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South African Airways // crew talk COME FLY WITH ME! WENDY MAHLATS! TALKS TO CABIN CEW MEMBER YOLANDA ZANA, WHEN DID YOUJOIN SAA? On 6 the front and be an example. Other September 2004, | was very close to my highlights have been recaiving lters of late grandmother, who loved travelling commendation Fram my manager and ‘and fook me along on mot of her ripe passangers, which are very encouraging, ‘round the continent. | immediately took while being chosen as Crew Member of ‘liking to seeing diferent places and the Month really mada me fel extra learning about diferent cultures and special and appreciated ways of life. At the te I was working in ‘he morketing department for a financial ll WHAT QUALITIES ARE NEEDED TO BE services group. A Fiend of mine ACCABIN CREW MEMBER? Commitment, suggested | apply for a position asa diligence, tolerance, patience, sanivity SAA Cabin Crow member -and did. and compassion. WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THE WHAT'S THE MOST MEMORABLE AVIATION INDUSTRY? | hink aviation VIEW YOU'VE EVER SEEN? | once chose me because of is exciing ond satin the cockpit while the coptain dynamic nature. One day you'e in SA flaw an Airbus jet over the ‘and the nex! you're on @ beautiful, big et majestic Vitoria Fall. The view ‘bound for Perth, Munich, New York or was uly breathtaking. The Hong Kong. i's fastpaced ond gets the cockpit relly does have the ‘drenaline flowing, best seats in the aircraf! DO YOU REMEMBER YOUR FIRST DAY lL WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE [AT SAA? Yes - as clecrly os Fit were DISH WHEN YOURE yesterday, because ofthe myriad of ‘ABROAD? Whenever visit ‘emotions | experienced. twas the day Germany, | eat myzelf to ‘we had to come for diching, whichis a delicious prawn Thai { practical tet to assess your ability curry wih peonut sauce in water. The group was diverse, Thay really make # wal, which | thought was wonderful and eventhough isnot representative of our countrys their cuisine, population. Some of my colleagues were fexcited and others were visibly nervous, ll WHAT KEEPS YOU, but | stayed calm because | knew that all GROUNDED? Being a U had to do was my best mother, my own mother, prayer and always having WHAT MAKES postive atitude YOUR JOB tolfe, no mater EXCITING? Meeting ‘what challenges people from all it present. ‘walks of life, as well cs seeing the chear HOW po You beauty of Arica. | UNWIND? I love enjoy interacting spending time with possengers swith my doughler cond hearing theit cand partner. 'm views and travel also 0 TV series experiences, junkie, 0 Nove including their snuggling up insights into con the couch ‘ur continent cand catching up on epieodas ve missed, WHAT'S BEEN YOUR CAREER HIGHUGHT? | was eequested to WHAT ARE YOUR perform in a leadership position at FAVOURITE SONGS? I Smile by { Purser for 10 months. It was @ Kirk Franklin, Con’ Give up fantastic opportunity to learn to work Now by Mary Mary ond with possengers and crew. It taught Timelees by Sergio Mendes me that is important o lead from featuring India. Arie, Sewubona

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