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THE COMPLETE GREEK TRAGEDIES Ealted by Dovid Grene and Richmond Lavimore RAL orice: TH Te BY 7 ‘averse EURIPIDES - me 17.08.0008 ALCESTIS Translated by Richmond Lanimore THE MEDEA Translated by Rex Warner THE HERACLEIDAE Translated by Ralph Gladsone HIPPOLYTUS Translated by David Grene With an Introduction by RICHMOND LATTIMORE tue UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS ‘Dar Unansey oF Crcaco Pres, Crcace 60637 ‘The University of Chisago Pros, Le, London orc by The User of Chas Copy a by The net of Chics Fru yy, mpi 4 by bn Lae ‘he fol Het nl, Lk, Pond Cop 99 by The Unie of hinge onion: cee Gera by Fhe Oey of Ce Al igs red. Publi 155 Pata eth Uae States of rere or 2 Al seh of ree, sot! on at, Ingersationl Standard Book Number: 0-296-20780-8 vary of Congres Catalog Cand Number, BS-575° GENERAL INTRODUCTION “Weasel at Earp. the on of Mnearchas c¢ Merch de, was bom at some time between 485 and 480%, presence his fit set of tages in 45s, and wo hs fis voy in 4, WON only four victories daring hs time, ee Athens probably in 48 Gar the cout of King Archelaus of Macedon, and ded there ht in 407 0 easly in 4s, He wrote peas ihtycight plays (ven two sets of fou); nineteen survive under bis name, though Reus say not be his Such seems tobe the basic and believable vita (though I suspect thatthe dates for birth and firs resentation ate too eaty) We may ignore te fancifh goin that gasses fr aon biography, but consider the etal options of the comie oct. The conten that Euripides was only moderately soccel in his owe iftime, thoogh famous and inBoenil sir death He won edo bat pro: laced again and again. He was paodied and rdicoled by the comic pons share afte and more bral td mote inceligny, 00) than anyother literary man in Athens, This et el wenn hat he made more ofan impresion than the now obieure competitors ‘who must have besten im again and gain, Phinly, he wrote shocker, and i io enough to sy that chis vw becaic he was am innovator He Was, bus were is redees sors Aexhylas was more daring, desc, and orginal; Sophocles was no serene and static aici. Pethaps the mos: igiheanere~ snark about Euripides and Sophocles i that sapposed to have been ‘nade by Sophoce chat he mse howed men as hey ought wo be (eras one ought to show them) bt Euripides showed them as chey actualy were Whather or not Sophodes ever sid this, ii tre Euripides was basally areal, despite coneaty tendencies award finasy and romance, The only materials avilable for his tragedies, ‘were che old hic gus. He wd then sf they told the tory not, of characters betoicin all dimensions, bt of rel everyday people From thr high legends of fron and Heracles he chose to enct the ‘momenssof the heroct’ decay and disintegration, What, be ask, does it fel like w have your wife die for you, and what kind of nas wll lecher doit? What docs it fel lke to have mardeted your mother? His Admetos fights ard to decsve himtelE bar weal see tht he is 8 coward: his Oreses iss bad mental case with fs and seizures Ces, bray violated by Apollo and then robed of te baby she 4nd guily borne, does noc dance decrously out of the stay ike Pirada'sEvadne in similar cicamstnces the shame sticks with es, as she were a rel gil with 2 real experince; and Apolo, while ‘managing thst all comes well in the end, hides behind his temple and Jetshis ster speak: for him. Though the judges of Dionysus disapproved, there cannot be much doubs vt the audience wat fascinated even when if was noe ese. Was ths enough cough? The seme of defeat and dnp ointment i constantly therein Euripides It makes him bingo the fore those who are weak or oppresed, the despised and isan. ersood: women, children, shves, eapives, strangers, barbarians Women s chief characters oumnumber mien, and mst of his choruses are female. Its no tht hes "oe" them or “against then he mere, 'y tiesto presen cron from thie point of view, and they Ecinate him, So do cildren, bu here his ealien fils obviosly, he knew lide aboot chem, His servants are true 0 li, while his heroes who deliver the oppresed are wooden, Enrpides is sometimes perhaps more pathetic than egie. The hero (or heroin) in Sophocles i prepared to fight seabborly 9 the lst his Teuces, alone against an army fall of warriors who could beat him singlehanded, ats sit he were the champion wih an army at his back. Many characters of Euripides spend ll chit ‘ome yng 10 ron away from something. lon and Hipplyeus oe sly happy only while dey led do-nothin lives; then the el world with its