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PSI Practicum Goals

Name: Austin Davenport (001127069)

Dates: November 16 December 16, 2015

Grade Level: 6

Goal: To improve my classroom leadership/management. More specifically, I would

like to improve my ability to take charge of classroom activities, and responding to
inappropriate behaviours promptly, firmly and consistently.


I believe that maintaining a health classroom climate (or classroom

management) is the first step in establishing an effective lesson. If the students do not
see the teacher as being in a position of leadership, then it will be difficult to gain their
cooperation. Being able to appropriately respond to inappropriate behaviour goes handin-hand with leadership.
It is important for students to feel comfortable and be allowed to express themselves in
my classroom, but not at the expense of my desired classroom climate.
This goal relates to KSAs:
1. How contextual variable affect teaching and learning
7. Students need for physical, social, cultural and psychological security
8. Importance of responding to students human dignity
16. The importance of guiding your actions with a personal, overall vision of the
purpose of teaching

1. Build meaningful
relationships with
students early in
placement Clearly
define my
expectations on the
first day of instruction
2. Prevention is the best
medicine stop a
situation from

1. Teacher Associate
2. University

This is an issue that will
need to be addressed
early within my
practicum. I would like
to reassess this goal
after two week.

PSI Practicum Goals

escalating before it
becomes an issue
3. Be firm but fair
4. Consistent

Indicators of Success:

Improved relationships with students

Fewer reminders for students to stay on task
Fewer repetitions of instruction


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