INTERNATIONAL NOTARY PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVITS Confirming Publishing of Nine National Arrest Warrants Issued by The GPMC

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Notary Presenter INTERNATIONAL NOTARY PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT COMES NOW, the undersigned international Notary serving as the Notary Presenter forthe Human Rights Defenders fr the Government of The United States of America hereinafter Publisher, who certifies thatthe National Arrest Warrant naming Respondent Nancy Ooty, was publishes ‘under PUBLIC NOTICES in the American Herald newspaper, andi Scribd under Cour Flags, onthe following dates: a Publication Title ‘Date “The American Herald.org_ =] "National Arrest Warrant Issued by General Post Master Council for ‘November 5, 2015 | httpi//, urn gs Vans Repent ana Duy, sping ose National ret Wart ised by General Postar Comat | ~Novanber6 015 | Wyant a0 ETS suman ahs Voto Rssondert Nan Oa con pushing aa [National Arrest Warrant Issued by General Post Master Councilfor | November, 2015 | hitp:// shana gs Velaonsby Regenden Nan) Coy ard puanng_| soos Title of Publication ‘ ] Tat Aren Warr ved by evel Pon Nar Gomlior | Novena S015] Ram ce TESTO vans vita RespondeNaney Oy, St ptng | atonal res Warn ued by Genera Po Nate Coal avemba7 6 STS Rab eww sd como aROTIS | ures Ris Vosons by Respondent taney Dey, cng pushing | atonal Aes Warn ued by Gener Po Mase Con or | Rover, 8 | Rape con SoROTSOE | naman ighs voistion by Respondent Nancy Doty, the publishing i } WITWESS my hand and oti eal Meee 208. ~ Notary Presenter onal Notary Recon amber: RH-582876AC-ACS3-0714-2014-7FEBFSIOAATE fom 20:40714-INP-AFRM-MOFFETE-M Date sed: July 25,2018 ‘wy Commision Expres: uly 15,2024 Suite 1-172, 6068 US Hwy 98 W, Hattiesburg, MS 39402, Phone: (601) 340-4284, Notary Presenter z INTERNATIONAL NOTARY PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT ‘COMES NOW, the undersigned International Notary, serving as the Notary Presenter forthe Human Rights Delenders forthe Government of The United States of Ameria, hereinafter Publisher, who ceties thatthe National Arrest Warrant naming Respondents Greg Wal, Hart MeGibben, ‘Unda Armstrong, and Martin, was published under PUBLIC NOTICES inthe American Herald newspaper, ad in Scribd under Court Flings onthe oowing eats Fabien We Dae Tieamerian reaidorg ——] ‘atonal Aves Wavan sud by General ost Waster Counalfor | "November 5/2015 | ntpWJomercaerad org page_@=T7S | human Rights Vilas by faring Respondents Greg Wo, Hart Sidei9 | ‘Meibben, inde Armsttong and Martin fst pulsing | | | Wationat ares Warrant sued by General Post Master Counct for | Noveribe 6 2013 | ip /amercanheri og Mage 1275 | Human sighs vieitions by naming Respondent Gres Wo, Hat ‘ige28 |___esiiben Linda aemstvong and Marin second pblehing ational rest waran sed by General ost Master Counc for] ~Novenber7, 2035 Tawar epg TTS ‘Human Rights Velatonsby naming Respondents Gres Wo, Hart ‘te37 ‘Meibben, Linda Armsttong ang Mara thé publishing Tie of Pubes ae Tab a] ‘atonal rest Warrant issues by Genera Pow Maver Counl for] Noveribr 5, 2018] Wpn Twn sare om/ Soc 2SSSIBT Human Rights Violations by naming Respondents Greg Wal, Hart Mesiboen,tinda Armstong ard Martin fst publishing el "National Arest Warrant ssved by General Post Maser Counc far | November 2015 | Mpa Iwwnw sbacomn/ doc 2BBTIONDS Human Rights Violations by naming Respondents Greg Wal, Han McGibben, Linda Armstrong nd Marin H, second publishing National Arest Warren sed by General Post Master Counciar | November, 208 | Rtpl//wwew arb om Aoc/2BBHOO343 Human Rights Violations by naming Respondent Greg Wl, Har | weibben, Unda Armstrong, and Martin, third