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Rotherwick Pond

Thank you for taking part in my short 2-minute survey! Any work done on Rotherwick pond would
be to benefit the community so your views are really important to my project. Even if my project
isn't used as a restoration plan for the pond, your responses to this survey may inform any
restoration work done on the pond.
If there is more than one person in your household, I would be very grateful if as many people as
possible could complete this survey - children included! This will make the results much more
reliable, accurate and representative of Rotherwick.
If you have any comments or questions, or if you have any past photographs or knowledge of the
history of Rotherwick pond, I would be very grateful if you emailed me on
Thank you very much for your time!
Matt Alcock
The pond in its current state

Rotherwick Pond

1. What is your age?

0 to 12
13 to 17
18 to 24
25 to 34
35 to 44
45 to 54
55 to 64
65 to 74
75 or older

* 2. About how often do you visit Rotherwick pond? (i.e. stop by to look at it, rather than just passing by)
More than every 7 days
Every 7 days
Every 8 to 14 days
Every 15 to 28 days
Every 2 to 3 months
Every 4 to 6 months
Every 7 to 12 months
Less than every year

* 3. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Strongly disagree
"I think that Rotherwick
pond needs
"If a pond restoration
was mostly funded
using parish council
money, I would support
"If a pond restoration
was mostly funded
using money from
sources other than the
parish council I would
support it"
"The pond currently
enhances the rural
character of the village"
"A restored/improved
pond would enhance
the rural character of
the village"
"If the pond was
restored, I would spend
more time there or visit
it more often"
"If volunteers were
needed for the
restoration work, I
would be interested in


Neither agree nor



Strongly agree

* 4. Which features of a restored Rotherwick pond would be most important to you? (If it was your money
being spent on the pond restoration, what features would you want the pond to have?) - please tick all that
apply to you
Clear water
Deep water
Shallow water
Varied depths of water
Full of water all year round
A jetty
Safety measures (i.e. an emergency life ring, warning signs)
An information board
Seating by the pond
Lots of wetland plants
Few wetland plants
Enhancing the village's appearance
Enhancing the village's biodiversity
Hosting ducks
A duck house
Hosting birds other than ducks
Hosting amphibians (e.g. frogs, toads, newts)
Hosting invertebrates (e.g. dragonflies, water boatmen)
Hosting fish
Hosting endangered/protected species
Lots of trees around the pond
Few trees around the pond
Other (please specify)

* 5. What would you use the restored pond for?

Feeding ducks
Showing children the pond
Sitting by the pond
I wouldn't use the pond
Other (please specify)

Rotherwick Pond

Thank you very much for completing my survey! Your response will be extremely valuable for my project, which will be complete in
Once again, my email address is if you have comments, feedback, questions or any information that
could help inform my project.
Matt Alcock

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