enanglements catches up with them, and they ate tniterable, His chorus are noc the fst to Jong forthe wings ofthe dove, but they doi oftenes; in him the drive to escape becomesan intent, ecurtent mosive. Even his own invention, bright opt ‘tic romance comedy, becomes drams of eicape, Usui, expe isimgonil. He ieee ia worl edd Hi god repre ths wold ah aripidesagedy cher transcending ie oe gato 1 ie ny oe rng meting ee Ea en “fs mee wm et da ey iy bec hes le apy sat mem Ti show Bk which a grea dies wl concede, pts may de rere ino sanctity. Thee ae sigs of ag, ves, comepien, win in mov of bis tes ply. Some whole Lye ate modo. His ton arc fa yt ge 0 Inuh ico a sngle pb or chacter or sunion ls Medea 'b ‘ever! Kn of won nicely seed: his Andon tas two badly conned plot He wrote ome lovely ye, bot then sin He) cy lve ong odo wi a gogo in the play. And oon Hs fla ate obvious ally avis i ents He sth fer of he oman comedy, he problem po. Hef pen aa ares of onforgecble hana. Theres never been syne ele ke im, acon Laren INTRODUCTION TO THE MEDEA Ton athens since who aw thei perornanc of Barge’ Medes the te dramatic contest in 1 nc-and who swarded the thd poe va Epes would ave been Gao wih te whele sory ofthe chi characten, and we, ewencyaree ceri ler sre handicapped im our undersanding ofthe play if we have noe at 4 least some knowledge ofthe sme tory ‘The Athenians would have known Medes asa barbarian princes snd sea sorcerers, ited to the gods, She came om the faraway Lan of Colchisat che ease exremity ofthe Black Sex, where her father, King Aeetesa oferer himself ad the son of Helis, god of the sn, kept the Golden Hleece. Here fiat bad come with the Argonauts, the fr expedition of wesera Greeks agains the eastern Tsbsins” Medea Sad fille in ove wid him, and by Ber aid he was able ro avoid the uaps lsd for him by Aces, to regain the Galen Fleece, and to exape, aking Medes with him, She, to ait the escape, hid murder her awn brotbe, srewing the pieces of his body over the wate 0 that her ihers et, while colecting the ‘Sagan for burial, might love ime in dhe puss ofthe Fagiives, ‘Medea and Jaton then seed in Jeson's hereditary Kingam of Toles, where Peli, his unde, ill eated him of his rights. Medes, Doping toda Juan a Gee, persaded the daughners of Plas 0 3t- ‘emp under her guance, » magic rejuvenation of their Lather. The ‘id iman wae toe Kile, cut im pices nd then, with the aid of Iherbe and incanatons,rered to his ire youth. The unaupecting Ghaughtere did as they wee tll, and Medea lef chem with dheir Sather’ Blood pom abet hands. However the rst of deerme ‘was no advancement for son bu rather exe for him, Medes, and their ewo citer, From locus they came co Corin, the seme of Barpies play. Here json, ether, a he says himself sishing to stengthen his owe ‘economic oso, or, av Medes thinks, because he was ized of his <6 Aangerous foreign wife, put her aside and marred che dusghvet of (Creo, king of Corinth Tis this poine chit che action ofthe play bein hur the Achenian audience wold know wel enough whet the plot would be. They would know chat Medea, in het jeslous ‘age, would estoy both Crean and his daughter by means of a posioued robe which clang tothe exh and barved i than despie ing of her chikren's sfery and wishing through them 10 injre Iason in every way, she wes il them with her own hands; and at, finally, by sipernatural mess, she would expe to their city and ake refuge with che old King Aegeus, re Nek, pines f ii ed wif of Joon sf din ig fle Tie hen of ode Joon ro ing of Cin en ig fies Ne oe Tred in Mase Cho Cin Women THE MEDEA Sco: Is fn of Mel's howe in Cah. Ete fom the hoe Meds vee ow wish Argo never ad each the hind OF Catch, dimming troogh the ee Sysplegaes, Nor ever fad len i the goes of Peli, The smite eet fh cr forthe ods Ofer who i Pat me tema Tae Golden Fees or ny me Madea Would nor ave ile oth ters of he dof Tous Her heart ie wit esos lve oom, Noc would she have pended the daghen of ee Toki her, and now bing he Jn Cova with her hod ad chien She pve Planet the peopl of her al fen Aad sehr elped Jon in ery vay Thsisnded the green alason ofa forthe wif onto sand pr for he bsband Buc now he’s ated every whee Love die For, dering hit own cle td my mites, Jon sen oye hbo The dager ofthe eo his nd Cian And poor Meas sighed and ri sland on he Vows they made wo each eit the night nd ced Jn cca! promis Sh cl upon he polito wea What oof eur Jon fs ade oer ove Ses witht fod od ges hel pt fing Waring ama every mone of aya a So tas gone nese Ln healf aighed by im Neen ep, ot moving here