Wise Up Teens - Cyberbullying

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Wise up teens free class - cyberbullying and online

WARM UP 05 to 10 min - write down on the board a good friendship,
then ask students to tell you 10 12 key words they associate with a good
relationship. Write them down.
Chat: what wouldnt a good friend do? / how important are your friends for
you? / do you make fun of your friends? / have you ever hurt one of your
friends while making fun of him or her? / how is your online interaction with
your friends?

TASK 01 10 to 15 min - together with your friends define cyber bullying

( B1 C2) and online danger ( intro A2) Using the vocabulary studied in
module 34 ( chunks to give definition, to take time while talking, to give
Chat: Online you can have a zillion friends, but what qualities do you look
for in your offl ine friendships? / What qualities matter most to you? / How
many times have you started a fight, issued an apology, broken up with
someone, or asked someone out online? / Why is it SO much easier to do
these things online than off?

TASK 02 15 to 20 min - On the board, explain and give one example of an

online danger or cyberbullying and the consequences of this. After that ask
students, in mixed level groups ( intro C2), to come up with three or four
attitudes they consider to be online dangerous and the consequences of
Chat: What online rules do you make for yourself? / Are these the rules that
your parents or families have in place / If you dont make rules for yourself,
what kind of rules would you like to start? / Why do you think people tend to
share very private details about their life online? / What information should
stay private?

TASK 03 25 to 30 min - Divide the class into mixed level groups and hand
out a sheet of paper or a paperboard per group, ask them to produce a
poster giving tips on keeping yourself and your friends safe online.

Treat others with respect and

expect them to do the same
Keep passwords a secret
Think well before you post
Never post personal information
Pay close attention while posting

Chat: 1. Why do you think it is hard, sometimes, for someone to speak up

when they are being bullied or when they see someone being bullied? 2.
What is one thing you could do today to help you and your friends Delete
Digital Drama?

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