ot eve nti pen Pel di] BL 9H tek eg (980 leat ie em eet any rien 53) HAC. PO 58m tie Dirctin (Henny Eden) 98) APC 3,70 sg 5101 From Bele UE ta hn Ete un i cl Soe) CSc. 3 The is Fee 2, AUCH BSB ig HS Pru erU bo Sa) 6a, ba a Peles Cyce CL Pai To Co LA 18 12 ABA Slo evn Bet eS ign sera ase i 7) SS, Api oman ea Frese Ore Ere (130) 17 RP 38 wie oes aes Gan» son r Tennt 58 36 EHS, A, Pe Jo ga} RE ee ate Claas Or App Halen Prnasront Fecal et) ce les ce Spars ep oes ni] ii Moe CERNE, Hose heton deli ee a ee Pics Real Lal Conti Tre Mick Aplin (30) ETM ‘int Oppo rh “ase ama Pre SEV. Bore Teyana AN 8, ib ie it Prien ST a eline Eewormcr Sn Gil) ESE 50, Tab ent ee aes re ‘Mar Aplin BAC DRY) 0/1 WL sie 98) A ER EC) oe EIGBeute nnc m e ‘ce STL tas cer a gaete's ook fracas sean {Sree npr fon] ETM 76, OFM Ged Bd App 7136 Pater Ce C's Tade Mak Apa Compete sub nam, COMPLETE, ran ee ei SA no Ea ane e ree eee ‘eerie Us apc Wade lana 9) EM 3 Fin 19, CA arming 3012002) 1PD.028,CRD. Sa SS 7 fee ator an Cae v. Puy Dignan (929 4 RPC. ed raORnich Sts 6/0/9 og 735 Pome ea Ne i ee ae nae ena NESE 98: ete CHL R ACEC Se a rode inant Me's Ha Bit sey ib FSH i, GhO HSH ey, PRUMIDGEM Tad Ma BSS] RPC. ao Fb Sgn Catan elwefes figs ab Sah Gy a nt lc igi ao ere Con he 297, 195-0 re REG aeons esas 1s russ CALNE Tnde Mack Hi FSH 29, OSST RPC BS Bal Tae. FI, (05 BY 3 CUVER rade Mn 9] RP. 2, TA. Gisenat Py Lits Appn 098] TAR ~ QGATIRO Wed Marke 82 26/0) [9951 MLR a ia] FR Face se qu Cl rie Apne [7] EE. 8, APG Ger oo A Soe 8 0/17/99 nay 539. 3a Stories] cau en aa ny ene ou ga a a nat te cme ga ee re Rohan emidte ‘ipo bracics ae potthansihaenter Bs ilrpyctert a peice aka a at ee ca coi” "SaF ti PER ae OA) 8S) 6 The Te bony 2 93H, aE pee TS en 1 RE es aac eae aa rane Grol abr Bs Se e AMS Rosse 1 v Sty Sir Hh piper et ra ee fe Sear a sora so] kt OG AL ERS fav CMELR. aol ba Un BYALA Fabel CE" Stn ae (ch He ee Deter 17 09, (Si ay 2 CX ig ine Nn 1 1 x Seth aid apn 08) Gy a2 Wi a AER ee atehpe Kat htm OSS A ca co ad RA eas 1a) 3 We 3 A ‘ER Fh Fa PS 9, CA reer [80] 1 WLP 9, 12 AE, 51,655 958, 08 ‘os Gl Fa 38 Ch. 7 sa sr anit fae Et Br Cosi Be apn is Telus i St Cat 99 A 285, CoA ah, 5.04 Soo fs Ui Rn a (8 31 AP sat Ce ECS coast’ Seulinibes Ween cose ‘Sesion of te Europe Canis Co C/9) (5) AER. ee ee Frnnal The Time, pe 1 190, EC: arming 199) ECR. [1961 TERTth Sa Tc Al, Getler Chamba) sat Raat ea Shs 19] RPC 6 ioe Fae Rienatppe Ting (631.18. ie Tan tote (909 De Re Final Ya Anes Shoe Co (955 9 PC. 358. Hatha hes Rion bck k Tes Cate Ca OOS ARPS, HNO, eo te Aes ei ea, ayond/ aay Se A Ryo C's Agen, Re EAGT Tee Nak ho] RPC 28, Appomied Pon ioing 159) Ee POEM aso vis sameness eee Hla SS hs ate eae ge Scgotineay pay nicomereee ae Indemdow, Apel 28, AiR (C8) The Guan, ape ay T86 Daly PHAN Ap 28 19. Ca ing [187 ES, Co. oe sa cucneneaitatene ern ee ER SECURES Sinmcngae gic SSA Ga Ech: emerge mene ke Ee Siege ees ee Ac caoanieai ESET SN eaaige wowane es RR imete UO AM ta ‘Reune .Maihens (No.2) (1854) Ch st |is69| 9 Wt 790; 988)'3 ATER tied, (55 REE Be 9 na chong EN RES We Be, ESSA ae hs Seva. Cp Lee a 0) #5 Om 1248S ty beac den oN EO co as SEMEN th sp Keto tears Bebe Gee RC an. cA. ey, eg, tn Beckie ae ies EER ES Ce a Bee ne vere Bean Ridbonyy« Howemon G98 ed Re io Aig) ras 005 WARE: Ba 8 Ripple Canes iin a RPC 3 aie eee Share i si PE Sp GG A Bat Las pleat 3] RPE a Ce cing il KG FOL AS Eira BRE S Ss Be sige Pett encanto ose Comm oe iandats (Meageaen and Bis Serica) Ud | os Saelilfgaais ooo OST ag Bier Mm eka a ee Epc Tae ein ike i ea OE Reyes tr Li Boa WoL Se eM AS ‘meson cases OS GARDEN Trade Mak (985 PC, 246 TA. os tat 8%) 7 LI-Oh aie ine ios owas ort pain i] FSI, eee) Ios ps Appleton 6) on Mee Re Hedges 38°. ie ‘Rowan Me (5 ibe TURE Shs sl taig Paws cao, hy, Crocey ce (0 1 REC: ote alo Se id eae oe gain Bh Sint ol sain cats tn VN oe 2 JE Te My 3085 Th nde, on 2, 1985, Royal guise Cid Mon mane Co, 0309) 8 REC PHO RC, r2 inte Nee ee NS Sat Sn Neen Grin of uyhy Porn earn (958) 9 Reta Soth (BO RPC ne Swaroier Appr aw Art Aug See und Ste Gib sama So ts Samant SD! Besos UX La Power Agi LM 195 FS 79),O0 Dos. MOU 50. aka “ns l Sr BRE ce Sle Gi ad i Appian ‘ih REE” Apa Ss Be A i i wl i iin Eck fal tine) CLE ey tow) Cue Sun Isis Roy, Ce wn KER ab (OST ET MMR AGO. 78, ii iis a : wsoieeeieaesct te usta» Chena and Drs a 2 Ch 66.7 RPC AD ‘eo Saco tra) CML Do. Sie ‘Sa ens Pal ens Slade of Cages OG) RBEL AN Me, Ses Ane i Ln Lad 7h 2 1 A ER 2078 Tee EUR be Bot ea = Te te aso Sas Ane A Le nn Ud (1501 Cy 2 807 #8 63K) ihe er ie aye B91 Soy Co hes famulen Modu isting (3 8 RPC SB Gi ae Evia trl (id lc fila HOR ‘inn geo as Pat : ‘00 sont Cody O80 cE 52 aA pei v Specter and Boe 080) 79 RHE Hea, 1620 eae STL Manone SE tar Pe, inca fs Bonk ats EX Elon Pree Concanian Se aa oR RE Ros ae eae wma ec Sr cee ee cca be wine i Seas RES LA sent epee oto. Apoti (is8711 Ch 14 RPC TAS, 18-165 18-176 Sera la sees ~ Pee a, Big ee” Th tg, ce 98 15) CX ateming tom so) 0) Uf sa mS) ESC! Hint Norn 58 CoO as aa ae aa Ba Tes ean te sherman se sieht ‘Grime i am i Jo Vimer a ie LR a Ch ety. Sow ts) 6c. 1, Sty Ue rd Ra wn i Ah i 2 nd Coto Grice rae i 5} RBC W, 88 Fade tes 1 Seman ar 6) fan Marae fe aan Gee One aici) 9a AG 0m Wo 3 WLR eH AN Fist ea. on 9 ted Le Go SS a ne ol Ger Teint Otc 1 Spe Stak a Fe Oe tas Site nce ch Une Cou e Pa/ ah0]9 WR fs) AER | ‘Ws ligapEce vat jive)? CMR Ia [ton Cee 2 eH, Ese ata cl se sly 7, mY Bh, Chr lism ec ety erin or AD." Wea see SH 1-2 Sand Sat i've [2 98) PED, Ch oa ey nrc i A conc FS SCA, “wee Sheu Povernde Gea Li Ech ME Seah te, 1694 16 16H ok Sul Pacha fom Pe in Scent a] CRUG REET 28 See irae Maren om ta a, Me O09 DAP are uy lake sp Al EG) CLE te PRs PD. a re tac any EB Sa aL Sane te | PS DG ken Snipe Sno SB 7 ws Sepia Wskeman Gin ae 8 Shee Bw 8a ome a RT, Ha Spm Came i) Yok 7 bse Etor show QOD RPC 21 inn Sheng it ene UNE ESR Oe ies, Me owen H dom aCe (B85 RPC 3 8 = rai 3 Re Ss han RP rr “shen chi Gi CoH eer gaat PP" Gnal Can Cason 999] C7 he 3 WL ae (AN (Ec) em fsa) Peres bl» Cau ay Low) CEL. Fis ati so Ciel Ps, Ooo 1G LP MN The Te ya to eer (98) EE M698 [ETM (0) Bi eit Sta hy Oia, ee ‘can Grp nv ign rapt Sto) Li 984 FSR ACD “iI Se SS Ef CHR FSR int i986 Si inst ei WL i A CP Sse sical fi) BPE i Beg by pe (5) 3 RPE ee SIE yee ts appa 1 SS ie te SSc1 Wiens 2eho te tei teas ‘SHES il as Fed tie Ml Gay Ring sk Ua 9) Chali tis Fate 9 ch ‘haa ‘Seer Ut Agama. Re ivr) CoA m8 irs Ra CHC ‘Som tah Se Cue so70 [WBE oy [ra] CMLL 3 9M Ea Sei. 1S 15-212 19, 5-10 1.38 sik ind ii nD i ae ‘Stoeger fot ub) RCo i ce I Aa Snr! Grane 3 SE SG Be a ee ad sce is ao 3S Se RR ai Se ar Roky ons» auc (CHG TOE M0. tia Coma 89 3 C105 isa at beh far O00) SRC, Bis atin Smut Hayden Coad hppa, Rei OPE Ti" BAo a oa om ‘eis eel tesa ates Sith Kine & une ari Ll, RD Hae Maran) i (8 Catia 27 jl a Ss ist RPC 3, Pe 208 Sut Appieaton 019)9 REC i ase Sis Agpcaoon (98) REC. Ree Sai ies Ps i i RE et SO aber cat Ritmo Se Se Arr Ui ee Pali il RHE in vena Sect ie a Servi Fai dads Ce 9/94 (8) veces 2) so sects Ol a in Cli ip St Nd rade (98) 96 RC 8, xe ‘Sey Acorn An Condy] Ch WH WR “es Sy ef Nur Sh apc Ans (2 ey in Ain Vins iC ee Shy oon haces ad Tatar i Moi al snd nie nance Cr 95) BREE ‘eas Soden Thr Cos Ce Ca Li} BEI CA Ta, Sg a at 4 el catia aes Soy Cog non buchos ach tT iy Cones) CG ae ae bi Seu eaer tear, ep ey ee eee pad eep ag ie Spot apa i286. aS Soran creer aie ae ret tae RR a ahaa Aas uy Mg Cay gyi pe i ne 9 Wits Ooty aE ble Lond ey el ce a Hsia ee st Se ly Qe) BEN LI ah C980 th, rene tne, Nove every CS) 2 ee em shin 89 oe 3 he 7 Rony 2 18 hee fin of kee a, Sth Woon sei Gish i i HE A lng a Spot Ft Bash vibe Spas i Win fio) FR Se os ‘Sales Spine he ati Reuse i ii 3 A SS WL ae Wels hn ex fits FE oa tod LAR a0 SI LS al NEL ay ng SUK Th Ta oe te Inte p12 oH: mang iPad Ea 2 LC Hayat Ate ioe too CS ce MN Ca SIL the nc, Cem 2 Ts ent. aay th 1, hen LI vy ND HTH ER fen sovien oe Tes Springs. (is) Cy ies Sitges ger Gouna Re por Sr TRUSS ye wy wn Sang Singha a i BN Mast Tess 3 he je, Ap 88S} CD sa soc Comernitons Re WHEE, ChD..