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You have a meeting with your line manager at 10am, but you

cannot make it.

Write him/ her an email. In the email tell him/ her:
Why you are writing

cancel meeting

Why you cannot make the meeting

son sick
hospital appointment
Apologize for the inconvenience
Suggest another day time
tomorrow at
Task: 1) Make a plan for what you want to write
2) Write the email
Start your email
Sample email answer:
Dear Ahmed,
I am writing to you because I cannot make our meeting at 10am
today. This is because I have to take my son to hospital as he is
feeling sick. I apologise for the inconvenience. Can I suggest
tomorrow at 3pm, if you are free?
I look forward to hearing from you,
Kind regards,

(57 words)
You have arranged a meeting with a Mr. Edward Jones, a
colleague who is visiting from the UK.
Write an email to him: Confirm
His time of arrival what time in Abu Dhabi
Where he will stay and for how long
The date time and location of the meeting
Wednesday 10am
The main items on the agenda
your work for

3 nights,


Dear Edward,
Best wishes,


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