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Plan of Improvement
Technology Plan of Improvement Final Reflection
Amy Armstrong
University of Oklahoma


In my technology Leadership class, we had to evaluate our sites technology
plan and then create a plan of improvement for the school. I created a plan for my
current school. Some of the changes suggested in the paper have been implemented
while others have not. After looking at some of the goals and motivation among
educators, I have found some alternative ways to make suggestions that will
possibly be more productive in changing technology integration in our building.
Most of the changes have to do with how to use extrinsic motivation to initiate
technology usage. Once more technology usage begins; the teachers will see the
value in it and start to feel more competent with the technology leading to even
more usage.

Reflection & Changes

My original plan of improvement suggested an evaluation system for
teachers and their technology use. Not many details were given for the evaluation
plan so now, there is a more of plan. Another concern with the evaluation plan is
teachers feel attacked when the word evaluation is spoken. Instead of evaluating
their technology use, an incentive program for technology should be created that the
teachers self-report. The tiered growth plan is modeled after an example found in
an Alaskan district (North Slope Borough School District). According to Ryan and
Deci, a program to provide extrinsic rewards for people that do not internalize the
need for more technology and lack enjoyment when using it could be beneficial
(2000). Until they begin using technology, they may not feel comfortable using it.
To initiate the change in technology usage, the tiered system will build on basic and
foundational skills. The skills will be scaffolded and based on a needs analysis (See
Appendix A for an example of the leveled steps). The items in the tiered system will
be completed in a check off list format that teachers can easily self-track and report.
They will have the freedom to choose the timeframe of when they complete the
tasks required for meeting the different tiered levels. We want to give teachers the
autonomy for doing it on their own rather than doing it when and how the next
teacher does it. This allows teachers to feel in control of their limited time
(Mezirow, 1997). As teachers become more comfortable and are using it in more
and more beneficial ways, they will see how it can benefit students, which will show
them value in why they should use technology. The value of using technology along
with the expectancy of the task is going to be more beneficial than us telling them
they should use technology (Wigfield & Eccles, 2000).

A huge portion of the school improvement plan was to provide professional
development for the teachers in mini lessons at the beginning of the faculty meeting.
Teachers have a variety of needs when it comes to implementing technology. A
short survey should be sent out to teachers so they can express what they actually

Technology Plan of Improvement

feel they need or would like training on. Based on the results of the survey,
technology leaders in the building should provide the professional development at
faculty meetings or during other times. If teachers have selected the topics, they
will be more apt to come and learn from them.

Northridge has implemented a technology class that is a part of the specials
rotation. Each student in the building comes for 55 minutes. A part of the
curriculum in the classroom is digital citizenship, which is something huge the
students need to learn. One of the main concerns of the school improvement plan
was that students were getting pictures in ways that were unethical. Students are
taught through the digital citizenship classes they need to not access pictures
without permission, but along with this digital training they also need to be shown
the appropriate ways to access pictures. Replacement behaviors and practices have
been modeled for the students and then time is given for students to practice those
behaviors. Websites like have been used for educational
purposes. Students have been taught how to use the website and had time to
practice on multiple occasions. Although is a safe website for
kids to use, every now and then inappropriate things come up. The students have
been taught how to handle and deal with accidently spam rather than solely keeping
them from those things. This is necessary because they could encounter it at home
without the security features provided by our district.


Overall the Site technology improvement plan is well written but there are a
few things that needed to be tweaked and changed to ensure technology usage
increases over the next couple of years. It is also important to make sure teachers
feel as though they have a say in what they are learning and find value it in, whether
the value is internal or because of external rewards. The motivation of teachers and
adult learners is one of the biggest things to be considered as technology integration
is expected among teachers.

Technology Plan of Improvement


Mezirow, J. (1997). Transformative Learning: Theory to Practice. In Transformative
Learning in Action. Jossey.
North Slope Borough School District. (n.d.). NSBSD's Teacher Technology
Competencies. Retrieved October 27, 2015, from NSBSD:
Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-Determination Theory and the Facilitation of
Intrinsic Motivation, Social Development, and Well-Beign. American
Psychologist , 55 (1), 68-78.
Wigfield, A., & Eccles, J. S. (2000). Expectancy-Value Theory of Achievement
Motivation. Contemporary Educational Psychology , 68-81.

Technology Plan of Improvement

Appendix A



Mastery Task(s)

Phase 1: Teacher collaboration and management

1. Email set up
iPad is setup to function in the classroom
2. Apps downloaded
as a resource, whether this be for the
teacher or students.
3. Find my iPhone is turned on
Teacher uses basic spreadsheet and word
1. Spreadsheets is created for
processing software: Microsoft, Apple,
and used to display student
2. Create a newsletter using
columns, bullets
1. Login to Google
2. Sign up to be a part of the
Use Google Drive to collaborate with
school Google Classroom
3. Create a document in Google
4. Share a document with a
1. Use to get
pictures. (use in Newsletter or
Access resources, such as pictures, in
other document)
ethical ways.
2. Use the licensed work in the
Google Image Search.
Phase 1 Complete: $5.00 iTunes gift card (Example)
Phase 2: Class Integration Level 1
1. Be able to explain the rules
Know the rules of copyrighting
2. Practice correct copyrighting
In centers
Lesson presentation tool
Implement technology into your daily
Small group instruction
instruction 2-3 times per week.
Student practice
(Be able to point out in class how and
why it is being used)
1. Well maintained website
2. Weekly/monthly newsletter
3. Emails
Teachers will communicate with parents
4. App allowing for
through technology.
communication (ie Bloomz,
Remind 101)

Phase 2 Complete: $10.00 iTunes gift card or Amazon gift card (Example)

Technology Plan of Improvement

Phase 3: Class Integration Level 2

1. Through an online platform,
(ie Google Classroom, or
Edmodo) teachers will push
Teacher will use an online platform to
documents and assignments to
manage assignments and communication
with students. This will also allow
2. Students will interact and
students to create a digital portfolio
submit homework via online
3. Work will be held their
providing digital portfolio

1. Teacher will create and use an
Teacher will create and use interactive
interactive lesson, book, or
activity for students to use as
Prezi, Nearpod, My Story, iMovie
they learn.
2. Share the activity in class

Teacher will provide opportunity for
1. Whether it is in a center, small
students to create using technology. (3
group, or whole group lesson
times per week)
the students will create to
Comic Life, iMovie, My Story, Keynote
show task mastery.
If teacher has access to 1:1, creation will
2. Student creations will be
be used more often
displayed and shared

Phase 3 Complete: A new piece of technology for the classroom, under $50
Phase 4: Troubleshooting

Teachers will be able to troubleshoot

small technology issues that occur in
their room.

Teachers will be able to help one another
troubleshoot before calling site Tech.

Phase 4 Complete: A new piece of technology for the classroom, under $75

More specifics will come with each section for teacher guidance and direction. Most
of the document is more general for two reasons:
1. Teachers need to have the choice of what specific technology they use
2. New apps and programs will come along, if this isnt specific, it will be sustainable

Based on budgets, extrinsic motivators might be changed.

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