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SAT 2 (Part 2). Focus, refelction and evaluation.

Art Making Visual Diary:

Assessment Criteria
Use of potential directions to
lead the production of the
finished art pieces

A concise, detailed and

annotated visual diary that
documents the use of
potential directions, the
methods, processes and
techniques to produce the
finished folio of works.

A unified connection and

focus between the finished
artworks as seen and justified
in the Visual Diary and
Reflective piece

Use of Art language and

terminology throughout Part:
A, B and C

Student Number:

1 - 2 (very low)

3 - 4 (low)

5 - 6 (medium)

7 - 8 (high)

9 - 10 (very high)

Used limited
elements within
few selected
directions to
guide final art

Used some
elements of the
chosen potential
directions to
guide and drive
the design and
making of final
art pieces

Demonstrated a good
use of potential
directions to guide and
drive the design and
making of final art

Demonstrated a very
good use of chosen
potential directions to
guide and drive the
design and making of
final art pieces and basis
for the finished folio.

Demonstrated an excellent
and highly effective use of
chosen potential directions
to guide and drive the
design and making of final
art pieces and basis for
the finished folio.

A basic level of
annotation and
detail of the
processes to
complete the final
folio of works.

An adequate
level of
annotation and
detail of the
processes to
complete the
final folio of

A sound level of
annotation and detail of
the processes to
complete the final folio
of works.

A limited
connection of all
elements within
the works.

A basic
between the
works linked by
subject matter
or chosen
medium alone

An excellent and
sophisticated level of
annotation and detail of
the processes to complete
the final folio of works.
Informative evaluations of
the techniques, methods
and refinements of the art
An excellent and cohesive
relationship between the
works. An effective and
obvious link between
multiple elements in the
pieces. A creative
connection between the
subject matter, aesthetic
qualities and methods and
techniques in the pieces.

Very Limited use

of appropriate art
language or art

Limited use of
appropriate art
language or art

A good relationship
between the works. A
strong link between
multiple elements in the
pieces. A link and
connection between the
subject matter,
aesthetic qualities and
methods and
techniques in the
A consistent use of
appropriate art
language and
discussion throughout
the visual diary

A good level of
annotation and detail of
the processes to
complete the final folio of
works. Informative
evaluations of the
techniques, methods and
refinements of the art
A very good relationship
between the works. A
strong link between
multiple elements in the
pieces. A very solid link
and connection between
the subject matter,
aesthetic qualities and
methods and techniques
in the pieces.
Consistent use of
appropriate art language
and art discussion

Consistent and
comprehensive use of
appropriate art language
and art discussion

A clear, informative and well

written artist statement

Very basic artist

featuring limited
insight into the
meanings and
concepts of the

An explanation of the design

process, the justification of
presentation and the overall
rational of the piece including
the choice and decisions
made to communicate ideas

A basic
explanation of the
entire design
process. Limited
justification of

A basic artist
featuring a small
amount of
insight into the
meanings and
concepts and
mediums of the
A small level of
explanation of
the entire
design process.
A sound
justification of

A good artist statement

featuring the adequate
level of insight into the
meanings and concepts
and mediums of the

A very good and well

written artist statement
featuring detailed insight
into the meanings,
concepts and mediums
used of the work

An excellent and highly

sophisticated artist
statement featuring
detailed insight into the
meanings, concepts and
mediums used of the work

A good level of
explanation of the
entire design process.
A good justification of
presentation of the
pieces. A good rational
and evaluation of the
communication of
artistic decisions

A very good level of

explanation of the entire
design process. A
justification of the
presentation of pieces. A
well written rational and
evaluation of the
communication of artistic

A sophisticated
explanation of the entire
design process. A
comprehensive and
creative justification of the
presentation of pieces. A
well written rational and
evaluation of the
communication of all
artistic decisions

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