- 168, 18% ABBOL ‘Scr Bro Sty ronda a) 2 RPE HB. Ae Soar ts Cu Saco Seray alurg Co (910 27 RPT AREAS S51 Nerd in as C8) Gener Ga ianend Naver Ei SAN ds ck ‘Sear Sy 23 80 CD tex 19 BAS Ma ot Sd Ws iin, mag eA eas 6 FC 240, HARE ea 1498 Tod 56 1189 zac oie eats See ana aS Ee oeGaene a3 Sear mieemiteknl ‘Cae * aa reancnre - oo gesatincics'y ona (09671 PSR 15,1967] RP. 17, Ch, ia ia a3 ‘eon Tn: iy Coe. {Wa 0 HR 8 a | See ER Sag a LG J fb it Le en sue G0 BSN Ce Se isi Te Ps ag 18 Te et Aga, Danke Sai nd gin : oe en ants) On ans AP ats we ries, uy severing Wi 67, Seung ets crane — 7 208 aah 16-297, ed en, Sh Nada Kurata 909 9 RC a ABBA ADS Sit fis Sa Pane i Cte 28 i RN CA, seta Mika 158 Gui Sole CA a Shr Co AG Sao von Ea 0007 SCR ea ee sot Sunn Tae Ma 6) 58.3. sonst eS ‘Soni ns) te se OF eas ‘Sige Levan Pan 21 i Gal (A, ees SHED RON MLL Cave u/i998- OLIN Or 88 Apne LES Sete tage Mace ab) REC yea SES Aga ade iets at ms cs ne PE i ‘Sven ing 07 RE a Go a LPB ChB Bt ‘ied Ml Ut fe nea Te Mok Apgaten fee] ETM SSH REC 2 posted Ponon = 2525 Pe a, 28, 9, $08 Sit Sud S Tape Rs (cea) [6] RPC 2; Te Tay oa ” se Symi an i) 3 " ne FAC. von as REC. Fe Nea a) al Wa Ni Heer SBR cig a Be OE ‘S85 0/35/99 ag, O68 BB cesses Ted Fidos uc 16 Say Ol) 8 a i i smth Nephew «3 Unies Rego 3] BUC TR Ca Le Fina Ge Crt pp UTD eben es TAO Fade ise) RE ss ‘Tange 98 ce tale A Econ SMC PR EL SOS Nivee asp SB os Econ wacarter Fin hh OD. ar Pah ee HO ee inte A T 7 Bios iuies Se psacsaccaimaiaae aco ™ oe {dan te, sas ‘ania ay Cuero ia Bk) Wiki 2 A Ew “aps Sd SEG ha Sy er anaiN de i ii ER Eig i ‘en Cort (91) 1 REL ih ‘ies dee err et iV) HK BE pecs i 7293, 0 evr ci i CN Eig Tan Manin Ca Noe Epic Co O95) 68 IC. 21 14 18 ‘Tyan fers Talo Gp Qo) 8 Lak is Ts ata Eva Stiri 3 in ee pw oe in tb ace | SCHL "se ‘Sau ag pti psi iu as li wt var Bo ey ie 3. ie) “Fat «Copy Bi dik ian — ‘elm hs nis a hie we tte a we {ELBE Sr Now Zar Latics Gono’ Apion PROM nie Mk sn Aloe Wad Tene P99} ETMAR. , XG ‘own fhe rash ack a <8 EL gil e He ee eng nit ne i SCM LR. 9 [5] FS, Be asa anise Castes cs Teron (Ove) La Tersens nbn Rp: Ga igri Lei a fis EC fra cae ee TSR tc pared “ep ad Ain dys aie Sig CA ea a Tet! eTown (aaa 2 oP. tela Term cas optenion (51) 31 RPC. 8 ea eee th Ursin ease (5) 19 8.60), ch Ba ARGS rigs Ge isin Gu ain THE MOS War PO A Re Yn mem Se rea exc SA st 17/9 0584) ECR oe neta boeraiane wee ics eee aie reise ee orn ae Mere coy i ng ‘ier ha a) cD 7. Pe He fir 28 ae ies ae {ion SSK 9, ae Se Cans he Econ Canina ae 58 Tiss Set a 510 2m eg strc Sah Fp ing En Gi ‘enn Laat (SRF ie Bee Tl din oh 9 BARES Semverang i Ki wd, CA TOUTES, nd DORCET tae Nav (5/5879), Re NSO 2 CALLE. 3, fess sy, 2) Sy eS sepa ea ee oS ‘Tange ed 0099 20 LE OS) tis ‘Taya Py od pn a CB a Tarp oe 2 pt bh "ese is 29) 10 a (0 9 Nt Tonal 3 er yon ga. hay ety I ret an a a Be Eee caioea ae {TORRE NOVA Trade Matk 1991) RIMC. 109, PRRs vccsvvocs. co ABS8 oe aoe aie ERB iain Semen a eS pore rl nade ake “a ‘Pago ot fami 50 97 Re ie ik Se, en “er St i Fetal Aaechon i FSRBWON) ) LPD. ‘Bite cho. 1 15 2-55 ‘og a AE ‘ine Ee ccs it Caan i. ees ap a yes i {tbo Tl Sefer ‘Fomeyand Sg nde Monk 058) EP ‘Ramis: Toma fou) aonb. 8, ‘Pre ony foe on ay val i (887 Be ah ME “Tht Se tr Taber Appian oa os ET ‘cS Append Porn aang pee (8 RE (tot a LED. 2 MO 2 aT I OM Sa, ies it Soe ‘Toba rtrd Coen De 1991] Ch 7198013 WR esac lew rusthatideelenschtt aan ore. ht eRe ty Genin SR RD SELES eas csc ar an gust nike pelciamns a saa nieve i's tpl Fotpate)Trad Mark mFS 2 ChB. ced Sis tearm m Abas. Be ut ae BS ia “Sum ca ws aes es Receain eS SRI Tae Mant RE en jai {UM bai (UR Uw Aaa Se a (97 iy aD. 28, Cn Weise a eae, ey Tea Lee as ‘id ie 00) i Baa ce (98 a ck Do oa A Unis bone Ca. Cacao tw arp Commas (nana sk) (Coed elias] ICL OB Unis ner evar fsa $3 Ua ao Teton (eh 9 2 te Kanga Yas. Mey oboe) 58 i tt Us Ta eg Ci) | RE vant tnd hs) RPC 2 Be Aen bw sie Agen (Mendon) Pu Sul 957 RP. 2 yer) Upmann fil ey ae LR 7a wie parser a8) 4 cx 9a eee Upper Aram ee Ht 08017 RPE 38 Se YER Den ns Appin 195) A SH dp 8 Ya Oy Gane 1909127 RPC ms nin he use wee Ba 80h PRPC 68 ask andes i) Che 6A ie Vande Mant Begum 1/0 Go EHR ae Yor ype Van Oppen (ME) a RPC re) Yonsei a Ey 2 ide ida os yar HAS Aen i iin ‘AS Cue ins iv ie ta 7) FMLA FS ns i eas a a ie 1s ele Anie so 4 Can Sh is ote Ges rage ha QoS RR eo vate Suh nd Se Ar Oe ss tip ec Pais oe) Tew sae [oon tone Go Se ‘Vern Gar Unvrse,in Haeel inal Ceri Kaine. Mare Cini Case er ams Sete es Sa fe ata pre RA eee aera be ee ntear tm Ric seas Sree ees Pm VRS ID se aciaainaea eg e ‘ete ae tao aS Se eel aah APES es ee Bea oan TEAL Bsr ig HLICR oon Pa Seo 0 LED 1m, fai ee SEO ay asec rs Vow fe Vre SOR ae 3/8 as "Vatvo Erik Weng (UK) Ln case 23/5 986] ECR. GN [90] 4 CLR erecta rae cn SM NER ni tg ee sajag aa Sa REE cen ay W. 8 Ds Cony. cot anno sone, ase Wet gas ‘oun Weson (9) i Hy Near py i a nin 587 EAE ph SE 738: Tis se So Wa wnt (89 2 8 ed ACKER Te efile Ta a7 vn LES PL Gh B75 0 wi, oe AD na oF Wl mer an 9 AR Se tea svi Mota 8) 39h 38. same ee see Sa een cer a aaa baal ia ee : i ee dada 4 Gre ee eae ed Ree eer 1 baal ts ‘ig Wanoy C0 7 ‘Wists ites Hue cote. is Apion Opin ea cemetary Se ree gt 8 Teste ae ee Bahemanttcdectalara ats. gag ts See gaomettanes et S Re ee aca ay SOE ee Rom ei AR mescmee BST PeA Se tae a sear each ELDAR GPL ie ee Ren tana ececaian | AUN Gre eS aaa REG Ron Saco RRA ee home aid eae ae re re BER ee any vce ln 98 LOR a BO LR 134 EAT 15 serie ee 2 eee sag BS ERS RE Me iaimcies A REC 38,cn Phe 7a een Fan tw Wei ci Fa ChB enaced WesigecrySninae (909 SURPC 3s ses WESTON nde Mare at nou Sugano Neat Apia (6H) FS 7 {iss ie ia sa cm. 2s water Abra a) 37 RPC art) Yi A i ee a Wie Hone Disilen .Gagon Aste Ld 1984] BEC, CHD 1, ‘ies Wie ation & Cov Asn rgetntn 943 WLR 16 96) AE menace ancarate! SE en Bane ee a RE agate a Nee Re ope ance rhe renga till ste Sh Be IMting' Aopen (05 280. 25. oe ee ‘aoe Ope ae ying O90) EWS, We Gre Le Sage One Rea) Li 5] 2CMLL. 09; 9S] ESR Bn Cig a ge Oe Lt eS Wine ig A van Weng an sd ag i BSR, Hc bit Soc arr ae ona, oe TE MRR ssa sae i Seiee Sah besiege idee Moet dean it Beh ini gia ie SiEatL WOR eyes & ie int Newpipa p Wes eT ore hm ERE see 8 Se ene va ie cal stiming sen hee SS "Seis th a ee’ Wi Ceci aya WE HEE. iSeoi Ta eT a nse hy eon ec aa 45, RESTORE RIES ‘shal En Sy sas 3 Chu Rt as P19, BC Ge Si cag eg tetas am mie 3 Be ees 38 Ree igi aS Ee coca ail es Pertenece tea ee ‘toe yl Roe te SG A A (aan so Ros eee PCa : tt atacace rd Spring sons ay Ahi We ing GU Roe ae ese wor nde Mies hl PE, Ti ‘erty eo ate Wah Cry Cas ard QU) 2 PS i, xe eg se Lee ee tree 986 seem a cow, nz cine o/h” dy aps Pema Be Aeros ink 1 ETM Bern 150/009 ag p19 Tp ka ea FH i a ‘ol los Kabul Kata Daron Nand BV 9%) ETACR 4S, RO ter tag faa Yale ce Co bern 83a a ies Yale fog ann EP abe ion aa Haba 2) 29 RPC we ei Hao 12h Se Re WES TR TS fe Nes ‘ak Ter Holga YORK Tae Mas Yok Trae He Tid Retr de Nat (OR LA TS oe AL He FSH Th n96 Gat ES ew Mn ppleean ne HSI Wicket a) al ex ou 5 A RP shlye ay i Hl atang (5) RPC: CAs aming CS) Gai an cay aati Te Mak SVs Capes Regia andes HS Caen re ie, ea Yong cron goin eure ae ne sie ss ‘Wer sche Got Re Cave 12/91 Schisvtband popes mene de Wisin Ys Nxter Gat Heavens [8] EC RIDA ee Sa Tom, Yoo SG Laue fs Sh, jv nil Ch 6/6 a a Soum SNe Baopen Trade Mark Applonen (ADO AN] ETALK. 6, ‘OHM (Opposition Di mee iy eye al a a HAG SIP sete tle mae SOR ETRE a aw aca ea eae sagt ha Meee ar on soca a ag Pee ah ee TABLE OF STATUTES Lnferences Bld type duct etext ofthe provisions concer] Ee tase nua e649 ab Ta Mas Ao sts Sat ea mace Tig ccc a see Ma & 2 3B AS 885 eters, Designs and Trade ee “ ee 8 a ve me iatig” Fo, om ow ii # Bat sali 0 SE ig i FEET on gio be magus Se Se a ogy ate F yes mca aoe at forest Es Sw s BHHEE i se Bee BRS eRe iam 8 2 gape REREMEES a HEE tetas “5 ee BeBe 2 ee Bi ge See By cocuRe eee is oe Bees 8 ag BEEEEEE 8 ig Tie oS i 2 sae Bran SRE 3 6 Se # oo RS SRA 0) 20 rou rs ee iiasans al Aa epsom esa 270 1-58, ro) oa Peng PS mccee ay BS as 38 peg BS Ea Se = red pe dale ae wear “a 186 8 a eat 182 Cad nd eign at an ian oe 1882 Caio a 1962 Ci iin st oe roe S088 Sa oo RS cares) Gece Mae Sem, Ain Seas Ao onc Aaa lexiv Hisense ont silica ase Seve aman Peete anna wea As 1962 Chari nt is vp coi Die yon cout a Sens soli recessed Am wz " ay aS ge 2 B Ae om gad Se ee eR occ BeBe S00 ge go ee 20 38 Sas eo a ae Sg BRE om as Piya I igi jee A 8 oe Ss ow es Se ee ce 22 AIARES ES 3 ae one ‘ist 7s ae 98, te Fa naa, io 7.22 7s, 7-29, 8. EO, 008 ‘6-12, 6-25, 830, 6.97, B43, i SG 4, 5-96, 6-97, 8-201, a 2-1, 8-108, 115, 8-106, & REE aE 2 SESS = 5599.97, 9-7 9-88, 108, Sins eae te, ~~ So ee gate bee Dee ie oon gee See Se s ee a dee Ee te Ba ee ee ee ee mt ea ee es ze See ee (Bs rade 2B eee ae ses EEE SS ms loose! o ew ee Rrra Dom PERSE 236, 238 243, 2H Perera ee noah as sssidiniatcre 23. 213,298, 5.25 59m 5, Rae RULES 928, 9.24, 9.30, 9a, ” 087186 15,248 236 27, Baee etn, cn Bee Baas Sue eines ee oes 04 1954 ° ge =e eee ® 8 00.1 ERR Son nese 76 a, 8.08, eto ta eae 5 in Sah, tan Sn 0, : s@i3o1 ear ese eee {eet 0... em gn as sare ao see GO ei ci een ae 9). $10,510,764 7 es oer oss oe stat a EAN eh poe EBS baLSTR SS wer 238) sax ps Nis TRA Be Habeas fase, aie ra ae wat ie fg 8 E 5 Ne 26 ae os BH Tine Mae Ao happen Fo, 46, jes tose te, at Be Ba, 6 eceetcumns Sob oa ee ee, . & Ban 6. ‘Ba a iba er Higa sae sae, Sibi ooo pape ga Hoa ao Ot Bog. 708, 70, perenne is ee A (0. n-7 ea 1 e a ba sie (a) a ie ha Sam, Ceeerertsrt a Baie ol 72.01 {sin ae tea, Beis ues Tee Acs oo Ba a a Gn op eB ea, 1 ine ie, 155,159 5% 59, 59, see ea at “8 859, M93 @ Be 16 ii a ses 60). en 3 Ee oe a Re 9 Ba 8 ns 2 Bg oe RAR 8 5 3 8 8 eee ah i is 3 eg ay 1258, 64 1248 oc REESE pees I no fee Beret ge ES sale ee im nia 8 ee % occa ia Qo ist iss ee @ in oa cin aR a are 17 9k a, Hee. 169 ts Sm tea ane Oo On BD ia si aes ieee SC) 1 2, 9.1, 941 eee ii aa Bove ABABA 0,940,958, 0 amanene 7 S 8 Ha © syese ae 8 ine ‘ioe ioe 2 yc ia erred Boos ies ene wl Saisie aa SEE, MBSE Dasaenss te gw eee 8 Peeereety Ee seeeeey HEMI 5 ° ‘sag ane o. 2 ae 290 8 1a 94 15 4 ee Bc Be Re ww Oat ge Rae on Boa soni fl a Sige 8 a TABU er) Ee BR SAS See B Sa oP aioaite Boeke AS eine oa Soci i 3 2 co a8 5 807, 1B Ss lh aes fern 9a 8 et wo se ae Ba tae soo tangas oath Berne Bh Books ae i te SSS in