fom he pound Noor th ethers rock orig mtr 198 She listens wien she is given Hendy advice. “Except that sperms she sis back her white neck and Moan to herelf,eling out on her father's mame, fund ber land, and be bone beuayed wien she came away with ‘A man who tow is determined to dishonor he. Poor creature, she has dccovered by he suerings ‘Whar ie means o ote otto have lost ons owa counery She bas rand om the hilten and does not ike ro 6 thot Tam affaid she may dhink of some rend shin, For ber heart ie volen, She wil never put up with, “The treatment she is geting. Vor as feat ber Lea she may sharpen sword and thrust ro the heat, Sealing in the glace where ee bod it made. (Or even kil he king and the new-wwedded groom, And thus being a restr misfortune on herself She'sa eeange woman, know it won't be esy ‘To make an enemy of her and come off best, Buc here the childten come. They have finished playing They have no thoughe a al oftheir mothers trouble. Indeed i not sua forthe young 29 grieve: (Ene rom he right he slew the uta to edea's ‘aol cilen. Tt ian follow kim) Tar You old reine of my mires! housald, ‘Why are you sanding here all lone in font ofthe ares and mauring to ourself over your mse? ‘Medea cosld not with yoo to leave he lone. Ne (Old man, and puardian of the cldren of Json, Ione ie good servant i's» tris thing ‘When one's nant’ Jock out it goes to ones eat Sol myself have por ims ssh a sate of prick ‘Thata longing sole over ma to come outside here Ad tall he ett an aie of my mises sorrows <0» she poor dy not yt given up her crying? ve up? S's atthe sare, not halfway through her tears poor fool if may call my mize sac a manie— iow ignceant she is of woable more t9 come. hat do you mea, old ma Yow needn't iat to speak Nothing. Lake buck the words which L used jas now: Don't by your beard, hie chi from me, your fllowservare enced be, I'l keep guiee about whae you tell me, Theard a petion aying, while I myself seemed Not tae paying attention, when Iwas athe place Where the old draughe players sit, bythe holy foun, That Croom, ruler ofthe land, intends to drive “These children ad thes mother inexlle from Cori But whether what he a is elly tue oF not Ido not Enow, Ipeay that i may not be eo. ‘And will Jaton pot up with e chat his chldsen ‘Should slr so, though e's 0 fiend to thee masher? (Old ies give pice to new ones As fr Jason, be [No longet hata felng for this house of ous. It's Black indeed for us, when we ad new fo old Sorrows before even the preset sky has cleared sot Tac Bue you be slot and keep all theo yours. Teste the sight time co tell our miswes of i. Nie Do you hear, cildeen, what a fither be isco you? [ithe were dead no, he i il my master Yee certainly he has proved unkind to his dear ons, Tutor ‘What's serange in that? Have you caly jst discovered ‘That everyone loves himuelf more than his neighbor? Some have good reston, ochers ge something ovt of So Jaton neg bis children foe the new bride Nurse Geo indoors, children. That wil be the bet ching. And you, keep dhem to themselves as much a posible Don's being them near their mother in her angry mood. For I've seen her already sting her eyes at thems A thoagh she meant some mischief and Tam sue that Shell not op raging unt she as areck xt emeone ‘May tbe an enemy and not» Sind she hurts! (ede i ead inside the house) Medea ‘hh, wretch Ab, lst in my mavings, wish wish Tighe die Nise ‘What did Tsay, der ildren? Your mother Frets her heart and fts tc ange. Run away qsickly int the house, ‘And keep well oat of her sight Don's go anywhere ner, bat be carefil Of the wildness and beze nate Ofehat proud mind Go now! Ran quickly indoors Tes clea chat se soon will put lighssing sae In that cloud of er cre tha ie ring ‘With a passion increasing. O, what wl she do, roud-heared and not to be chesked on her couse, ‘soul bicten into wih wrong? (The Tio takes the chile nt the howe.) pe Ah Have ed Wat hal weg bie hae you, Chie ofa hal mote cae you fd your Se. che whl ae sh 1h pny you yon por ees How ea your hen sarin tic e's ‘Wek? Wy do yoo fate? Of chide, How inch ta tetang sy ape Geet peope's epee te, ge Hig town wy, om checked Dagens te i fom mecd ord How much beter to ave een ace Tol one cy wih uc nego {oul ike foe ufeandgowald aa Hane wy. Wt ede sands es, thon pce se everyone, rc being 2 oe ope God nc, whe in sger ang Gea rin rat mcs hows (Ger ont i « Cho of Corin ware, Thy hve Cong sot Mek d wang nh) heard the voice, I head ch ery Of Cole? wretched daughter. Tellme, mother, she not yet Acces? Within the double gates (Of he