Annotated Bibs

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Boaler, J. (2003).

When learning no longer matters: Standardized testing

and the creation of inequality. Phi Delta Kappan, 84(7), 502-506.
This article supports my belief on how standardized tests target certain
ethnic groups and low income students. In this article Boaler gives an
example of inequality within the school system. Railside High is a low
income school in California, that was known for its high mathematic, but
when it came to the SATs students felt confused and discouraged. This
article explores the idea that standardized tests purposely use high
vocabulary in order to manipulate the scores. Boaler gives evidence that
the problems in Railside High is true, this article offers the audience
with an interview with a student from the high school, this gives this
article credibility. The topic being discussed in this article is exactly
what I want to bring attention to in my paper. I am going to provide the
information within this article as an example of how stardardized testing
needs to be changed.
Camara, W. J., & Schmidt, A. E. (1999). Group differences in
standardized testing and social stratication. College Entrance
Examination Board.
This article explores the idea that standardized tests are discriminating
against minorities. The authors gives information on this topic by
providing graphs and tables that support the authors point. The article
gives the audience an idea of how discrimination is prevalent throughout
a majority of standardized tests. This article is set up into different
section which are: Group Differences in Standardized Tests, Group
Differences in High School and College Grades and Academic
Preparation, College Access and Graduation, Family Income, Wealth,
Education, and Circumstances. These sections have subsections which
give more detailed information about each topic. This article is a really
well organized piece of work that will provide examples and information
for my paper on standardized testing.

Good. C., Aronson, J., & Inzlicht, M. (2003). Improving adolescents

standardized tests performance: An intervention to reduce the
effects of stereotype threat. Journal of Applied Developmental
Psychology, 24(6), 645-662
This article provides information on racial, gender, and stereotypes due
to standardized tests. Good, Aronson, and Inzlicht offer information
about the way standardized test contribute to social issues. The article
has sections on minorities, females, stereotypes, transition to junior high
school, addressing attributions. Not only does this article talk about the
problems within standardized testing, but it also talks about ways to
improve them, it also provides statistical information. The way that the
authors set up this article gives the audience a really detailed
understanding of the affects of standardized testing on a certain group of
people. The way this article presents its information helps me as a writer
and as a researcher, I will use this article to provide information about
standardized testing with my research paper.
Herman, L. J., & Golan, S. (1990). Effects of standardized testing on
teachers and learning- -another look.
This article shows how teachers are being effected by standardized
testing. Herman and Golan explore the idea of how teachers arent being
allowed to teach the way the way they want/are supposed to. The fact
that standardized test are so important in todays society puts a lot of
pressure on a teacher. The way the article approaches the topic is very
affective, because it takes a different look on standardized testing, a
topic that usually focuses on the students, the fact that this article does
this helps me provide diversity within my research paper, it also allows
me to provide examples.
Kohn, A. (2001). Standardized testing and its victims. Education week,
V20, 04, 60, 46-47.

This article focuses solely on students and the way standardized testing
affects them. In this article it provides eight detailed facts about how
standardized testing is unhealthy for students, it also provides an
argument that a person would say if they were against standardized
testing and gives background towards why these arguments are invalid.
The way Kohn talks about standardized testing is very passionate. Kohn
sets up this article in a very neat way, it is effective yet simple and
straight to the point. The fact that this article only focuses on students
will allow me to talk types of students, not just those of minority, it will
also allow me to create a non-bias approach when it comes to gender.

Ladson-Billings, G. (2006). From the achievement gap to the education

debt: Understanding achievement in US schools. Educational
researchers, 35(7), 3-12.

This article provides information on how the US whether or not a

student is prepared. Ladson-Billings talks about how the US is more
focused on money than a students education. The way the article is set
up gives background information to a person who does not know much
about standardized testing, it also goes in great depth about why we (US)
needs to fix the issues we have with standardized testing. Since this
articles gives a lot of information on the US and the role its play within
standardized testing, it would be a great article to incorporate into my
research paper to add logic and ideas.
Perron, V. (1991). On standardized testing. Childhood Education, 67(3),
In this articles standardized testing is being critiqued and dissected by
Perron. This article is divided into three big section which are: On

Standardized Testing. Eric Digest, Some Hard Questions About

Standardized Testing, and The Tests and Their Uses. In the section On
Standardized Testing the reader is given a brief background about the
article history, then it goes on to talking about how testing has grown
into todays society. In Some Hard Questions About Standardized
Testing Perron goes on to question the people who make the tests,
wondering what the peoples intentions and motives are. In The Tests
and Their Uses section Perron focuses on how the students perceive the
test. Perron has inspired me to focus on dissecting and questioning
standardized tests.

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