Ase BREESE tha ORAS sake Bag a Dade Sho Sas ie wane se Be Gh oil ia ta, 7 ie Ae ® oO Sat Ace pai aaa ee, oa an aiebiniee pe @ 80 a OS Hon Atak sai ai a, a ae ees ae sami REC Are S08 Rt ws an a a aa i 8 8 ae ‘i, 50 Soc ERs Bee orgie ee a me Rina a a AS ESeR ee ee Sa Bae bo Po BE eam ER Sasa Bi rd os thaws sme. 20 9% De BR 3 oe BB 2 oats oi Saha 8 os os 8 a O. wos ee 8 xt Bocc: BO ve! ‘aa se 6 oe 6 cone ot tlk ae B ‘e oe @ 2 we tae Be SP oe I A xe 3 eau Pa Nese eas Bae Ee eee Meo Se ® fd Bee i ats m8 aS ae ai anu 3 Ba See 3 RE ean ei 8 33 a 8 Ke pr 3 Be es 2 Be a a pee eS Bij ee peace BCS ce Se ee sa kite ood Si Aree sia A peng eet Bec iin Ar Bho Ak ae lag. isi Abby “saa ae te eats | || oe bob SUA ay PP ORR : a eet a ae ‘TABLE OF STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS Fe Meta cac SU EI [Referees in el tein ate the text ofthe provisions concer pen Aas Bee {96 Rel Sone Gut Paine Tad Mata me a i SEES we ee cee 19 odin atc" on EE TO ce 8 eee can = soe eae gE Eo Eo suas i ee aa = “ see Sos ot Ee ee cH s me me em sess a 2 & Om ge om ci iis Nia Be Le Basa Be SEE ee a ‘See mail a ae 2 a v8 BS Ee San i ed S se = eo 70 ope ide ie ager ee 90 ABTog Tc Boe a name ae ES wm adi iso "3 Be Ne 503 6, Boe a Be erm, 50 ao wa ‘a - a Be 7 ao 8 a s iia Aap boot ‘bowl 1m Malte On sh om irate rae — eee. eee ee RT oo = ome Baeteigcce: Sahl ey RETR A RRR s SS eee STE ge a in aan no nee rar S153 ae Retgnes oo ae Bo RRR MONS Bee RS RES co ae =a ee he 3 at ee Rha: Se imine SS Bee iglttt gee a mayen ee iE 83 a SR aa A ms Bog ae = S20 BSB ae ie hate ae ie ae au = so foes Rex he 33. sant in pane 3143 A au. 2 = 3 gi ee comune in st ey ie Far 7376 Aa en. Sat sa om 3 3S "ep aS BBS ean eee) a = 7 we ue 12 pee wast ae pars in re ate 633 asad 52 ara poe = aes po 3 Se Sones 195 ade Mk Amen) pam 2122: at a ases8 es ee cease, Rs Be fo = Se ses ni Rican, ae SES RS ae ‘ene 1 pare s1-82 Ast pers 51-56 As 3622. ag2180 wow farms 6-83, 3 ‘i & petra Bina? a Pome rs 003 Sear Rati, 581830, Spot rowing ees san ro ie Ses hae ‘Close Cooper sehr Apo ae ‘Comsanion Cs EES oe NST canal Coe Bag Be Po tac ind neces ARR Ranga. ae Rime 3 0 Mie Eire toicn 0. Ase FSIS Ae ane 2138, ann : ceil ‘asus OF STATUTORY NsREAENTS TT sae band. Asse eat Pate IPA ARES foouiag.o0. Seam Bmaee 00: Sea Sobinians.o. Aiea Bibiage cc: Ase Ristietiel occ: Aes Ribas Aan Rigcgec She Pipi Aare Bisitsertcs: ee Feng, Seay Ble ee eRe fre ra? ns Ae mnt Sa ‘ean ed ong cc 1909 Peotone Tae Mate ‘Wn fae ‘charred tie of Paane feeb CERES Ec Ba an 151 pear] ‘ils Sect Pease Se ee Ec melas ae Fr) pana a mes ae Es Be a son 5 SE rons Se Ee Sata aetna coda i Cee pooterie ee Giise Ne aan. 2007, 2 Be Wiz 4 Fe ces 3 8 5 Ps 0 ae a San asae gS 3 Es Peete co ee net ee en! sivene ata = Be Bag Be Ba ai Ba = Pe Ee 2g st mee ‘ao 2. sa = SB a 2 B20 SLCCRNE + igen FF 8 2 aa Ce RE ae Fa ae = 97. 138, aT 565, AB poate eae = ase ROS se aa a Smo ae boosie ‘abe orsraruTory isanmns ‘atte orsrarvrot NSTHUMTS 2 Tee ie ao Trt Rent 0 Tn a ce 2 compton A198 me es eT ny MP Th oe ABE ane ese ek ‘i “8 : ek Sa inne ws omsminnte a Sie a Ms ee am say 5 Se 8 RUSS cambuion is ad sus as $ xh = as Seca see oe o on bei il Reve” oe (Bai of eng aoe oi 9 si & {RSet one contin Sie ai See): 6x “aerut sa oe con i i ect Sa Woes ve "Keene nd Repainione 1.2000 iy Abe & 33 See Rite sat ba Seat 8 at an Shea a sae = wan Se Beam BER oh pasa sm ae ‘i st Shy ad 22 a ui S 3 ot 3 ‘Sai Mee Bo sktaad aS See Saas me rin Be Se le Bees SRS Mg RRS SG} a a @ aa «oy “ 8 Sn Woo eat baat # ie BERS ‘a ee se 3 Ss Se Gee oe Seed3 “CGsA3-78 ot sg, 8 fe ci cia 8 ke RG GEaSt oS TABLE OF EUROPEAN LEGISLATION Lnefreces in old type init the tex of the provisions concerned) ‘Senrenae and Tet Conn on reton ad be ‘Cee trations he Guilsnd Comores anes (STs So, ms, NO ey iain iota, meh rose Ea Ae a Be Sat escort a eth Sb, a as ame sn ES scan gs, A an ‘Seah AI 2 poe MAES, a Secoe hie So imate ‘ne Seton hs pay a6 3 ca de SA, A, Ani. te, we, See 2. ‘ss ‘tien Seo “hati 5% A991 A994 AS Ie 5, AS, AB, AS es As pre se aga specs ig ee ae Reon ses sia i a i ra ig gE MESSRS a ao ae ae SS i RR omen on Jeon wd he sad Commarea (ir Si rsa ‘ie odd ine ai Sos Beetle Cone tema hell ae ‘Sj e tem by ‘Ber cans Corey angom of Sain ane a eis Gonton sn be dusts mode te (then Ketan CEietio oeesiasin anes). ao ‘Seat we eons BeBe ee AB, ASIA, AS38, Soe ee Connon ition an the Space Seen niet ba, fe AE ‘ sg Se Bocce aa ae a Ane sMifioo aske tae his St SSH i 8 8 Pon emmerreer ced shan eA es Sosa san So cio Ra acy A Min Nai Sos ste Sea "SSA a son 6 a aia AR GS, Se Conon on icon a the pore Se aoe aie ‘asia asm anal ane ‘ie Son 2 AS, A ioe AS Aa a Ans. ‘eo ac wae ia Aa pee Abas ana, asa ‘é eae A ae ‘a nn a8 Ron a ae Aa AS9-201,A39-210 see ogg ee reg ER “ae 3 5 seat ma a rat ot semen regan ‘ren Scena, Bane 7 po ea FES) tne ne, ‘A33-126, ASS 128 {see ato, Cnn Bhar . Agar ie op Tc Ao EEA ‘emery ean Bain a (esi ee geemen fae C5 sora XV 15.45.1561 arma a pi a Ta rit i 38 isi, 38-21, 18-85, A17-08 ae sitee Eves Bae gaa EB Shia, sue wn eS Se Sh eeas hs MBER cee Ba EBSE ERS SS 155, 15-94, 15-98, 1538, ere o oon geagan te 1s, A i es ® 607 encore hid Ans (ns) Spt 58 8 "2. sien an, eth igriak se ei ibe Shame ae SERS ecto). aL Aa ese ta sett ee a 29 fe 172 ia aa G9) 8, A eae ox 3 iss Anau ery Woah i8 a ‘evomen [9H] 0) 13/503 Rago lean wis SIs ew, 7 18 eat 9) a ABT ‘amex cay ra Aon Oc” ei) i 1s Te Syne ee Mostra] CA... 1.5 egltne epi 17/62 195.0 See ian peo 13m TON, 06 ai iB ‘ei ee o ile ans 1s ed ioe etn he a “aa cto (108) Si? epson 89 OGL Cour Huson 80/86. open opie ina ona ‘i ass nessa i Se ao aoe SS me cna oe i Bara wee cree Be BOS Sees Regn an he ron of eceaat las y Saree, Ee some: 209. feos ALS A ha ic 8 sae es rope diba at Bowes A508 AIS-1S a Ass wer isnsanss 8 Seon a ese Bea ERS Az 0-16, ALS Feet ad a vost Mai eaig oe ae BS ae vont ae ois HP ga eee Re Beia SERNA Sahoo paged ie RA a i A, AE a)... 199 AISA Aa ee Ne Gite eae alsa Albee nae pee] 8 ins An280 neo vast SUSY MES seis iii ite cae tpt on apt eaeeeetate cleat ete om MRET Tan ee o — MEE Tam STOLE MSP nS Lari ies en Berea URC et are, Ai en ae mn raids OA ae was Ooo ea a aes CRE EER Mtn om cape mii Es A aaa! “9 et dolor eee aS im bees aes TRE Eee. eas oenemner Mt fi eee Bi AeA SEER ete AS ana CHC A SES 8 sag iS ame te ieee “S Be Para aes ig es ok vere a4 ‘Sit aa ioe fer ekelaee BS ALAR Am AL eat, in sy as Aaa on oman mn STR Battin ‘Recital? mine o3 © as e Ata, a- ‘3210, ABS, AD-B5, Seve ie iam) 70,8, 948, ALI an su An An es seer coer Goede mbm, Fe MEAT AMEE (NO) on, FISD — eso, a 2 Ae. C51, 84, A833, A109 ANSE, ‘Sy, 614, 9-47, 13-210, ‘w te poe Ao AY ‘i ered ea a 8 fe Ogle not Sees MER a) oy, eam cae sol aed penta SAS By i tt SERRE Amnon ie eae not. cage ane. rf Site Hg aie os Aaa MER Mes ot eet ae “ean ® wee 8 ae S03 anal”. Peer 8) 19-36 AnH ‘ASSS oom) ibe gu Ra A ad ea ia ee Ea iC A Grommets AC pa te ae ise tees Me = a 3 Wee pkoe es we Ke 3 a Sree fe BERR a! ra sa iva ot Me BERR Re RE fst Me emt eR Bt a ee ee ace BE PR sat inate wor hee 8 sans 0 reese Rea: ee 8 wate 8 sig oy, samme Bee gaa ee ral ne thee Smee amen AMG is EAS ag ra aS BOER eB eae en SR kum CA RE A Se re eich it eee oe tae faeces Bat a ec aS oe o snes 2 a MEE i iigigae 8 atts nad fae Me sa mee 8 7 ‘ig ms NS. ia 8h on pat ee 8 i 7 i EEE san ree Bel eababa ae | oblicl (aslaabalace 7 8 ME ee wie rea ete , eer nee ® fea gS i 3 Re an medica aes ° ee ‘i RE pag A e ar 7 tees ee Soocaea Ae 8 eee fel pales eabaiatte | obs tne aisles OS eas se alt ae et Se ee cminetnen fe cong omar staan MLE Toy St am oe sa coe wx Ais a tea! EE a in da Beare or “AITO, At Ooo 6-97, 49-100 w. Ant 7 Bes sa cd 8 oye Sopa wn seg bach BS ge 7 5 eas : a ATM 23,A078 Anse... Be, C17, AB, ADIT ania asa pa CREA nag ei se sen ERAS eS Be aoe a a a ae ee wee asa RG, Se ene i ee : 5 a s a 8 3 sal oa ¢ oR ee se a an asst o 95 = rf BB esc i ae eS aoe ge ee ‘ee 8 Re Bea ee ee ais ge Oy = Emm a & een Ba ‘gS mg ENS ie Soccata a8 tel ame came z pa Bowie 8% Se ssa wena "8 Se ae oe ° ee prec 6 = ss i a ss SS es ee ered sea se @) ‘Avis ALLS m0, AL As L39 Aosta, AT-M ws aS ae ° as icin Be 2 ee saat ooo le 3 eS ie a8 i194 AS, ARSE ALLL 7 acd Ace Me oe es oo SOE ee 28 ee mil tame MS 3 go wee fod gr ae ke fe comstinine gs sasciggrate ih Bakaannen Be Ferd ‘vats oF eunorenn csLarion cme te, abajo 1995 OF LB. 02, Semis te ag SS Cas Aoi Ae Aor a, ‘Az, ALM, ALIS a ‘cigs (aii) ANC ar, fences ‘AMi-27, ALOR ATT ASAE a poe) Boceaesaca AP ie Aaa Ata eis aay Ae om rin 8th oP a0 ‘e @. i ‘e 3. Py io 8 @ at ‘i & me amar antat Cm eiC ain See Rie ave Atte ifias At ae comping ‘sien sarees Tes on os COREL ay anc ah ae eM Ans OP ata i ie Mars fiat Atay Aas etd ein Rapin he aati, Seaton Sh a Perens GI aes G.umagsn Ae ia Ait8R AE 3 we 3 ‘sic Me a +S celtic foe Sea on ee on ana” 677, Aids, ADO spe Beare ee ‘s ae wef? ue a eels ones thal abe, Aber MIE, 512-09 sod ‘Sis faa AI i ie conn tpt Dern abet dete i sous tt Fi chases mt Pa St See The anna ta aS EAS fat gs a Se om et Sack a) "589, ALG, | se Scrpet by as ae by FERS nade ads Dice a ig MORO Le ae beers ine raza te Bo. 13 266, 2-67, 248, 2-71, 278, 8 iil eee Sa ete She athe os a satis ae sexi ii Pex arasred rd asa peri