coure I beard her ery. Lam soery For the sorrow of tise. O, sy, what hat happened? <6 Nese Thete sno home. Is over and done with Her husband holds fst eo hi eoysl wedding, While she, my mires, eis out er eyes Thee in her room, and akes no warmth from Any word of any fiend, Medes Ob, fish “That lighting fom heaves would spit my head open, (Ob, what wse have I nove for fe? would find my release in death And leave hateflexizence behind me. Chom (0 God and Earth and Heaven! Did you hear what cxy was that Which the sad wile sings? Poot foolish one, why should you loog For tht appalling rest “The final end of death cones fit No need to pay for that, Soppore your mn gives honor ‘To another wort’ bed Te often happens. Dont be hor. ‘God willbe your fiend inthis, Yous mist not waste away Grieving t00 much for him who shared your bed Mees ‘Great Themis, lady Artemis, behold “The thing 1 eer, though I made him promise, ‘My haefl husband pray dae I may se im, Him and bis bide and ll hee pulceshatered For the wrong they dare todo me without cause (Ob, my fier! Oh, my country! In what didhonor Hef yo, ling sy ov brother for it <4. Do yo bear what the ys and how sees (On Themis, the goddes of Promise, and romiss, and ot Zeus, Wom we belive to be che Keeper of Onthit OF is tm sre, that no sal hing Will ppease my mises’ anger Wil she come 2 ito our presence Will she liter when we ate speaking Tothe words wesyr wis she mighe relax ber cage And semper of her hese My willingnes to help wil never Be wanting tomy fiends. ‘Bu go inside and bring her (Our of the howe tun And speak Kinaly to he: huey, Before she wrongs her own, “This pasion of be overt somehing gent Til bt {date manage To win my mistress over. 7 isl Matepe it lene you Seca lok se wl aon eras ifany comes ne ths ean tiles se guaring Beco Lise, ih co conaier Both id ad ting in eg Those pos of od whe wrote sos far ree snd dance sal basare esa sind fr men Ing ey Bat noe afta darted How to pt oa nd wih hed sing Or mil nae pe fc om wich Seth ad dae <6. Cente hopes fs howe: Yet how god Amuse could care en oft at why ae “Tomo parpor tc vou ts tyne For ‘Aeadsbundsnce of plane or men Wiha oy ais own (he Net int eh’ hs Thea hick ha isd ith ow String oot er ad gi ce on “Upea i whobeyed oh er ed and er mating ‘Wrong eal on De ga, (On the use of aus, the ex sem, Which boogie hers Toth oponte the af i Grcks Thrgh he gloomy lt rae wo the ueway Of ely oie (ea tide by sents 9 beh) Mabe "Wome of Cri, Ihave come oui 9 yu Tes yor thal bende with ne of Tat eany pope ae overrode when soe, scan wh ect iw iy, at do, pet tnd epcion, Frau jpn oc eee When an aes Sight tes ance, belie aig hr her, no ay cs fet eg pecaly mast ae hele Tanocapprove of een flow-ountyman Who by plead wat of mana fess sighs Beton eh ting senegal, teks broken my bert am nthe. et go Allin M's joy. My feds, only wont ode, tenes everthing oe chink well of 06 0, ‘snd bey om had, ed oat whl ie fal hing wih living and xn fr jolene 66+ ‘We women are che mort unfortunate cestres Finsly, with an excess of wealth es required For o buy a husband and take for ou bodies ‘A master; for not to ake one is even worse ‘And now the question i serious whether we take A good or bad one; for there ir no easy escape Tor woman, wot can she sy no to het matrage She arrives among new modes of behavior ani mauners, How best co manage him who shares the bed with he. And if we work oot all chis well and caefly, Andshe husband lives with es and lightly beats his yoke, ‘Then life is ensabe. noe, rather di A man, when he's tired ofthe company in his home, ‘Goes out ofthe hotse and pur an end to his bredown And tures toa fiend or companion of his own age. But we ate forced to keep our eyes on ane slone Whar they ay of ws i tha we have » peacefil te Living at home, while hey do the fighting in war How wrong they are! I would very much rater stand ‘Three times inthe font of bade than bear one cil Yer what applies © me does not apply t0 you. ‘You have a counry. Your fuily home is here, You enjoy lie snd the company of yout friend ‘Bot Iam deserted efoge, thought nothing of ‘By my husband—something he wea in foreign land have no mocher of brother, nor any telson With whom I can tke refuge in this ea of woe. “This much chen isthe service I would be fFom you 1E1 can find the means or devise any scherne To pay my husband tack Sor what be has done 6 me Him and his faherinsaw and the gil who musi him-— Jos to keep alent. For in cher ways a woman [sfall offer, defenseless, dreads the sight of cold Steel; but, when once she is wronged i