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“8 SB/ SX L__] KVPY QUESTION PAPER - STREAM SB/SX November 04, 2012 PARTI ‘One Matk Questions MATHEMATICS “Tee children, cach accompanied by a guardian, sve ‘mission ina school. The principal waots interview all the 6 persons one afer the ther subject othe conan hat ‘0 child interviewed before ite unrian In how any ‘ways can this be done? a® B90 cm piso nthe real umber _gystem, the equation [ev3—aea1 + Je 8-G]e—T=1 has Anosoluon B.excty to dnt solitons ‘C-exady four sinc sltons infinitely many stations ‘The maximum value M of 3° +5"-9* +15"-28", a x sais over reas sti A 3eMes cc. oo inthe itera .armst one for every valu ofa B2ife0 wot, =0 B mow.>0. D.W> 0 ‘The capacitor of capacitance Cia the cet shown is ily aged inal, Resistance is 5 clr od T_# pe ane ite ee senpemie ie aet retro A, ace ». RCla2 Aca Alig drop placed ona hoional plane ht 3 ese Shel shape (shy fatened due wo geviy) Let Re the rai of lngest horizontal section. small dstrbance cases the dap to vibrate with fequencyvabout ‘ts equlbeum shape. By dimensona analysis the a0 canbe (Heres surfs esion 0 dent, is 7 acelrton duo gravity, and isan arbirry ‘dimensiones conta) Aline le ce Biter Dine Seven denial coins are nil arrangedon at abe the pter shown blows tht each ec eben fangious. Each coin athin ie of mass mand ais [Notte the moment of et ofa nivale boat ‘sae pssing through enter and perpendiulro the pene ottecnins yA VA OS) ‘The moment of nea of the sym fsoven cats about an as hatpasses trough te pont le cente of the coin postioned diet othe it ofthe cenal cis) nd Perpendeul othe plane ofthe coin is BL D.SSmr cert 2 A plane obits in an elipical pa of eccentric e around ‘massive star conrdered Seda nef the oe The pa in Space whee tis closet the tar is denoted by Pande ois where i att Senta by A Lat an Bethe spective spenis P and A The 26 Ina Youngs double sli cxpvion the intensity of ight t cach it, Iterteence pte observed slong ‘Srecton pall tote line S, Son seen. ‘The minimum, maximum, andthe intensity averaged over the entre screen arerespecwety A 0.4 2%, © Akt Bh 342 D,0.2io a 2 ‘A loop caning cuentas the shape of a ela polygon of sides. If is th distant th cnt to any ero then the magnitude ofthe magnetic induction vector B atthe ie of th oop A fl tag cat 28 2R ae pAb tan 2a ar) ‘A conducing ro of mas and lng i fee 0 move ‘witout feton onto pallet lag endacing ral, Shown blow. Thee iss resstnce crs he all the ‘ie space wound tore is uniform magnet eld 8 formal othe plane of he red snail Tae roi gen a npulaive velo @ B ly the ini ery omy a [AL willbe conver fly ato beat nergy in 1B, _willeablerod 0 conus move with els Soe th ls ar tins C_willbe convene uly ito magnetic energy de 19 2 Induced cuent 1D. willbe coued into the werk done agai te ragoeti eld ‘Asteady curent ows though wie of aia eng nd resistivity. The cae proces beat athe wire The ‘at of eat losin wire i proportional tots surfce ae. ‘The seudytmpertre ofthe wie independent of AL Be cr De ‘The eto of the speed of sound o the sverage speed ofan sit rmoleculat 00K and J atmosphere presse roe 0 ©. 