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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Grade Level/Subject:
Central Focus: Summarizing
4 Grade Literacy
Essential Standard/Common Core Objective:
Date submitted:
Review the key ideas expressed and explain their own ideas
and understanding in light of the discussion.
Daily Lesson Objective: Students will able to independently write a summary from the article
Cherokee Tribe Housing and Food with 80 percent accuracy.
21st Century Skills:
Academic Language Demand (Language Function and
Creativity- Students will come up
with their own summary for the
Students will be reading, writing, listening, and speaking to
demonstrate their understanding of summarizing and
finding the main points of a text.
Prior Knowledge: Students should know what a summary is and be able to retell parts of the
1. Focus and Review
2. Statement of
for Student
3. Teacher Input

Description of Activities and Setting

Boys and Girls do you remember last week we went over
what to look for when writing a summary? Today we are going
to use that to write our own summaries.
Today we are going to review strategy that will help us tell
someone what is going on in a story we are reading. This
strategy is called summarizing. We will be using the main
points from an article to write a summary.
Today we will be learning how to write a summary. A
summary is a brief statement or account of the main points of
something. Can anyone tell me the 5 key things we look for
when we write a summary? (Somethings/someone,
purpose/wanted, but, then, and so) I want everyone to trace
their hand on their paper (I will trace my hand on the board).
Everyone point to your pinky on the piece of paper you traced
your hand on, I want you to write somethings/someone on
that finger. Now move to your ring finger and write
purpose/wanted. Next, go to your middle finger and write
the word but. After that, go to your index finger and write
the word then. Lastly, go to your thumb and write the word
so. I am going to display a passage from If you Lived with
the Cherokee, What Jobs Did You Do? By: Peter and Connie
Roop on the doc camera. I will read the story aloud. After, I
am finished reading the passage I am going to demonstrate
how I would write a summary. Make sure you are paying close
attention. (reads passage) The first thing I am looking for
is the somethings/someone. I think something/someone




4. Guided Practice

should be All family members were given job. I will write

that between my pinky and ring finger. Now we need the
purpose/wanted. I think the purpose/wanted would be The
jobs helped you become leaders. I will write that in between
my ring and middle finger. Next, we have the but. I think that
the but should be some family members become family
leadersI will write that in between my middle and index
finger. Next, we need the then. I think the then should be
some became warriors. I will write that in between my index
finger and thumb. The last part is the so. I think the so
should be every persons job helped their family. I will write
that under the thumb. Now I am going to put all five parts
together to form my summary. This is how it reads, All family
members were given jobs. The jobs helped you become
leaders. Some family members became family leaders and
some become warriors. Every persons job helped their
This time we are going to write a summary together. First, I
am going to be aloud Its the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown By
Charles M. Schulz. After I am finished reading the book, we
will write our summary. (reads book) On the board I have
written the 5 key things we look for we when write a
summary. (Somethings/someone, purpose/wanted, but, then
and so) Can anyone tell me what the something/ someone is?
(Linus) very good. In between, my pinky and ring finger I am
going to write Linus. Can anyone tell me what the purpose or
what he wanted? (he wanted to see the Great Pumpkin) I am
going to write he wanted to see the great pumpkin between
my ring and middle finger. Can anyone tell me the but?
(None of his friends believe that the Great Pumpkin is real) I
will write that between the middle and index finger. Can
anyone tell me what we would write for the then? (Linus talks
Sally into going with to see the Great Pumpkin) I am going to
write that between my index and thumb. Finally, can
someone tell me what to put for the so? ( on Halloween Linus
and Sally went to the pumpkin patch to wait to see the Great
Pumpkin) Now we are going to put the five parts together to
form our summary. This is how the summary will read like this
Linus wanted to see the Great Pumpkin but none of his

friends believed the Great pumpkin was real. Then Linus

talks Sally into going with to see the Great Pumpkin with
him. So on Halloween Linus and Sally went to the
pumpkin patched to wait to see the Great Pumpkin.


5. Independent

6. Assessment
Methods of

7. Closure

Now it is your turn to write your own summaries. I will give

each student a copy of an article called the Cherokee Tribe
Housing and Food and a blank sheet of notebook paper. The
15students are to independently read the first section of the
article and write a summary of the article. Each student will
need to have a something, purpose, but, then, and so in their
The independent practice will be the assessment for this lesson. The
students will read the article Cherokee Tribe Housing and Food
independently and write their own summary. Students will need to have
5 points/events (somethings/someone, purpose/wanted, but, then and
so) included in their summary. Students whos summaries are short and
include 3 or more of the points/events (80%) will have met the objective,
students who include less than 3 points/events will not have met the
I will end the lesson by asking several students to share their
summary. I will also ask the students What a summary is?
How do we create a summary? and Why is summarizing
All of the students met the objective with 80% accuracy.

8. Assessment
Results of
Targeted Students
I will paraphrase the passage to fit student
who are below grade level in reading.

Student/Small Group
While students are working on the assignment, I
will walk around making sure everyone
understands. If there are students who are
struggling, I will plan a small group lesson to
explain further. If the majority of the class does
not understand, I will model summarizing again
while asking clarifying questions.

(Include any instructional materials (e.g., worksheets, assessments PowerPoint/Smart Board slides, etc.) needed to implement the lesson at
the end of the lesson plan.)

-Its the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown By: Charles M. Schulz

-If you Lived with the Cherokee By: Peter and Connie Roop
-1 sheet of notebook paper for each student
-1 Cherokee Tribe Housing and Food for each student
Reflection on lesson:

My reading lesson was the first lesson I taught during my clinical experience.
I was extremely nervous this was my first time being in front of this group of
students, I wanted to start on a positive note. Overall, I was happy with how the
lesson went. My cooperating teacher asked me to teach summarizing. The day
before teaching my lesson, I talked to my cooperating teacher about how nervous I
was. Doing D block she allowed me to teach a small group lesson on summarizing
to help prepare me for the next day. For the guided practice, I decided to do a read
aloud and together we would write a summary for the story. I was having a hard
time choosing between two books. The day before I taught I had the students vote
on which book they would rather hear. The students appreciated me asking for
their help. I took the book home to become familiar with the text and to practice
reading with expression. I had the students join me on the carpet for the read
aloud. The students were great. The students stayed focused and gave me their
undivided attention. For the independent practice, I gave each student a copy of a
passage. Finding a passage was difficult. I had to make sure the passage was
appropriate for all reading levels. The students did a wonderful job on summarizing
the passage. I was pleases with have smooth the lesson went.

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