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Lesson Plan: Arthurs Halloween Reading

Date: October 15, 2015

Time: 11:35 am - 12:05 pm

Writing and Reading

Writing: I can generate ideas to add details to my writing. I can revise and edit my
writing to make sure I have correct punctuation and capitalization. I can spell
commonly used sight words.
Reading: I can identify the problem and solution in a fiction text. I can summarize
stories and important events with beginning, middle, and end in the correct

Arthurs Halloween by Marc Brown
Beginning, Middle, and End Worksheets (24)
Reading Response Worksheets, on back of previous WS (24)
Posters in the room that support students using correct grammar, capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling

1. Gather materials prior to lesson.
2. Call students to the rug one table at a time. Remind students that table groups
must be quiet and clean to come to the rug. Have each student sit on their assigned
square criss cross applesauce fashion.
3. Hook: Show students the front cover of the book and ask them to predict what
will happen in the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Tell students to turn and
talk softly with a shoulder partner to decide on an agreed upon answer.
4. Tell students you will call on three groups to share with the class and will be
looking for quietly raised hands.
5. Listen for discussion about the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Move on
6. Read the story to the class.
7. Have the students go quickly back to their desks and pass out the worksheets.
8. Explain that now that they have heard the story, they will write what the actual
beginning, middle, and end are. On the front of the worksheet, they do not have to
write complete sentences.
9. Before letting the students start, ask three students to share one part of a
complete sentence (capitalization, period at the end, etc.). Remind students to use
complete sentences for their Reading Response on the back of the page.
10. Remind students to use COPS in their writing (capitalization, organization,
punctuation, spelling). If students say they are done, have them check for COPS.

Remind students to work independently and to get out a book to read after turning
in their worksheet if others are still working.

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