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C7 Political Participation- involving in activities intended to influence

public policy and leadership- voting, joining political groups, writing

to elected officials, demonstrating for political causes and making
Voter turnout in US is low in comparison with that of other
western democracies
Most citizens fo not participate actively in politics in ways other
than voting- a small minority can be classified as activists
Most Americans make a distinction between their personal and
public life- rich ppl vote more

Voter Participation

Suffrage- the right to vote

Was initially limited to property owning white males- 50

years later no

African Americans gained suffrage after the civil war

with the passage of the 15th

Southern states stop them from voting by

intimidation, electoral trickery, rigged literacy test
as a precondition to vote

The literacy tests are sooo hard and the names of

the ones that took the test are publicized in local
news papers so that employeds, polices, and the
KKK could identify troublemakers

Women not until 1920

1960~2012 about 60 % voter turnout- higher then

midterms(never reached 50 % since 1920. Local
elections- 20%

Ppl dun wanna vote cuz the registration requirements

and frequency of elections- hor 2 years, prez 4 the most

Y mericans vote or dont vote

More educated rich people vote

Old peeps vote

Civil attitudes

Apathy- lack of interest in politics

Alienation- feeling of powerlessness that gov dun care

bout dem

Civic duty- I ought to participate in public affairs cuz

mah daddy n mah mommy said so

Party loyalists tend to vote more

The publics policy position is mostly neutral. However,

voters tend to lean on one side (conservative or liberal)

Other forms

Campagin and Lobbying- they dont vote, yet are more likely
to talk to people and take political action

Virtual participation- internet

Community activity- PTA, neighbor groups, business clubs,

church affliated groups, hospital auxiliaries.

Reflects a tradition of local participation that dates to

colonial times

US community groups have lager authority over local

police ctE

Social capital- the sum of face to face civic interactions

among citizens in a society.



Social movements(political movements)- way for citizens to

actively express their opposition

The Tea Party and occupy Wall Street protest movements

The tea party- backed by wealthy conservatives- was

initiated to ttarged republican law makers sho supported
the bailout of banks

The tea party played a key role in the Republican

takeover of the House of Representatives in the 2010
elections- large cuts and no increasing taxes

OWS hates to bailout bankers too, but they want to tax

the rich

Protests are usually not admired, though accepted by

most to be acceptabe

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