the mater of love, NNo other soul ca hold so many thought of blood And needs prophede power, unless has eared a home, Chores “Tas will promise. You are in the eight, Medea, Ia paying your bushind back. Yam not sepeied a you For being nd ‘But lok! I ee our King Creon Approaching, He wil ell ws of some new plan (Ever from the ight Cron, with atendans) ‘You, wich tat angey lock, so papas your hosband, les, | order you to leave my tetrtores, ‘An exile, and take along with you your two children, ‘And not eo watt time doing it. leis my deere, And I wil se e done will noe return bome nal you are ee from the boundaries of my land Medes (Oh, tit isch endfor me, Iam utr lo, [Now Im in the fill ore of the ster of hate ‘And have no harbor fom ruin to reach easly, Yee sil inspite of ical, 1 ask the question: ‘Wat is your reason, Czeon, for banishing me? Cron 1am afrid of you—why dhould I disemble ie — Asi chat you may injure my daughter morally Many things aecamalite to support my fling You are clever woman, versed in evi ats, fa ace angry at having low your husband's lave Tear thar you are creating 0 shey tell m=, ‘Todo something against my daughter and son ‘And me, too. I shall ake my precautions fs. Tell you, I prefer eo earn your hatred now Than tobe sofehearted and afterward rege it Met ‘This is noe the fre time, Creon, Often previously ‘Through being considered clever I have suffered soc A person of sene ght never to have his children Brought upto be mote clever chan the average For, apart fom cleverness bringing them no profit, Iewill make them objects of envy and il-wil le you pu new ideas before the eyes of fools They'll think you foolish and worthless nto the bargin ‘And if you are thought siperir to those who have Some repuatio for laring, you will come hated have some knowledge myself of how this heppens For being clever, I find that some will ny me, (Others objec to me. Yet all my elevernes Isngt so much Well, hen, ae you fightened, Creon, ‘That [should harm you? There tno need. I is not [My way to anges the authority of king. How have you injured me? You gave your daughter away “To the man you wanted. Oh, cetany 1h My husband, but you, I hit, ave ated wily Nor do I gradge it you hae your afr go wel, May the marriage be a lucky one! Only lee me Live in this and. For even though Ihave been wronged ‘will nor ease my voice, bus submit to my beers, eon ‘What you sy sounds gentle enough, Sil nay heare T greatly dead dat you ar plotting some ev And therefore I tuse you even les than before A shasp-tempered woman, o, for that mate, 3 man, 1s casiee co deal with than the clever type Who holds her congue. No. You must go. No need for more Speeches. The ching is fixed. By 9a manner of means Stall you, am enemy of mine, ay in my ecuntry. Medea beg you. By your Cree ‘Your words are wasted. You will never persuade me, <6. by your new-wedded gi Medea ‘Will you drive me out, ed give no heed to my prayen? Gro Til, for Hove my family mere chan you, Meee (© tay counmy! How biterly now [remember you! Crm oe my country too-—next fier my children, Medes (Oh what an evil zo mn is pasionste love! Cron “Thc would depead on te tock bat goes along with it Medes (© God, do not forget whois che ease ofthis! Cro Go, Iris no use. Spare me the pin of Forcing you. Medea {Tm spared no pai. Tack no panto be spared me, Cron ‘Then you'l be removed by force by one of my men Mee No, Creon, not da Bax do lien, Ibe. you. Cron ‘Woman, you sem to wane co creates disturbance Melee Twill go int exile. This ie wot whae Leg fr Cron ‘Why then this violence and clinging to my hand? Moles Allow me to remain here just for this one day, ‘Sol may consider where to live in my exile ‘And look fr suppor for my children, since their Ghee (Chooses to make no kind of provision forthe, Have pity on chemi Yos have eileen of your ov. Ieis natural for you to look kindly on them For myself do noe mind if go into exile Tei the childsen being in trouble that I mine oem “Theres nothing tyrannical about my natures And by showing mercy Ihave offen been te loc. Even now [know that fm making 2 mistake, All he same you shall have your il. Bur his Yel yo, ‘That ifthe light of heaven tomorrow salle yoo, ‘You and your cilten in the confines of may lad, You die. This word Ihave spoken it femly fixed But now, if you mas say, say fr thie day alone Forint you ex do none ofthe things ar (Exir Cream with bie tendons) hor (Ob, unfortunate one! Of, cruel ‘Where wil yu tam? Whe wil help you? ‘What house or what land to preserve you ‘rom can you find ‘Medes, god