cont iit SEAS Sy, 3h i eo MESES EEE gan Sioa a ie “ER See ines Serie nee te ge eta toay tots wm, ogo 33/58 [04.128 ang agen 21/399 19) ea sores erat ssa ‘ ae a mn Crane Bete 76/98 Mace 5, count iia nig. Sie Court Oia 6/18 ASE ‘erase ise) O) La" ao, @ is) Mies Aue soph vm oon 7, ‘oe teat ia a ‘sag 504 oh 8 Seventh Recta Pia tie D9 ihe AR SHI aaiges ae ocr eS SaaS " Ne ERE EE rae se, (0 ia 3a Fs eS SASS Osea te 7 sao de Maca ce 9/106 Pa Sr pasa, zs me ie so ris (5) i mY Sita Se ae, I Fa ae 85, Sint o 8 ae, 2 ost Ad 5 8.829.018 83, SAS 8a} san ine sisieen be SAREE Be Saar wan pe OM aka bat RIES ER go 2 anes OO SER ES oe a 3 ia Bo aint Sees oa ee BREESE 0 ss i 2 3 a a 88 ot eae Se i Sait ee Se Bee SUReEhies ‘Tad Mace Dive 69/208 eon ota oat Rees Bs ison sa i 15a ot I, 1, 1S (et It oo BOL IB Isa IO, 1 Ia 1, I Bonin ak “o ee 8 oe ang Ei i nae oe a ma ate ie ES See aa ‘ 2 2 = Saget sees yaaa SE “a ica a nas ‘Bevath Gpany ia Bie ‘Sits aa Ls Comprnv Advestng Die ‘Bist oy ay. soe oe 16 a Cn ‘obes Advning eve ‘ara tiaay eh a... m8 “eee fond ou sn ‘Rc Wand boot be Be sy rsa foe Rae ara se Bsns asa foe ige abe onan revi Ba Fea nO} caN.. sme Chaper val Ca si. ontnn Steg aor fete ols CACER Bus AS Seseane i OF See ects oh m0} 274 098 communy Te Sie Ca ‘ior cnu es 0b) RATT nue wnat ie Meet Ber eel. 1508 Noo hieed TIPO coc paopean ean EMER I EL ee ee oe E Pe Das 15-114, 15-3 FsRaan las 2 Cat ise Gh Tiss, SASATzAl Chew ba. teas = o SUS SeecO ora Cae bs 0 Sas Sonie feed eeaten aes Serge MLEMER OG HN Se ho ChaL Ce WM EIS yan SLA * TABLE OF INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS AND TREATIES [Bras i al ype let te oof the prisons camcena) ‘eg ir de aes ets pe travels ona a Seba Teas sag ALM, 8 sea ti Cn Aas 12 ‘A210 Bae Tn NS ae ror mo RMS At AGS den eater a aah aon ah im cota dan aaa cat nee” Mage un nl agen Coue WakCmag 0 kee 1851 Connon raning io te ete wt, Ged ‘Res He vteas ‘St “at Sages ‘amma ae 1 Gere, fy 2B 867 Nadid Agent Cane ome ees t sore New York, Septem apeaton a Mh eens ay rae ans see Bar {Bt comet be Prion Small Wy aa, Peo ne ii a NS ah NS ‘November 4, 1950; 13 71 bord = TPES nag an oa a ‘009. 93 PomstNal ARI co BI 8 Patani ns peed ‘ining OF ace so Bean Spe “cas 2 za Near je 2 187 Genet green aie pon ae “Su ae (Ga) Ose fe a Be, Coe ee ee is 13 104 ea, eee MaRS BASES on na ASS Aan aoe, © Ans 7 ‘A20-25, A203 ve mogceratnert a os Mey hccaaa A ns AS ABI (0). A A645, 419-26 bas Need, june 20°00 ae Se 7 ‘Aa a8 eer SAG Ae, ‘Ae Ate) on ATR, AB ME alae (I as Ao 8 ais a ae ‘ansees Asst ans ed A the egsiton Mtr a a, Tats nS SORES oe ee E16 80, 6608-52, 897, cht ita a oS eS Sip anita Ree Oe ate gis Raa bat en eS ‘Ree Aa Aa 3, I o Ase re estan rae Ree Goan Aba Ree Pius Be, ‘aig, tesa, Nib aan a, essa Rc ies foe Deghinuin 62, an te, poe Arcgngeg BS ei pasa mi feat ae ieee Pega oats See | {Noveter 0, at Sseband a Sos on Ia teen athe “0 Aa7 an. nz, AD ‘bie. ion eas a2, fata Aa, a kal sein a fei fae Ae ea an. 246 A ‘é nas @ na 8 pea ie pe ai abs “ii ao eu ee ‘ os aes “ais Ast ‘of tga lw Yok SETS oon 1889 Treg a gical Poe lg Rept ft ee “Grete ER oe ene pet of nica vey fg) Np ec 8h on, sgt eta, 3-03 tia, "hg ne a, ‘bens At, ee, Aa Ais A139, A-a ibat ne 8 Pa ia a Phil sete 36 Aart Pu sean nase Fu as Aa ny. eee a As RESTA ata A Na A, eS fas eS ae ‘3 ae ees ABE oe Anes ans Ame PART 1 $ eS a3 a oe aD An Aza ug gp ieee ee = Anse acs Mai Sa, oa ee ase cod ge i so a ie SS neat”? riod Tage Org An. tion (WTO Agotment a3 gee 3 “AiO, AtT-i08, A206, wb ee eS us ° 8 (Charren 1 INTRODUCTION Since the lst edition oF this work, registered trade mark Law in the 1-01 | United Kingdom has undergone fundamental changes and #0 2 1#ge ‘eitent has started from seratch. The trade mavks regime begun by the Thad Marks Act, 1875, which was itself founded upon earlier equitable srcpls, has been replaced exactly a century alter the fst edition of ‘system much of the det of which is dictated by develop- is tthe European Community and international level. "The principal bass forthe Trade Marks Act 1994 (he Act) i the 1988 1-42 ‘Counell Dzccsive relating to tade marks, which required Important ‘ehanges in two main areas: the conditions for vaily registering rade tmark and the sights conferred by registration. The detal of thse Changes is eet out and explained in Chapters 5 and 15: basicaly, is ‘ow ease to obtain rgistered trade masks and the igh eoaferted by Fogistrtion are broader than under previous Acts. Secondly, the Act takes provision in connacton with the Commanity Trade Mark Into ‘duced by Counat Regulation 40/94 of Deserer 20,1953, Thiel, eft {given to the Madrid Protocol which provides a mechanism for so- called “international regltration of trade marks”. Fourthly, the Act fives long overdue effet to certain provisions ofthe Pais Convention ‘911853, Overall the effect isto bring about "a general modernisation of the In of trade marks” 1. The origins of the trade marks directive ‘The Trade Marks Directive is “The Fist Council Directive of 21 1-18 December 1985 to approximate the laws ofthe Member Stats relating to teade marks’; "The Fit” indieatng that approximation snot complete. ‘The third cet to the Digeetive says 1 does ot appear tobe necessary at present to andertake full salle approximation ofthe trade marks Lies of the Member States ‘and i wil be wufclent if spproximation i limited to those national provisions of lew which mast direc aft the Fantoning ofthe frrnal matket” ‘The first proposel for “s fast Counel Directive to approximate the law 1-04 of the Member States resting to trade marks” was published in 3 Los 1-06 [November 1980! It coincided witha proposal forthe Community Trade (Mark. The proposed Directive wat seen at a necessary sep 1 pave the Way for the establishment of 2 Comenunity Teade Mark system. The Proposal was submited fo the Economic and Socal Commitee fr ‘pision® which resulted in 2 revise props being submited to the CCoure'l iq December 19857 This revised text was submited '0 the Working Group and new text was published in December 1987. The Council approves the new txt in June 1985, the advice of the Economie and Social Committee was received in October 1088, the European Pavlament gave its opinion in. December 1988 and the Dizetive was finally adopted by he Counel on December 21,1988! ‘Al the meating of the Counct at wich the Directive seat adopted, cersin satements were made by the Counel and the Commision ‘which were entered into the Minutes of tye Council. The Minstes have Subsequently become available sd are acateabe on the webaite of the Office forthe Harmonieation of te Internal Masket (OHM). Altaough of historical interes, iis now relatively clear tht the Minutes which fonsist of various comments on a number of the Actiles in the Directive) ae of no legal significance and cannot be used for the purpose of interpreting lepslation ano reference Is made thea in the Wording of the Directive? The Minutes have ben referred to on hhumber of occasions by the Appes! Boseds at OHIM but the beter ‘ew i that such reference fas boon made only sehen the Mints upper a position adopted hy te relevant Board and not becuse they axe in any way binding or of legal sgnfcance, 2, Statutory interpretation and Pepper (Inspector of Taxes) v. Hart (Quite apart from matters European, the standasd rules in. Pepper (luspctr of Tans) ©. Har? apply to the Parliamentary debates during pasange of the Trade Marks Dll should be noted that the cule in Pepper (lapetr of Tene) 2. Hart operates by way ofan exception tothe general rule that excludes ceerence to Pavilamentacy material ae a0 aid fo stawory construion. Relerence is permitted under Poppe fhapactor of Tess) 0. Hart i (2) legislation vas ambiguous or obser oF lel absucity; @) the material reled upon consisted of one or more "Sa Explor, Menard, COM) 6 Srl and the Bt a of te Dace Een! B00 Of CN faa Sat pasi ear “IEE ep per {HBB Eh spe , escenario aC ‘Piathean statements by a Minister or other promoter of the Bill together, if ‘ecessry, With such other Parliamentary mates that is necessary * ‘understand such sttemen's and thelr effect and (3) the statements felled upon were ear However, the Parliamentary debates on the Bill are unlikely to ‘Provide much frit to ald interpretation of provisions in Part Tof the [Rot forthe simple eason thatthe Goveerament resisted and secure the efet or withdeawal ofall amendments which aored wording derived fiom the Trade Macks Dizctive, by saying that they were obliged to implement the Direcive, Thos in the cage of a provision intended to implement a Dicctive T ‘cannot think thatthe Pepper principle can apply. The intention of ‘Parliament is to implement whatever the Directive means. Views ‘exprested in Pacliament about the meaning, even by a Minister, ‘annot ait in resolving any ambiguity which stems fom the Directive elf Nether the courts of any other county whose trade 1 mark laws are suppased to implement the Directive, or the Buro- pean Court of Justice in intpreing i would refer to whats Brish “Minister si in Pariment in the course of unplementtion here It ‘would be ieevant. What matters i the language of the Directive”, pe Jacob Jin the "Treat ease™ "The lesinad judge also declined to refer to Hansard for the same reason, although this may stil be possible in relation to provisions confined in the remainder of the Act, particularly the criminal pro- sions contained in sction 92. 