7300 D300 00 Jone modelo the electron, th leon of as mit thought bes nie carps hall of aie ¥ and charge, whose electrostatic enersyEiseguvalen 0 nas mv inti’ mass energy elation B= myc this model, Ris pproxizaely(m, 9.1107 kg c=3 x 104 ms", /4ra)=9 x0" Fandsan,magiude of he etn sharge= 1.6% 10""C) 3 A taxi0%m c.s3xi0"'m Bo 2x10 D.2sxid™m Abo exestig simple hamnonic mation of ample $d pid T aout the equlbram pstionx=0. Large ‘mbes of saphot ae aken at random of his body i ‘oto, The probably ofthe body being found inary, sal nterval st +e is highest t B so “Two demic! bodies re made of material for bi he bes capacity nesta th temperature, One of ses held ata temperature of 109°C while the other on is pt at UFC the wo are broup ni ent, then, suing no es ose tbe envionment the nal espera ht ey . les than 0° Doc AsO 2. more than SOC A patil acted upon by afore siven by F =—an ~ fa where and are postive consass. Ath pint =O the parle is ‘A ia sble equim Bin unstable equim (Cin ual equiibvium notin ub 35 The potential energy ofa pin patil is given by the expression (2) =-ax+ Bsin(+/7). A dimensealess combination ofthe constants a, and ye A Bal Cy alt 36 Abul of mas suspends fom iid support by an Inexeasble masses sng i released fom eight above istovestpoiat Aris lowest point collides elastealy wih tbock of mass 2 atseston a frtonlse surface Neglct the dimensions of the ball and te bloke ARer te colisen ‘heals os mama eight of AWS BAR CaSO 237A price reeasod fom res aling rough thik id under gravity The fui ext revive force onthe particle eoporiona othe sue oft peed. Which ot of the flowing gaps best epics he van of peed» with ime clint tc rod of ent 010 mand thermal conduct SO Wan! is welded end to en to copped ef thermal conduciviry 400 Wn" K" and ofthe same aca of eross section but 020m lng. The send of the sel rot ‘srminsina a 100°C and that of te copper ro at °C ‘Assuming ha the ods ae pvc isla fom the Is » sounding tbe temperate ath uston of the to ods Awe Bwe Care Ds ‘A prentnuclews X is dseying into dauphermaceas Y ‘whch in tum decays fo Z Th bl Unes of X and sre 40000 years snd 20 years spectively. oa eran sap i fund th he muber of Y relay change with time, Ihe number of X mace ia the sample 4x10" the ‘numberof Yau preset nit is arto” —p2x0” can” — panic” ‘An unpolarized usm of light of itesity f pases though we liner pores making an ange of 30" wit respect fo ‘acheter The emerges Be wl ave an inci ade yp Be th ph 7 e 3 3 ra s Among the following, th speci with the highest bond orer AQ BR Co DE “The mlecule wih non-zero dipole moments ABC BBL CCC DLN, Fors one-lecton stom the setof allowed quantum numbers e120," 0.m=2% pet, ete=0.m, a © D. In the eation of benzene with an elecwopile te structure of the ntrmediat complex an be epeseted as Ca Be ahd WW He E b £ Cha >» Of i 4 6 4% Typical letonie energy saps in molecules se shou 1.0 eV. In eons of temperate the gap icles AIK WK CIK DIK “The major final product in teflon aad Azeo-nde reaction, A. Product, ith inl ‘omcenration [Ar basa balP-ieof 0.25 IFone stat with ‘he concentration A then the ali is Adis Boss core “The isocecuoni aif ions ASE ent B. Ma" snd Fe 50. The major roduetin he folowing reaction is a a Hl a * Zs oe 51 Them pf te ovingmn i mA IN 20 3 5s ‘The oxidation sate of cobain he lowing molec is As Bt ce Do ‘The pK, ofa weak acd i 588. The concentrations ofthe acid ind its conjugate ase ar egual ata pH of Ass BSHS Cass 7s Fors trabedr compe (MCL she sical mapacic spoment 383 BM Teclenest M Aco BG: GMs Amon the flowing apts showing vari oft) ‘vith erent (7) fr ection, he one that exis [Abenia bebavor ver ate emperaure age is 2 57 TheC-O bond length CO, COs and CO: flows tne l . é cater < 5 A.c0€0,>c0# Set B.00;<¢0 1. Then tim Accquts 2 equals F equals 1 2 Bequts 2 doe st exist seks Thevalucorteineert [° SEF de wherea>0,is lee Ag Bar De 3 conte £= 92012 + 92013 +..+ Y0TT oo R= Y2013 ADO +..