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Megan Griessen

Cooper 2nd
AP English

Why We Fight Revolutionary War Edition Process Paper

For our interview we interviewed King George III (Rodney Baker) using hard hitting
questions first about the formation of the colonies and then about the reasons for the
Revolutionary War, both purposely highlighting the ignorance of King George III during that
time period. The responses that the King had to questions asking him to explain why the colonies
in America belonged to England and what his reasoning was for the Revolutionary War were not
backed up by evidence and made him look very uneducated about his own decisions and made
the whole country of England look bad.
A variety of Rhetorical methods were displayed in this interview. The one that is most
frequent and apparent is probably the use of irony. We used irony in the script mainly to show
how the king truly did not know what he was talking about or how to make his claims credible. It
is ironic that he attempts to answer the question, Why do we fight? by saying, Because I said
so. when really the fighting and the war isnt doing him or England any good and probably
making things worse for him and his people in the long run. After all the effort the king put
into the Revolutionary War, but really his soliders carried out, they were defeated by the patriots
and the United States of America gained its well deserved independence.
The only thing about this part of the project that I found difficult, while writing the
script for the interview, was writing from a perspective from so long ago that I have never
experienced and that I will never get to experience so it makes me question the accuracy of our
research and interview put together and makes me wonder if King George III would have ever
actually said or meant any of these things. The research that was put into the project was
extremely necessary to emphasize the true meaning behind the Kings opinion, and role played
the revolutionary war. Overall I personally believe that we did a good job of conveying the
personality of the king and show the historical context behind the comical interview.

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