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The Relationship Between Elements

In simple terms.
Fire Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
Earth Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
Air Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Water Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Air + Fire = Air is intrigued with Fire, and they in turn fan the flames to
create more Fire. Ie; they provide motivation and inspiration. Too much air
though, fire is extinguish. Air does not need Fire.
Water + Earth = Water is soothing to Earth, and nourishes it. Earth paves
the way for Water. Beware of Water being too clingy and dependentthey
will drown the Earth.
Fire + Earth = They need each other, they can also destroy each other. Fire
can scorch the Earth, but can give them much needed warmth/sparks. Earth
can put out Fire, but makes sure they dont self-destruct in a blazing inferno.
Air + Water = Air and Water is always in union. Like H20. They naturally
work well together, but sometimes they blend together so effortlesslythat
it could get boring. But that doesnt mean there arent problems. Water is
always grounded, while Air travels freely. Like when it rains, Water falls to the
ground. There is always a chance Water may be left behind.
Earth + Air = Air does nothing to Earth. Their presence do not affect them.
Earth may slow Air down, but thats basically it. However, they are still the
ground and sky. Heaven and Earth. They are total opposites, sometimes they
would attract, but other times it would end in disaster.
Fire + Water = Fire overwhelms Water, and vice versa. Water takes out
Fire, Fire turns Water to steam. The only way this relationship would work is if
there is moderation. They would clash, but like Earth and Air, have a chance
to work. Like Yin and Yang.)

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