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CU AUSTRALIAN CATHOUCUNNERSTTY OK. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE REPORT BO! 4 BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (eramany) (INDIGENOUS gruples) YEAR ADFX310: PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Primary 3 PRE-SERVICE TEACHER NAME: Yishy HOY ra seseeaeeeee cea PRE _.gERVICE TEACHER STUDENT NUMBER: _ S Gol (29 3 S S sevoo: Kramioachn Tu Pulgic_Scvoo) susune: KYamionichn — Bee ‘SUPERVIS! “Tertiary SUPERVISOR, My_Now STAGE/YEAR: wee NEL ae 4) lS ae Reeser cuir FINAL GRADE: @ SATISFACTORY Lunsatioravrony SIGNED: _/ SUPERVISING TEACHER (1) Sicnen: SUPERVISING TEACHER (2) (IF APPLICABLE) sranen: OY Qua PRE-SERVICE TEACHER To be returned by the Profess! onal Experience Coordinat conclusion of the professional experiance to: 4 Professional Experience Office ‘Australian Catholic University 25a Barker Road STRATHFIELD NSW 2135 education NSW/ACT Professional Experience Report — sachelor of auton Primary (inigenous Stues) sar 4) ‘This Professional Expetiance Report is 10 6 completed at the endl ofthis placement, which has been established by tho Australian Catholic University, 10 Pe saltan Insite for Teaching and Schoo, Leadership (AITSL) and the TeW institute of Teachors, as providing on portunity forthe full range of relevant ‘descriptors of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers 10 09 PPometrated. This document provides @ summary of the elements, aspects and forms of evidence Gupected of a "Graduate Teacher vice teacher will demonstrate @ range of ay the end of this Professional Exponent Program the pre-se’ tation of teaching skills. professional teaching competencies '9 tne preparation and implement PLEASE NOTE: Itis important fo remember that pre-sorvice teachers should nol Be compared with experienced eachers but instead with developing TE MIPETENCY LEVEL OF A GRADUATE TEACHER in the Australian rea pesional Standards for Teachers as Set Matin the checklists provided witin this Report Book. GUIDELINES FOR COMPLETING THIS REPORT 4, The Professional Experience Handbook: contains advice on the purpose of this professional experience placement and where itis with omner placements inthe pre-service teacher'® program. 2. The Teaching Expectations for the Fre-Seniis ‘Teachers are set out in the Professional Experience Te Joook, Supervising Teachers should refer 1 "ne accompanying Professional Experience Handbook before completing this report. +3, ‘The Midpoint Assesement Checklist: The pre-service teachers progress should PO assessed at the Tropoint of the Block period of teaching Sed noted by ticking the appropriate checklists. It is not Tecessary to write comments at this stage ‘4, Tho Final Assessment should be completed & ‘end of the Block oF Internship period of teach, Please Tite relevant comments related 10 the pre-service ct tno Hs progress at this stage of assessment 5, Assessment Scale: ae PERCE Perera Zo maintain consistency with the AITSL Austra “Teaching Standards, the pre-service teachers The to be assessed for each descriptor of the ‘Graduate Teacher Standards as either: ND=Not Demonstrated PD = Provisionally Demonstrated 0 = Demonstrated NB: A Professional Experience Program Evidence Guide included at the ond of this Report Book. It vriaing some examples ofthe forms of evidence hat ight be expected in relation to the assessment 6. Explanation of Assesement Grades a) AND ~ Not Demonstrated assessment indicates that aloud tho pre-servi her nas had N i nat although the p' cg teacher nas | Gppertunity to demonstrate the competency ne/sne has no done 80 oF has ety yas not done So Ae eT Demonstrated assessment! indicates that the pre-service teacher is Borner competency satisfactorily and eae caida bemcintlintan Wt 7. Students ‘At Risk’ of Un: eee cnn ae eesti aes 0 are if the assessment of ND - Not Demonstrated has been et ‘eaching Standards at the Midpoint Assessment. balan Sareea Ly eee yy pre-service teacher at risk of unsatisfactor sa a ape aca ewr cover er ea Overall Assessment of each standard: An overal vera ss Jemonsrated (0) gra assessment seton can of fo Sande 1 fhe nar! 1) ae aot ne standard have besakeesose Ter ly Demonstrated) or D (Dé avislonally £9 roeionay Bam emonstated). A Provisional eo ee ae overall for standard 7 and at this | u Uns fory grade should be award it So aNaretaet sti, A nena deus i He mkt of ons amas wm ‘husrallan Catholic University 7 wore Education NSW/ACT Professional Experience Report ~ Bachelor of Education Primary (Indigenous Studies) (Year 4) PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE STANDARD 2 ~ KNOW THE CONTENT AND HOW TO TEACH IT ASSESSMENT [ND =NOT DEMONSTRATED | PD = PROVISIONALLY DEMONSTRATED | = DEMONSTRATED au MIDPOINT. FINAL Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area ND. PD D ND PD jo Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concepts, substance and structure of the content and teaching strategies of the teaching area. “ 22 MIDPOINT. FINAL Content selection and organisation ND PD ND. PD Organise content into an effective learning and teaching sequence. 