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Name and Degree(s): Katrina Hernandez, RN, BSN, CRRN

Position: Registered Nurse
School (SOM, SON, SHP, GSBS): School of Nursing
Department/Program: Masters of Science in Nursing- Education
Percent Effort in Educational Activities: 100%
Describe the goals or philosophy that guide your practice as a teacher, assessor of learners, mentor and/or

As a registered nurse, preceptor, and mentor, I am exposed to learning and teaching.

My philosophy to help guide me as I teach revolves around the idea that constantly, everyone
is learning. Whether you are a patient, student, or teacher, everyone is constantly learning.
I also believe that in order to become a successful teacher, one must look to all resources,
literature, or people, to guide them in teaching.
One major goal I wish to achieve when encountering any teaching opportunity is to have that
individual feel as though I have touched or helped them.
Describe how you have prepared yourself for your role as a teacher, assessor, mentor and/or advisor.

With my Bachelors in Science of Nursing and currently doing my Masters in Education,

these programs have helped in my role as a preceptor, educator and teacher. Working with
Harris Health System and educating patients on numerous subjects such as wound care,
Diabetes and diet, has also guided me in the role as an educator.
One of the most significant ways I was able to hone in on my educator skills was becoming a
preceptor for a new graduate nurse. After going through the workshops and classes, I was
able to understand how to effectively teach a new nurse.
I have also expanded my skills also teaching nursing students after going through University
of St. Thomas workshop. There I was taught different teaching methods, effective and
supportive ways to evaluate students and diverse learning methods as well.
For teaching and assessment activities, duplicate and complete this table for each separate activity you wish to
present. List activities in reverse chronological order, with the most recent ones at the beginning. In the
Appendix, provide examples of work that support the scope, quality and dissemination of the activity, if available.

Teaching/Assessment Activity
Context of activity (school or
department, format of activity)

Educator: The Foundation of Adult Learning

Core course required in Masters in Nursing-Education

Educational Portfolio Template developed by the UTMB Academy of Master Teacher, last edited July 2012

Description of role
Duration of service (give years)
Service quantity (e.g.,
hours/year, semesters/year)
Number and type of learners
(e.g., # per year, semester, term)
Goals for the activity
Outcomes, and other indicators
of quality of this activity.
Dissemination among the
community of educators
Teaching/Assessment Activity
Context of activity (school or
department, format of activity)
Description of role
Duration of service (give years)
Service quantity (e.g.,
hours/year, semesters/year)
Number and type of learners
(e.g., # per year, semester, term)
Goals for the activity
Outcomes, and other indicators
of quality of this activity.
Dissemination among the
community of educators

Fall 2013-present
One semester/year
Approximately 15 Masters students online
The goal of this course is to understand learning
theories and principles and incorporate development of
educational objectives.
Student evaluations will be sent in prior to final grades,
students are able to critique other students work

Educator: Professional Role in Development

Core course required in Masters in Nursing-Education
Fall 2013-present
One semester/year
Approximately 15 Masters students online
The goal of this course is to help students use an
assessment tool to determine personal goals related to
Student evaluations will be sent in prior to final grades

For mentoring, and mentoring-related activities duplicate and complete this table for each mentoring/advising
relationship you wish to present. Include in the Appendix any supporting documentation.

Name of mentee or advisee

Description of role as mentor/
Purpose or goals of relationship

UST student- Juanita

Provided support and became reference to student
during their preceptorship in Nursing School
To serve as mentor and advisor through their MedicalSurgical rotation
Description of mentoring/advising Student follows Nurse on a 12 hour shift, performs
nursing skills such as PEG tube care, tube feedings,
catheterization and IV starts, mentors student in all
aspects of nursing.
Current status of advisee
Student has completed the rotation
Outcome(s) of relationship
Student was able to become independent towards the
end of rotation and completed full rotation
Name of mentee or advisee
Description of role as mentor/

Harris Heatlh- GN Joseph Oculam

Became teacher/mentor for new graduate nurse to help

Educational Portfolio Template developed by the UTMB Academy of Master Teacher, last edited July 2012

Purpose or goals of relationship

bridge new graduate from nursing school to workplace

To mentor new graduate and guide him through learning
Description of mentoring/advising Worked closely with graduate on a 12 hour shift, guided
nurse through nursing skills, MD interaction, critical
thinking skills and advised nurse on appropriate actions
when he was unsure of intervention
Current status of advisee
New graduate is independent and working on own on
the unit
Outcome(s) of relationship
Nurse is able to handle 5-6 patient on own and aiming to
start becoming charge nurse
Use space below for descriptions of teaching accomplishments that either do not fit the other categories or fall
outside the past 5 years but that are significant. At the end of each description, tab forward to insert new line.