has thrown sufeing Upon you in waves of despair. Moles Things have gone badly every way. No doute of chat Bur not these things this 6, and don’ imagines, There are sill rials to come fo the new-wedded pit, And fe shir relations pai eat wil mesh something Do you tit that ¥enld ever have fawned on that man lest I had some end gun or profit ini? T would aot even have spoken or touched him with my hands Bur he has go to such a pitch of foolishness ‘Tt, though he cou have made vothing ofall my plans Dy exiling me, he hs given me his one day “To ay here, andi thi will make dnd Of ire of my ensmier fr, che gi, and MP stand ave many way of death wich Tigh sit hem, ‘Au donot kaow, eds, which ane 1 eae in hands ‘Whether eo ae fre sndemsth tie idl mason, Or darpen a ord and tht ir he hea, Stealing nto the place where the Bd s mde “Thee ue one obstacle hi IFT caught Breaking at the bound sheng agi Tal de, and give my enemies se fo gh. eis bes co goby the sage rnd the one in which Tam ox sled, and make away with them by pon. So bei thea. ‘And now suppose them desd. What toe wil recive me? What ed wil esse a efge in his had, Or he gurany of his hoe ad ave my own i ‘Tere one. So mst wale time ye ‘od ioe sre defense hold hen spent fore, Inca ad sence 1 wil wt abou this order Buty ite should deve me on wotout help, Ever hough death is cert wl tke che sword Myselfand il nd aendaly advan re Ieshall o% be swear by her, my mites, {Whom mort Ihonor and have choses pacer Hess, who dwell in the esses of my hese. Tha any man dal be gad wo bave injured me Riser wil mike seis marrage fr them atd moor Biter he allaace and he ding me oat of the land {, come, Medes, in Your pling and scheming eve nothing untied of ll thse sings which you know Go fora tothe deal ace. The ts Ins come For reoltion. You tes ovr you ae rested, Never Stal you be mocked by jos Corinthian wedding, Whos fer was oole, whe grander Helos. You have eh il. Whats more, you were bar woman, ‘Ad womes, thoogh mos elles in doing good deeds, ‘ic of every ev the devee of ontivrs ne iow backward to your sources, sated river sd let the worlds great order be reversed jhe thoughts of mr that are deceeil re pledges that ate lose. ory shall nw tara my condition eo a i one, Women ate psi their dae, No more shall evil-sounding fame be cers. cease now, you mass of the encene singer, Hoel the ale of my untithtines; For not onus did Phoebus, lord of nic, Bexow the ye’ divine Power, for otherwise I should have sang an answer To the other ses. Longtime Has much tell of us and much of them, You allel wvsy fom your fthers home, With» eaten fire you posed ‘The double rocks ofthe ses. And now in foreign country You hive ls your retina widowed bed, And are driven forth, a refugee Ia donor from the land. Good fh hs gone, and no nore remains In great Greece a sense of shame Icha flsem away tothe sky No fither’s house fora haven Isat hand for you nov, and another queen OF your bed as disposes you and Ismintess of your home. . (Exter Jzon, with sede) ‘This isnot the fis ocason that Ihave noted owe hopeles it vo del with a stubborn temper For, with reasomble sabmision to our ruler’ will, ‘Yoo might have lived ia tis Ind and kepe your home, As it is you are going 2 be exiled for your looe speaking. Not that Tmind myslé You ae feet cossinue Telling everyone hat Jon iss worthless man Bor ato your ak aboot the King, consider ‘Your mor icky that exe is your punishment. 1 fey par, ave says red to calm down “The anger ofthe king sod wished you to remain ‘But you will aot give up your lly, cottnslly Speaking il obi, aud 0 yo are going tbe bane Allee aime, and i spe of your conduct, I not desert My Gendy, bt have come wo make some provion Fr you, Sorat you ad the cies say not be peu (Orin ned of anything ine Cerny de brings any troubles with kA even IF you hate eI eannot hk bay of you Meier © coward in every ways what Teal you, “Wah cer reproach fr your bik of manlines, You have come, you my wort exemy, have come tome! Ieiaor an example of overcoufence Or of boldses thus ook your fends inthe fe, Friends you hve injored no, tthe wort ofall Homan dese, shameleames. But you did well To come, fo can speak ill of you ad igen My Beart and you wil sr whe you re ening ‘Afr 1 wl beg rm what happened Bs. Taved yout if, nd evry Grsk knows ved ‘Who wasa hipmate of your aboard th Argo, When you were en to contol he bulls tht breathed fre ‘And yoke them and when you would sve tit deadly Bld. ‘Alu that make, who enciled with ht many flde The Golden Fleece and guarded it and never lps, led, ado