publishing WITNESS my hand and offi seal Suite 1-172, 6068 US Hwy 98 W, Hattiesburg, MS 39402 Phone: (601) 340-4284, Notary Presenter INTERNATIONAL NOTARY PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT ‘COMES NOW, the undersigned International Notary, Serving as the Notary Presenter forthe Human Rights Defenders fr the Government of The United States of Ameria, hereinafter Publisher, who certifies thatthe National Arrest Warrant naming Respondent Floyd, Huntington, was publishes under PUBLIC NOTICE in the American Herald newspaper, and in Scribd under Court Flings, on he following dates: Publication Title ‘Date ‘The American Herald.org_ ] ‘National Arrest Warrant Issued by General Post Master Coundlfor | _Navember, 2015 | Aip//americanherald org/?page_i=275 | suman Ras Viton ning esondet Foy Hontaten, | a0 ‘caput : Tatar Are Wart ued by Genera POR Mar Gumler | “Wovenber6 2015] Nip /Tie eanhead o POESOTE un Reh Von roming Respondent Peyote as | sccm pata | | | Natori wavan sed by cere von Waray Caunaior | November 2S | NapVTomeveniwaa oon TS] suman ht Vans raring Respondent Poy. Noga, ‘ise | ‘heaping Tis of Bon Sahin Tana Aes Waray Generel os War Comaiar | WaveniarS EIS | Rap or oo Soa tumor figs Vtons ming Respondent Ro. Range, fe potting i ‘atonal Ares Wan sued by Gert Pow Waser aun or | Novena DIS Wis Sb co To6CESSTOGEL tumor is Valaons by same Respondent Poy. urn, sacondpbching , ‘bona Ares Wan ce by Gent Pa Maser oun er | vee BE1S RT So San] o6 STS human pts Velans by sang Respondent Hoy Murti, third publishing I ess Sand pic sa LL BOE Srey rie any ate Reoriic UMD:Re-SB2976AC-ACS3-0714-2014-7FE6F910987E le Name>26140720-1N0-AFRW-MOFFETT. A Wire sued Dy 15,2016 ‘iy Commision Expr: uly 15, 2024 ‘Suite 1-172, 6068 US Hwy 98 W, Hattiesburg, MS 39402 Phone: (601) 340-4284, Notary Presenter st SUITS INTERNATIONAL NOTARY PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT ‘COMES NOW, the undersignes international Notary, servings the Notary Presenter forthe Human Rights Defenders forthe Government of The United States of America, hereinafter Publisher, who certifies that te National Arrest Warrant naming Respondent Gade F. Johnson, was Dublshed under PUBLIC NOTICES in the American Heralé newspaper, andi Scribd under Court Flings, 7 the fllowing dates: i Publi Tie [one The Aneiean Herald og ‘National Arrest Warrant sued by General Pon Master Coundlfer | November, 2015 | ipi//amerkcanherald.og/ page 0-275 Human Rights lations by naming Respondent adie F. Jonson, test | Bic=2t | ‘ublshing ‘Nationa Arrest Warrant oved by General Post Master Coundlfor | Naveriber 6201 | ipi/ameranherald oral page_S=27S ‘Human Rights Violations by raming Respondent Brady F. Johnson, ide30 second publishing ‘National Arrest Warrant sued by General Post Master Coundlfor | November, 2015 | piipi//amarcanharaldog/ page JS-27S ‘Human Rights Violations by raming Respondent Bradley F. Johnson, ‘aids39 thie publishing at J f Tile of Pubieaton Sabdom ‘National Arrest Warrant issued by General Post Master Councl for | November) 2015 | Ftp www seri. com /doc/ 388630870 Human Rights Violations by naming Respondent Bradley F Johnson fest, publishing __ | ‘National arrest Warrant iesoed by GeneralPost Master Counc for | November 2015 | Ripa Iver srbd cmn/Soc/ 26671074 | Human Rghs Violations by naming Respondent Bradley F. Johnson, second publishing =e National Arrest warant ssoeby General Post Master Counc fer | November, 2015 | pawn Soba or /doc/2BBROOSTS Human Rghs Violations by naming Respondent Bradley F. Johnson, third publishing i WITNESS my hand and offi eal, Y- 28-215 ~ Narre fational Notary ~ Med Guetotageen Dates: ily, 2018 ‘My Canin prs: ty 15,2028 Suite 1-172, 6068 US Hwy 98 W, Hattiesburg, MS 