+ VOT = ea Te B ber ae $9 Aman tosses coin 10 times, coin 1 point foreach head tnd 2 pois foreach tai. et PUR) be the probably of Scoring at Feast point. The lngest vali of K such tat Pug ie Al Ras cas bur va 709-22 at xe. LC) FF) = fla) and generally 2 L°C)= FE) foe n> Le P= POFOPONE) ‘Which ofthe following is a muliple of P Ans Bas ca Dwr ‘The teal entry of «black body raion some is tolleced fOr ve minutes and wae (9 est water. The temperture of the water increase from 100°C 10 10°C. The able tempartize of the Black body it subi and is surface area halved andthe experiment repeated for the sme time. Which of the folowing ‘Sroments woul best say ome? [A The temperate ofthe water would ncese fms 300°C. fal temperature of 12°C B. The temperature af the water would inrese from 100°C fal emperae of 18°C (CT tmpeatr ofthe water would ners om 100°Cto final empecaure of 14°C . The emperatue ofthe water woul neease from 100°C fal emperamse of 11°C A soll sso is oriing around te sun in xe (ei of radia ry wih soot Vo A roket i anced ‘fom the asteroid with speed J"= al whee V8 the feed teatve vo the sun. The highest vibe of fr ‘which the rocket wil emai bound othe aoa aye ie Ganoringpavty due the asteroid anders of ethor plnes). ANT B2 ce opt 3 95 A riiostve nucle A basa single decay mode with tallies. Another radioactive nls B has oe decay modes 1 and 2 IF dec mode 2 were thats th al ile of B would have been Z2 If decay made I wer absent, ‘Be baie of B would have been 3 If th aa alt lite oF is. he he rat am Bm cm ot A sream of photons having energy 3 eV each impinges ‘on a passim surface, The wark function of pots 1s23.cV. The emerging potosleutons ae slowed cove by 8 opper plate plat 5 mn ava. Ifthe pote Aifeente between "the two meal psi #8 Ve he ‘animun disses the electrons can move sway fo he potssium sure before beng tamed back Alsmm Bismm C25mm 050mm Consider te concentric metalic spheres A,B and C of radi a, 8, ¢ wapestnely where acbce. A tod B are ‘eoneted whereas Cis grounded. The poteall of ie Imile sphere B is mise to then the change on the ‘phew Ci be a A ane 2 neg 2 Wr emb eee prim Dae (Ona bright sunny dy a diver of bight h stands a the bono a lake of depth Hi, Looking upward, ca soe jects cute the lake ina cea region of radius 8 Beyond ts cre be see th images of obec ying ob 4 7 the foo ofthe ake If eficive inde. of water 4 i : Vis iP Bay phy PE Vs [As shown nthe gue below, cube formed withten denial eizaness (kines) an wo shoring vies (Coed ins) song teams AC and BD. D ¢| a Resistance beeen post A and Bis ARD BSR CORA OR A sanding wave ina pipe with «lenin £ =1.2 m ie deserted by Asie yy sil 2) sin ete nt) -Bused on above infomation, which on of the lowing (Sped of sound in sir 300 m5. 3s A. Thopipe closed at both ends ‘The wavelength ofthe wave could be 1.2m (C Thore could be 2 node at x= 0 and anode atx er} D. The fequeny of the fundamental mode of sbraone is 375 Ha ‘Two blocks (1and 2) of egal mass m are connected by seal sng (ee figure below) over tole pully. The bloks are atached othe pound by spines avg speing eonstars hands hat yh a Intl. both spings ae unswetched, The block 1 is slowly pulled down a diasce x and selexed. Tosa the relene the posible valuts ofthe esgniner of the ky sso [= nase ho 36 acceleration ofthe blocks and oy ean be 100A simple pendulum & elased ftom rest at the Fovisaaly setched poston, When he sng makes fngle wit te veri, the angle which the tecclerton vestr of the fb makes with the stings peenty 102 cuemistry ‘The fina major product chained in the flowing sequence frettons i Inthe DNA of E Cl the mole to of deste to cytosine 55017 IF the number of moles ef serine inthe DNA i 350000, the uber of ols af guanine equal o A. 350000, 3. s00000, ©. 