ST Forum Published Article On 4 Nov 2015

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National Council of Churches of Singapore N area Rr Plat rman Date: 4 November 2015 RE: NCCS Reply to ST Forum We thank Mr Lu Fook Thim (Develop framework to eu misuse of church funds, ST 21 (October 2015) for his feedback I affords us an epportunty to clanfy the rola of NCCS ‘and adaress his concems. NCCS is a voluntary fetowship of churches, ence it does not have execute authorty ‘over is members. Churches may witraw from membership at any te, ‘The main role of NCCS is to facitate good working relationships among Protestant churches in ther mission and ministy, 1 consolidate Christan views and responses to ‘major issues in the public square, to encourage member churches in ther social and ‘atonal responsibites and to contribute to ntereigious harmony. NCCS has no juredicion over the govemance or workings of hdvidual churches, @ Point acknowledged by the writer There are legal Frameworks already in existence in cut Ssociely that empower appropriate agencies to step in when there are perceived wrongdoings. In the light of the Cty Harvest case, we have emphasized to our member churches the care and attention that most be given fo sound governance, Where there le reason for squat, we encourage members of churches to raise Issues of concern within thet own ‘communities frst and to uslze their intemal provisions for sound govemance and Corrective actions, if there ae possible minal mplcations, then itis vaio repor the rater to the relevant State authori, INCCS wit do its best in an advisory eapacty and facitating role for member churches, and wil cantrue 1 seek and promate he welfare of ou ety nation. Rev Dr Ngoe! Foeng Nghian General Secret National Council of Churches of Singapore "feng memes Oot Baby. Crs Ge tt ‘Nebo

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