39402 Phone: (601) 340-4284, Notary Presenter ee ‘COMES NOW, the undersigned Internationa Notary, serving as the Notary Presenter forthe human Rights Defenders fr the Government of The United States of Ameria, hereinafter Publisher, wh certifies thatthe National Arrest Warrant naming Respondent Bridger Kec, was pubshed Under PUBLIC NOTICE in the American Herald newspaper, andin Scribd under Court Flings, on the following dates: INTERNATIONAL NOTARY PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT Publeaion Tie —) The Amerean Heridorg ‘ational Arrest Warrant issued by General Post Master Coundlver | NavemberS, 2015 | pi// 6-275 ‘Human Rights Violations by naming Respondent Bridge Kelch, First | aiee22 - publishing | Seta rei Waele by Geer PsN Casnaor | Novenber6 2015 | wipiameteatberai oleae a5 | Human Rights Violations by naming Respondent Brier Kel, second aie=3t publishing | ‘National Arrest Warrant sued by Geneval Post Master Coundlfor | November7, 2015 | hpi//amencanheraloa/ page 0-275 ‘Human Rights Volations by naming Respondent Bridger Kec, third | aid=40 publishing L Tile of Pubieaton Sebdom ‘atonal fest Want issued by General Fost Master Counc far | November5, 2015] Wtph]/www Serb om /600/ 288631002 | Human RghsVelatons by naming Respondent ger Kl st publsing Taina Are Warrant saved by Genera Pom Maser Counc] Noverbar 62015 | Tp Inww seb como BOOTS Human ighsVltons by raring Respondent rer Kel, second | ubtshing Nationa Aras Warrant sued by Genet Post Waster Coucl far | November 7, 2015 | Pipa Sb con Bo] ESBSOTEST Human Rights Velevons by naming Respondent Bridger Kl, hi pubis WITNESS my hand and official seat, ee Y-2E-205F ote reser Rotary ate Recast la umber: RH-582976AC-ACS3-0714-2014-7FESFSLONSTE > 20718 INP-AFRIM-MOFFETTM Date seed: uly 25,2028 “thy Comernsion Sires: uly 15,2026 ‘Suite 1-172, 6068 US Hwy 98 W, Hattiesburg, MS 39402 Phone: (601) 340-4284, Notary Presenter “Mat INTERNATIONAL NOTARY PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT ‘COMES NOW, the undersigned international Notary, serving asthe Notary Presenter orth Human Rights Defenders forthe Government of Te Unites tates of Ameria, hereinafter Publisher, who certiies that the National Arrest Warrant naming Respondent Ri Begarde-tam®, wae Published under PUBLIC NOTICES nthe American Herald newspaper, and in Serisé under Court Flings, onthe following dates: f Publication Te Date The Anerean Nera 1 ‘National Arrest Warrant issued by General Pom Master Cound for | November §, 2015 | uip// Human Rights Violations by naming Respondent Rc Belgarde-amd, ‘aide23 __fest publishing = ‘Nateona Arrest Warant sued by General Post Mater Councl for | November 2035 | Tipi/amevieanheraldorlFpage i275 | Human Rights Violations by naming Respondent Ricci Begarde-tam®, ‘ides2 | second publshing ‘National Arrest Warrant issued by General Post Master Councl er | November, 2015 | itp//amercanheraldore/?pag0_M=27S Human Rights Vilations by naming Respondent Rei Belgarde-amb, Biden id publishing = Tile of Pubhestion Sarbacom National ArestWarrent sed by General Post Master Counc fr | November, 2018 | Rpi//wwaw srt .com/doc/2BBE32313 Human Rights Violations by naming Respondent Rc! Begardeamb, st publishing | i National Arest Warrant issued by General Post Master Councilor | Novernbar6 2018 | Bipr//www soibd om doc 2BGTITAAE ‘Human Rights Velations by naming Respondent Rc Begarde-Lamb, second publishing : [ National arrest warrant ksued by General Post Waster Counclfer | Wovernber, DS | ips www serbd cam] SocTRBSBOTENE ‘Human Rights Violations by naming Respondent Riz elgrce-tam, | | third pubshing £ i _ WITNESS my hand and official seal. anode Aufl Calpe OE 20415 ‘Rosary Peseta Notary Date “Ratord Fle Number: RH-5B2376ACACS3-0714-2014-78679108476 ~Sfietome: 201¢o7.