ge you the safey ofthe igh And I myself betayed my Ber a my bome, ‘And cate with yoo to Palin’ ld of lle. And then, salina. help than wisdom, Tale i, Pls wih» mow dread death ‘Athi wm dug hands, 08 tok ay your. Ths show I behvedo yon, you wretches, And you fovook te, tok ter bade wo be ‘Thovgh you hd chien; ita ad oe en, You would hve fad an ext fr apodher wedding Fash m your wort hs gene, amr el ‘Whether you thnk dhe gods whos ums you ste by hen Haye cued to rl and tha new saute ep, Sie You must know you fave bok your werd me O my sigh and andthe kes which yo fen caged In asppliaion hw snl Lae weed yeh bed ma, and how my hopes ve ad Ucar! Cone wl share my hogs hog you weres ad — You! Can ink hat you Wot ever eae wale Bot] wl doi and cee tions wl make you Appea the bce. Where tt to go? To my eer Hn I beayed and his nd when Tame dh yo To Pela wretched dagen? Whats fs wee They woald pep forne who mde eter Fee ths ny pointed by my Ende At home hate, nnd eo ade enemies (Of ates whom te wat once hated Ard how happy sziong Greck women you be made me (On your ie fr all thst A ditingused hud Uave~frbresing promis, Wha in ery Tom et ot of the ind sd goin eae, Quite withoe Enda also wih ay cen, Tat wil bea fe ne the new nee! poor Foch chlden to wander at gps and she ww ral im © God, you have gv o moras ue med Of lig th gold the pre rom he counters Why isthe no mark engved upon men's bode, By which we could now thew ene one i one? Ieisa srange form of anges, dificul o ete, ‘When two frends turn upon each other in hated 75+ Jes 2s for me, i seems 1 mus be no bad speaker. Bs, Hk a man who has good grip ofthe tle, Reef up bis sil and ao un avay from under ‘This mouthing tempest, woman, of your biter tongue, Since you insist on building vp your kindnes eo se, -My view i that Cypris wa lone responsible (Of men and gods for the preserving of my li ‘You are clever enough~burealy tweed pot eater Into the tory of how it was love's inescapable Power tha compelled you to keep my pecson af (On dis wil not go into too nach den. Ino fr a8 you belped me, yeu did well enough 2s on this gusion of sviag me Lon joo You have cersinly got fom me more tan you gave Fil iswead of tving among barbatians You inhabit a Grek land and undersand ovr ways How ta live by law ited ofthe sweet wil of Pace Andall che Greeks considered you a clever woman You were honored fri while if y00 mer living a ‘The ends ofthe cath, nobody would have beard sf you, For my pce, rather than stores of gold ia my hoxse Or power to sing even swester songs than Orphen, 1d choose the fe that made mea distinguished tsa ‘Taare is my reply to your xory of my bors Remember i was you who sarted the stgoment, ‘Next for your sack on my wedding with the princes Here wil prove chat, frst it was a clever move, Secondly, 4 wie ne, and, fay, hac made ie In your best itress and the cies. Plue keep calm, When | arcved here ow the nd of fleus Involved, Twas in every kind ofdifiuly, ‘What luckier chusce could Ihave come eros than his Aan ene to marry the daughter ofthe hing? Te was not~the pont that eems to upsee you--tha | ‘Grew tied of your hed at ee the need oF new bride: 276. with any wih out your numero eis, ave no seat. am qe cone ects ot mn certo we mire wh pa td of ayn View tS Ana's Bens ven tne sie bcos poe, How at tii tng en up wort Oty poston an. by odung mere ee Tobe boro ote woul de he is Topco snl i hpyy. You med no den Andi pesto do fd tose Thave ave By hing ory Doyo thnk hi od pla? You wo ite lve que fds pe ou Bar you women fave goin sacha sate of nd Tha if our ing god, yo ik you hve Evething bt hr Gere igs go wrong You wil onder your bet and toee rns oto wal ave ew er for men [Not ea have eised. Then ie would bave been yo. Chorus ‘Sill eink, eventhough ochers co not agree, You fave barayed your wife and ane seing tad, Nee Ser my ws Tien views Tom ters fr sik ot he ple eae ‘ee fin donee res pn Conte ni vngues power som ov He'ops at aking er eos rly Wie Asn your ca, Teo nec opto aks Of cee sake ae wed wl hy you et yon war tos cman you wold nthe mare 1h bck, bt doe th on And you, odoubs, would nef he pope, ‘To have gor thei dlr in some hee way, nd women Jason, thoogh you have made this speech of yours lock wel, PAC had told you of, you Who even now = Are incapable of controling your biter temper. Medes Te was not eat, No, you thought it was no respecable [Ar you got om in years eo have s foreign wie Jason Male ace ofthis: wat not because OF a woman made the royal allsnoe in which I now lve, But, a Lid before, I whe to presve you ‘And breed royal