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This experiment was designed determine the compressive strength of

cement by using 50 mm mortar cube specimens. Compressive strength
defines the amount of compressive stress a substance or material can
resists. It is required to perform the test to three specimens.
The ratio of the materials is a vital factor for the determination of
its strength whether it is a mortar or concrete also the quality of
the ingredients in the mixture.
With the aid of the mold, the
sample will be shaped into cubes to aid in the testing proper. After
the sample is done, the group then proceed
to the
testing machine to be tested for the compressive strength the group
sample has.
The specimens were made of 250 g of cement and 750g of sand mixed
with 180 ml of water. The area of the specimens was 2500 mm 2. The loads
that the specimens can resists were (insert value here). Thus, the
compressive strengths were computed to be (insert value here).
In the end, it test gives us information on the amount of compressive
stress a substance or material can resists which is a requirement in
designing such structures.


The group was able to determine the compressive strength of cement
by using 50 mm mortar cube specimens, which leads to the achievement of
the objective of this experiment. Specifically, this compressive strength of
cement is (insert value here).
It is important to know this information. A reason is that certain
cements have been found to have higher or lower compressive strength.
Serious difficulties may occur when cement of different compressive strength
was used instead of the ideal one.
The possible error that may occur in the experiment is with
respect to the ratio proportion of the materials going to be used.
Proper amount of the mixtures must be noted to not contribute in
incorrect results.

For the groups recommendation, the sample in mold must be

compacted accordingly and mold must brush with oil without excess.

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