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This is a partial transcript of two videos taken by Mary Anne Grady Flores from the end of the presentation by Bassem Tamimi on September 18th. quotes (with some times of video) video of girl speaking: give a chance like we want to be free, like all the children, we want our freedom (at 1:07) we don't lke to killed, we don't to killed, Israel Kill us, killed gaza, killed palestinians, and we don't like they to killed us if they want to be here in palestine, we can give them... to like get to to build the houses, and they come in, but they can't kill us, they can't be terrorists, we don't like them to be terrorists. announcer speaking in another language next video: Brooke speaking: The other world, the rest of the world can't really experience it, and they can also hide what's going, so they can keep it underwraps but if they film it then we can all see it So this is true, we can see what's happening. student: | think tsrae! is wrong to think that mumbled... they already have people have to live, we need world peace Ariel: You guys are studying the universal declaration of rights of the child and that's from the united nations ? Brooke- yes Ariel the united nations makes laws, around what people can do, what countries can do and many times Israel violates these laws. and that is what we are working for that is what Bassam is working for, for international law. Student: is this still happening right now? Brooke- in palestine this is happening right now, yes Student: We are all talking about this, | do not to see another video, what lam going to do is get out there Brooke: this is current events, this is happening right now, those are real kids BT: One beautiful day we were having a demonstration, they came to the village and destroyed the flag, the palestinian flag ,and the building, adult off camera: Oh, they burned it? student: If people want to do something... other people j tf you want to play a sport BT: we struggle to have ... (unclear) student: When I grow up 1am going to go to Palestine and protest... BT: welcome, welcome, filmer: (emphatic) thank you. BT: [hope that it will be before you are, are .. filmer:... big! “43:40: BT: we need you to come to bring and to come to make, make schoot (unclear?) 3:43 Filmer: asks about dancing with BTs daughter discusses palestinian dancing Brooke: so you bonded through dancing. You bonded through sports, they bonded through dance Student: unclear Srccke: student: ff someone was attacking um, if you see something bad happening you can say Qa mE Adult off camera: We couldn't hear this. Student: man, ar vido (> — student: unclear words Brooke: So she is saying that itis not fair that they are more powerful, and they should be able to defend themselves but they are more powerful because they have guns BT: Yes, Suet 1 GR § they 2112 you, you shouldn't just run, run out of the building Build a wall like them. use your resources against them. That's what's going to help. If you just run, that is just going to make it even worser. Because they know that you are scared. How is that going to help?You'te just scared. ff you have resources then you can make like a wall. That's what you can do. Student: | have a question, do you think, are you going to blow up the wall? Brooke: shaking head, No, Videographer: No, Let Basam answer BT: We.we.we struggling, we are scared, we grow our children, our children is our resources Our children is our future, our children who will fight and live to love everybody and to live in peace and (o bring freedom for themselves to every child in the world. So we can't use resources to build walls because they control everything, The israelis controlling the resources. Student: they have all the resources. BT: The have the authority. Student: You can't build anything because. Avie: Basam is saying that the palestinian resources are the children and their other resources are the cameras and taking videos. Videographer: and the truth is the resource because if everybody was building walls then we'd all be separated by walls, and that's not how human beings want to live, we want to be together like inthis classroom with no walls between us Student: But if we do this are we gonna stop Israel? Videographer: with the truth if we come into this class and we share and then everybody gets to know the story, and then we say we don't want this, Brooke: What happens is, we learn about them we come together, we dance together we get all the same we all deserve the right to live in peace, we all deserve the right to see that we see our families, so little by little build bonds, connections we begin saying we are just the same then you become friend BT: The world that we would like to build to protect ourselves is your solidarity. You're important, what you can do for are... you defend us. You can do a lot for... for... and be... you can be freedom fighters for Palestine. You can bring peace and by peace, protect ourselves and to protect the future for our children,

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