Dyslexic Cinderella

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Dyslexic Cinderella

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young girl called Rindercella, who lived in a marge
lansion with her two sugly isters and sticked wep mother. Rindercella worked very hard frubbing
scloors, weaning clindows and shivelling shot. In fact by the end of the day, Rindercella was
knucking fackered. Now, Rindercella had two isters, and they were called Mairy Hinge and Betty
Swollocks, and they both had tickets to bo to the gall, but they won't let Rindercella go, in fact
her only friend was Buttons, and he wasn't speaking to Rindercella, 'cause she wouldn't cuck his
sock. Later that night, Rindercella was sitting there all alone, and suddenly there was a hucking
fuge bang, and a little old lady appeared. Shinder's rit herself... Fwho the huck are you? she
cried. Fwho the huck are you? Don't be afraid, said the woman, I'm your gairy fod mother. And
with a waft of her wind, she turned a pumpkin and six mice into a hucking fuge carriage. Mhist
all cucking fighty! Rinder shouted. Its a mucking firacle! But her gairy fod mother said; you
must be back by midnight, or there'll be a cucking falamity... At the ball, Rindercella was
dancing with a prandsome hince. He'd been there since 8 o'clock and was a fissed as a part.
Chancy a fug? he said. Chancy a fug? Suddenly the clock struck 12 and Rindercella pucking
fanicked, and went running out of the ball room, tripping barse over ollocks. Bome cack! Bome
cack! cried the prandsome hince, I didn't even get a jow blob! And looking down he spotted
Rindercella's slass glipper and picking it up said, whoever this glipper sits, I shall marry. So, the
next day he tried the slass glipper on Betty Swollocks, but the glipper wouldn't sit. In fact, she
tried so hard she she let out a fig bart. Eeeewwww! that stucking finks! cried the prandsome
hince. Who's fust jarted? Who's fust jarted? Its that felly smucker over there! said Buttons. So he
tried the slass glipper on Rindercella, and the glipper sitted, pucking ferfectly, and taking hold of
Rindercella's hand, took her upstairs, and bagged her shames out. And later Rindercella and the
prandsome hince were both married, and Rindercella ended up with 8 children and a follen

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