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Je m’appelle ………………………………………

Date due ……………………………………………

Target Level ……………………………………

A well known clothing company has asked you to design a website so they can start
to sell their clothes online and reach a wider audience. The first thing you need to do is
choose the company you’re going to design for – it can be an existing one like
Topshop, or you can create you own. You can choose any type of clothing, eg.
Young fashion, football kits, wedding dresses, ski wear, fancy dress, baby
clothes etc
In your project, you should aim to include:
An introduction to your company saying what kind of clothes they sell
Labelled drawings of some of the clothes you sell
Prices and short descriptions of each item (opinions!)
An order form in French so your customers can order what they need
A short paragraph saying what you are going to buy from the website and why

Level 2  I can copy words to name five items of clothing

 I can give prices for each item in Euros
Level 3  I can label at least eight items of clothing
 I can present my website in an attractive way
 I can use connectives in my writing
Level 4  I can design and label at least ten items of clothing
 I can describe each item: colour, size and opinions using the correct
adjectival agreements
 I can produce an order form using words I have found in a dictionary
Level 5  I can design and label at least twelve items of clothing
 I can write a short paragraph about each one
 I can use the future tense to describe what I’m going to buy
Level 6  I can describe twelve items using sophisticated and persuasive language
 I can present my website in a convincing way by correctly using ICT
vocab that I have looked up (eg. Back/add to basket etc)
 I can combine the future and past tenses in opinions from imaginary
J’adore les vêtements de Top Shop
parce qu’ils sont chics et pas chèrs. Le
weekend dernier j’ai acheté une jupe
verte pour ma fille et la semaine
prochaine c’est l’anniversaire de ma sœur
donc je vais acheter un pantalon blanc et
un t-shirt rose pour elle comme cadeau.

Madame Le Blanc, Toulouse.

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