Graphic Organizer Assignment

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Graphic Organizer Assignment

1. Open up a program which will allow you to create a table (i.e. Microsoft Word,
Microsoft Excel, etc.). Title this assignment Women in the United States.
2. Create a 3 column, 2 row table.
a. Label the first row of columns from left to right as follows: Questions, Prior
to Entrance in WWII, After Entrance in WWII.
3. Use the following websites to learn about women during WWII:
a. Website 1
b. Website 2
c. Website 3
d. Website 4
e. Website 5
f. Website 6
4. After you have gone through the websites, come up with a minimum of six (6)
questions which pertain to women.
a. These questions will go under the column labeled Questions.
b. There must be two answers for these questions which must go under their
respective columns; either Prior to Entrance in WWII or After Entrance
in WWII.
5. This assignment will help you to learn and understand the vital importance of
women during WWII
6. You will have two (2) class periods to complete this graphic organizer


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