progeny tobe brothers To the children Ihave now, a sure defense to Medes Let me have no happy fortune tht brings gain witht, (Oc prospercy wick ie opeing ro the mind! Jeon Change your idess of what you want, and show more ene Do not coaser paint what is good for yoo, ‘Nes, when you are lucky think yourelf unforesnate Medea ‘You cau inule me, You have somewhere to turn to ‘But I shall go fom this land int exile, fends, son Te was what you chose yourself, Don't blame others fo ie Medes ‘hod bont did choose i? Did beray my bosband? Jaton ‘You called down wicked cuss on the kings fly Modes ‘Accu, tht is what [am become to your hous too. Jeon T do not propose to go ito all thers of i ‘But, if you wich forthe children o¢ for youre a8 in exile to have some of my money 1 help you, ey 50, foc Lam prepuce to give with open hand, (Ort provide you with ineoductios to my fiends ‘Who will treat you well You area fool if you de not Accept tis. Cease your anger and you will roi, 1 all never accepe the vor of ends of yours, Nor take a thing from you, so you need not offer it “There is no bene inthe gfe of bad man, Then, in any case, call he gods to withes that wish to help you and the children in every way, But you refise what is good for you. Obstinately ‘You posh away your fiends. You af sure to ser fo Go! No doubt you hunker for your virginal bride. And are guilty of lingering too long ost of hee hse. Enjoy your wedding, But perhaps—with the help of God-— You will make the kind of mariage that you will egret (Jato goes ou with is tenants) When love i in exces Ie brings a man no hover [Nor any wortines, Dar ifin moderation Cypee comes, “There is no other power a all 0 gracious, © goddes, never on let love the unering Stalk of your bow inthe poiton of desire Let my Beart be wise eis the gods’ best gif. (On me let mighty Cypeis Infict no wordy wars tenles anger ‘To urge my pasion toa diferent love. tas Moy may se guide women’s weddings, Phat peaceful in the bed Beier never my Tbe without you, ivng the hopeles lie, ‘aed to ass chrogh and psf Most piable ofl er desc fit lay me low ad death Free me from this daylight Fes ino sorrow above The los ofa native and. Thave seen it myself, Do not ell of secondhand story Nether city nor fiend Pied you when you sufered The worst of savings (Ole ha die wograced whose heart Will noc rewaed his fiends, {Who cannot open an hones mind No fiend wil he be of mine (Emer Aepus, hing of APs, a od nd of Medea.) Ages ‘Medes, greeting! This isthe bes imtrodueton (Of which men know for conversation berveen Gnd Medes Greeting to you too, Aeges Son of King Pandion Where have you come from to vise his countrys sll? Acgese T have jus Ie the ancient oracle of Phoebus Modes And why did you go to cat's prope comes? Aca I went co ingsite how children mighe be boen to me. sit so? Your li sill upto this pine is cides? "Yes By he Ste of same power we ave o ilren, des Have you wie, or there noe to hare your bed? seus Therein Yes, am pied so my wie in motringe cs fd outdid Phoebus my to you about children? gut ‘Words t0 wie fra mere mato gues thei meaning. Mees eis prope forme toe told the go's reply? Agent tei, For sore what i needed is cleverness Medes Then what was his mesage? Tell me, if way hea. Age Tam not 0 Jose the hanging foot ofthe wine-kin Mes ‘Until you have dove something, or reached some country? degen ‘Un ree aga to-my hear and hose Neder ‘Ad fr what purpose have you journeyed vo this tnd? Agent “There iss man cle Pithous, hing of Teen Medes ‘Aton of Plop, they ay, «mos righteous man soe Ages {With him 1 with eo discus the ely of the god, © Modes Yes. He i wise and experienced in such matters. Aegeat ‘And to me also the deaes ofall my spear-fiends Mele ‘Well, Thope you have good luck, and achieve your wil Aageus ‘But why this downcast eye of your, sd this pale chek? Mee (0 Acgeus, my husband ha been the wors of ll to me. Aegeas ‘What do you mean? Say clearly what has caused thi gre Moles ‘uson wrongs me, though Ihave never injred him, Aggeus ‘What has he dane? Tellme about i ia clearer werd Medes He hs taken 3 wife to his house, sepplanting me Aageus Surely he would not dare ro do a thing like dha. Medes Be ane be hat, Once dea, I now am slighted by him, Age Did he fill in love? Or is he ted of your lave? Med He was greatly in love this itor wo his Sends Aegees ‘Then lec him go, if ax you ay, he isso bad. she 7 My temper, sce weave hd mach lve toga have alked with ysl abou hia Vv Reproached my “Fool” Tai, "why am 9 mad?

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