3. Community trade mark ‘The 1993 Council Regulation intedcng the Community Trade Mark (CIM) meons that is now possible eblain a regltered trade mark swith fect in the United Kingdom by two diferent routes, The Bt is the traditional route tothe Trade Marks Regiary in Newport (which may now be made via Geneva—see below): the second i via an application tothe Office for the Harmonization of the Interal Masket (Citi in Alicare, Spain If stisied thatthe mask complies with the ‘inditons for regitrablty se out in the Regulation, OFM wal grant a EU-wide right with eet in the United Kingdom a wel as all ether Member Stats. Ths, the two systems run in parallel and the detalls Uf the CIM system are set out in Chapter 6 ‘fea nee an wae, Bratough he nc ote 4, Madsid Protocol 1-09 A United Kingdom registered trate mark may now be obtained via the ‘echanisn provided in the Madrié Protocol Under the Protocol an pliant for » s-alled “international registration” must fle through {he national trade marks office in which base national application or fegjstatiow bas been made. That ofice then tansauls te appliestion to ‘WIPO in Geneva and thereafter the mark Is Sont to and trested by the ‘individual national offices specified as if it is a normal domestic pplication. Effecivly, the Protocol provides a means of obtaining ‘egistrations in a large numberof signatory countries at less cost and Inconvenience than if applications were fled in each country soparsaly. The details are set out in Chapter & 5, Paris Convention 10 For the fist time, the 1994 Act provides specie protection for “well lenown marke within the meaning of Article Ge oF the Paris Conver tion. The protection conferred is slependent of the ighs conferred by registration and applis to marks fling within Article Sis regardless of wheter they are register in the United Kingdom or not. Other provisions specifically implementing patts of the Paris Convention Include the injunctive remedy, based on Article dsp, fora proprietor ffs mark again unauthorised use in the United Kingdom By his agent ‘The desis of how the Act gives effect to certain provisions ofthe Paris Coavenson are set out in te relevant sections of this Work. 6, Old authorities 1 Whit its true thatthe 1994 Act provides afresh start for the law of, registered trade marks in the United Kngdow, every system forthe registatlon of tade marks has to dea) with the underlying concepts Forming the Foundation of such» sytem: concepts such as distnative™ ess nat is requite for registration: descriptiveness; what degree will prevent registration, similaity Setveen a registered. mark and an Slegedly infinging sign, what degree of sinlaity we eequlred for infringement. Wht @ eaverent Wace mark system has to-do when laling vith thege (rd other) concepts isto decide where the Line 16 {rawn. for example, wha degre of distinctiveness or descriptiveness oF Similarity or confsion risk of eanfsion ig requced? Its in these are, fa well es many others, thet reerens to cases decided uncer previous tet ie Frequently of assistance. Dut asaistance only shoul not be ‘pretibial ote Ut py eo forgoten at any pont that the system 6 fundamentally diferent and frequently demands Fes look thee andthe fore tre of te pal prem in he fed Kingdom segues « daep amavis ol ‘Ghrene ofthe ner sytem Iie te words ofthe Ac (and fd it ther Directive) whic must be interpreted and applied: = was noted by Leddin in Wepenana™ A's fundamental change intended ould be nade dear in extent and scope. Te law Femain alae of Fegisered ade ark iis not avr against snr competition and in plying and intepsting the provisions of the Act (and the TM. iri and the CI Regulation, when relevant) the practioner nas fog boa ein nd 7. Common law Other aspects of Se legal teatment of unfit trading have changed Senifconly in ie years since the last elton and developments in frees such rs pasting off and tade libel are desrbed and commented ‘upon. In tion, toa large exten the chapters on passing cand trade libel have been rewritten in « more modern format. 8, Procedure |jvrecent years there hasbeen a marked shift in the attude ofthe courts ray fromthe we of the Interim injunction as the main tcol for availing alleged trade mark infringement or pasing off. This has been ‘coupled with a streamlining of procedure and more pro-active judicial fnvelvement to ensure a shortening of the time takan to litigate {intellectual property disputes. In addition, in Apri 1989, the new Ciel Procedure Rules (CPR) became operative, with the overiding objective fof "enabling the court to deal sth cases jusly”2" The CPR apply both to High Court proceedings invalving trade marks and to proceedings in the Registry. They move procedure in the English cours inthe direction of the civil law tradition, at lest to the extent of making judges the manager of llgation trough is various stages. ‘Where seevant, changes in proceduse are Identified and commented ‘upon. ype 8, neo oa saa (Charren 2 THE DEFINITION OF A TRADE MARK 1. Introduction 2-01 “Section 1 (0) In this Acta “tade mark” means any sign capable of being represented graphically whic is capable of distinguishing goods ot fevicesof one undertaking from those of oer undertakings 1A tae marie may, in particular, consist of words Gneluding personal names), sighs, letters, numerals or the shape af goods ot heir packaging (2) References in this Act to a trade mark include, unless the context otherwise requires, seferences to a collective mark (lee Sction 45) orcerlieaton mar (see section 50). 2.02 The Trade Marks Act 1994 starts with this fundamental definition of ‘raade mark", whieh applies to every type of marke This ehapter 1s concemed with signs or marks of individual undertakings. Collective land cevtfiaton marks perfom a somewhat diferent function and are Salt within Chapter 1 2-03 "The definition contains four requirements. To qualify asa trade mask, the candidate mast be (1) a sign which @) is eapable of being represented graphically and whic (3) is capable of distinguishing the goods or sevies of ane undertaking from those of olber undertakings $ne fourth roquicemeat is subsumed inthe tied: iia that the sign in ‘question mast be wed in relation #0 goes of Services. For mast mark, ‘his fourh requirement passer sethout notice. However, i achieves significance in the debate over whether registrations for “retall services” and the like should be permitted, a topie discussed at the end of this 246” The three principal requirements will be discussed in turn. The fst two ace selfcontaned and are desit with in this chapter, as Is the Interpretation ofthe thd requirement~—“apable of distinguishing” It ‘willbe sen that there is goo desl of interplay between section 1(2), ‘and section 3(), particularly as vegards ths thed equcement 1 part ‘Of the key ise of distinetivences, which is ciscussed further in the context ofthe absolute grounds for refuse of 2 mavk—see Chapter 7 ‘The fest of those grounds, in secon 31a, croserefers 1 this 8 © definition in section 11), and prohibits registration ofa sign which does fot me! the requirements of section 1). © ie * Derivation! Section 1() ofthe 1994 Acts drive from Arlee 2 ofthe Trade Matis 2-08 Diretive. There is some change in language: Amite 2 appears to be pemmisive: "A tade mack may consat of...” whereas section 11) fs Betntive: "in thie Acta trade mark means. .”, with the resul thatthe ‘Ket does not expand spon the defiion in'the TM Directive, The efintion of a Comunity trade mark i substantially Wdentical to the Sefton in the TM Directive 2. Sign “The wort “sgh suse inthe 194 Act and TM Directive a general 2-06, term include all anddates which may conti 8 "wade mark” and ‘eae or algionsofinngnent tar ato "gn ‘nus sigly someting or convey a message. Thre an argumen Re mos conveyed by nag must be something to do wih the (foods or svi, 0 tha ames decoration woul ot even conaile a {Ege The spn may bea badge of origin which cave the sign wil aqulfy as © wade ark. Asgn tay convey a: mesage which Is Eseriptve or nudtory ofthe goods, butt sl conveying a message Scie leer ead DD interns of whet may ually as trade mas, the ws she werd “ign” mals the defntion of "rade mark” Gexble and open- ced sujet nly tote oer erent, Seton 10) nls st tf ceampes of what ype of gn ae incuded The its ebviouly nat oust "The posing ofthe 198 Act gave ree to debate about the spp of sur which team spl te ft te. Sign Beh expression tre enough tonclade a wide renge of unussl mark ch as masks Tossing fa slgl colour a smell «sound ora moving image, The Sore yet which are not wins mages oF teproducsons ofthe sgn The ‘oard of Appeal may have failed to appreciate the distinton between the sign and the mark, The mark isthe graphic representation (whether itis a description or something else. Rule 2) requires nothing more than # reproduction of the mark, 2a reproduction of the graphic representtin, hacer hcmm opment cena, See te rp eerie