Describe the goals or philosophy that guides your development of educational materials.

Since becoming a preceptor, my goal was to make sure the new nurse felt comfortable and
knew who to talk to if uncertain about certain situations. With this goal, I was able to create
case studies or scenarios and in which the new nurse could determine what he would do in
that situation. Part of my goal for the intern was to make them as prepared as possible in
different situations. To help with this goal, I compiled different articles and literature to act as
a reference for the intern so that he would be able to solve the issue at hand.
Describe how you have prepared yourself for your role as a developer of educational materials.

I have attended classes and workshops specialized in teaching new graduates or students.
In these classes, they have shown us multiple methods to obtain educational materials or
methods to help the intern.
Duplicate and complete this table for each enduring material related to education you wish to present. List your
materials in reverse chronological order, with the most recent ones at the beginning. In the Appendix, provide
examples of work that support the scope, quality and dissemination of the activity, if available.

Educational Material
Description of material
Role in development
Goals or purpose of educational

Case Studies for Different Disease Processes

Compilation of literature explaining signs and symptoms
of diseases, interventions and rationale of each
To facilitate critical thinking in new nurses

Educational Portfolio Template developed by the UTMB Academy of Master Teacher, last edited July 2012

Outcomes, accomplishments,
and other indicators of quality of
service or impact of this material
Dissemination among the
community of educators

Interns able to use these articles with their case studies

and scenarios and to also aide them in working with
patients with change in condition
Literature is available on the unit


Describe the goals or philosophy that guides your educational leadership activities.

In an educator role or position, I find that it is very important that they are also leaders.
Leaders in the sense that they advocate for the student or intern. My personal philosophy
revolves around the idea that in order to fully gain all aspects of learning, an opportunity
must be created. As an educator, they must be a leader in order to create an opportunity for
learning or guide the intern into opportunities.
Describe how you have prepared yourself for your educational leadership roles.

Having taken preceptorship classes and workshops, I was able to prepare for that
leadership role.
Duplicate and complete this table for each leadership activity you wish to present. List your materials in reverse
chronological order, with the most recent ones at the beginning. In the Appendix, provide examples of work that
support the scope, quality and dissemination of the activity, if available.

Description of leadership role
Duration of service (give years)
Goals and/or initiatives

Preceptorship Program- UST

One major goal of this program associated with
University of St. Thomas was to be able to become a
leader and role model for this nursing student.
Outcomes, accomplishments, and
I was able to use the information learned and utilize
other indicators of quality of service on the unit to teach new nursing students and
or impact in this role.
employees. Nursing students were able to reach
their objectives for their courses and new employees
were able to finish their Preceptorship program and
work on their own.
Dissemination among the community Inservices on effective teaching methods, pamphlets
of educators
on helpful tips when an individual shadows.

Educational Portfolio Template developed by the UTMB Academy of Master Teacher, last edited July 2012

This Educator Portfolio Template was created by the UTMB Academy of Master Teachers.
The template was adapted from Simpson D, Fincher RM, Hafler JP, Irby DM, Richards BF, Rosenfeld GC, Viggiano TR.
Advancing Educators and Education by Defining the Components and Evidence Associated with Educational Scholarship.
Med Educ. 2007 Oct; 41(10):1002-9. Epub Sep 5, 2007.
See also: Simpson D, Marcdante K, Fenzel J. (2007). The Educator's Portfolio & Curriculum Vitae - Workshop & Resource
Guide. MedEdPORTAL:

Educational Portfolio Template developed by the UTMB Academy of Master Teacher, last edited July 2012

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