225000 700000 38 13 (&)2-bromobutane ypoo testment with ag, NAOH gives ‘Phenoton treatment with dil. HNO; gives wo products P and Q. Pis steam volatile but Qis not. Pand Qa 8 BA oO 106 108 109 no ‘A mea sade with ah of wavelengih 60 am. ‘Given tht the work faction ofthe mt 1.0, the de Broglie wavelength af the ged elesron i close to Cisse D.66%10"m A 66x10" Bo 49x10" ‘The interplanar spacing between the (221) planes of ciate of gin 450 pm is Asp B.1SOpm C.300pa—D.4507m ‘The AH for vaporization of igi is 20 m0. ‘Assuming ideal bv, oe change in internal SOY forthe vaporization of | mol of th lid a 60°C and | bars to A.152bino! ©. 19Stsimot 1B I72bimol D. 0% mo! Among the following, he pista is bot nbd ‘sol darmeneic is ‘(Nic ©. NNO}. BENiCMA D. i040," ‘Three moles ofan ida! gs expands reversibly under ‘aoteroal sondton tn 9 Lto 29 Lat 300 Te, mount of heat-change (i lal) ia the races Ao Bm ¢ 2 172 “Te following dt ae ots fors reaction, XY > Exp (Pol [Yolinal reel Ls 1028028 tox 10 0p 025 ap x10 3028 050 oxo ‘The overlord ofthe ection e aa! Be ca bs 4a um ir 13 ‘When hycrogen peroxide is appli on the wound aa Aistafecian, thre fohing atest of injury, wich ‘ue tothe presence ofan enzyme inthe sin that wes hyézogenperoide a rebate 0 produce A hydrogen water 1B carbon Dioxide Donen Persons sufeing fom ypension (high blood presse) ssvadvsed alow sl dat becae ‘A. more salt is absorbed inthe body of pint with ‘yperenson| B.igh salen to water ceteton nthe Blood tat “rte inert the lod peeice igh sat increases neve condetion ad increases Dood pressure D high sl cases adrenaline release ht increases blood pressure Instron ht ony gow on wan il we carbon .phospberour B nitrogen Disses In cate, the ena colar ed and white ae to dominant tris, which express equally nF to grodce roe ed and white colour in equal proportion) FFI progy a sel red the resulting progeny 2 wil ave phentypie rio (tedtonntie) Alt 8393 Cia1 page 2 “The resistin endoniclease EcoRI ecomises and leves DNA sequence as shown blow SGAATTCS SCTTAAGS! ‘What the potable mame of cleavage sites that on occur {na TOK long random DNA segrnce? Aw 82 ci ps0 ‘Which one of the following ue about enzyme cts? ‘A the eneyne changes atthe end of the reason B the aivation baie ofthe proces is loweria te ‘evens of ene the ate of the reaction retarded inthe posse ofan ‘sym the ate ofthe reaction it independent of subsat ‘Vitro cholerae asses cholera in ans. Ganga water was ‘once use srs 10 combat the infection The posse ress could be [A high salt comet of Gangs water Blow salt content of Ganga wate . presence of baeriophages in Ganga wat presence ofsibiocs in Ganga water a 118. When person begins tof after sometime gycogen stood in the livers mobiles source of son, Wich of he following graphs best represent the change of fucose level (ya) ia his Boo staring from he ie 1d when he sin fas? A vane | a f | —— / és ie 19 120 ‘Ths flowing sequeoe contains he open eang fame of polypeptide How many amino acids wil he polypeptide ‘consist '-AGCATATGATCGTITCTCTGCTITGAACT eset const the largest ail group on ca About 25-50% ofthe insect spaces are known tobe heroes. spite of such hug esbivore pressure, glob, gresa pants have persisted. One posible eso fr this persistence i ‘A food preference of inc as ended o change wth tie herbivore insets ve become inefficient feeders oF eon plas herbivore popliton has ben kept in onl by predators .Gectinein reproduction of rivres with ne 4s

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