ibe ype Se foes in Spon ie (0) ER Me fs (Lovee ———_ * ~ wv Consequence of deficiency in graphic representation 2-20 IF tis concluded that the graphic presentation i inadequate, it does ‘ot follow thatthe application concerns a sign which isnot “capable of being represented graphically”. An applicant may then be given an ‘opportuity to fle @ proper graphic representation, which he must do Sithin two montha>"The consequence ie lose of priori, because sn ‘pplicatan 8 only accorded 3 Hing date once everything required is Fumie bythe applicant ether o te United Kingdom Regist or 0 ont 4. Capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from those of uther undestakings Summacy ‘hose who do not need or deste to know the deta, this sa smmmary of the Unites Kingsom interpeetation of is expresion and in particular the words “espable of distinguishing”. Necessarily, reler- fenee mest be made to section 31) af the 1994 Act because section 309) Incorporates this requirement by reference “signs which do not satsy ‘he requirements of section 2(1)” shall not be registered, (0) To satsy this eoguirement in section 10) a sign need only be ‘apable” to the limited extent of being. "aot Incapable” of distinguishing goods or services of one undertaking from those df other undertakings: 02000. (2) This requirement i the frst stoge of three in the test for distinctiveness (0) fist sign mst comply with this requirement before i i leva fo the status ofa wade mark’; (b) Secondly, the “tade mark” i considered. agninst section SGXOME) or (d) (devoid of distinctive character, deserip- &ve or gene) (e) Bind, and only if one ot more of subsections (1), (6) or {@) of section 3 apply. the provi fo section 30) is applied to se ifthe wade mn: has acquired a distinctive character rough ie: ADIN; Pips c. Remington Book Flower Remaiis; Maasland N.V's Appleton” ht psn phn Hopton 9h oe se ee pam Haut, He RR the TINGLE Sc 18 6 (@) tn considering whether a sign s “capable of distinguishing’ it 2-32 {8 permissible to take io account the se whic has ben nade the sgn nso fara th prior ae acts he meaning othe sig, ven though not permissible to apply the proviso to section 0) sein 3h her wo, ae yt any distinctive character aued bye mut be ignored Bh Fle Renedes Maco V3 Appeton (4) 1 may be permisble to tke shot ct (bypassing this ° "" roquicement) and simply ask whether the sign possesses "a + distinctive character” Because that is what subsections (3) 1 to (d) of scton 3 require: Maaslond N-V"'s Appition, At this point, three observations will be made. First if the poston 2-33 sppears confusing, it s. Secondly, according to this interpretation the Trade Marks Act 1984 appears to contain, in section 1(), a dafiiion of ‘eade mark which happens to incl a large category of signs which 4o not perform the essential function of a trade mark, whichis to act at «a badge of origin, to distinguish the goods or services of one undertake lng fom those of other undertakings. Thirdly, the debate over the interpretation of "capable af distinguishing” does not really matter 10 properly registrable trade marks. only matters in the ease of apple ‘ations at the very border line of dstnctiveras and registabily. _ lt & suggested that the corect interpretation of "capable Of dis: 2-34 B'S much less complicated than that summarised above {apable™ is wsed not in the negative senses of "not Incapable” or ‘capacity, Iti used in the positive sense of "able to” or eves to distinguish”. It expresses a positive requirement that a sign must possess capacity or ably fo distinguish before it is elevated 0 the status of "uade mark”, In other words, belore a sign can be registered 25 a "trade mark It must postess a distinctive characler ‘Section 1() imposes the postive requtement that a tade mack must possess a cstinetve charcter™ Tf this conclusion is caret, the 1994 Act, the TM Directive and the 2-35, (Community Trade Marks Regulation contain & sensible definition of ‘reade mack". It does mean that there is considerable overlap between sation 33() and b),(€ and (2), just as tere is between (8) anc) and (@). There ks nothing we0ng sith oversp, it makes the postion ear ‘he remainder of this long secton contains a muck more detaled Aiscussion of the positon and further reasoning es to why oUF aug 1+ gested interpretation isto be prefered Palatal aelene dena hale Eo roy uncom EERE Ss Sn remy eer a ‘Sulngctnaumer to dsinguish the goods of service of eee uneratng Ears eas Sie ree Sesh pes araeae ne ee ae the Gri epuoton hat Leamapande 9 BeT Dee Ae Ack £1(0), 7 ry Development of the United Kingdom interpretation of “capable of distinguishing” 2-36 In the United Kingdom, the interpretation cf this requirement has been 2a dominated by words used in section 30a) and fe) of the 1994 Act In ‘AD2000" the appointed person, G. Hobbs Qc explaine the interplay as follows “Section 301N@) prohibits the registration of ‘signs’ which do not satisfy the requirements of section 1(1) eeause hey are incapable of boing represented graphically and/or incapable of distinguishing the goods" or services of one undertaking from those of other undertakings) whereas the prohibitions in sections 300), 30)©) na 3(1Xa) ae applicable to nde aks’ signs which sti the quirements of secon 1(), but nonetheless lack a distinctive character in the absence of appropriate ute, This implies that the rauirements of section I(})aze sisted even in cases whese a sign represented graphically 15 only ‘capable’ to the limited extent of being “not incapable’ of distinguishing goods or services of ane ‘sndettaking from those of otter urderakings. Such signe aze not exclude fom registration by section 3). Section (1) hos the ‘ore limited effet envisaged by artle 21) of the Directive of Preventing the registration of ‘igus hich crmnat costs rade Ina’ atthe time when they are put forward for registration. tts ‘lear that signs which are nor abjectonable under section 3()@) ‘say nevertheless be objectionable under other provisions of sean 3 inching sections 40}, 30) and Ste)” and in one farther short passage: "The proviso to section 3{1) indicates thit the essence of the ‘objection to negation under secon (2%) is imanatsty he sign in question isnot ineapabie of distinguishing goods or services of tne undertaking from thase of other undertakings, but itis not lstinetive By nature and hag not Become distinctive by nurture.” (One advantage ofthis rezoning is thai probably makes the best sense of the words used in sections 3(1) and’ 30), and at the same Sine Incorporates the apparent mening of Article (a) of the TM Directive “The reasoning also siflly avoids touching upon any of the problems with this interpretation, which are discussed later For a: ee, ts Inerpresnlon was generally, but peshaps mot universally, accepted ia ‘he United Kingdom. Hence,» sign whichis “capable of distinguishing” ln section 1) sto be interpret in the limited sense ofa sign which 5 “ot incapable of cistingulsting” UTI REC 4, 6 Hei othe 20 Phitips v. Remington sional judgment in Philips . Reminglon© pending elarace 10 the jean Court, there was no mention of the reasoning i AD2000. In ‘the context of section 3(1)@) ofthe 1994 Act, Aldous LJ. sud this: "do not believe that the fact that a trade mark has by use become ‘suas to denote the goods of parca trader necessarily means that te capable of cstinguishing ws required by section 1 (Arle 2} 1 have sendy pointed out det use is selovant when deciding sole. seglsteailty under section (1) (¢) and (), but not under section Pe 3) Gee Articles 3—D,(b), () and 36). Tat suggests that the capably cf distinguishing depends upon the features of he trade task tell, not the result of is use. Thus a person who has had monopoly use Of a mde mark for many years may be able to (Ginblch tat it does infact denote his goods exclusively, but that ‘doesnot mean that it has a feature which will distinguish his goods from those of a rival who comes into Se market. The more the trade mark describes the goods, whether it consists of word or shape, the les likely it wil be ca, able of distinguishing those goods Irom similar goods of another trader. An example of te mark which is capable of distinguishing Is WELDMESH, wheras WELDED MESH would not be. The formes, despite ts primary Aescrptive meaning, has sffcent capricious addition to enable it ig. acquire a secondary meaning, thereby demonstrating that itis 2. capable of distinguishing. The later has no such alteration. What- {YO ever the extent ofthe use, whether or not it be monopoly se and wether or not these ie evidence that the trade and the public associat it with one person it etaine is primary meaning, namely sesh that s welded. It doos not have any feature which Fenders it capable of distinguishing one trader's welded. mush from other traders welded mesh” ‘and, later: ‘o> "The scheme ofthe Act and Directive appears to require that signs whl ae not capable of distinguishing are exclude fom reps ‘on athe intial sage, Those which Se capable of dsingsching Wil be exehdd unless they ave or have eruzed sore distinctive Saracen ample the ade mak WELDMESH 9 which ‘ave refered is expabe of stinging but Wit se we _Fetain its primary meng of, welded mesh. Tt wold therefore be ‘devold of any characer thot was distinctive. However une could Drovide's seondary meaning, namely Wat the welded mesh 1 us Rec, a {is somewhat surprising that when the Court of Appeal gave ther 2-39 which the trae mask was applied came fom a particular trader {Upon shat being esabshed it would become egitable as it would pas the dea Ini down by section (Arie) 3) and ().” 