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Trafalgar School at Downton

French Department
Key Task: Year 9 Term 3

For this key task, you are going to create a brochure to encourage young people to get involved in
more sport and lead healthy life styles.
In your brochure, you should include:
 Different sports and activities available to young people, with opening times
and prices
 The advantages of different sports and activities
 Advice about the advantages and disadvantages of
different foods
 Ideas about how you would like to improve the facilities in your

You should think carefully about your presentation and make sure you include all the classic
features of a brochure: Headings, different fonts, colour, bullet points, pictures etc.
Success Criteria (WILF)
Level 3  I can give information about at least six activities for young people
 I can give information about healthy and unhealthy foods
 I can give simple opinions about each activity (c’est……)
 I can use the connectives et and mais in my work
 I can present my work like a brochure

Level 4  I can give information about at least eight activities available

 I can give reasons why foods are healthy/unhealthy using the connective
parce que
 I can present my work in an attractive way
Level 5  I can write a detailed description of each activity
 I can correctly use new and interesting words I found in a dictionary
 I can use the future tense to say what imaginary people are going to choose to
to do/eat/drink and why
 My work is carefully presented and eye-catching
Level 6  I can give detailed descriptions about the health benefits of each activity
 I can use the passé composé to describe what imaginary people have done
 I can give opinions in the past using c’était…..
 I can present my work in a convincing and sophisticated way
 I can correctly use ambitious and unusual vocab and language structures
Level 7  I can use the conditional phrases je voudrais and nous voudrions with
detailed reasons
 I can use the conditional phrases on devrait and on ne devrait pas with
detailed reasons
 I can correctly use the proper future tense to describe what I will do in
the future to stay healthy (eg. Je jouerai au badminton chauque samedi)
 My writing uses an impressive range of vocabulary and is highly accurate and
 My presentation is professional and well thought out

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