23 MIDPOINT, FINAL. Curriculum, assessment and reporting ND PD ND PD 9 Use curriculum, assessment and reporting knowledge to design learning sequences and lesson plans. 24 MIDPOINT: FINAL Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait ND. PD ND PD Islander people to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-indigenous Australians Demonstrate broad knowledge of, understanding of and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages. 25 MIDPOINT. FINAL Literacy and numeracy strategies ND PD PD Know and understand literacy and numeracy teaching strategies and their application in teaching areas. 26 MIDPOINT, FINAL Information and Communication Technology (ICT) ND PD | PD Implement teaching strategies for using ICT to expand curriculum learning opportunities for students. FINAL ASSESSMENT COMMENT: ‘STANDARD 2~ KNOW THE CONTENT AND HOW TO TEACH IT Kristy has a concise knowledge of the current curriculum and uses this knowledge to develop lessons that are not only outcome driven but that are also highly engaging for all students. Kristy was ee to indicators and outcomes were being addressed. Kristy incorporated the use of ICT to ees te ) ‘OVERALL ASSESSMENT MIDPOINT FINAL, OF ALL COMPONENTS OF STARE ND PD. Do ND | PD D “Australian Catholic University 4 20 4 Education NSW/ACT Professional Experience Report ~ Bachelor of Education Primary (Indigenous Studies) (Year 4) PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE STANDARD 3: PLAN FOR AND IMPLEMENT EFFECTIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING ‘ASSESSMENT I ‘ND = NOT DEMONSTRATED | PD = PROVISIONALLY DEMONSTRATED, at MIDPOINT. Establish challenging learning goals ND_[ Po [| D Set learning goals that provide achievable challenges for - students of varying abilities and characteristics, a2 MIDPOINT. FINAL Plan, structure and sequence learning programs ND [po [| D | ND | PD | D Plan lesson sequences using knowledge of student learning, content and effective teaching strategies. vw va 33 ‘MIDPOINT. FINAL Use teaching strategies ND PD [| D | ND | Po | D Include a range of teaching strategies. " J 3a IDPOINT FINAL. Select and use resources ND [| po [ D | ND | PD | D Demonstrate knowledge of a range of resources, including ICT, that engage students in their learning, v 35 Use effective classroom communication Demonstrate a range of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to support student engagement. ‘MIDPOINT, FINAL ND PD ND | pp | D 36 Evaluate and improve teaching programs Demonstrate broad knowledge of strategies that can be used to evaluate teaching programs to improve student learning. ND a7 Engage parents/ carers in the educative process Describe a broad range of strategies for involving parents/carers in the educative process. ND D | we v MIDPOINT FINAL PD_[_D—|-ND-] PD [—D v a IDPONT FINAL p> | Dj-ND] PD | D wu Sf FINAL ASSESSMENT COMMENT: | STANDARD 3: PLAN FOR AND IMPLEMENT EFFECTIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING Kristy took a considered approach to all planning and implementation of quality lessons that were designed to meet the needs of all students in the class (Year 2 ~ Year 6). She regularly reflected on her own teaching practices to see what was working well and what she could change to ensure he | ,(!” was delivering quality learning experiences forall students. Kristy uses a range of communitatieh | (1 strategies to ensure students felt supported and remained on task. fet ch {\ WD ‘OVERALL ASSESSMENT MIDPOINT, FINAL =| OF ALL COMPONENTS OF [yp PD ND PD D STANDARD 3 re t Tastalian Gthole University 5 20F Education NSW/ACT Professional Experience Report ~ Bachelor of Education Primary (Indigenous Studies) (Year 4) PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE STANDARD 4 - CREATE AND MAINTAIN SUPPORTIVE AND SAFE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS [ASSESSMENT [NO=NOT DEMONSTRATED, | PD = PROVISIONALLY DEMONSTRATED | = DEMONSTRATED at MIDPOINT FINAL Support student participation ND] pp [ D | ND | PD | D Identity strategies to support inclusive student participation and engagement in classroom activities. a v a2 MIDPOINT. FINAL Manage classroom activities ND] pp | D | ND] PD] D Demonstrate the capacity to organise classroom activities and Y provide clear directions. y 43 MIDPOINT: FINAL Manage challenging behaviour ND [po [pb | ND | PD | D Demonstrate knowledge of practical approaches to manage challenging behaviour. aa FINAL Maintain student safety ND [PD | D Describe strategies that support students’ wellbeing and safety working within school and/or system, curriculum and legislative u oy, requirements, a5 MIDPOINT, FINAL. Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically ND [ pp [ D | ND [ PD | D Demonstrate an understanding of the relevant issues and the strategies available to support the safe, responsible and ea ethical use of ICT in leaming and teaching, FINAL ASSESSMENT COMMENT: STANDARD 4 - CREATE AND MAINTAIN SUPPORTIVE AND SAFE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS Kristy’s classroom behaviour management skills are exceptional. She implemented numerous approached all incidents in a professional manner and followed our school procedures. N \ ) OVERALL ASSESSMENT [_ MIDPOINT FINAL v races So VaR a Tor Education NSW/ACT Professional Experience Report - Bachelor of Education Primary (Indigenous Studies) (Year 4) PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE STANDARD 5 ~ ASSESS, PROVIDE FEEDBACK AND REPORT ON STUDENT LEARNING ‘ASSESSMENT | ND =NOT DEMONSTRATED | PD = PROVISIONALLY DEMONSTRATED | D = DEMONSTRATED, BA Assess student learning Demonstrate understanding of assessment strategies, including informal and formal, diagnostic, formative and summative approaches to assess student learning, MIDPOINT. FINAL ND | Po [| D | ND | PD | D a 52 Provide feedback to students on their learning Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of providing timely and appropriate feedback to students about their learning. MIDPOINT, FINAL ND [ PD | D | ND | PD | D 53 Make consistent and comparable judgements Demonstrate understanding of assessment moderation and its application to support consistent and comparable judgements (of student learning. MIDPOINT. FINAL. ND | pp | bo | ND [ PD | D 34 Interpret student data Demonstrate the capacity to interpret student assessment dala to evaluate student leaming and modify teaching practice. MIDPOINT, FINAL ND | PD [ D | ND | PD | OD 35 Report on student achievement Demonstrate understanding of a range of strategies for reporting to students and parenis/carers and the purpose of keeping accurate and reliable records of student achievement. MIDPOINT, FINAL ND | PD [| D | ND | PD | D FINAL ASSESSMENT COMMENT: STANDARD 5 ~ ASSESS, PROVIDE FEEDBACK AND REPORT ON STUDENT LEARNING Kristy used numerous assessment strategies throughout her prac. She provided students with timely feedback in a manner that was encouraging and built student confidence. Krist data to guide future lessons. ty used assessnjent a OVERALL ASSESSMENT MIDPOINT FINAL OF ALL COMPONENTS OF STANDARD 5 nD} w e 1 2 v ‘hata Cabal Unversity 7 rs Education NSW/ACT Professional Experience Report — Bachalor of Education Primary (Indigenous Studies) (Year 4) PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE, STANDARD 6 ~ ENGAGE IN PROFESSIONAL LEARNING. ‘ASSESSMENT | ND= NOT DEMONSTRATED. [PP= PROVISIONALLY DEMONSTRATED | D= DEMONSTRATED. aa MIDPOINT FINAL Identify and plan professional learning needs ND_[ PD | _D PD_[D Demonstrate n understanding of the role of the National Profesional Standards for Teaches in identi}ing professional / / Tearing needs. v cy MibFONT NAD Engage in profesfonal learning and improve practice ND_| pp | D-|-ND | pp [p> Understand the relevant and appropriate soures of professional learning for teachers ~ ca 3 MIDPOINT NAL Engage with colleagues and improve practice Np_| ro | D_| ND] p> |p Seek and apply constrctive feedback from supervisors and teachers 5 to improve caching practices, uv Z wa re Apply professional learning and improve student learning ND [p> | D |-ND] pp [D Demonstrate an understnding of the rationale for continued 7 professional leaning and te implications for improved stadent teaming FINAL ASSESSMENT COMMENT: STANDARD 6 ~ ENGAGE IN PROFESSIONAL LEARNING. develop her teaching practices. Throughout Kristy’s prac her confidence in her ability to progr Kristy reflected on each lesson and sort feedback from myself and other members of staffto further (~ \ ‘ \ learning sequences that cater for a cross stage class has grown. —~a a OU ‘OVERALL ASSESSMENT | MIDPOINT FINAL OF ALL COMPONENTS OF [yp op D ND PD D STANDARD 6 area | ov ‘tralian Catholic University z 20 Education NSW/ACT Professional Experience Renort ~ Bachelor of Education Primary (Indigenous Studies) (Year 4) ‘MIDPOINT ASSESSMENT CHECK ‘The Midpoint Assessment Check has been completed