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English 10

Name: Yonlada Nawilaijaroen (Mai)

Teacher: Mr. Abel M. Cadias

Class: 10-04
Threads of Love

As the car heads towards the airport, he looks at the two sideways along the street that passes
by swiftly. Long and curved ways are presented in front of the cars window. The trees with reddishpink flowers that blossom from each branch are thriving besides the street. He pushes the button
to lower the cars window down. Then, he stretches his face while his right arm outside the window.
His sunburned face blends with bright-red on his cheeks. Everyone can be fascinated by his sweet
eyes. He is very tall, skinny and leggy that his legs tip the back of drivers seat. He focuses his
attention in arriving at Suvarnabhumi airport as he cogitates what he has done earlier this morning.
The sun was so bright that it lightened the entire sky. It was a delightful day. The birds were
dancing and singing melodiously. They all seemed to be abundantly mirthful. A variety of colorful
flowers bloomed beneath the trees and attracted lots of butterflies that passed through the air with
their wings. The 80-year old pavilion, made from hardwood, stood there beside the flower garden.
Looking beyond that, was a charming sermon hall in a monastery where the villagers and monks
came to perform religious ceremonies. The monks dwellings were located opposite side of the
sermon hall. All the monks stayed and rested inside their quarters at that time. Except one monk
who was exceedingly respectful and honorable, named Luang Pee1 Tien. He deliberately
meditated alone in the archaic pavilion.
As the villagers came to make merit as they did almost every morning, there was a young
woman who was around 20 years old. She had a slender body and her graceful appearance like
one of the Thai superstars named Chompoo Araya. Her skin, all along her body from head to toe,
was naturally soft-white, combining with her pink-paled lip. She was extremely gorgeous. Lung Pee
Tien gazed at her enchanted eyes thoughtfully and meaningfully. He recognized that this delightful
woman never came here before. Anyway, why he was impress with her. He pondered with himself
heedfully and said, What is happening to me? Why do I wish to keep an eye on her?
Suddenly, a woman ambled towards Luang Pee Tien peacefully, where he was sitting alone
with his legs cross in a silent pavilion. She paid respect to the monk by putting two hands together
in the middle of her chest and bending down her head. Surprisingly, Luang Pee Tien Wai back. The
woman, with a beam on her face, said gently, Na-mas-sa-karn ka, Luang Pee Tien. It meant
Hello in a courteous way but could only be said to monks. Thai people would never say this
greeting to a common person. The honorable monk said to the woman, Cha-Roen-Porn, Yoam.
Buddhist monks regularly spoke this form of response when they talked to folks, which means
yes or well.
The woman gave an offering dedicated to Buddhist monk. Luang Pee Tien grabbed an orange
fabric to base things when he received from women which were traditional commandments for
monks to behave. Buddhist monks couldnt be able to receive things directly from women. Then,
he prayed and blessed her like typical monks do.
What is your name? Luang Pee Tien curiously interrogated.
My name is Petchpailin. You can call me Pailin, The woman responded.
Luang Pee Tien asked Pailin doubtfully again, Why have I never seen you before?
She answered, I just got here three days ago. I came back from Phuket2 .
Oh! I see, he replied.
Pailin sprinted unhurriedly away from the temple, heading back to her house. Luang Pee Tien
still followed her with his eyes until he couldnt notice her distinctly.

Luang Pee - normal monks are usually called "Luang Pee. It means venerable brother.

Phuket - Southern province in Thailand.


English 10
Name: Yonlada Nawilaijaroen (Mai)

Teacher: Mr. Abel M. Cadias

Class: 10-04

She is an utterly interesting woman. I want to look after her, be a supporter for her, he
grumbled to himself.
No! I dont fancy her at all but there is something about her. What makes me to be so
interested with her? I never have this feeling and thought before, he argued.
But shes really attractive. I am concerned about her. I can feel a connection, he was talking
nonsense repeatedly.
Stop this stupid thought! Just stay calm, he tried to think properly.
But I cant stop thinking about her. I prefer to be with her forever, he made his hindmost
decision of leaving the Buddhist monkhood and walked out from the temple. It was the strangest
thing for him to do.
Tien started to search for where that woman stayed in. There were twenty-five houses in the
village. Each of them settled very far away from others but didnt not matter to him. He tried to seek
out from the entrance of the village up to the dead end. He finally found the house with a name tag
in front of the door.
Not long after that, the next door neighbor walked out and asked, Do you have anything to talk
with Ms. Pailin? She just got out of here one hour ago.
Tien stood there silently and speechless. His soul came out of his body. He questioned the
neighbor hopefully, Where did she go?
Phuket," the neighbor replied. She is going to study there for 3 years with her mother," she
added. The man immediately ran away from that village without any saying goodbye to the
neighbor and quickly grabbed a taxi.
Tien sees plenty of people walking hastily. The foreigners appear wherever in the airdrome. He
hears numerous of languages which make him severely confuses. Although, Tien is interrupted by
the surrounding disturbances, he just concentrates on finding his beloved. He leaps into a crowd of
people and hopes for meeting her. Finally, he luckily finds her. Pailin is with her mother who is
standing beside her. Tien astonishingly stares at her mother and abruptly realizes that Pailins
mother is his old girlfriend. He startles and stunts like the world stops turning around for a while.
The mother decides to have a talk privately with him.
They gaze into each other eyes for a moment then the mother starts to scold, Why are you
here? What the hell that makes me see you again! You knew well that I was pregnant, but you still
insisted on breaking up with me. What is your heart made of? Why are you so wicked? I was so
grieved.You know? a vile man The mother hasnt finished her speech yet, Tien instantaneously
hugs Pailin into his embrace mercifully as a father who loves his daughter so much. Pailin stilly
stands there, fulfills with doubtfulness. Her mother is so irate. She quickly grabs her daughters
hand and finally walks away


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