2-40 The references in these passages to “capable of distinguishing” may be Consistent withthe "no incapable” interpretation. However, the expres Son appects to have been sed more in the senge of "able to dis finguish. No doubt guldance willbe forthcoming from te uropesn (Court on this issue, Ths provisional judgment ofthe Court of APpeal is not easy to follow and rises @suiser of other important issues, which ee discussed Inter, ‘Shorly ser the provisional judgment was given, the appointed person (. Thorley 0) gave further explanation Of the approach taken, by Aldous L. ts his judgment inthe Philips appeal, Aldous LJ. makes it plain shat section 9G)G) se an overing” provision whieh prevents tezittion of sarc which s so Geseptive or oo Inking in Content expe of poring dhe fueion of «ode mark tat femot be registered. Section 3) preven from regis, without prof af distneivness, trade marks which se Not so ‘hol aking ir trace mark content a be reistable a al bat ihe, without evidence oF us do nat dlpay 2 sufienly Slstinive content"! 242 This pasage shoves he lengths which United Kingdom tribunals nave pone To try 0 moh soe of aeton 31K) and (0) On es renin, the aol suandard suggested by he Words "devel of ins carat” as ben elevated wo hs ion prevent esr ton of marks which "donot dspaya sully distinctive conten ‘This stempe at retonlinton tls more problems than it seks seve Fs the wor in seton 3X) are ven an entra meaning Sccanly we ae now pesciles with hee senda of dstnesvenes ‘ot incpable/s0 evcipive Incking sufcenty cancive content ‘and duly, under the provi, 2 dance chuater Tece 6 20 {dance anywhere in the 1991 Ac oF the TM Deliv apt what or Snot “a slot” dake conte, oer tan te fact atthe Standard falls somebere between he ater two. Of he thre suggested Standard, any the reulement for dative character” under the froin a cal reevance oe uncon of» ade mark ‘At at instance ie lps ese Jacob) pointed out a if you wot ths requirement fra sigh fo be trae mark ito Ale 3) You have "a ign which capable of dtingunhng Whigs devoid of Any sininctive character" As he said “Eis seems (ad indeed) 4 Meni Sere 00) BP) "Pines eomgorf9Hf REC HS A 3 capase or scan confusing”. Lloyd J. has stid “That puzzle may be resolved by ‘onsteulng s. 1) and 31) as getting up alow minimum standard and Se meaning 99 more than "not incapable” of distinguishing. see ‘AD2000.. ‘The consistent theme in these authorities is tht section (13) and (6) fet a dual test concerning dstinesveness to hick one can add, without wersy.2 third sage Om the proviso to section 3() “Gradwick Lj. in Bock Flower Remi put the point slightly 2-44 ly ‘The inersiationship of paragraphs (2) nd (&) in section 31}— read withthe proviso—serves to idenily thre categories af sige (those wick are not capable of distinguishing the goods of one tundesaking from those of other undertakings" [oehich] “subsumes two sub-categories () (A) those signs which have never boon expable of distinguishing the goods of one undertaking from those of other undertakings and (8) those ‘which once had the capacity to distinguish bur have, through use, ‘ented Io Be capable of ding 0," “Gi) those that have the capacity to distinguish, but which do not do so~section 31); and (ai) those that have the capacity to distinguish and (whether from ‘he outset or through use) actualy do so,” 1m this passage, “capable of dietnguishing” appears to have been fneerproted in the sense of an nelle. capacity to dstingulsh, apparently 2 concept which is separate and distinct from distinctive Character, either inherent or aquired, Summary of the English approach so far ‘The English approach (whether “not incapable” or unrealised capacity) 2-45 fuagests hat the structure of the elovan provisions in the 1994 Act and he'Ta Directive require dstnesvenes to be addressed logically inthe following tree stages: (0) Does the sign satisfy the requirements of ston 10) & i ‘capable of dstnguiting in the sense of being “not incapable” fr having a snmelised capacity to eistingulsh? I i cap ble, the application fas If ys (2) Ts the matk devoid of any distinctive character, descriptive or overs, contany to one oF mone of section 3(1), (e) ot (2)? T. fo, then subject to any other objections, the mark proceeds. IF yee ‘Ba it at Sl Te NA 981 REC, “aby Rie sis aeaan Ca 2 (©) Hos the mack, through the use which has been made of it scquited a datinctive charac? 1s there» dual teat for distinctiveness? 2-46 For many matks which te petted for registration, the asssment of disincive chracter is senighorward Pcie te mask can be seen to poses distinctive charac, whether erent or auled thee thie ge epi Hoven uh he aeons 9 tempt to mongptie all yps of sg ted ono spar of tte ria at Cer eal coe tose aes Sistneiveness ofthe sign th question neds tobe asad cory Stains te reoirement ithe 1994 Act and the TM Diese It itportan tat these egsivernent are destly understood and srsoraiy ‘pple tvoughout the 80. Mista doubt why the Card of ee it Pips ta shed the European Cort the fundamental question eo weer dere is ltt in acon i) (@) ale “is there a category of marks which i not excluded from regia tion by Ailes 31)0)-(€) and Aricle 39) ofthe Council Directive 89/100/E8c, which is nonetheless excluded from seperation by Article 31)() ofthe Ditetve (a8 being incapable of distingu ‘he goods of the proprietor rom thse fall ler undertaking)?” Tesues sised by the English interpretation 2447 Before discussing the possible answers to the Phils question, it ie helpful to be aware of two problems with the United Kingdon inter pretation of “capable of dininguishing”. Perhaps the tet sous problem is tha he Trade Marks Act 1954 naw contain, ats heart, 8 Aefinion of "rade mark" whic is distinctly odd. Bevin in mind that the estentn function ofa trade marke to distinguish one might expect that before sign graduate tothe stu of “trade mark” the sign had to be “capable of distinguishing” in the genge that if pt o ue, torauld ‘sctualy distinguish the goods or services of one undealing fam thane of other undertakings. This interpretation of “espabe of dotinguiching” would have the Benefit that the defition of "tie mark" in section TE) would incde only those signé whic if put to use, would pestorn the fesental function ofa trade mark Instead, the interpretations adopted by Unitad Kingdom tribunals, asset out above, leaves the 1994 Act oth 4 definition of "trade mark” which inches not Jose those sigas which * seem te pion ao Ain eg 9 at u ze propel called and function ss “trade masks’ but a mich lager ast of ign which might or might not be able to peronm the ceria fancion sf» wade mark at some indeterminate point in the future depending on whether and/or how Wey are wed Over the nervning petod of yeas, his nonsense the scan prolem the pre presente by the wording of secon 0) sig which i cpuble of dstnguishing which i devoid of ‘ny dtinctve character, Salar puzsle represented by scion 30S) (Gia sign whlch i expable of distngulsting which Is excusively jptve/generie These puales are not satisfactory resolved by the "not inespable or the unrealised expat interpretation. The "void of any ssinctve character” apes to idle» fly Bolte standard If dstnctive characer ere tees onsale om oI, hove word et standard of zero or nes ero sign whi is Piacapble of distingushing would sso score seo. Bst seh) have 60 ‘Expressions which mean or amon oe sane ting? There is no pnt. weve, conaderaton ofthe concept ofa sign whichis "capable of Bstingiching” would suggest st he sig must have sme dstncive ‘Gatacter in onder to be sapabe of dsinguhing or to have some fBpncty to distinguish. Therloe the puzrle emai FPRer questions aie. For example section 3) appears to contain parte Iopcl an simple tet of dstnivenees, Deore something cot EX teyutered as» tade mark, i must posses distinctive carer, sheer by nature or by nurture Why hate a second and much lower {stor datinctvenes when oo eer ttf ncesary? ‘Also, sect 3GV6), 0) and (8) appear to wet atcolute standard: “deol of any distinctive character” trade-mark which. consss ecnly of something which s descriptive ot pene. Thy spear t0 fewve no room for’any other poor and lower ditoctveness ls, the legislative purpose of Arties 3()0,(61(2) and 30) is realy understandable there i another prior an lower distinctive ‘es euirenent contained in “capable of Aistinglshing, what isthe purpose of What is he policy which ie bein #2 Tete nothing S Ipthe 7 Dissctive othe CTM Regulation which provides any ances 5 thse pointe 249 Pa Possible answers to the Philips question ‘The sange of lkely answers to the question posed in the Philips case by 2-S1 the Court of Appeal may be summarised a follows: '() Yes, there is another category of marks prohibited