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Pearson Custom Education

ECED 1003: Emotional Development and Early Relationships

Chapter 3: A Teachers Role in Guiding Children
Journal #3
Prepared by: Janet Foster

Name: Kayla Grimoldby

Group: 2

Due Date: November 10th, 2015

Grade: 15%

1. Styles of Caregiving:
Think of two adults you know well, who have had a role in
guiding your development and behaviour as a child or young
teenager (parent, teacher, relative, etc...). Showing two
different styles, answer the following for each style:

Label the caregiving style

Describe the type of discipline used, provide example/s
Discuss the type of responsiveness & demandingness,
provide example/s
Discuss the communication style, provide example/s
Discuss the guidance/discipline strategies that were
used, provide example/s
Discuss the effect it had on you.
My father. The caregiving style he used was
Discipline: He would make my siblings and I face the
wall with our hands above our head for hours and if we
move an inch we got smacked. He would emotionally
abuse us or physically abuse us: for example when I ran
away from home, I had to go to the hospital for suicide
reason. When I returned home my dad slammed the
door on CAS and dragged me up the stairs and threw
me on my bed, which was an air mattress. When I was
14 years old my dad choked me until I turned blue in
the face all because he got mad for no reason.
Responsiveness & Demandingness: My father never
cared how he made us feel or what we had to say. On
Saturdays we had chores to do and if the bathroom
wasnt spotless we had to redo it again until he
Communication style: He would always yell and
swear at us. He would tell my brothers not to cry.
Guidance/discipline: I was never aloud to have
friends or go out. It was school and home. I was
grounded all the time and when I spoke my mind I got
hit or told youre just like your mother.
How it affected me: It affected my self-worth & selfesteem. I have anxiety attacks when people start
yelling and made me think all males are the same.

Went threw major depression. Was angry all the time

and didnt know how to express my emotions.
Kendra (Counsellor) The caregiving style she used was
Discipline: Every Thursday I saw Kendra to talk to her
about what was on mind. She would help me find ways
to deal with anxiety in a healthy positive way.
Responsiveness & Demandingness: Kendra was
very understanding and supportive of me and helped
me become a better person. She always gave the best
advice and helped me create a coping box, and told me
to use when I felt anxious.
Communication style: Kendra was an easy person for
me to talk to about my past and she was always honest
with me about what I told her.
Guidance/discipline: Kendra always did her best to
help me find a solution to my whatever my problem
was and when she thought I wasnt making the right
choice she would remind me on what my goals were.
How it affected me: Kendra made me feel good about
myself and always knew I was a good, caring, and
smart person. Because of her I over came a lot of stuff
and learned how to not let my past affect how I lived
my life.

2. Answer the following:

Adults influence children through. . .
Modeling Describe how you would use modeling to teach
children how to wash their hands. I would show the child
first and than watch the child do it by itself.
Instruction and practice. How can you use instruction and
practice with first graders to teach the rule about one child
at a time on a slide? I would ask the children how many of
you want to go on the slide and than tell them to stand by
the slide. I would tell them that only one child could go
down the slide because if two or more go down, it can be
unsafe. I would tell them that once they went down the
slide go wait by the slide and go again. I would encourage
them to wait patiently to go down the slide.
Feedback. Give an example of positive conditional feedback that
you could use when a child does wait his turn at the slide? I
would tell the children thank you for waiting your turn to go
down the slide and for listening to my instructions carefully.
(Management of the) physical environment. What would be
a good way to manage the slide so that only one child at a
time can use the slide? I would establish a routine for the
children on how to use the slide safely.

Expectations. State a guideline or limit that would help children

learn about one child at a time on the slide. I would tell the
children that they have to go one at a time, so that they
can have fun while being safe.

Encouraging children to modify attitudes and

understanding. Go beyond just telling John to use his
words when he is angry. Help him understand why it is so
important to use those words. What would you say to help
him understand this? I would tell John that it is important to
use your words because thats how other people are to
know why your angry.

3. Discuss two main points from this chapter that stood out to
you, and explain
why this is important to know as a
future ECE. (Reference page number)
One thing that stood out for me was learning about the different
parenting styles.
After reading about the different parenting styles I learned I was
permissive by choice.
An example from the textbook is They make few demands for
mature behavior, such as showing good manners or carrying out
tasks. (Marion, M.C. (2015). Feelings and Friends: Emotional and
Social Competence. In Pearson Custom Education Editor, ECED
1003: Emotional Development and Early Relations (78). Boston,
MA: Pearson.)
The other thing that stood out for was reading about the basic
processes adults use to influence children.
I didnt know that there was a process in which adults use to help
influence children.
In the textbook they talk about MIFPEC which stands for
Modeling (M) Instruction and practice (I) Feedback (F)
(Management of the) physically environment (P) Expectations (E)

Change (help the child change understanding and attitude (C).

(Marion, M.C. (2015). Feelings and Friends: Emotional and Social
Competence. In Pearson Custom Education Editor, ECED 1003:
Emotional Development and Early Relations (80). Boston, MA:

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