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Duration Trouble!!!


By:Deepak Senthilkumar
Memoir Language Arts
Fifth Grade Family (5A)
S.Y. 2015~2016
ISG Jubail

Duration Trouble!!!
Dad, have we reached Dubai yet?I asked.!
No, we will reach in one hour, my dad replied. !

But our BOARDING is in FIVE minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could imagine the gate in Dubai, saying Bahrain BOARDING!!

Wait a second... how rude to not introduce myself!!



Hello! My name is Deepak, and I am returning to Saudi Arabia from a
family vacation to Kerala, India. Our transit stop was in Dubai. The problem was we
didnt even reach Dubai yet. As I was saying our BOARDING was in five minutes and
we were still in this stupid flight! I could see everyone BOARDING on the flight. And we
had to stay in Dubai. I wanted to jump out of the plane this moment!!!!

Chapter 2Boring Dubai
We finally landed in Dubai. !
Seriously, mom why did we
have to miss our flight. I moaned. !

It's not my fault I am not

emirates manager!My mom screamed. !


My brother made a fist , fire was coming out of his nose. For a second he looked
like a dragon. !


it! !

And this is why I told not to book emirates 500 times and you still booked

Silence! My dad screamed. !
You are saying silence and you are talking dad. I mentioned.!

Dont even dare talk back to me! My dad demanded.!

We asked them when was our next flight and it was in 12 hours. Did god have to
do this? Enjoy your flight with Emirates, the Emirates cabin crew announced.!


Chapter-3 Exploring Dubai

We got a hotel in Dubai. We directly moved to sleeping. After 500 hours I woke
up. (Ok maybe just 2 hours.) When we woke up my dad knew we would be so bored
staying in this hotel room. So he booked for a tour around Dubai. We first went to a art
museum, the museum was amazing. I was amazed by the pottery in they made in
Dubai. A tons of people were making in the museum were making handcrafted mugs,
and they were making beautiful pots. The museum also showed us a tiny mug done so
quickly. Then we went Burj Al Arab, the bad part was we didnt get to go inside. Then
we went to a beach in Dubai. It was awesome, like usual there is a bad part too. We
didnt get to go to the water. Then we finally went to Burj Khalifa. !

Mom look at this, Burj Khalifa is awesome and it is a hundred times taller than
me. I exclaimed with delight.!

Of course it will be, it is the tallest tower in the world. She remarked.!

We took so many pictures of Burj Khalifa. Then came the point where we had to
go back to our hotel and eat.

Chapter 4-Goodbye Dubai!
We ate dinner and went to Dubai Airport. We finally were
going to Jubail. To admit the truth I actually enjoyed Dubai. Me
and my family past immigration. And we were waiting at the
gate.BOARDING, BOARDING! Those words kept repeating in
my brain. after 5000000000000000000000 minutes. (Ok again
maybe just 5 minutes) This is a BOARDING announcement, I
repeat this is a BOARDING announcement to Bahrain please
immediately go to gate number 228. I was so excited to go
back to Jubail. I was such in hurry to board the flight. Then the
flight departed.!


Welcome !
We reached Bahrain.Our family got the baggages and left the airport. It
was a nice experience in Dubai. I told everyone. Surely it was good. My brother

replied. We reached the extreme boring causeway. After a million years we reached. I
was so happy I reached Jubail!!

Guess what now it was sleeping time!!!!

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