from regis wwation because they aze incapable of diesinguishing,é. there is 2 dual test of dstincveness, This ansver might involve adopt. ing the “not incapable” or untealiged capacity interpretation of 25 capable of distinguishing” or, interpretation (2) Yes there are categories of “signe” which are excluded fom reyistoton fot for aay season concerned with distinctiveness trac of Dut becouse there are sil some categories of signs nich cant constitote ede marks, Aticle 31,@),(6)(6) and {G) and Artice 33) combine to presenta single distinctiveness requirement, To achieve reistaton, 2 sign must possess a listnctive character, whether by napure or By nurture For the purposes of this argumen, any problem with graphical repre httion oor rounds of objection sft on one ie). (@) No. There are no categories of sign which cannot constitute rade marks, and. Artic S1Y},0Me) and (2) and Article 38) Combine fo present a single distinctiveness requirement. possibly, some other 52 sie to explain why the frst answer Would be very unsatisfactory nd why either te second or thed answer should be the core One 'S necestcy FO consider the structure and derivation of the relevant provisions of the TM Diective, They, in tuer raquite consideration of the relevant provisions of the CTM Regulation ad thls derivation As si aso, it may be helpful to expan why the apparently fundamental issue posed in the Plips question is one which ether docs not ari at sll other Meatber Stay or dock sot vise in go 2 stark manner. Essential function of» tade mark and the TM Directive 3 Over a number of yeas the European Court of Justice Aas made iene thal the essential ntion of rade mark sto distinguish. For example, $8 Case €-99/97 Cano Kaci Kis 8. Melro-Goldy Maye Ine," sisted accocding to the sted caselaw of the court, the essential faetion of the trade mek is to guacantce the identity of the origin ofthe mated product to the consumer ot end vuter by enabling Fis thout any posibity of confusion, to citingtsh the product jor service from ote which fave another grigin. For the teade Sark to be able to {IR} ie esontal sole in the system of Undistrted competition whic ve Teeny seks to establish must ‘otfees guarantee tha all goods bearing it ave originated under the onlel ofa single underaking whichis responsible fr thei quality (eee in particule, Case C-10/89 HAG GF (HAG 1) [1999] ECR. 5711, paragraph 14 and 13)" 2 muna ft sgt yt te darrian ep. Ireshor the estensal function of @ tate mack i to distinguish, by F origin. Against that background, one moves othe relevent provisions of he TM Diroctv, which area lows Teal “Wheres attainment ofthe objectives at which this approximation 1 of laws is almung requires that the condions for ebianig and 2) continuing to hold ¢rgistre rade mark ae in general Weal i all Member States; wheres, t0 this end, itis cesar to Hist eamples of signs which may const a trade ae provided that Such Signs are capable of datingulshing the goods or services of one tnderking from those of other undertakings wheres the pounds for refusal or invalidity ‘concering the trade, mask Hl, for example, the absence of any ditntive characte, + ae fo be listed in an exhausave manne.” Recital (20) “the function of (the registered trade mack) isin particular to guarantee the trade mark ay an indication of origin =" ‘Acti Sign of hich trade mark may consis, "A rade mark may consist of ay sign eapableof being represented sgrophically, particularly words, including personal names, designs, laters, umerals, the shape af goods or thet packaging provided that such signs ere capable of distngulsing the goods Of services of one undertaking fom those of other underiakings.” ‘Autile 3 Grounds for rfl or inoliity ‘7, The following shall not be veglstered or if regltered shall be liable to be decate inva (a) signs which cannot constitute a trade mack; (Gy tae marks hie are devoid of any distinctive character" te, “The process of partial harmonisation of the trade mark laws of ‘Member States meant that neve types of sign would become reistreble in many Member States Therefore, a8 Rell 7 sald twas necessary '5 list exteapes of signs which may conatiute a tae mark and this Was done in Article 2. It ists “signs of which a tade mark may const p Alle 2 doesnot expressly define "wade mark" fer the purposes of the ‘TM Directive although t does so implicitly by defining & css of those signs which may constitute trace mack provided that such signs are mabe of dtngulshing. ‘The expression “capable of distinguishing” i one which can bear a range of possible meanings. However, consideration of the essential function of a trade mack—something which distingushes indicates that before a sign can constitute a trade mazk, is capability must be realised At this point its necessary to have ear fo de fat Wa some 2 Ds 286 os 261 signs which are presented for reisation hae not yet been used and tay not be ned ‘unt veytation ts ben secured. Acicle 2 does ot ‘mete ue but contemplates use utd, would is gn dings iT conttates a “de mock” If “cxpable of Sttngulshang” Is ith the advantage that Article 2 implciy “reade meek someting which would, a soon att wed perform the esntil ction of @ ade mark: Such 8 ign shoud propel be alforded the privilege of piston ae ade mor pon PA ihe other end of the scle of posible mennings “capable of cistingishing” has die much more limited meaning of bay *not incapable”. This has the discivantage thatthe ceiton impli in [Brice is hen much wider tincades not ut those sigs which to or fic able Gi wae) 0 perform tho eaten netion of «ae mark bt Ail shose signa whlch aye abl fo perform that uncon in the te, it whic Go not do So at present. Such wide derton Is unaecess sty. would mean that the only siference beween “sgn” and "rade ‘husk wag the requiement for 8 graph representation. However, in ‘Se vat mujony of ese, there isn diference between the sign which $8 san onda gpl eepesetntion of i so tat forthe oat majoty Gf maria "sige would equal "cade mune Such » wide dfniion ‘would sho debase the very concept of "rade mark Implementation in the United Kingdom ‘The Unites Kingdom sought to inplament Articles 2 and 3) of the TM ‘Diecive in sections 1() and 3 ofthe 1984 Act Section (1) defines a8 "rade marks all tose signs oohich were listed in Artic 2 os possible candidates for that status-sigs of tic 2 ade mark nay consist In this Altered context the true force of provided that such sigs ae espable of {stingushing is now more likely ta be misunderstood, particulsly since rove that has been replaced by wich Tr addin, the abso ground in Arle 30) sigs wich connot consti a trade nar, haa als Seen sully altered, so that section 3) ends sigs which do nol sty the rjuirements of sition 1) TNS Alteration was lege ignored in AD200 and attention was focussed on {he wording in the TM Directive. was also pointed out in ADZ000 that ‘he wording used In scion 30() is much deser to the wording 252 in Arie 71(a) of the C7M Regulation, Prosented with these provision in the 1994 Act it 6 tothe credit of ‘he United Kingdom tebunals tht they have managed to achieve an interpretation which i at less consistent witha possible interpretation ofthe TM Directive, even thewgh leaves the United Kingdom with an fd definition of "rade mark”, The remaining issue is whether this possol interpretation ofthe Directive i correct 25 Derivation f the relevant proviions of the TM Diective cate i rogue when ooking 2 the derivation of parclar 2-62 lon i the TM Dircve beteoe tare ave sever yes of onan ery some of hem ae policy eulbe At te igs tthe dang sary of the Dteive my be toed ough te fous tocuens pubs inthe Of Joumathe orignal peo ol he apron ef the Erononic and Soci Commits the amen Reis suse! by the European Parle the amended props the ane of te Booomic and Socal Commit, th opinion ofthe Paint and the Deve avopted y the Cove The reer Fitters cocunents ne nla inte PM Diet eA Second Inve thre a the wxplantry memoranda whch scoped te fin sa the tanded propel These are avi in parce esd her prio go ret ha xplaatory semovanda Parsejpantn the process ae no doubt i ‘puions se haw and why a paaarchange was mace. No ib these epnin® ane hanes helt hee no pura that erjonemveved would shave exact the sae opine. Ts typeof tion can hardly be leit aid fo inept, There, IR ut flows, we fave nested onsen f the dosent Fund in he Oficial Joural ogeter wh the explantory menor ‘Rhus which accompanied te egal and amended propa “The proponis wich led fo the Dieeve wee corel” ierbned wah papas wc edt the CT Regustin et ot in hr Annex DEAE Soper are evant ena rate varios popes fr the Sha Diectve and he CM Regain =< canelsion o be dawn from the proposals lading tothe TM Directive “The following points emerge from the extracts from the various Proposals: 0) Reon “pb of dingy” etapa ne 41500 propost! for the CIM Nepulaion The accompanying omumerngy sd thatthe defn of igs of which a Come tronty ade marc may carat "is gered partially 10 the {fuston whether the leant signe capable of prfoming the Aisi non ofa tede mare That anton in econo and ~ egal frat inde te gn of goods ot series a ©

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