and discussed with the Supervising teacher/s, and the Pre-Service Teac! : vanes Crceuy pate: 6/3/-- J Supervising Teacher (2): Supervising Teacher ( Date: Fa Pre-Service Teacher KC A Date: 6 515 issue identified in the ee btain an ‘Unsatisfactory’ grade for this Practicum. Pre-service Teacher’s Signatyf Date: Comments from Head of Education NSW/ACT or Nominee - Related to the ‘At Risk’ Assessment (Leave blank if not required): Head of Education NSW/ACT or Nominee: Date: (Please sign and date) ‘ustralan Catholic Valversiyy ae Bit Although Kristy is yet to compl teacher. Her classroom mana service teacher, lete her degree she already displays the qualities of an experienced, ‘Bement and teaching practices are the best that | have seen in any py (fF Supervising Teacher (1) Supervising Teacher (2) Overall Comments — (Uf Applicable) Supervising Teacher (2) Date: (Please ‘Sign and date) FINAL ASSESSMENT OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENG & - sariseactory— (The pre-service teacher has attained the level of Demonstrated (D) ot Pro Demonstrated (PD) in all Standards), OQ unsatisractory ‘Alstfalian Catholic Universgy rT) zoe Education NSW/ACT Professional Experience Report — Bachelor of Education Primary (Indigenous Studies) (Year 4) ‘Tertiary Supervisor Comments: Tertiary Supervisor: [0A] mn Date:_G ° 5-/S lease sign and date) Pre-Service Teacher - [have read this report: Pre-Service Teacher: Q) pate:_20] 315 Chase sign and day ‘Australian Catholic Universgy 7 201e Tertiary Supervisor Comments: Kristy Hay Ms Hay extensively prepared a literacy lesson for Years 4/5/6. The lesson was one within a sequence Cf lessons in which students focussed on persuasive texts. Ms Hay linked the lesson to syllabus ‘outcomes and identified indicators of learning for this lesson. The lesson plan was thoroughly documented and integrated other aspects of the curriculum into the lesson as well as previous experiences by the students. ‘The purpose of the lesson was clearly articulated. Explicit instructions were given in relation to the task at hand, and the behaviours expected during group work. The use of visual cues reinforced the purpose and structure of the lesson. Recall of the key elements of persuasive texts linked this lesson to previous ones and generated a starting point to further develop the students’ thinking. Individual differences and abilities were catered for in the planned activities. Interaction between Ms Hay and the students was positive and supportive. Students provided responses that were well considered and appropriate. The lesson was based on co-operative learning and extended students’ knowledge, understanding and skills. The written lesson plan clearly followed the introduction, development and conclusion format. in practice, the lesson was fluid and flowed seamlessly between whole class and small group activities. Individuals and small groups were given advice, assistance and re-direction when required. Throughout the lesson, students demonstrated skills in technology and shared group-work. Ms Hay demonstrated very good classroom management skills using a variety of teaching strategies. Positive reinforcement of students’ responses was evident. Ms Hay demonstrated outstanding, verbal and questioning techniques to stimulate the students’ interest; and to maintain lesson pace. ‘At the same time, all students of differing abilities were intellectually challenged throughout the lesson due to the many open ended questions posed, Ms Hay demonstrated well developed verbal and non-verbal skills. She provided clear, articulate and explicit Instructions. The academic and behavioural expectations were clear and delivered in @ non- threatening manner. Indeed, Ms Hay manner was calm, friendly, supportive and approachable. Shared learning between teacher ~ student, and student ~ student was evident in the lesson. The lesson provided the platform for a high level of self-evaluation by both students and teacher. Ms Hay communicates extremely well with students. Ms Hay’s calm and encouraging manner was conducive to an effective learning environment in which students’ learning was affirmed. Ms Hay demonstrated a high level of competence in pre-service teaching practice in the classroom. Her interaction with the Principal, other staff and parents at the school was warm, respectful and very positive. Ms Hay demonstrates many skills which should make her a very good teacher. | wish Ms Hay success as she continues her teaching and executive career. Tertiary Supervisor: Date: Pre-Service Teacher ~ | have read this report: Pre-Service teachers) > ‘4 Date: | 2 | Ley

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