¢no-arnin-morserrn Date :sve: iy 25,2034 [My Cocnmiston Expires ly 15,2028 Suite 1-172, 6068 US Hwy 98 W, Hattiesburg, MS 39402, Phone: (601) 340-4284, Notary Presenter wee ee INTERNATIONAL NOTARY PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT ‘COMES NOW, the undersigned Intemational Notary, serving asthe Notary Presenter forthe Human Rights Defenders forthe Government of The United states of America, hereinafter Publisher, who certifies thatthe National Arrest Warrant naming Respondents Willa Warren Mel, Gail Jans Melvin and Mary Anne Melvin, was published under PUBLIC NOTICES in the American Herald newspaper, and in Serb under Court Flings, on the following dates: abcation Te % Date The American Heraaore | Nationa’ ares warrant sued by General Post Watier Caunel for NovemberS, 2015 | itp//amercarherald.og/?page sd-27S | Human Rights Violations by naming Respondents Wiliam Warren Big=2t | Melvin Gail aris Melvin and Mary Anne Melvin, first publishing "National Acest Warrant issued by General Post Master Counel for | November6, 2015 | hitp//amercanheradorg/ wage JO-27S Human Rights Violations by raming Respondents Willa Warren ‘Bide33 Melvin, ai arvis Meln and Mary Anne Melvin second publishing ey atonal Arrest Warrant issued by General Post Master Councl fer | November7, 2015 | itp//amercanherad.og/?page 1-275 Human Rights Vieations by raming Respondents Willa Warren ‘idea ‘Melvin, Gall Jarvis Melin and Mary Anne Mehin,thied publishing Tie of Pubestion _seinaeom ] National Arrest Warrant Issued by General Post Master Counel Ter | November, 2015 | Ripa//ww srbd com /a02/ 268633225 Human Rights Vlations by naming Respondent Wiliam Warren Mel, Gal Janvs telvin and Mary Anne Melvin, st publishing National Ares Warren sued by General Post Maser Counc er ‘Numan Rights Velatons by naming Respondents Willam Warren Melvin, alas Mein ang Mary Anne Malin, econd publishing "National Avest Warrant issued by General Post Master Counal for Human Rghts Violations by naming Respondents Wiliam Warren, Mein, Gall arus Melvn and Mary Anne Melvin third publishing | Ta Seb con doc EBT ISB TT ew Se cra Be RERBOISTS \WITHESS my hand and offi seal Suite 1-172, 6068 US Hwy 98 W, Hattiesburg, MS-39402 Phone: (601) 340-4284, Notary Presenter ~6' he INTERNATIONAL NOTARY PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT {COMES NOW, the undersigned Internationa Notary, serving asthe Notary Presenter forthe Human Rights Defenders fr the Government of The United States of Ameria, hereinafter Publisher, who ceties thatthe Nationa Arrest Warrant raring Respondent Thoms T Torrow, was _ublished under PUBLIC NOTICES in the American Herald newspaper, an in crite under Court Flings, on the following dates: ‘Publication Title Date ‘The American ] Tana Ars Wn edb Gavel FOR Naver Comair | Noes 315 | WidTickcarteciiol ce OTS ‘Human Rights Violations by naming Respondent Thomas T. Tornow, first Bid=25 | | Tang al a Vs eptey Geng as Ger | orang | RRR | man igs vison worn esponnt hons one, oe | sscond pong | | ‘National Arrest Warrant issued by General Post Master Council for ‘November 7, 2015 |\d=275 ssn gs Viton by rang hespondent Tomas Tero, toes ‘netoateay sake | | "iio Daan Taian Tora Ares Ware sed by Generals Wasa Couaay | WoveibS BIE Rap oe ics oo NCS ‘amar Re Vous canine epoaet Temas Tou. fest + Es tna et Ware seb Gone Mar Comalier | Wawona IS | Rip eww bean ESRI] ‘Human Rights Violations by naming Respondent Thomas T. Tornow, | nord Tato Arex Waar ody Gene War Gun | Nave 1S —] Re aca "omen Ris Von: smn Respondent Tamas Teo, inane z WINES my hand nd of sel M08: ZOE eer vente oer i

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