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Competency 4

Caitlyn Simkin

Competency #4
Engage diversity and difference in practice

Recognize the extent to which a cultures structures and values
may oppress, marginalize, alienate, or create or enhance privilege
and power
As social workers, we are supposed to empower our clients and
view our clients from a systems perspective
Example: In our agency, many of our clients are survivors of
domestic violence. They are oppressed by their partner and we try
to enhance their environment by helping them with what resources
we can give them

Gain sufficient self-awareness to eliminate the influence of personal
biases and values in working with diverse groups
Social workers should be non-judgmental and have a level of
empathy when dealing with diverse groups of people
Example: There have been times are the agency, I have
encountered some interesting people. I may not always understand
their lifestyle but I try to show empathy and put my personal views

Recognize and communicate their understanding of importance of
difference in shaping life experiences
Example: Make the client feel affirmed when you are listening to
their story about their experience with DV

View themselves as learners and engage those with whom they
work as informants
Example: Interacting with participants in WAVE classes

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